• Get A Free Gift

    From Daryl Stout@1:19/33 to All on Sun Apr 11 00:03:45 2021
    I'm sure you'll admit that you enjoy receiving gifts...be it for a
    birthday, anniversary, holiday, etc.; especially if it was something
    you knew you could not afford, but it was something that you greatly

    I'd like to tell you about a FREE GIFT that you can receive today...a
    Gift that was purchased for YOU a long time ago...by a Special Friend...
    who knows you better than you know yourself...and who loved you so much,
    that He gave His Life for you...to obtain for you...the gift of Life Everlasting. This gift is FREE to ALL who wish to receive it. In fact,
    it's Heavenly...Eternal Salvation through Jesus Christ.

    For those who may be thinking that clicking on the "Get A Free Gift"
    icon or related link was NOT going to be this...I want to point out that
    the Free Gift Of Salvation in Jesus Christ is FREE TO ALL WHO WOULD
    RECEIVE IT...it is YOUR CHOICE as to whether or not you wish to do so.

    On March 28, 1978, I was right where you are now...I was offered this
    FREE GIFT...and I'll admit I didn't understand it...and you may not
    understand it, either. But, the best way I can tell you is excerpts
    from the songs He has given me.


    If you're reading these poems here, before The Rapture hits,
    The choice is yours here now to make, your life to Christ, commit.
    For when God's Clock, strikes the time, that the saints will rise,
    Happening so rapidly, too quick to say goodbye.

    Tragedy at Rapture...you can avoid that day.
    Repent of sin, and come to Christ...the Truth, The Life, The Way.
    Ask Him now to save your soul, and wash away your sins.
    And, on that Glorious Rapture morn, you'll go to be with Him.

    The Day The Spirit Of The Lord Came And Pricked My Heart;
    These songs He gave me are a witness of His Gift He did impart.
    And now, dear friend...I ask you...have you had a day like this??
    Decide today...eternally...your choice...doom or bliss??

    Doing good deeds in this life, and what's right in his eyes...
    ...won't get man into Heaven...no matter how hard he tries.
    Christ's Death and Resurrection is for EVERY man and nation...
    And how shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation??

    Man thinks that praying to anybody, gets Heaven at the grave.
    But, no other name but Jesus, is given; whereby we must be saved.
    A person, a figure, a church denomination; or others...can't get it done.
    For it's written there in God's Holy Bible...
    There's none righteous...no, not one.

    Your sins are a barrier between you and God;
    Fellowship apart, as down lifes path you've trod.
    'Come, let us reason', says the Lord...for you He truly knows...
    Your scarlet sins...covered with His Blood...become white as snow.

    Precious was the love of God...even with man's sin...
    He sent His Son to die for us, while we rebelled to Him.
    King Of Kings...Lord Of Lords...The Way...The Life...The Truth
    Accept Him now...He loves you so...Gentile or a Jew.

    For God So Loved The World, that He gave His Only Son...
    To Seek, and Save That Which Was Lost.
    For it does not matter who or what you are...

    Jesus...God's Son...He knew the consequences the sin of pride would bear.
    Born of a Virgin...He preached the Kingdom of God
    To any, and all that would hear.
    But, He was crucified between two thieves on Good Friday...
    And to Him, one cursed and yelled...
    But, the other was saved...for he knew
    What Good Is Your Pride Going To Do You In Hell??

    Death Without The Lord is bad...to be in Hell for sin...
    But for those in Christ, it's Heavenly...they'll never sin again.
    Make Jesus as your Lord and Friend Today...and tarry not...
    He died to save you from your sins...and cleanse your blemished spots.

    Only one of two places awaits everyone, when death knocks on their door.
    Heaven Or Hell...no place in between...to clean up one's lifetime score.
    For you are saved only by grace through faith, not of works to boast.
    The decision to reject Jesus as Saviour and Lord,
    Is one you'll regret the most.

    You only have one life to live; be careful what you ask.
    Be righteous, truthful in your deeds; not behind a mask.
    For all your deeds and your life will both soon be past.
    And only those things, done for Christ, will eternally last.

    Like a roaring lion, seeking souls each hour;
    Satan wants your life today, eternally to be devoured.
    As the covering cherub, it's where it all did start.
    His subtle lies, they will ensnare, your unsuspecting heart.

    The Lord will return very soon...believe now, and don't wait...
    For if you listen to Satan's lies...you'll find that it's too late.
    Accept Christ and His Word for you...let both fill your heart and mind...
    And, on the day of Rapture...you won't be left behind.

    What more could I have done for you?? I loved you so, My Child.
    So much that I was spat upon, whipped, cursed, and reviled.
    I wanted you, and loved you so with all My Life and Heart...
    But, it was to be your sin that would tear us both apart.

    I let you nail me to that Cross...to suffer and be killed.
    But, I'd Rise Again That Easter Morn...Redemption's Plan Fulfilled.
    Shed Blood From My Nail Pierced Hands...Paid Sins Death Stung Fee...
    Removed Disgrace...Amazing Grace...Do You Have Time For Me??

    For it's the Resurrection, we celebrate and proclaim...
    The Gospel is for ALL mankind...regardless of your name.
    Accept Christ as your Lord today, and let Him your life change...
    For with His Resurrection, we'll never be the same.

    The Lord...He saved my life...The Lord...He saved my soul...
    And, like with me...he waits for you...to come to Him also. Saviour...Lord...King Of Kings...He's knocking at your hearts door.
    Receive Him today...He's coming soon...to reign forevermore.

    But, to all those who have rejected God,
    Without protection, they think 'all is well'.
    As down the path of sin and death they trod,
    And tragically, are one heartbeat from Hell.

    The wicked shall be turned into hell;
    But, for those, who Christ, they do receive.
    Their joy at death, no mortal tongue can tell;
    Eternal blessings for those who believed.

    Years from now, you'll remember
    When crossing to the other side.
    Seeing the Glory Of Heaven,
    Or fires of Hell as you died.

    "Lost without a compass, on eternal scale."
    "To those refusing Jesus Christ, the Lord who can not fail."
    "For all the unregenerate, preferring sins desire."
    "Never ending torment, in the Lake Of Fire."

    Life is like a vapor...and soon, it will all end.
    What will you do with Jesus Christ?? God asks of you, dear friend.
    Your life..you will account one day...with God, you cannot fudge...
    Will Jesus be your Saviour...or will He be your Judge??

    For one day soon, God's Grace will end...and it will be too late.
    For all must die...then judgment there...what will be your fate??
    Accept Christ as your Lord and Saviour...and Friend Forever there...
    Refuse Him, and He'll truly be your most feared nightmare.

    Don't put off your decision...saying 'the time is just not right'.
    If you refuse to accept Jesus...and if you die tonight;
    You'll face Christ as your Judge there...on that somber day...
    Regretting ignoring Him and His Vessels for your sinful ways.

    Where will you be...eternally...When it's time for you to die??
    It all depends on what you do with Jesus...God's Son...
    On whom, you must decide.
    To accept Him as Lord...as well as your Saviour...
    As He lived and died and rose for you...
    Or, if you willfully...choose to reject Him...
    Your choice between bliss and doom.

    When God's Spirit speaks to you, friend...don't take a chance.
    For you may regret, if you just give a furtive glance.
    The Invitation to receive Eternal Life so dear;
    And, this could be the only time the Gospel you would hear.

    The one sin unforgiven, even those not in this poem,
    It seems I've covered everything, but what is this unknown??
    Rejection of Christ Jesus, who died upon that Cross.
    And resurrected from the grave, to redeem the lost.

    Sinner, Seek The Lord Today...while He may be found.
    The Grace of God will end one day...and the only sound
    You'll hear from Him at the Judgment Of The Great White Throne:
    Depart, ye cursed...to Eternal Fire...for you, I've never known.

    If you wait, 'til it's too late, you're cast into the fire.
    You'll suffer for eternity, the cost for sins desire.
    All could've been prevented, if you, in life, had prayed,
    For Christ to save your soul from sin, and live in life He gave.

    One day, on bended knee, mankind will bow
    Declaring there that Jesus Christ is Lord.
    To the glory of God the Father, now;
    In Truth Of His Word, sharper than a sword.

    'What will you do with Jesus Christ?', God asks of you today.
    The choice is yours to make, my friend, will you accept His Way??
    For every knee will bow before Him, on that final day.
    'Jesus Christ Is Lord Of All' every tongue will say.

    What is your cry?? You, a lost sinner...
    To Jesus Christ the Lord today?
    In repentence & sorrow, will you accept Him??
    The Truth, The Life, & The Way.
    'Dear Jesus, Save Me, be the Lord Of My Life';
    Grateful that He did it for you.
    Or do you reject Him??
    And, hear Him say 'Depart; for you I never knew'.

    While God commands, He will not force, accepting of His Gift.
    It's your choice if you want Christ, your burden, there to lift.
    But, if yourself, there want to pay, for sins done by the score,
    Suffering in the Lake Of Fire, will be yours forevermore.

    So, what will your Judgment Choice now be??
    Don't think that you will live for many years.
    To no one, is tomorrow guaranteed...
    Will you repent today, with bitter tears??

    So, bow before Him now, today repent.
    For He truly knows the best for you.
    Then, daily serving Him, you'll gladly say
    'Today, Oh, Lord...what will you have me do??'

    Betrayed; to you, I would be, if judgment didn't warn.
    To be saved, you must repent, and again to be reborn.
    God won't force His Will on you, but you now, must choose.
    Will you accept Christ Jesus?? Or His Gift, Refuse??

    The wages of sin, are never reduced, for everyone living on Earth.
    But, physical death, not really the end, if you've received The New Birth.
    Turn and repent, from your sinful deeds, and ask Christ to save you today.
    For He did defeat, both Hell and the Grave, and all will face Him one day.

    Will this be your final altar call??
    The final chance for you, to Jesus, come??
    For people praying for you, in this hall;
    For you to choose your true eternal home.

    Those not in God's Kingdom, you can avoid this group.
    Today, repent of all your sins, let Christ your life regroup.
    Ask The Lord to save your soul, and wash your sins away.
    For He is, The King Of Kings, The Truth, The Life, The Way.

    All roads lead to God...but to Heaven, only one.
    The Bema, or The Great White Throne, Judgment won't be fun.
    Whether you served Christ on Earth, or your sins desires.
    Either joy in Heaven...or tormenting, eternal fire.

    Christ alone, the perfect picture, of God's Love and Grace.
    Your choice on what what you do with Him, determines who you'll face.
    Your Best Friend, He there will be, if His Blood's applied.
    Your Worst Nightmare, rejecting Him, you'll be terrified.

    Your righteousness as filthy rags, you can this mess, now lose.
    If in all humility, Christ's Gift, you don't refuse.
    Turn now from your life of sin, accept Christ Jesus now.
    And serve Him now with all your heart, before Him humbly bow.

    Going through the motions, does this sound like you??
    You've grieved The Lord who loves you so, in all the sin you'd do.
    If you've not been born again, now is the day to choose;
    Accept Christ as your Lord today; serve Him...don't refuse.

    Please don't be one of the souls, hated by The Lord.
    He wants you to accept His Son...come now, get on board.
    The Glory Train is waiting now...come kneel there at The Cross.
    As Christ died, and rose again, to redeem the lost.

    The Bible in a nutshell, in John Three, Sixteen.
    God loved the World, He sent His Son, sinless, pure and clean.
    To those accepting Christ's death, paid for our sin and strife,
    That they would never perish, but have eternal life.


    Would you like to receive this FREE GIFT today?? All you need to do is
    admit to God that you are a sinner, and that you can NOT save yourself.

