Artware products
Name : WIMM Current version : 1.31
Filename(s) : WIMM131.ZIP - DOS version.
WIMM131P.ZIP - OS/2 version.
Description : WIMM is a personal mail scanner for
Squish & *.MSG style message areas. It can read Squish.cfg
and scans all areas for messages addressed to you. It can
copy or move these messages to a 'personal mail area', or
post a message with a list of found personal messages.
NOTE: Andrew Clarke has made V2.2 in all flavours available at:
Name : NetMgr Current version : 1.00
Filename(s) : NET100.ZIP - DOS version.
NET100P.ZIP - OS/2 version.
Description : NetMgr is a netmail manager that supports
JAM, Squish, Hudson and *.MSG style netmail areas.
It will scan all message headers in a netmail area for a
'Mask' that you specify (a name, address, subject or
attribute that is or is *not* present). It can also
scan the kludges or body for certain keywords.
Several actions can be performed on messages that match a
mask: copy/move to another area, bounce, write to file,
change the header, forward to someone else, delete,
change into correct Internet message, touch a semaphore,
pack netmail to a Binkley outbound, track nodes in the
nodelist etc.
IN addition NetMgr can post files as a message from the
command line, and manage Binkley style outbound areas
(create polls and so on). There is Y2K Patches available for
Netmgr, thanks to Tobias Ernst.
Name : timEd Current version : 1.10
Filename(s) : TIM110.ZIP - DOS version.
TIM110X.ZIP - DOS extended (386) version.
TIM110P.ZIP - OS/2 version.
Description : timEd is a message editor that supports
JAM, Squish, Hudson and *.MSG style message areas. It has
many nice features such as direct support for Version 7 and
Frontdoor nodelists, a built-in personal mail scanner, a
'quotesmart' internal editor, redefinable keys, macro's,
support for PGP and spellchecking, character translation,
comprehensive message search capabilities (and/or/not searches),
support for areafiles of many echomail processors (like
Squish, GEcho, Fastecho, Fmail etc), easy file requesting
from messages announcing files, support for messages
gated from internet etc. There is Y2K Patches available
for Timed, thanks to Tobias Ernst.
Name : JAMINFO Current version : 1.00
Filename(s) : JAMINFO1.ARJ - DOS & OS/2 version included.
Description : JamInfo is a quick and dirty diagnostic utility for JAM message areas. It will repair a JAM area, and will try to detect
any errors in the message area structure.
* Origin: ARTWARE echo moderator (1:116/901)