• November 25th - Peter Martyr of Alexandria

    From rich@1:396/4 to All on Sun Nov 24 07:12:29 2019
    From: rich <richarra@gmail.com>

    November 25th - Peter Martyr of Alexandria BM (RM)

    Born at Alexandria, Egypt; died 311. Peter was a young 'confessor'
    during the Decian persecution. Later he became known for his
    extraordinary virtue, skill in the sciences, and learning and
    knowledge of Scripture. Peter was named head of the catechetical
    school in Alexandria, and in 300 was elected patriarch of the city to
    succeed Saint Theonas.

    As bishop Saint Peter fought Arianism and extreme Origenism and spent
    the last nine years of his episcopate encouraging his flock to stand
    fast against the persecution of Christians launched by Emperor
    Diocletian. As the fury of the persecutions increased, Peter,
    according to Eusebius, heightened the rigor of his penances. He
    perceived the need for some rules that would lovingly, but sternly,
    welcome back into the Christian fold those who--under persecution and
    even torture--had lapsed from the faith and then wanted to return.
    These rules were eventually accepted throughout the Eastern Church;
    but others criticized Peter of Alexandria for being far too lenient.

    One of those who apostatized was Bishop Meletius of Lycopolis in the
    Thebaid. Meletius was convicted by a council of having sacrificed to
    idols and other crimes. The sentence was deposition.

    About that time Peter was forced into hiding; whereupon Meletius
    installed himself at the head of a discontent party. He began to usurp
    Peter's authority as metropolitan and, in order to justify his
    disobedience, he accused Peter in writing of treating the lapsi too
    leniently. Peter excommunicated Meletius, but still hoped to reconcile
    him. His letter of excommunication reads: "Now take heed to this and
    hold no communion with Meletius until I meet him, in company with some
    wise and discreet men, to find out what he has been plotting."
    Nevertheless, this led to a schism in the Egyptian church that lasted
    for several generations.

    Peter continued administering his see from hiding and returned to
    Alexandria when the persecutions were temporarily suspended. In 311,
    Emperor Maximinus Daia unexpectedly renewed the persecution. Peter was
    arrested and then executed--the last Christian martyr put to death in Alexandria by the authorities. Martyred with him were three of his
    priests: Dio, Ammonius, and Faustus, who appears to have been the
    companion of Saint Dionysius during his exile 60 years earlier. The
    Coptic Church calls him 'the seal and complement of the martyrs,'
    because he was the last Christian to die for the faith before
    Constantine granted religious toleration throughout the empire.

    Eusebius calls him 'an inspired Christian teacher . . . a worthy
    example of a bishop, both for the goodness of his life and his
    knowledge of the Scriptures.' Among Peter's fragmentary writings are
    some regulations of great interest, drawn up in 306; they deal with
    the treatment of those Christians who in varying degrees had failed
    under persecution. Portions of a book he wrote on the Divinity are
    preserved in the councils of Ephesus (Act. 1 and 7) and Chalcedon
    (Act. 1). Several related items of interest are available on the
    Internet: The Genuine Acts of Peter, The Canonical Epistle, and a
    document entitled Peter, Archbishop of Alexandria (Attwater,
    Attwater2, Benedictines, Bentley, Coulson, Delaney, Husenbeth).

    Saint Peter is depicted as a bishop enthroned between angels in
    Sienese paintings. Sometimes he is shown (1) holding the city of Siena
    while wearing a tiara rather than a mitre; (2) with Christ appearing
    to him as a child in rags; or (3) embracing his executioner. He is the
    patron of Siena, Italy (Roeder).

    Saint Quote:
    No one is to be called an enemy, all are your benefactors, and no one
    does you harm. You have no enemy except yourselves.
    --St. Francis of Assisi

    A Prayer to Christ the King

    O Jesus Christ,
    I acknowledge You as universal King.
    All that has been made,
    has been created for You.
    Exercise all Your rights over me.
    I renew my Baptismal Vows.
    I renounce Satan, his pomps and his works,
    I promise to live as a good Christian.
    And, in particular do I pledge myself to labour,
    to the best of my ability,
    for the triumph of the rights of God
    and of Your Church.
    Divine Heart of Jesus,
    to You do I offer my poor services,
    labouring that all hearts
    may acknowledge Your sacred kingship
    and that thus, the reign of Your peace,
    be established throughout the whole universe.
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