    Right now, come to God, just as you are...no matter what you've done in
    your life...or how evil...and be willing, with His Help, to turn from
    the way you've lived (repent)...accepting by faith, that:

    Jesus Christ, God's Only Begotten Son, left the Glory of Heaven, to be
    born of a Virgin, to live on Earth as a human being in all ways like us
    (except without sin), that He suffered died for you on an Old Rugged
    Cross, that He rose from the dead to provide you Eternal Life, is
    coming back soon to Earth to reign in Power and Glory, and He wants you
    to rule and reign with Him.

    All you need to do is pray a simple prayer of contrition...to ask Him
    to forgive your sins, to come into your life and be your personal
    Saviour, and the Lord of Your Life.



    "Lord Jesus...I admit that I'm a sinner. And, I know that nothing I
    can do will save myself".

    "Right now, just as I am...I come to you in faith...believing that You
    died for me, and rose again on the third day, according to the Scriptures".

    "I'm sorry for the way I've lived, and I'm willing to turn from my sin.
    Dear Jesus, Come into my heart, forgive my sin...save me...and be the
    Lord of my life".

    "By Your Grace, I will follow and obey You in all that I do".

    "Thank You For Being My Friend For Life. In Your Name, I Pray. Amen".


    If you prayed that prayer, and REALLY MEANT IT...I can assure you that
    on the Authority of God's Word...that you have Eternal Life right now...
    that all the angels of Heaven are rejoicing...and I rejoice with you...
    because I'll see you before the Throne Of God one day.

    The best thing for you now is to spend time with God each day...just
    talk with Him as if you were talking to a close personal friend. After
    all, He is just that...He sticks closer than a brother. You can talk
    with him at any time, day or night, and never have to wait. Read His
    Word, the Holy Bible...be baptized, worship, and fellowship with other Christians in a Church where Christ is preached. God will mold you into
    the image of His Son, little by little...and when you mess up, just
    confess to Him your error, and then ask and claim His Forgiveness. He
    promises to never leave you, or forsake you.
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - tbolt.synchro.net (1:19/33)
  • From Daryl Stout@1:19/33 to All on Sun Apr 18 00:01:24 2021
    I'm sure you'll admit that you enjoy receiving gifts...be it for a
    birthday, anniversary, holiday, etc.; especially if it was something
    you knew you could not afford, but it was something that you greatly

    I'd like to tell you about a FREE GIFT that you can receive today...a
    Gift that was purchased for YOU a long time ago...by a Special Friend...
    who knows you better than you know yourself...and who loved you so much,
    that He gave His Life for you...to obtain for you...the gift of Life Everlasting. This gift is FREE to ALL who wish to receive it. In fact,
    it's Heavenly...Eternal Salvation through Jesus Christ.

    For those who may be thinking that clicking on the "Get A Free Gift"
    icon or related link was NOT going to be this...I want to point out that
    the Free Gift Of Salvation in Jesus Christ is FREE TO ALL WHO WOULD
    RECEIVE IT...it is YOUR CHOICE as to whether or not you wish to do so.

    On March 28, 1978, I was right where you are now...I was offered this
    FREE GIFT...and I'll admit I didn't understand it...and you may not
    understand it, either. But, the best way I can tell you is excerpts
    from the songs He has given me.


    If you're reading these poems here, before The Rapture hits,
    The choice is yours here now to make, your life to Christ, commit.
    For when God's Clock, strikes the time, that the saints will rise,
    Happening so rapidly, too quick to say goodbye.

    Tragedy at Rapture...you can avoid that day.
    Repent of sin, and come to Christ...the Truth, The Life, The Way.
    Ask Him now to save your soul, and wash away your sins.
    And, on that Glorious Rapture morn, you'll go to be with Him.

    The Day The Spirit Of The Lord Came And Pricked My Heart;
    These songs He gave me are a witness of His Gift He did impart.
    And now, dear friend...I ask you...have you had a day like this??
    Decide today...eternally...your choice...doom or bliss??

    Doing good deeds in this life, and what's right in his eyes...
    ...won't get man into Heaven...no matter how hard he tries.
    Christ's Death and Resurrection is for EVERY man and nation...
    And how shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation??

    Man thinks that praying to anybody, gets Heaven at the grave.
    But, no other name but Jesus, is given; whereby we must be saved.
    A person, a figure, a church denomination; or others...can't get it done.
    For it's written there in God's Holy Bible...
    There's none righteous...no, not one.

    Your sins are a barrier between you and God;
    Fellowship apart, as down lifes path you've trod.
    'Come, let us reason', says the Lord...for you He truly knows...
    Your scarlet sins...covered with His Blood...become white as snow.

    Precious was the love of God...even with man's sin...
    He sent His Son to die for us, while we rebelled to Him.
    King Of Kings...Lord Of Lords...The Way...The Life...The Truth
    Accept Him now...He loves you so...Gentile or a Jew.

    For God So Loved The World, that He gave His Only Son...
    To Seek, and Save That Which Was Lost.
    For it does not matter who or what you are...

    Jesus...God's Son...He knew the consequences the sin of pride would bear.
    Born of a Virgin...He preached the Kingdom of God
    To any, and all that would hear.
    But, He was crucified between two thieves on Good Friday...
    And to Him, one cursed and yelled...
    But, the other was saved...for he knew
    What Good Is Your Pride Going To Do You In Hell??

    Death Without The Lord is bad...to be in Hell for sin...
    But for those in Christ, it's Heavenly...they'll never sin again.
    Make Jesus as your Lord and Friend Today...and tarry not...
    He died to save you from your sins...and cleanse your blemished spots.

    Only one of two places awaits everyone, when death knocks on their door.
    Heaven Or Hell...no place in between...to clean up one's lifetime score.
    For you are saved only by grace through faith, not of works to boast.
    The decision to reject Jesus as Saviour and Lord,
    Is one you'll regret the most.

    You only have one life to live; be careful what you ask.
    Be righteous, truthful in your deeds; not behind a mask.
    For all your deeds and your life will both soon be past.
    And only those things, done for Christ, will eternally last.

    Like a roaring lion, seeking souls each hour;
    Satan wants your life today, eternally to be devoured.
    As the covering cherub, it's where it all did start.
    His subtle lies, they will ensnare, your unsuspecting heart.

    The Lord will return very soon...believe now, and don't wait...
    For if you listen to Satan's lies...you'll find that it's too late.
    Accept Christ and His Word for you...let both fill your heart and mind...
    And, on the day of Rapture...you won't be left behind.

    What more could I have done for you?? I loved you so, My Child.
    So much that I was spat upon, whipped, cursed, and reviled.
    I wanted you, and loved you so with all My Life and Heart...
    But, it was to be your sin that would tear us both apart.

    I let you nail me to that Cross...to suffer and be killed.
    But, I'd Rise Again That Easter Morn...Redemption's Plan Fulfilled.
    Shed Blood From My Nail Pierced Hands...Paid Sins Death Stung Fee...
    Removed Disgrace...Amazing Grace...Do You Have Time For Me??

    For it's the Resurrection, we celebrate and proclaim...
    The Gospel is for ALL mankind...regardless of your name.
    Accept Christ as your Lord today, and let Him your life change...
    For with His Resurrection, we'll never be the same.

    The Lord...He saved my life...The Lord...He saved my soul...
    And, like with me...he waits for you...to come to Him also. Saviour...Lord...King Of Kings...He's knocking at your hearts door.
    Receive Him today...He's coming soon...to reign forevermore.

    But, to all those who have rejected God,
    Without protection, they think 'all is well'.
    As down the path of sin and death they trod,
    And tragically, are one heartbeat from Hell.

    The wicked shall be turned into hell;
    But, for those, who Christ, they do receive.
    Their joy at death, no mortal tongue can tell;
    Eternal blessings for those who believed.

    Years from now, you'll remember
    When crossing to the other side.
    Seeing the Glory Of Heaven,
    Or fires of Hell as you died.

    "Lost without a compass, on eternal scale."
    "To those refusing Jesus Christ, the Lord who can not fail."
    "For all the unregenerate, preferring sins desire."
    "Never ending torment, in the Lake Of Fire."

    Life is like a vapor...and soon, it will all end.
    What will you do with Jesus Christ?? God asks of you, dear friend.
    Your life..you will account one day...with God, you cannot fudge...
    Will Jesus be your Saviour...or will He be your Judge??

    For one day soon, God's Grace will end...and it will be too late.
    For all must die...then judgment there...what will be your fate??
    Accept Christ as your Lord and Saviour...and Friend Forever there...
    Refuse Him, and He'll truly be your most feared nightmare.

    Don't put off your decision...saying 'the time is just not right'.
    If you refuse to accept Jesus...and if you die tonight;
    You'll face Christ as your Judge there...on that somber day...
    Regretting ignoring Him and His Vessels for your sinful ways.

    Where will you be...eternally...When it's time for you to die??
    It all depends on what you do with Jesus...God's Son...
    On whom, you must decide.
    To accept Him as Lord...as well as your Saviour...
    As He lived and died and rose for you...
    Or, if you willfully...choose to reject Him...
    Your choice between bliss and doom.

    When God's Spirit speaks to you, friend...don't take a chance.
    For you may regret, if you just give a furtive glance.
    The Invitation to receive Eternal Life so dear;
    And, this could be the only time the Gospel you would hear.

    The one sin unforgiven, even those not in this poem,
    It seems I've covered everything, but what is this unknown??
    Rejection of Christ Jesus, who died upon that Cross.
    And resurrected from the grave, to redeem the lost.

    Sinner, Seek The Lord Today...while He may be found.
    The Grace of God will end one day...and the only sound
    You'll hear from Him at the Judgment Of The Great White Throne:
    Depart, ye cursed...to Eternal Fire...for you, I've never known.

    If you wait, 'til it's too late, you're cast into the fire.
    You'll suffer for eternity, the cost for sins desire.
    All could've been prevented, if you, in life, had prayed,
    For Christ to save your soul from sin, and live in life He gave.

    One day, on bended knee, mankind will bow
    Declaring there that Jesus Christ is Lord.
    To the glory of God the Father, now;
    In Truth Of His Word, sharper than a sword.

    'What will you do with Jesus Christ?', God asks of you today.
    The choice is yours to make, my friend, will you accept His Way??
    For every knee will bow before Him, on that final day.
    'Jesus Christ Is Lord Of All' every tongue will say.

    What is your cry?? You, a lost sinner...
    To Jesus Christ the Lord today?
    In repentence & sorrow, will you accept Him??
    The Truth, The Life, & The Way.
    'Dear Jesus, Save Me, be the Lord Of My Life';
    Grateful that He did it for you.
    Or do you reject Him??
    And, hear Him say 'Depart; for you I never knew'.

    While God commands, He will not force, accepting of His Gift.
    It's your choice if you want Christ, your burden, there to lift.
    But, if yourself, there want to pay, for sins done by the score,
    Suffering in the Lake Of Fire, will be yours forevermore.

    So, what will your Judgment Choice now be??
    Don't think that you will live for many years.
    To no one, is tomorrow guaranteed...
    Will you repent today, with bitter tears??

    So, bow before Him now, today repent.
    For He truly knows the best for you.
    Then, daily serving Him, you'll gladly say
    'Today, Oh, Lord...what will you have me do??'

    Betrayed; to you, I would be, if judgment didn't warn.
    To be saved, you must repent, and again to be reborn.
    God won't force His Will on you, but you now, must choose.
    Will you accept Christ Jesus?? Or His Gift, Refuse??

