From Sean Dennis@1:18/200 to All on Sat Sep 14 11:13:28 2019
Hi everyone,
I've been off the air for quite some time due to financial issues. I am
hoping to buy a new base for my Mosley RV-4C vertical antenna and get on
the air again. I don't have any good trees to speak of on this property for
a dipole and I probably couldn't get a dipole up high enough to be
efficient. Hopefully I'll be back on the air soon.
I am looking at selling my Yaesu FT-450D and getting an ICOM IC-718. The
450D is nice but it has too many buttons and menus for my taste.
Something to think about: maybe once I get my station back up and on the
air, we could set up a sked for a little on-air get together on 80 meters sometime. Just a thought.