• December 28th - St. Anthony of Lerins

    From rich@1:396/4 to All on Thu Dec 27 08:27:55 2018
    From: rich <richarra@gmail.com>

    December 28th - St. Anthony of Lerins
    (Also known as St. Anthony the Hermit)

    Saint Anthony of Lerins was born in Valeria in Lower Pannonia (in what
    is now the area between Austria/Hungary/Croatia) during the time of
    the barbarian invasions. When Anthony was eight, his father entrusted
    his care to Saint Severinus, the apostle of Noricum (lower Austria).
    Anthony spent his youth in a monastery founded by Severinus at
    Faviana, and witnessed Odoacer(1) march on Rome.

    Severinus died in 482 and at that time Anthony went on to the care of
    his uncle, Constantius the bishop of Lorch in Bavaria. Soon after
    Anthony retired to the monastery, and in 488 went with some other
    Romans out of Noricum into Italy. He was at this time about twenty
    years old.

    Anthony settled under the guidance of the monk Marius, on Lake Como,
    in northern Italy. Marius thought much of our saint, and wished him to
    be ordained to aid in continuing the work, but Anthony desired the
    solitary life. With this decision Anthony joined two hermits at the
    other end of the lake, near the tomb of St. Felix. Here he lived in a
    cave, prayed much and cultivated his garden. However, this recluse was
    visited often.

    These distractions caused much consternation for the saint, because it
    broke his pattern of life and the acclaim his visitors heaped upon him
    made the saint worry about becoming vain. Anthony decided to venture
    over the Alps, where he settled with some other monks in southern Gaul
    at Lerins. Saint Anthony of Lerins died there in 520, revered for both
    his virtue and numerous miracles.

    (1) Odoacer was a Germanic warrior who worked his way up through the
    ranks of the Roman army. When the western emperor Julius Nepos was
    overthrown by the Roman general Orestes, Odoacer defeated Orestes,
    deposed and exiled Orestes' son Romulus Augustus, and refused to
    acknowledge any new western emperor, officially putting an end to the
    Western Roman Empire in 476. He styled himself King of Italy and
    conquered parts of present-day Croatia and Austria.

    Saint Quote:
    Do you wish to be great? Then begin by being. Do you desire to
    construct a vast and lofty fabric? Think first about the foundations
    of humility. The higher your structure is to be, the deeper must be
    its foundation.
    --St. Augustine

    Bible Quote:
    And because you are sons, God hath sent the Spirit of his Son into
    your hearts, crying: Abba, Father.
    Therefore now he is not a servant, but a son. And if a son, an heir
    also through God.=C2 (Galatians 4:6-7)

    Hymn to the Holy Ghost

    Come, Holy Ghost, Creator come, From Thy bright heavenly
    throne; Come take possession of our souls And make them
    all Thine own.

    Thou who art called the Paraclete, Best gift of God above;
    The living spring, the living fire, Sweet unction and true love.

    Thou who art sevenfold in Thy grace, Finger of God's right
    hand; His promise, teaching little ones To speak and

    O guide our minds with Thy blest light With love our hearts
    inflame; And with Thy strength which ne'er decays Confirm
    our mortal frame.

    Far from us drive our hellish foe, True peace unto us bring;
    And through all perils lead us safe, Beneath Thy sacred wing.

    Through Thee may we the Father know; Through Thee the
    eternal Son, And Thee the Spirit of them both; Thrice blessed
    three in one.

    Now to the Father and the Son, Who rose from death, be
    glory given, With Thee O holy Comforter, Henceforth by all in
    earth and heaven. Amen.

    V. Send forth Thy Spirit and they shall be created
    R. And Thou shalt renew the face of the earth.


    O GOD, who didst teach the hearts of Thy faithful by the light
    of Thy Holy Spirit, grant us by the same Spirit, to have a right
    judgment in all things, and evermore to rejoice in his holy
    comfort, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

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