    The wages of sin, are never reduced, for everyone living on Earth.
    But, physical death, not really the end, if you've received The New Birth.
    Turn and repent, from your sinful deeds, and ask Christ to save you today.
    For He did defeat, both Hell and the Grave, and all will face Him one day.

    Will this be your final altar call??
    The final chance for you, to Jesus, come??
    For people praying for you, in this hall;
    For you to choose your true eternal home.

    Those not in God's Kingdom, you can avoid this group.
    Today, repent of all your sins, let Christ your life regroup.
    Ask The Lord to save your soul, and wash your sins away.
    For He is, The King Of Kings, The Truth, The Life, The Way.

    All roads lead to God...but to Heaven, only one.
    The Bema, or The Great White Throne, Judgment won't be fun.
    Whether you served Christ on Earth, or your sins desires.
    Either joy in Heaven...or tormenting, eternal fire.

    Christ alone, the perfect picture, of God's Love and Grace.
    Your choice on what what you do with Him, determines who you'll face.
    Your Best Friend, He there will be, if His Blood's applied.
    Your Worst Nightmare, rejecting Him, you'll be terrified.

    Your righteousness as filthy rags, you can this mess, now lose.
    If in all humility, Christ's Gift, you don't refuse.
    Turn now from your life of sin, accept Christ Jesus now.
    And serve Him now with all your heart, before Him humbly bow.

    Going through the motions, does this sound like you??
    You've grieved The Lord who loves you so, in all the sin you'd do.
    If you've not been born again, now is the day to choose;
    Accept Christ as your Lord today; serve Him...don't refuse.

    Please don't be one of the souls, hated by The Lord.
    He wants you to accept His Son...come now, get on board.
    The Glory Train is waiting now...come kneel there at The Cross.
    As Christ died, and rose again, to redeem the lost.

    The Bible in a nutshell, in John Three, Sixteen.
    God loved the World, He sent His Son, sinless, pure and clean.
    To those accepting Christ's death, paid for our sin and strife,
    That they would never perish, but have eternal life.


    Would you like to receive this FREE GIFT today?? All you need to do is
    admit to God that you are a sinner, and that you can NOT save yourself.

    Right now, come to God, just as you are...no matter what you've done in
    your life...or how evil...and be willing, with His Help, to turn from
    the way you've lived (repent)...accepting by faith, that:

    Jesus Christ, God's Only Begotten Son, left the Glory of Heaven, to be
    born of a Virgin, to live on Earth as a human being in all ways like us
    (except without sin), that He suffered died for you on an Old Rugged
    Cross, that He rose from the dead to provide you Eternal Life, is
    coming back soon to Earth to reign in Power and Glory, and He wants you
    to rule and reign with Him.

    All you need to do is pray a simple prayer of contrition...to ask Him
    to forgive your sins, to come into your life and be your personal
    Saviour, and the Lord of Your Life.



    "Lord Jesus...I admit that I'm a sinner. And, I know that nothing I
    can do will save myself".

    "Right now, just as I am...I come to you in faith...believing that You
    died for me, and rose again on the third day, according to the Scriptures".

    "I'm sorry for the way I've lived, and I'm willing to turn from my sin.
    Dear Jesus, Come into my heart, forgive my sin...save me...and be the
    Lord of my life".

    "By Your Grace, I will follow and obey You in all that I do".

    "Thank You For Being My Friend For Life. In Your Name, I Pray. Amen".


    If you prayed that prayer, and REALLY MEANT IT...I can assure you that
    on the Authority of God's Word...that you have Eternal Life right now...
    that all the angels of Heaven are rejoicing...and I rejoice with you...
    because I'll see you before the Throne Of God one day.

    The best thing for you now is to spend time with God each day...just
    talk with Him as if you were talking to a close personal friend. After
    all, He is just that...He sticks closer than a brother. You can talk
    with him at any time, day or night, and never have to wait. Read His
    Word, the Holy Bible...be baptized, worship, and fellowship with other Christians in a Church where Christ is preached. God will mold you into
    the image of His Son, little by little...and when you mess up, just
    confess to Him your error, and then ask and claim His Forgiveness. He
    promises to never leave you, or forsake you.
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - tbolt.synchro.net (1:19/33)
  • From Daryl Stout@1:19/33 to All on Sun May 2 18:27:33 2021
    I'm sure you'll admit that you enjoy receiving gifts...be it for a
    birthday, anniversary, holiday, etc.; especially if it was something
    you knew you could not afford, but it was something that you greatly

    I'd like to tell you about a FREE GIFT that you can receive today...a
    Gift that was purchased for YOU a long time ago...by a Special Friend...
    who knows you better than you know yourself...and who loved you so much,
    that He gave His Life for you...to obtain for you...the gift of Life Everlasting. This gift is FREE to ALL who wish to receive it. In fact,
    it's Heavenly...Eternal Salvation through Jesus Christ.

    For those who may be thinking that clicking on the "Get A Free Gift"
    icon or related link was NOT going to be this...I want to point out that
    the Free Gift Of Salvation in Jesus Christ is FREE TO ALL WHO WOULD
    RECEIVE IT...it is YOUR CHOICE as to whether or not you wish to do so.

    On March 28, 1978, I was right where you are now...I was offered this
    FREE GIFT...and I'll admit I didn't understand it...and you may not
    understand it, either. But, the best way I can tell you is excerpts
    from the songs He has given me.


    If you're reading these poems here, before The Rapture hits,
    The choice is yours here now to make, your life to Christ, commit.
    For when God's Clock, strikes the time, that the saints will rise,
    Happening so rapidly, too quick to say goodbye.

    Tragedy at Rapture...you can avoid that day.
    Repent of sin, and come to Christ...the Truth, The Life, The Way.
    Ask Him now to save your soul, and wash away your sins.
    And, on that Glorious Rapture morn, you'll go to be with Him.

    The Day The Spirit Of The Lord Came And Pricked My Heart;
    These songs He gave me are a witness of His Gift He did impart.
    And now, dear friend...I ask you...have you had a day like this??
    Decide today...eternally...your choice...doom or bliss??

    Doing good deeds in this life, and what's right in his eyes...
    ...won't get man into Heaven...no matter how hard he tries.
    Christ's Death and Resurrection is for EVERY man and nation...
    And how shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation??

    Man thinks that praying to anybody, gets Heaven at the grave.
    But, no other name but Jesus, is given; whereby we must be saved.
    A person, a figure, a church denomination; or others...can't get it done.
    For it's written there in God's Holy Bible...
    There's none righteous...no, not one.

    Your sins are a barrier between you and God;
    Fellowship apart, as down lifes path you've trod.
    'Come, let us reason', says the Lord...for you He truly knows...
    Your scarlet sins...covered with His Blood...become white as snow.

    Precious was the love of God...even with man's sin...
    He sent His Son to die for us, while we rebelled to Him.
    King Of Kings...Lord Of Lords...The Way...The Life...The Truth
    Accept Him now...He loves you so...Gentile or a Jew.

    For God So Loved The World, that He gave His Only Son...
    To Seek, and Save That Which Was Lost.
    For it does not matter who or what you are...

    Jesus...God's Son...He knew the consequences the sin of pride would bear.
    Born of a Virgin...He preached the Kingdom of God
    To any, and all that would hear.
    But, He was crucified between two thieves on Good Friday...
    And to Him, one cursed and yelled...
    But, the other was saved...for he knew
    What Good Is Your Pride Going To Do You In Hell??

    Death Without The Lord is bad...to be in Hell for sin...
    But for those in Christ, it's Heavenly...they'll never sin again.
    Make Jesus as your Lord and Friend Today...and tarry not...
    He died to save you from your sins...and cleanse your blemished spots.

    Only one of two places awaits everyone, when death knocks on their door.
    Heaven Or Hell...no place in between...to clean up one's lifetime score.
    For you are saved only by grace through faith, not of works to boast.
    The decision to reject Jesus as Saviour and Lord,
    Is one you'll regret the most.

    You only have one life to live; be careful what you ask.
    Be righteous, truthful in your deeds; not behind a mask.
    For all your deeds and your life will both soon be past.
    And only those things, done for Christ, will eternally last.

    Like a roaring lion, seeking souls each hour;
    Satan wants your life today, eternally to be devoured.
    As the covering cherub, it's where it all did start.
    His subtle lies, they will ensnare, your unsuspecting heart.

    The Lord will return very soon...believe now, and don't wait...
    For if you listen to Satan's lies...you'll find that it's too late.
    Accept Christ and His Word for you...let both fill your heart and mind...
    And, on the day of Rapture...you won't be left behind.

    What more could I have done for you?? I loved you so, My Child.
    So much that I was spat upon, whipped, cursed, and reviled.
    I wanted you, and loved you so with all My Life and Heart...
    But, it was to be your sin that would tear us both apart.

    I let you nail me to that Cross...to suffer and be killed.
    But, I'd Rise Again That Easter Morn...Redemption's Plan Fulfilled.
    Shed Blood From My Nail Pierced Hands...Paid Sins Death Stung Fee...
    Removed Disgrace...Amazing Grace...Do You Have Time For Me??

    For it's the Resurrection, we celebrate and proclaim...
    The Gospel is for ALL mankind...regardless of your name.
    Accept Christ as your Lord today, and let Him your life change...
    For with His Resurrection, we'll never be the same.

    The Lord...He saved my life...The Lord...He saved my soul...
    And, like with me...he waits for you...to come to Him also. Saviour...Lord...King Of Kings...He's knocking at your hearts door.
    Receive Him today...He's coming soon...to reign forevermore.

    But, to all those who have rejected God,
    Without protection, they think 'all is well'.
    As down the path of sin and death they trod,
    And tragically, are one heartbeat from Hell.

    The wicked shall be turned into hell;
    But, for those, who Christ, they do receive.
    Their joy at death, no mortal tongue can tell;
    Eternal blessings for those who believed.

    Years from now, you'll remember
    When crossing to the other side.
    Seeing the Glory Of Heaven,
    Or fires of Hell as you died.

    "Lost without a compass, on eternal scale."
    "To those refusing Jesus Christ, the Lord who can not fail."
    "For all the unregenerate, preferring sins desire."
    "Never ending torment, in the Lake Of Fire."

    Life is like a vapor...and soon, it will all end.
    What will you do with Jesus Christ?? God asks of you, dear friend.
    Your life..you will account one day...with God, you cannot fudge...
    Will Jesus be your Saviour...or will He be your Judge??

    For one day soon, God's Grace will end...and it will be too late.
    For all must die...then judgment there...what will be your fate??
    Accept Christ as your Lord and Saviour...and Friend Forever there...
    Refuse Him, and He'll truly be your most feared nightmare.

    Don't put off your decision...saying 'the time is just not right'.
    If you refuse to accept Jesus...and if you die tonight;
    You'll face Christ as your Judge there...on that somber day...
    Regretting ignoring Him and His Vessels for your sinful ways.

    Where will you be...eternally...When it's time for you to die??
    It all depends on what you do with Jesus...God's Son...
    On whom, you must decide.
    To accept Him as Lord...as well as your Saviour...
    As He lived and died and rose for you...
    Or, if you willfully...choose to reject Him...
    Your choice between bliss and doom.

    When God's Spirit speaks to you, friend...don't take a chance.
    For you may regret, if you just give a furtive glance.
    The Invitation to receive Eternal Life so dear;
    And, this could be the only time the Gospel you would hear.

    The one sin unforgiven, even those not in this poem,
    It seems I've covered everything, but what is this unknown??
    Rejection of Christ Jesus, who died upon that Cross.
    And resurrected from the grave, to redeem the lost.

