Gerrit Kuehn wrote to * on Thursday November 03 2016 at 06:44:
After a very, very long time I took a look into timed again (timedunx
under FreeBSD here, to be more precise). Looks like I got it more or
less working, but I'm still struggeling with getting character
translation for German Umlauts (ö?^n+-n~) right. Reading them in other people's mails looks ok, but I cannot write them properly. They get translated into something wrong (as you may see above). I tried both
the included readmap/writmap for ibmpc and latin1, but both produce
wrong characters. The makemaps program appears to be absent. Any
I had the same problem when I tried to use GoldED Lnx under Linux. The problam appeared to result from the fact that GoldED has it's own character translations, and the program itself is a console probgram and thus depends on the console settings. The two sets of settings, operating at the same time, apparently caused the problem you mention.
The only solution I found was to use MsgED instead of GoldED. For reasons unknown, that allowed me to both read and write all the special characters in German without problems. Unfortunately, MsgED was simply too primitive for my taste, and so I finally abandoned my attempts.
Something similar may be happening to you with TimED and BSD. The only way I could - almost - fix this was to adjust the GoldED internal character set to try to match that of the console set under Linux, and even that didn't work for
the Esszet.
So I wish you luck, but unfortunately can't offer any fast and sure methods for
fixing this particular problem.
Cheers, Bob
--- GoldED+/W32 1.1.5-0613
* Origin: Jabberwocky System - 02363-56073 ISDN/V34 (2:2448/44)