    Sinner, Seek The Lord Today...while He may be found.
    The Grace of God will end one day...and the only sound
    You'll hear from Him at the Judgment Of The Great White Throne:
    Depart, ye cursed...to Eternal Fire...for you, I've never known.

    If you wait, 'til it's too late, you're cast into the fire.
    You'll suffer for eternity, the cost for sins desire.
    All could've been prevented, if you, in life, had prayed,
    For Christ to save your soul from sin, and live in life He gave.

    One day, on bended knee, mankind will bow
    Declaring there that Jesus Christ is Lord.
    To the glory of God the Father, now;
    In Truth Of His Word, sharper than a sword.

    'What will you do with Jesus Christ?', God asks of you today.
    The choice is yours to make, my friend, will you accept His Way??
    For every knee will bow before Him, on that final day.
    'Jesus Christ Is Lord Of All' every tongue will say.

    What is your cry?? You, a lost sinner...
    To Jesus Christ the Lord today?
    In repentence & sorrow, will you accept Him??
    The Truth, The Life, & The Way.
    'Dear Jesus, Save Me, be the Lord Of My Life';
    Grateful that He did it for you.
    Or do you reject Him??
    And, hear Him say 'Depart; for you I never knew'.

    While God commands, He will not force, accepting of His Gift.
    It's your choice if you want Christ, your burden, there to lift.
    But, if yourself, there want to pay, for sins done by the score,
    Suffering in the Lake Of Fire, will be yours forevermore.

    So, what will your Judgment Choice now be??
    Don't think that you will live for many years.
    To no one, is tomorrow guaranteed...
    Will you repent today, with bitter tears??

    So, bow before Him now, today repent.
    For He truly knows the best for you.
    Then, daily serving Him, you'll gladly say
    'Today, Oh, Lord...what will you have me do??'

    Betrayed; to you, I would be, if judgment didn't warn.
    To be saved, you must repent, and again to be reborn.
    God won't force His Will on you, but you now, must choose.
    Will you accept Christ Jesus?? Or His Gift, Refuse??

    The wages of sin, are never reduced, for everyone living on Earth.
    But, physical death, not really the end, if you've received The New Birth.
    Turn and repent, from your sinful deeds, and ask Christ to save you today.
    For He did defeat, both Hell and the Grave, and all will face Him one day.

    Will this be your final altar call??
    The final chance for you, to Jesus, come??
    For people praying for you, in this hall;
    For you to choose your true eternal home.

    Those not in God's Kingdom, you can avoid this group.
    Today, repent of all your sins, let Christ your life regroup.
    Ask The Lord to save your soul, and wash your sins away.
    For He is, The King Of Kings, The Truth, The Life, The Way.

    All roads lead to God...but to Heaven, only one.
    The Bema, or The Great White Throne, Judgment won't be fun.
    Whether you served Christ on Earth, or your sins desires.
    Either joy in Heaven...or tormenting, eternal fire.

    Christ alone, the perfect picture, of God's Love and Grace.
    Your choice on what what you do with Him, determines who you'll face.
    Your Best Friend, He there will be, if His Blood's applied.
    Your Worst Nightmare, rejecting Him, you'll be terrified.

    Your righteousness as filthy rags, you can this mess, now lose.
    If in all humility, Christ's Gift, you don't refuse.
    Turn now from your life of sin, accept Christ Jesus now.
    And serve Him now with all your heart, before Him humbly bow.

    Going through the motions, does this sound like you??
    You've grieved The Lord who loves you so, in all the sin you'd do.
    If you've not been born again, now is the day to choose;
    Accept Christ as your Lord today; serve Him...don't refuse.

    Please don't be one of the souls, hated by The Lord.
    He wants you to accept His Son...come now, get on board.
    The Glory Train is waiting now...come kneel there at The Cross.
    As Christ died, and rose again, to redeem the lost.

    The Bible in a nutshell, in John Three, Sixteen.
    God loved the World, He sent His Son, sinless, pure and clean.
    To those accepting Christ's death, paid for our sin and strife,
    That they would never perish, but have eternal life.


    Would you like to receive this FREE GIFT today?? All you need to do is
    admit to God that you are a sinner, and that you can NOT save yourself.

    Right now, come to God, just as you are...no matter what you've done in
    your life...or how evil...and be willing, with His Help, to turn from
    the way you've lived (repent)...accepting by faith, that:

    Jesus Christ, God's Only Begotten Son, left the Glory of Heaven, to be
    born of a Virgin, to live on Earth as a human being in all ways like us
    (except without sin), that He suffered died for you on an Old Rugged
    Cross, that He rose from the dead to provide you Eternal Life, is
    coming back soon to Earth to reign in Power and Glory, and He wants you
    to rule and reign with Him.

    All you need to do is pray a simple prayer of contrition...to ask Him
    to forgive your sins, to come into your life and be your personal
    Saviour, and the Lord of Your Life.



    "Lord Jesus...I admit that I'm a sinner. And, I know that nothing I
    can do will save myself".

    "Right now, just as I am...I come to you in faith...believing that You
    died for me, and rose again on the third day, according to the Scriptures".

    "I'm sorry for the way I've lived, and I'm willing to turn from my sin.
    Dear Jesus, Come into my heart, forgive my sin...save me...and be the
    Lord of my life".

    "By Your Grace, I will follow and obey You in all that I do".

    "Thank You For Being My Friend For Life. In Your Name, I Pray. Amen".


    If you prayed that prayer, and REALLY MEANT IT...I can assure you that
    on the Authority of God's Word...that you have Eternal Life right now...
    that all the angels of Heaven are rejoicing...and I rejoice with you...
    because I'll see you before the Throne Of God one day.

    The best thing for you now is to spend time with God each day...just
    talk with Him as if you were talking to a close personal friend. After
    all, He is just that...He sticks closer than a brother. You can talk
    with him at any time, day or night, and never have to wait. Read His
    Word, the Holy Bible...be baptized, worship, and fellowship with other Christians in a Church where Christ is preached. God will mold you into
    the image of His Son, little by little...and when you mess up, just
    confess to Him your error, and then ask and claim His Forgiveness. He
    promises to never leave you, or forsake you.
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - tbolt.synchro.net (1:19/33)
  • From Daryl Stout@1:19/33 to All on Sun May 9 00:01:23 2021
    I'm sure you'll admit that you enjoy receiving gifts...be it for a
    birthday, anniversary, holiday, etc.; especially if it was something
    you knew you could not afford, but it was something that you greatly

    I'd like to tell you about a FREE GIFT that you can receive today...a
    Gift that was purchased for YOU a long time ago...by a Special Friend...
    who knows you better than you know yourself...and who loved you so much,
    that He gave His Life for you...to obtain for you...the gift of Life Everlasting. This gift is FREE to ALL who wish to receive it. In fact,
    it's Heavenly...Eternal Salvation through Jesus Christ.

    For those who may be thinking that clicking on the "Get A Free Gift"
    icon or related link was NOT going to be this...I want to point out that
    the Free Gift Of Salvation in Jesus Christ is FREE TO ALL WHO WOULD
    RECEIVE IT...it is YOUR CHOICE as to whether or not you wish to do so.

    On March 28, 1978, I was right where you are now...I was offered this
    FREE GIFT...and I'll admit I didn't understand it...and you may not
    understand it, either. But, the best way I can tell you is excerpts
    from the songs He has given me.


    If you're reading these poems here, before The Rapture hits,
    The choice is yours here now to make, your life to Christ, commit.
    For when God's Clock, strikes the time, that the saints will rise,
    Happening so rapidly, too quick to say goodbye.

    Tragedy at Rapture...you can avoid that day.
    Repent of sin, and come to Christ...the Truth, The Life, The Way.
    Ask Him now to save your soul, and wash away your sins.
    And, on that Glorious Rapture morn, you'll go to be with Him.

    The Day The Spirit Of The Lord Came And Pricked My Heart;
    These songs He gave me are a witness of His Gift He did impart.
    And now, dear friend...I ask you...have you had a day like this??
    Decide today...eternally...your choice...doom or bliss??

    Doing good deeds in this life, and what's right in his eyes...
    ...won't get man into Heaven...no matter how hard he tries.
    Christ's Death and Resurrection is for EVERY man and nation...
    And how shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation??

    Man thinks that praying to anybody, gets Heaven at the grave.
    But, no other name but Jesus, is given; whereby we must be saved.
    A person, a figure, a church denomination; or others...can't get it done.
    For it's written there in God's Holy Bible...
    There's none righteous...no, not one.

    Your sins are a barrier between you and God;
    Fellowship apart, as down lifes path you've trod.
    'Come, let us reason', says the Lord...for you He truly knows...
    Your scarlet sins...covered with His Blood...become white as snow.

    Precious was the love of God...even with man's sin...
    He sent His Son to die for us, while we rebelled to Him.
    King Of Kings...Lord Of Lords...The Way...The Life...The Truth
    Accept Him now...He loves you so...Gentile or a Jew.

    For God So Loved The World, that He gave His Only Son...
    To Seek, and Save That Which Was Lost.
    For it does not matter who or what you are...

    Jesus...God's Son...He knew the consequences the sin of pride would bear.
    Born of a Virgin...He preached the Kingdom of God
    To any, and all that would hear.
    But, He was crucified between two thieves on Good Friday...
    And to Him, one cursed and yelled...
    But, the other was saved...for he knew
    What Good Is Your Pride Going To Do You In Hell??

    Death Without The Lord is bad...to be in Hell for sin...
    But for those in Christ, it's Heavenly...they'll never sin again.
    Make Jesus as your Lord and Friend Today...and tarry not...
    He died to save you from your sins...and cleanse your blemished spots.

    Only one of two places awaits everyone, when death knocks on their door.
    Heaven Or Hell...no place in between...to clean up one's lifetime score.
    For you are saved only by grace through faith, not of works to boast.
    The decision to reject Jesus as Saviour and Lord,
    Is one you'll regret the most.

    You only have one life to live; be careful what you ask.
    Be righteous, truthful in your deeds; not behind a mask.
    For all your deeds and your life will both soon be past.
    And only those things, done for Christ, will eternally last.

    Like a roaring lion, seeking souls each hour;
    Satan wants your life today, eternally to be devoured.
    As the covering cherub, it's where it all did start.
    His subtle lies, they will ensnare, your unsuspecting heart.

    The Lord will return very soon...believe now, and don't wait...
    For if you listen to Satan's lies...you'll find that it's too late.
    Accept Christ and His Word for you...let both fill your heart and mind...
    And, on the day of Rapture...you won't be left behind.

    What more could I have done for you?? I loved you so, My Child.
    So much that I was spat upon, whipped, cursed, and reviled.
    I wanted you, and loved you so with all My Life and Heart...
    But, it was to be your sin that would tear us both apart.

    I let you nail me to that Cross...to suffer and be killed.
    But, I'd Rise Again That Easter Morn...Redemption's Plan Fulfilled.
    Shed Blood From My Nail Pierced Hands...Paid Sins Death Stung Fee...
    Removed Disgrace...Amazing Grace...Do You Have Time For Me??

    For it's the Resurrection, we celebrate and proclaim...
    The Gospel is for ALL mankind...regardless of your name.
    Accept Christ as your Lord today, and let Him your life change...
    For with His Resurrection, we'll never be the same.

    The Lord...He saved my life...The Lord...He saved my soul...
    And, like with me...he waits for you...to come to Him also. Saviour...Lord...King Of Kings...He's knocking at your hearts door.
    Receive Him today...He's coming soon...to reign forevermore.

    But, to all those who have rejected God,
    Without protection, they think 'all is well'.
    As down the path of sin and death they trod,
    And tragically, are one heartbeat from Hell.

    The wicked shall be turned into hell;
    But, for those, who Christ, they do receive.
    Their joy at death, no mortal tongue can tell;
    Eternal blessings for those who believed.

    Years from now, you'll remember
    When crossing to the other side.
    Seeing the Glory Of Heaven,
    Or fires of Hell as you died.

    "Lost without a compass, on eternal scale."
    "To those refusing Jesus Christ, the Lord who can not fail."
    "For all the unregenerate, preferring sins desire."
    "Never ending torment, in the Lake Of Fire."

    Life is like a vapor...and soon, it will all end.
    What will you do with Jesus Christ?? God asks of you, dear friend.
    Your life..you will account one day...with God, you cannot fudge...
    Will Jesus be your Saviour...or will He be your Judge??

    For one day soon, God's Grace will end...and it will be too late.
    For all must die...then judgment there...what will be your fate??
    Accept Christ as your Lord and Saviour...and Friend Forever there...
    Refuse Him, and He'll truly be your most feared nightmare.

    Don't put off your decision...saying 'the time is just not right'.
    If you refuse to accept Jesus...and if you die tonight;
    You'll face Christ as your Judge there...on that somber day...
    Regretting ignoring Him and His Vessels for your sinful ways.

    Where will you be...eternally...When it's time for you to die??
    It all depends on what you do with Jesus...God's Son...
    On whom, you must decide.
    To accept Him as Lord...as well as your Saviour...
    As He lived and died and rose for you...
    Or, if you willfully...choose to reject Him...
    Your choice between bliss and doom.

    When God's Spirit speaks to you, friend...don't take a chance.
    For you may regret, if you just give a furtive glance.
    The Invitation to receive Eternal Life so dear;
    And, this could be the only time the Gospel you would hear.

    The one sin unforgiven, even those not in this poem,
    It seems I've covered everything, but what is this unknown??
    Rejection of Christ Jesus, who died upon that Cross.
    And resurrected from the grave, to redeem the lost.

    Sinner, Seek The Lord Today...while He may be found.
    The Grace of God will end one day...and the only sound
    You'll hear from Him at the Judgment Of The Great White Throne:
    Depart, ye cursed...to Eternal Fire...for you, I've never known.

    If you wait, 'til it's too late, you're cast into the fire.
    You'll suffer for eternity, the cost for sins desire.
    All could've been prevented, if you, in life, had prayed,
    For Christ to save your soul from sin, and live in life He gave.

    One day, on bended knee, mankind will bow
    Declaring there that Jesus Christ is Lord.
    To the glory of God the Father, now;
    In Truth Of His Word, sharper than a sword.

    'What will you do with Jesus Christ?', God asks of you today.
    The choice is yours to make, my friend, will you accept His Way??
    For every knee will bow before Him, on that final day.
    'Jesus Christ Is Lord Of All' every tongue will say.

    What is your cry?? You, a lost sinner...
    To Jesus Christ the Lord today?
    In repentence & sorrow, will you accept Him??
    The Truth, The Life, & The Way.
    'Dear Jesus, Save Me, be the Lord Of My Life';
    Grateful that He did it for you.
    Or do you reject Him??
    And, hear Him say 'Depart; for you I never knew'.

    While God commands, He will not force, accepting of His Gift.
    It's your choice if you want Christ, your burden, there to lift.
    But, if yourself, there want to pay, for sins done by the score,
    Suffering in the Lake Of Fire, will be yours forevermore.

    So, what will your Judgment Choice now be??
    Don't think that you will live for many years.
    To no one, is tomorrow guaranteed...
    Will you repent today, with bitter tears??

    So, bow before Him now, today repent.
    For He truly knows the best for you.
    Then, daily serving Him, you'll gladly say
    'Today, Oh, Lord...what will you have me do??'

    Betrayed; to you, I would be, if judgment didn't warn.
    To be saved, you must repent, and again to be reborn.
    God won't force His Will on you, but you now, must choose.
    Will you accept Christ Jesus?? Or His Gift, Refuse??

    The wages of sin, are never reduced, for everyone living on Earth.
    But, physical death, not really the end, if you've received The New Birth.
    Turn and repent, from your sinful deeds, and ask Christ to save you today.
    For He did defeat, both Hell and the Grave, and all will face Him one day.

    Will this be your final altar call??
    The final chance for you, to Jesus, come??
    For people praying for you, in this hall;
    For you to choose your true eternal home.

    Those not in God's Kingdom, you can avoid this group.
    Today, repent of all your sins, let Christ your life regroup.
    Ask The Lord to save your soul, and wash your sins away.
    For He is, The King Of Kings, The Truth, The Life, The Way.

    All roads lead to God...but to Heaven, only one.
    The Bema, or The Great White Throne, Judgment won't be fun.
    Whether you served Christ on Earth, or your sins desires.
    Either joy in Heaven...or tormenting, eternal fire.

    Christ alone, the perfect picture, of God's Love and Grace.
    Your choice on what what you do with Him, determines who you'll face.
    Your Best Friend, He there will be, if His Blood's applied.
    Your Worst Nightmare, rejecting Him, you'll be terrified.

    Your righteousness as filthy rags, you can this mess, now lose.
    If in all humility, Christ's Gift, you don't refuse.
    Turn now from your life of sin, accept Christ Jesus now.
    And serve Him now with all your heart, before Him humbly bow.

    Going through the motions, does this sound like you??
    You've grieved The Lord who loves you so, in all the sin you'd do.
    If you've not been born again, now is the day to choose;
    Accept Christ as your Lord today; serve Him...don't refuse.

    Please don't be one of the souls, hated by The Lord.
    He wants you to accept His Son...come now, get on board.
    The Glory Train is waiting now...come kneel there at The Cross.
    As Christ died, and rose again, to redeem the lost.

    The Bible in a nutshell, in John Three, Sixteen.
    God loved the World, He sent His Son, sinless, pure and clean.
    To those accepting Christ's death, paid for our sin and strife,
    That they would never perish, but have eternal life.


    Would you like to receive this FREE GIFT today?? All you need to do is
    admit to God that you are a sinner, and that you can NOT save yourself.

    Right now, come to God, just as you are...no matter what you've done in
    your life...or how evil...and be willing, with His Help, to turn from
    the way you've lived (repent)...accepting by faith, that:

    Jesus Christ, God's Only Begotten Son, left the Glory of Heaven, to be
    born of a Virgin, to live on Earth as a human being in all ways like us
    (except without sin), that He suffered died for you on an Old Rugged
    Cross, that He rose from the dead to provide you Eternal Life, is
    coming back soon to Earth to reign in Power and Glory, and He wants you
    to rule and reign with Him.

    All you need to do is pray a simple prayer of contrition...to ask Him
    to forgive your sins, to come into your life and be your personal
    Saviour, and the Lord of Your Life.



    "Lord Jesus...I admit that I'm a sinner. And, I know that nothing I
    can do will save myself".

    "Right now, just as I am...I come to you in faith...believing that You
    died for me, and rose again on the third day, according to the Scriptures".

    "I'm sorry for the way I've lived, and I'm willing to turn from my sin.
    Dear Jesus, Come into my heart, forgive my sin...save me...and be the
    Lord of my life".

    "By Your Grace, I will follow and obey You in all that I do".

    "Thank You For Being My Friend For Life. In Your Name, I Pray. Amen".


    If you prayed that prayer, and REALLY MEANT IT...I can assure you that
    on the Authority of God's Word...that you have Eternal Life right now...
    that all the angels of Heaven are rejoicing...and I rejoice with you...
    because I'll see you before the Throne Of God one day.

    The best thing for you now is to spend time with God each day...just
    talk with Him as if you were talking to a close personal friend. After
    all, He is just that...He sticks closer than a brother. You can talk
    with him at any time, day or night, and never have to wait. Read His
    Word, the Holy Bible...be baptized, worship, and fellowship with other Christians in a Church where Christ is preached. God will mold you into
    the image of His Son, little by little...and when you mess up, just
    confess to Him your error, and then ask and claim His Forgiveness. He
    promises to never leave you, or forsake you.
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - tbolt.synchro.net (1:19/33)
  • From Daryl Stout@1:19/33 to All on Sun May 16 00:01:21 2021
    I'm sure you'll admit that you enjoy receiving gifts...be it for a
    birthday, anniversary, holiday, etc.; especially if it was something
    you knew you could not afford, but it was something that you greatly

    I'd like to tell you about a FREE GIFT that you can receive today...a
    Gift that was purchased for YOU a long time ago...by a Special Friend...
    who knows you better than you know yourself...and who loved you so much,
    that He gave His Life for you...to obtain for you...the gift of Life Everlasting. This gift is FREE to ALL who wish to receive it. In fact,
    it's Heavenly...Eternal Salvation through Jesus Christ.

    For those who may be thinking that clicking on the "Get A Free Gift"
    icon or related link was NOT going to be this...I want to point out that
    the Free Gift Of Salvation in Jesus Christ is FREE TO ALL WHO WOULD
    RECEIVE IT...it is YOUR CHOICE as to whether or not you wish to do so.

    On March 28, 1978, I was right where you are now...I was offered this
    FREE GIFT...and I'll admit I didn't understand it...and you may not
    understand it, either. But, the best way I can tell you is excerpts
    from the songs He has given me.


    If you're reading these poems here, before The Rapture hits,
    The choice is yours here now to make, your life to Christ, commit.
    For when God's Clock, strikes the time, that the saints will rise,
    Happening so rapidly, too quick to say goodbye.

    Tragedy at Rapture...you can avoid that day.
    Repent of sin, and come to Christ...the Truth, The Life, The Way.
    Ask Him now to save your soul, and wash away your sins.
    And, on that Glorious Rapture morn, you'll go to be with Him.

    The Day The Spirit Of The Lord Came And Pricked My Heart;
    These songs He gave me are a witness of His Gift He did impart.
    And now, dear friend...I ask you...have you had a day like this??
    Decide today...eternally...your choice...doom or bliss??

    Doing good deeds in this life, and what's right in his eyes...
    ...won't get man into Heaven...no matter how hard he tries.
    Christ's Death and Resurrection is for EVERY man and nation...
    And how shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation??

    Man thinks that praying to anybody, gets Heaven at the grave.
    But, no other name but Jesus, is given; whereby we must be saved.
    A person, a figure, a church denomination; or others...can't get it done.
    For it's written there in God's Holy Bible...
    There's none righteous...no, not one.

    Your sins are a barrier between you and God;
    Fellowship apart, as down lifes path you've trod.
    'Come, let us reason', says the Lord...for you He truly knows...
    Your scarlet sins...covered with His Blood...become white as snow.

    Precious was the love of God...even with man's sin...
    He sent His Son to die for us, while we rebelled to Him.
    King Of Kings...Lord Of Lords...The Way...The Life...The Truth
    Accept Him now...He loves you so...Gentile or a Jew.

    For God So Loved The World, that He gave His Only Son...
    To Seek, and Save That Which Was Lost.
    For it does not matter who or what you are...

    Jesus...God's Son...He knew the consequences the sin of pride would bear.
    Born of a Virgin...He preached the Kingdom of God
    To any, and all that would hear.
    But, He was crucified between two thieves on Good Friday...
    And to Him, one cursed and yelled...
    But, the other was saved...for he knew
    What Good Is Your Pride Going To Do You In Hell??

    Death Without The Lord is bad...to be in Hell for sin...
    But for those in Christ, it's Heavenly...they'll never sin again.
    Make Jesus as your Lord and Friend Today...and tarry not...
    He died to save you from your sins...and cleanse your blemished spots.

    Only one of two places awaits everyone, when death knocks on their door.
    Heaven Or Hell...no place in between...to clean up one's lifetime score.
    For you are saved only by grace through faith, not of works to boast.
    The decision to reject Jesus as Saviour and Lord,
    Is one you'll regret the most.

    You only have one life to live; be careful what you ask.
    Be righteous, truthful in your deeds; not behind a mask.
    For all your deeds and your life will both soon be past.
    And only those things, done for Christ, will eternally last.

    Like a roaring lion, seeking souls each hour;
    Satan wants your life today, eternally to be devoured.
    As the covering cherub, it's where it all did start.
    His subtle lies, they will ensnare, your unsuspecting heart.

    The Lord will return very soon...believe now, and don't wait...
    For if you listen to Satan's lies...you'll find that it's too late.
    Accept Christ and His Word for you...let both fill your heart and mind...
    And, on the day of Rapture...you won't be left behind.

    What more could I have done for you?? I loved you so, My Child.
    So much that I was spat upon, whipped, cursed, and reviled.
    I wanted you, and loved you so with all My Life and Heart...
    But, it was to be your sin that would tear us both apart.

    I let you nail me to that Cross...to suffer and be killed.
    But, I'd Rise Again That Easter Morn...Redemption's Plan Fulfilled.
    Shed Blood From My Nail Pierced Hands...Paid Sins Death Stung Fee...
    Removed Disgrace...Amazing Grace...Do You Have Time For Me??

    For it's the Resurrection, we celebrate and proclaim...
    The Gospel is for ALL mankind...regardless of your name.
    Accept Christ as your Lord today, and let Him your life change...
    For with His Resurrection, we'll never be the same.

    The Lord...He saved my life...The Lord...He saved my soul...
    And, like with me...he waits for you...to come to Him also. Saviour...Lord...King Of Kings...He's knocking at your hearts door.
    Receive Him today...He's coming soon...to reign forevermore.

    But, to all those who have rejected God,
    Without protection, they think 'all is well'.
    As down the path of sin and death they trod,
    And tragically, are one heartbeat from Hell.

    The wicked shall be turned into hell;
    But, for those, who Christ, they do receive.
    Their joy at death, no mortal tongue can tell;
    Eternal blessings for those who believed.

    Years from now, you'll remember
    When crossing to the other side.
    Seeing the Glory Of Heaven,
    Or fires of Hell as you died.

    "Lost without a compass, on eternal scale."
    "To those refusing Jesus Christ, the Lord who can not fail."
    "For all the unregenerate, preferring sins desire."
    "Never ending torment, in the Lake Of Fire."

    Life is like a vapor...and soon, it will all end.
    What will you do with Jesus Christ?? God asks of you, dear friend.
    Your life..you will account one day...with God, you cannot fudge...
    Will Jesus be your Saviour...or will He be your Judge??

    For one day soon, God's Grace will end...and it will be too late.
    For all must die...then judgment there...what will be your fate??
    Accept Christ as your Lord and Saviour...and Friend Forever there...
    Refuse Him, and He'll truly be your most feared nightmare.

    Don't put off your decision...saying 'the time is just not right'.
    If you refuse to accept Jesus...and if you die tonight;
    You'll face Christ as your Judge there...on that somber day...
    Regretting ignoring Him and His Vessels for your sinful ways.

    Where will you be...eternally...When it's time for you to die??
    It all depends on what you do with Jesus...God's Son...
    On whom, you must decide.
    To accept Him as Lord...as well as your Saviour...
    As He lived and died and rose for you...
    Or, if you willfully...choose to reject Him...
    Your choice between bliss and doom.

    When God's Spirit speaks to you, friend...don't take a chance.
    For you may regret, if you just give a furtive glance.
    The Invitation to receive Eternal Life so dear;
    And, this could be the only time the Gospel you would hear.

    The one sin unforgiven, even those not in this poem,
    It seems I've covered everything, but what is this unknown??
    Rejection of Christ Jesus, who died upon that Cross.
    And resurrected from the grave, to redeem the lost.

    Sinner, Seek The Lord Today...while He may be found.
    The Grace of God will end one day...and the only sound
    You'll hear from Him at the Judgment Of The Great White Throne:
    Depart, ye cursed...to Eternal Fire...for you, I've never known.

    If you wait, 'til it's too late, you're cast into the fire.
    You'll suffer for eternity, the cost for sins desire.
    All could've been prevented, if you, in life, had prayed,
    For Christ to save your soul from sin, and live in life He gave.

    One day, on bended knee, mankind will bow
    Declaring there that Jesus Christ is Lord.
    To the glory of God the Father, now;
    In Truth Of His Word, sharper than a sword.

    'What will you do with Jesus Christ?', God asks of you today.
    The choice is yours to make, my friend, will you accept His Way??
    For every knee will bow before Him, on that final day.
    'Jesus Christ Is Lord Of All' every tongue will say.

    What is your cry?? You, a lost sinner...
    To Jesus Christ the Lord today?
    In repentence & sorrow, will you accept Him??
    The Truth, The Life, & The Way.
    'Dear Jesus, Save Me, be the Lord Of My Life';
    Grateful that He did it for you.
    Or do you reject Him??
    And, hear Him say 'Depart; for you I never knew'.

    While God commands, He will not force, accepting of His Gift.
    It's your choice if you want Christ, your burden, there to lift.
    But, if yourself, there want to pay, for sins done by the score,
    Suffering in the Lake Of Fire, will be yours forevermore.

    So, what will your Judgment Choice now be??
    Don't think that you will live for many years.
    To no one, is tomorrow guaranteed...
    Will you repent today, with bitter tears??

    So, bow before Him now, today repent.
    For He truly knows the best for you.
    Then, daily serving Him, you'll gladly say
    'Today, Oh, Lord...what will you have me do??'

    Betrayed; to you, I would be, if judgment didn't warn.
    To be saved, you must repent, and again to be reborn.
    God won't force His Will on you, but you now, must choose.
    Will you accept Christ Jesus?? Or His Gift, Refuse??

    The wages of sin, are never reduced, for everyone living on Earth.
    But, physical death, not really the end, if you've received The New Birth.
    Turn and repent, from your sinful deeds, and ask Christ to save you today.
    For He did defeat, both Hell and the Grave, and all will face Him one day.

    Will this be your final altar call??
    The final chance for you, to Jesus, come??
    For people praying for you, in this hall;
    For you to choose your true eternal home.

    Those not in God's Kingdom, you can avoid this group.
    Today, repent of all your sins, let Christ your life regroup.
    Ask The Lord to save your soul, and wash your sins away.
    For He is, The King Of Kings, The Truth, The Life, The Way.

    All roads lead to God...but to Heaven, only one.
    The Bema, or The Great White Throne, Judgment won't be fun.
    Whether you served Christ on Earth, or your sins desires.
    Either joy in Heaven...or tormenting, eternal fire.

    Christ alone, the perfect picture, of God's Love and Grace.
    Your choice on what what you do with Him, determines who you'll face.
    Your Best Friend, He there will be, if His Blood's applied.
    Your Worst Nightmare, rejecting Him, you'll be terrified.

    Your righteousness as filthy rags, you can this mess, now lose.
    If in all humility, Christ's Gift, you don't refuse.
    Turn now from your life of sin, accept Christ Jesus now.
    And serve Him now with all your heart, before Him humbly bow.

    Going through the motions, does this sound like you??
    You've grieved The Lord who loves you so, in all the sin you'd do.
    If you've not been born again, now is the day to choose;
    Accept Christ as your Lord today; serve Him...don't refuse.

    Please don't be one of the souls, hated by The Lord.
    He wants you to accept His Son...come now, get on board.
    The Glory Train is waiting now...come kneel there at The Cross.
    As Christ died, and rose again, to redeem the lost.

    The Bible in a nutshell, in John Three, Sixteen.
    God loved the World, He sent His Son, sinless, pure and clean.
    To those accepting Christ's death, paid for our sin and strife,
    That they would never perish, but have eternal life.


    Would you like to receive this FREE GIFT today?? All you need to do is
    admit to God that you are a sinner, and that you can NOT save yourself.

    Right now, come to God, just as you are...no matter what you've done in
    your life...or how evil...and be willing, with His Help, to turn from
    the way you've lived (repent)...accepting by faith, that:

    Jesus Christ, God's Only Begotten Son, left the Glory of Heaven, to be
    born of a Virgin, to live on Earth as a human being in all ways like us
    (except without sin), that He suffered died for you on an Old Rugged
    Cross, that He rose from the dead to provide you Eternal Life, is
    coming back soon to Earth to reign in Power and Glory, and He wants you
    to rule and reign with Him.

    All you need to do is pray a simple prayer of contrition...to ask Him
    to forgive your sins, to come into your life and be your personal
    Saviour, and the Lord of Your Life.



    "Lord Jesus...I admit that I'm a sinner. And, I know that nothing I
    can do will save myself".

    "Right now, just as I am...I come to you in faith...believing that You
    died for me, and rose again on the third day, according to the Scriptures".

    "I'm sorry for the way I've lived, and I'm willing to turn from my sin.
    Dear Jesus, Come into my heart, forgive my sin...save me...and be the
    Lord of my life".

    "By Your Grace, I will follow and obey You in all that I do".

    "Thank You For Being My Friend For Life. In Your Name, I Pray. Amen".


    If you prayed that prayer, and REALLY MEANT IT...I can assure you that
    on the Authority of God's Word...that you have Eternal Life right now...
    that all the angels of Heaven are rejoicing...and I rejoice with you...
    because I'll see you before the Throne Of God one day.

    The best thing for you now is to spend time with God each day...just
    talk with Him as if you were talking to a close personal friend. After
    all, He is just that...He sticks closer than a brother. You can talk
    with him at any time, day or night, and never have to wait. Read His
    Word, the Holy Bible...be baptized, worship, and fellowship with other Christians in a Church where Christ is preached. God will mold you into
    the image of His Son, little by little...and when you mess up, just
    confess to Him your error, and then ask and claim His Forgiveness. He
    promises to never leave you, or forsake you.
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (1:19/33)
  • From Daryl Stout@1:19/33 to All on Sun May 23 00:01:23 2021
    I'm sure you'll admit that you enjoy receiving gifts...be it for a
    birthday, anniversary, holiday, etc.; especially if it was something
    you knew you could not afford, but it was something that you greatly

    I'd like to tell you about a FREE GIFT that you can receive today...a
    Gift that was purchased for YOU a long time ago...by a Special Friend...
    who knows you better than you know yourself...and who loved you so much,
    that He gave His Life for you...to obtain for you...the gift of Life Everlasting. This gift is FREE to ALL who wish to receive it. In fact,
    it's Heavenly...Eternal Salvation through Jesus Christ.

    For those who may be thinking that clicking on the "Get A Free Gift"
    icon or related link was NOT going to be this...I want to point out that
    the Free Gift Of Salvation in Jesus Christ is FREE TO ALL WHO WOULD
    RECEIVE IT...it is YOUR CHOICE as to whether or not you wish to do so.

    On March 28, 1978, I was right where you are now...I was offered this
    FREE GIFT...and I'll admit I didn't understand it...and you may not
    understand it, either. But, the best way I can tell you is excerpts
    from the songs He has given me.


    If you're reading these poems here, before The Rapture hits,
    The choice is yours here now to make, your life to Christ, commit.
    For when God's Clock, strikes the time, that the saints will rise,
    Happening so rapidly, too quick to say goodbye.

    Tragedy at Rapture...you can avoid that day.
    Repent of sin, and come to Christ...the Truth, The Life, The Way.
    Ask Him now to save your soul, and wash away your sins.
    And, on that Glorious Rapture morn, you'll go to be with Him.

    The Day The Spirit Of The Lord Came And Pricked My Heart;
    These songs He gave me are a witness of His Gift He did impart.
    And now, dear friend...I ask you...have you had a day like this??
    Decide today...eternally...your choice...doom or bliss??

    Doing good deeds in this life, and what's right in his eyes...
    ...won't get man into Heaven...no matter how hard he tries.
    Christ's Death and Resurrection is for EVERY man and nation...
    And how shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation??

    Man thinks that praying to anybody, gets Heaven at the grave.
    But, no other name but Jesus, is given; whereby we must be saved.
    A person, a figure, a church denomination; or others...can't get it done.
    For it's written there in God's Holy Bible...
    There's none righteous...no, not one.

    Your sins are a barrier between you and God;
    Fellowship apart, as down lifes path you've trod.
    'Come, let us reason', says the Lord...for you He truly knows...
    Your scarlet sins...covered with His Blood...become white as snow.

    Precious was the love of God...even with man's sin...
    He sent His Son to die for us, while we rebelled to Him.
    King Of Kings...Lord Of Lords...The Way...The Life...The Truth
    Accept Him now...He loves you so...Gentile or a Jew.

    For God So Loved The World, that He gave His Only Son...
    To Seek, and Save That Which Was Lost.
    For it does not matter who or what you are...

    Jesus...God's Son...He knew the consequences the sin of pride would bear.
    Born of a Virgin...He preached the Kingdom of God
    To any, and all that would hear.
    But, He was crucified between two thieves on Good Friday...
    And to Him, one cursed and yelled...
    But, the other was saved...for he knew
    What Good Is Your Pride Going To Do You In Hell??

    Death Without The Lord is bad...to be in Hell for sin...
    But for those in Christ, it's Heavenly...they'll never sin again.
    Make Jesus as your Lord and Friend Today...and tarry not...
    He died to save you from your sins...and cleanse your blemished spots.

    Only one of two places awaits everyone, when death knocks on their door.
    Heaven Or Hell...no place in between...to clean up one's lifetime score.
    For you are saved only by grace through faith, not of works to boast.
    The decision to reject Jesus as Saviour and Lord,
    Is one you'll regret the most.

    You only have one life to live; be careful what you ask.
    Be righteous, truthful in your deeds; not behind a mask.
    For all your deeds and your life will both soon be past.
    And only those things, done for Christ, will eternally last.

    Like a roaring lion, seeking souls each hour;
    Satan wants your life today, eternally to be devoured.
    As the covering cherub, it's where it all did start.
    His subtle lies, they will ensnare, your unsuspecting heart.

    The Lord will return very soon...believe now, and don't wait...
    For if you listen to Satan's lies...you'll find that it's too late.
    Accept Christ and His Word for you...let both fill your heart and mind...
    And, on the day of Rapture...you won't be left behind.

    What more could I have done for you?? I loved you so, My Child.
    So much that I was spat upon, whipped, cursed, and reviled.
    I wanted you, and loved you so with all My Life and Heart...
    But, it was to be your sin that would tear us both apart.

    I let you nail me to that Cross...to suffer and be killed.
    But, I'd Rise Again That Easter Morn...Redemption's Plan Fulfilled.
    Shed Blood From My Nail Pierced Hands...Paid Sins Death Stung Fee...
    Removed Disgrace...Amazing Grace...Do You Have Time For Me??

    For it's the Resurrection, we celebrate and proclaim...
    The Gospel is for ALL mankind...regardless of your name.
    Accept Christ as your Lord today, and let Him your life change...
    For with His Resurrection, we'll never be the same.

    The Lord...He saved my life...The Lord...He saved my soul...
    And, like with me...he waits for you...to come to Him also. Saviour...Lord...King Of Kings...He's knocking at your hearts door.
    Receive Him today...He's coming soon...to reign forevermore.

    But, to all those who have rejected God,
    Without protection, they think 'all is well'.
    As down the path of sin and death they trod,
    And tragically, are one heartbeat from Hell.

    The wicked shall be turned into hell;
    But, for those, who Christ, they do receive.
    Their joy at death, no mortal tongue can tell;
    Eternal blessings for those who believed.

    Years from now, you'll remember
    When crossing to the other side.
    Seeing the Glory Of Heaven,
    Or fires of Hell as you died.

    "Lost without a compass, on eternal scale."
    "To those refusing Jesus Christ, the Lord who can not fail."
    "For all the unregenerate, preferring sins desire."
    "Never ending torment, in the Lake Of Fire."

    Life is like a vapor...and soon, it will all end.
    What will you do with Jesus Christ?? God asks of you, dear friend.
    Your life..you will account one day...with God, you cannot fudge...
    Will Jesus be your Saviour...or will He be your Judge??

    For one day soon, God's Grace will end...and it will be too late.
    For all must die...then judgment there...what will be your fate??
    Accept Christ as your Lord and Saviour...and Friend Forever there...
    Refuse Him, and He'll truly be your most feared nightmare.

    Don't put off your decision...saying 'the time is just not right'.
    If you refuse to accept Jesus...and if you die tonight;
    You'll face Christ as your Judge there...on that somber day...
    Regretting ignoring Him and His Vessels for your sinful ways.

    Where will you be...eternally...When it's time for you to die??
    It all depends on what you do with Jesus...God's Son...
    On whom, you must decide.
    To accept Him as Lord...as well as your Saviour...
    As He lived and died and rose for you...
    Or, if you willfully...choose to reject Him...
    Your choice between bliss and doom.

    When God's Spirit speaks to you, friend...don't take a chance.
    For you may regret, if you just give a furtive glance.
    The Invitation to receive Eternal Life so dear;
    And, this could be the only time the Gospel you would hear.

    The one sin unforgiven, even those not in this poem,
    It seems I've covered everything, but what is this unknown??
    Rejection of Christ Jesus, who died upon that Cross.
    And resurrected from the grave, to redeem the lost.

    Sinner, Seek The Lord Today...while He may be found.
    The Grace of God will end one day...and the only sound
    You'll hear from Him at the Judgment Of The Great White Throne:
    Depart, ye cursed...to Eternal Fire...for you, I've never known.

    If you wait, 'til it's too late, you're cast into the fire.
    You'll suffer for eternity, the cost for sins desire.
    All could've been prevented, if you, in life, had prayed,
    For Christ to save your soul from sin, and live in life He gave.

    One day, on bended knee, mankind will bow
    Declaring there that Jesus Christ is Lord.
    To the glory of God the Father, now;
    In Truth Of His Word, sharper than a sword.

    'What will you do with Jesus Christ?', God asks of you today.
    The choice is yours to make, my friend, will you accept His Way??
    For every knee will bow before Him, on that final day.
    'Jesus Christ Is Lord Of All' every tongue will say.

    What is your cry?? You, a lost sinner...
    To Jesus Christ the Lord today?
    In repentence & sorrow, will you accept Him??
    The Truth, The Life, & The Way.
    'Dear Jesus, Save Me, be the Lord Of My Life';
    Grateful that He did it for you.
    Or do you reject Him??
    And, hear Him say 'Depart; for you I never knew'.

    While God commands, He will not force, accepting of His Gift.
    It's your choice if you want Christ, your burden, there to lift.
    But, if yourself, there want to pay, for sins done by the score,
    Suffering in the Lake Of Fire, will be yours forevermore.

    So, what will your Judgment Choice now be??
    Don't think that you will live for many years.
    To no one, is tomorrow guaranteed...
    Will you repent today, with bitter tears??

    So, bow before Him now, today repent.
    For He truly knows the best for you.
    Then, daily serving Him, you'll gladly say
    'Today, Oh, Lord...what will you have me do??'

    Betrayed; to you, I would be, if judgment didn't warn.
    To be saved, you must repent, and again to be reborn.
    God won't force His Will on you, but you now, must choose.
    Will you accept Christ Jesus?? Or His Gift, Refuse??

    The wages of sin, are never reduced, for everyone living on Earth.
    But, physical death, not really the end, if you've received The New Birth.
    Turn and repent, from your sinful deeds, and ask Christ to save you today.
    For He did defeat, both Hell and the Grave, and all will face Him one day.

    Will this be your final altar call??
    The final chance for you, to Jesus, come??
    For people praying for you, in this hall;
    For you to choose your true eternal home.

    Those not in God's Kingdom, you can avoid this group.
    Today, repent of all your sins, let Christ your life regroup.
    Ask The Lord to save your soul, and wash your sins away.
    For He is, The King Of Kings, The Truth, The Life, The Way.

    All roads lead to God...but to Heaven, only one.
    The Bema, or The Great White Throne, Judgment won't be fun.
    Whether you served Christ on Earth, or your sins desires.
    Either joy in Heaven...or tormenting, eternal fire.

    Christ alone, the perfect picture, of God's Love and Grace.
    Your choice on what what you do with Him, determines who you'll face.
    Your Best Friend, He there will be, if His Blood's applied.
    Your Worst Nightmare, rejecting Him, you'll be terrified.

    Your righteousness as filthy rags, you can this mess, now lose.
    If in all humility, Christ's Gift, you don't refuse.
    Turn now from your life of sin, accept Christ Jesus now.
    And serve Him now with all your heart, before Him humbly bow.

    Going through the motions, does this sound like you??
    You've grieved The Lord who loves you so, in all the sin you'd do.
    If you've not been born again, now is the day to choose;
    Accept Christ as your Lord today; serve Him...don't refuse.

    Please don't be one of the souls, hated by The Lord.
    He wants you to accept His Son...come now, get on board.
    The Glory Train is waiting now...come kneel there at The Cross.
    As Christ died, and rose again, to redeem the lost.

    The Bible in a nutshell, in John Three, Sixteen.
    God loved the World, He sent His Son, sinless, pure and clean.
    To those accepting Christ's death, paid for our sin and strife,
    That they would never perish, but have eternal life.


    Would you like to receive this FREE GIFT today?? All you need to do is
    admit to God that you are a sinner, and that you can NOT save yourself.

    Right now, come to God, just as you are...no matter what you've done in
    your life...or how evil...and be willing, with His Help, to turn from
    the way you've lived (repent)...accepting by faith, that:

    Jesus Christ, God's Only Begotten Son, left the Glory of Heaven, to be
    born of a Virgin, to live on Earth as a human being in all ways like us
    (except without sin), that He suffered died for you on an Old Rugged
    Cross, that He rose from the dead to provide you Eternal Life, is
    coming back soon to Earth to reign in Power and Glory, and He wants you
    to rule and reign with Him.

    All you need to do is pray a simple prayer of contrition...to ask Him
    to forgive your sins, to come into your life and be your personal
    Saviour, and the Lord of Your Life.



    "Lord Jesus...I admit that I'm a sinner. And, I know that nothing I
    can do will save myself".

    "Right now, just as I am...I come to you in faith...believing that You
    died for me, and rose again on the third day, according to the Scriptures".

    "I'm sorry for the way I've lived, and I'm willing to turn from my sin.
    Dear Jesus, Come into my heart, forgive my sin...save me...and be the
    Lord of my life".

    "By Your Grace, I will follow and obey You in all that I do".

    "Thank You For Being My Friend For Life. In Your Name, I Pray. Amen".


    If you prayed that prayer, and REALLY MEANT IT...I can assure you that
    on the Authority of God's Word...that you have Eternal Life right now...
    that all the angels of Heaven are rejoicing...and I rejoice with you...
    because I'll see you before the Throne Of God one day.

    The best thing for you now is to spend time with God each day...just
    talk with Him as if you were talking to a close personal friend. After
    all, He is just that...He sticks closer than a brother. You can talk
    with him at any time, day or night, and never have to wait. Read His
    Word, the Holy Bible...be baptized, worship, and fellowship with other Christians in a Church where Christ is preached. God will mold you into
    the image of His Son, little by little...and when you mess up, just
    confess to Him your error, and then ask and claim His Forgiveness. He
    promises to never leave you, or forsake you.
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (1:19/33)
  • From Daryl Stout@1:19/33 to All on Sun May 30 00:05:26 2021
    I'm sure you'll admit that you enjoy receiving gifts...be it for a
    birthday, anniversary, holiday, etc.; especially if it was something
    you knew you could not afford, but it was something that you greatly

    I'd like to tell you about a FREE GIFT that you can receive today...a
    Gift that was purchased for YOU a long time ago...by a Special Friend...
    who knows you better than you know yourself...and who loved you so much,
    that He gave His Life for you...to obtain for you...the gift of Life Everlasting. This gift is FREE to ALL who wish to receive it. In fact,
    it's Heavenly...Eternal Salvation through Jesus Christ.

    For those who may be thinking that clicking on the "Get A Free Gift"
    icon or related link was NOT going to be this...I want to point out that
    the Free Gift Of Salvation in Jesus Christ is FREE TO ALL WHO WOULD
    RECEIVE IT...it is YOUR CHOICE as to whether or not you wish to do so.

    On March 28, 1978, I was right where you are now...I was offered this
    FREE GIFT...and I'll admit I didn't understand it...and you may not
    understand it, either. But, the best way I can tell you is excerpts
    from the songs He has given me.


    If you're reading these poems here, before The Rapture hits,
    The choice is yours here now to make, your life to Christ, commit.
    For when God's Clock, strikes the time, that the saints will rise,
    Happening so rapidly, too quick to say goodbye.

    Tragedy at Rapture...you can avoid that day.
    Repent of sin, and come to Christ...the Truth, The Life, The Way.
    Ask Him now to save your soul, and wash away your sins.
    And, on that Glorious Rapture morn, you'll go to be with Him.

    The Day The Spirit Of The Lord Came And Pricked My Heart;
    These songs He gave me are a witness of His Gift He did impart.
    And now, dear friend...I ask you...have you had a day like this??
    Decide today...eternally...your choice...doom or bliss??

    Doing good deeds in this life, and what's right in his eyes...
    ...won't get man into Heaven...no matter how hard he tries.
    Christ's Death and Resurrection is for EVERY man and nation...
    And how shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation??

    Man thinks that praying to anybody, gets Heaven at the grave.
    But, no other name but Jesus, is given; whereby we must be saved.
    A person, a figure, a church denomination; or others...can't get it done.
    For it's written there in God's Holy Bible...
    There's none righteous...no, not one.

    Your sins are a barrier between you and God;
    Fellowship apart, as down lifes path you've trod.
    'Come, let us reason', says the Lord...for you He truly knows...
    Your scarlet sins...covered with His Blood...become white as snow.

    Precious was the love of God...even with man's sin...
    He sent His Son to die for us, while we rebelled to Him.
    King Of Kings...Lord Of Lords...The Way...The Life...The Truth
    Accept Him now...He loves you so...Gentile or a Jew.

    For God So Loved The World, that He gave His Only Son...
    To Seek, and Save That Which Was Lost.
    For it does not matter who or what you are...

    Jesus...God's Son...He knew the consequences the sin of pride would bear.
    Born of a Virgin...He preached the Kingdom of God
    To any, and all that would hear.
    But, He was crucified between two thieves on Good Friday...
    And to Him, one cursed and yelled...
    But, the other was saved...for he knew
    What Good Is Your Pride Going To Do You In Hell??

    Death Without The Lord is bad...to be in Hell for sin...
    But for those in Christ, it's Heavenly...they'll never sin again.
    Make Jesus as your Lord and Friend Today...and tarry not...
    He died to save you from your sins...and cleanse your blemished spots.

    Only one of two places awaits everyone, when death knocks on their door.
    Heaven Or Hell...no place in between...to clean up one's lifetime score.
    For you are saved only by grace through faith, not of works to boast.
    The decision to reject Jesus as Saviour and Lord,
    Is one you'll regret the most.

    You only have one life to live; be careful what you ask.
    Be righteous, truthful in your deeds; not behind a mask.
    For all your deeds and your life will both soon be past.
    And only those things, done for Christ, will eternally last.

    Like a roaring lion, seeking souls each hour;
    Satan wants your life today, eternally to be devoured.
    As the covering cherub, it's where it all did start.
    His subtle lies, they will ensnare, your unsuspecting heart.

    The Lord will return very soon...believe now, and don't wait...
    For if you listen to Satan's lies...you'll find that it's too late.
    Accept Christ and His Word for you...let both fill your heart and mind...
    And, on the day of Rapture...you won't be left behind.

    What more could I have done for you?? I loved you so, My Child.
    So much that I was spat upon, whipped, cursed, and reviled.
    I wanted you, and loved you so with all My Life and Heart...
    But, it was to be your sin that would tear us both apart.

    I let you nail me to that Cross...to suffer and be killed.
    But, I'd Rise Again That Easter Morn...Redemption's Plan Fulfilled.
    Shed Blood From My Nail Pierced Hands...Paid Sins Death Stung Fee...
    Removed Disgrace...Amazing Grace...Do You Have Time For Me??

    For it's the Resurrection, we celebrate and proclaim...
    The Gospel is for ALL mankind...regardless of your name.
    Accept Christ as your Lord today, and let Him your life change...
    For with His Resurrection, we'll never be the same.

    The Lord...He saved my life...The Lord...He saved my soul...
    And, like with me...he waits for you...to come to Him also. Saviour...Lord...King Of Kings...He's knocking at your hearts door.
    Receive Him today...He's coming soon...to reign forevermore.

    But, to all those who have rejected God,
    Without protection, they think 'all is well'.
    As down the path of sin and death they trod,
    And tragically, are one heartbeat from Hell.

    The wicked shall be turned into hell;
    But, for those, who Christ, they do receive.
    Their joy at death, no mortal tongue can tell;
    Eternal blessings for those who believed.

    Years from now, you'll remember
    When crossing to the other side.
    Seeing the Glory Of Heaven,
    Or fires of Hell as you died.

    "Lost without a compass, on eternal scale."
    "To those refusing Jesus Christ, the Lord who can not fail."
    "For all the unregenerate, preferring sins desire."
    "Never ending torment, in the Lake Of Fire."

    Life is like a vapor...and soon, it will all end.
    What will you do with Jesus Christ?? God asks of you, dear friend.
    Your life..you will account one day...with God, you cannot fudge...
    Will Jesus be your Saviour...or will He be your Judge??

    For one day soon, God's Grace will end...and it will be too late.
    For all must die...then judgment there...what will be your fate??
    Accept Christ as your Lord and Saviour...and Friend Forever there...
    Refuse Him, and He'll truly be your most feared nightmare.

    Don't put off your decision...saying 'the time is just not right'.
    If you refuse to accept Jesus...and if you die tonight;
    You'll face Christ as your Judge there...on that somber day...
    Regretting ignoring Him and His Vessels for your sinful ways.

    Where will you be...eternally...When it's time for you to die??
    It all depends on what you do with Jesus...God's Son...
    On whom, you must decide.
    To accept Him as Lord...as well as your Saviour...
    As He lived and died and rose for you...
    Or, if you willfully...choose to reject Him...
    Your choice between bliss and doom.

    When God's Spirit speaks to you, friend...don't take a chance.
    For you may regret, if you just give a furtive glance.
    The Invitation to receive Eternal Life so dear;
    And, this could be the only time the Gospel you would hear.

    The one sin unforgiven, even those not in this poem,
    It seems I've covered everything, but what is this unknown??
    Rejection of Christ Jesus, who died upon that Cross.
    And resurrected from the grave, to redeem the lost.

    Sinner, Seek The Lord Today...while He may be found.
    The Grace of God will end one day...and the only sound
    You'll hear from Him at the Judgment Of The Great White Throne:
    Depart, ye cursed...to Eternal Fire...for you, I've never known.

    If you wait, 'til it's too late, you're cast into the fire.
    You'll suffer for eternity, the cost for sins desire.
    All could've been prevented, if you, in life, had prayed,
    For Christ to save your soul from sin, and live in life He gave.

    One day, on bended knee, mankind will bow
    Declaring there that Jesus Christ is Lord.
    To the glory of God the Father, now;
    In Truth Of His Word, sharper than a sword.

    'What will you do with Jesus Christ?', God asks of you today.
    The choice is yours to make, my friend, will you accept His Way??
    For every knee will bow before Him, on that final day.
    'Jesus Christ Is Lord Of All' every tongue will say.

    What is your cry?? You, a lost sinner...
    To Jesus Christ the Lord today?
    In repentence & sorrow, will you accept Him??
    The Truth, The Life, & The Way.
    'Dear Jesus, Save Me, be the Lord Of My Life';
    Grateful that He did it for you.
    Or do you reject Him??
    And, hear Him say 'Depart; for you I never knew'.

    While God commands, He will not force, accepting of His Gift.
    It's your choice if you want Christ, your burden, there to lift.
    But, if yourself, there want to pay, for sins done by the score,
    Suffering in the Lake Of Fire, will be yours forevermore.

    So, what will your Judgment Choice now be??
    Don't think that you will live for many years.
    To no one, is tomorrow guaranteed...
    Will you repent today, with bitter tears??

    So, bow before Him now, today repent.
    For He truly knows the best for you.
    Then, daily serving Him, you'll gladly say
    'Today, Oh, Lord...what will you have me do??'

    Betrayed; to you, I would be, if judgment didn't warn.
    To be saved, you must repent, and again to be reborn.
    God won't force His Will on you, but you now, must choose.
    Will you accept Christ Jesus?? Or His Gift, Refuse??

    The wages of sin, are never reduced, for everyone living on Earth.
    But, physical death, not really the end, if you've received The New Birth.
    Turn and repent, from your sinful deeds, and ask Christ to save you today.
    For He did defeat, both Hell and the Grave, and all will face Him one day.

    Will this be your final altar call??
    The final chance for you, to Jesus, come??
    For people praying for you, in this hall;
    For you to choose your true eternal home.

    Those not in God's Kingdom, you can avoid this group.
    Today, repent of all your sins, let Christ your life regroup.
    Ask The Lord to save your soul, and wash your sins away.
    For He is, The King Of Kings, The Truth, The Life, The Way.

    All roads lead to God...but to Heaven, only one.
    The Bema, or The Great White Throne, Judgment won't be fun.
    Whether you served Christ on Earth, or your sins desires.
    Either joy in Heaven...or tormenting, eternal fire.

    Christ alone, the perfect picture, of God's Love and Grace.
    Your choice on what what you do with Him, determines who you'll face.
    Your Best Friend, He there will be, if His Blood's applied.
    Your Worst Nightmare, rejecting Him, you'll be terrified.

    Your righteousness as filthy rags, you can this mess, now lose.
    If in all humility, Christ's Gift, you don't refuse.
    Turn now from your life of sin, accept Christ Jesus now.
    And serve Him now with all your heart, before Him humbly bow.

    Going through the motions, does this sound like you??
    You've grieved The Lord who loves you so, in all the sin you'd do.
    If you've not been born again, now is the day to choose;
    Accept Christ as your Lord today; serve Him...don't refuse.

    Please don't be one of the souls, hated by The Lord.
    He wants you to accept His Son...come now, get on board.
    The Glory Train is waiting now...come kneel there at The Cross.
    As Christ died, and rose again, to redeem the lost.

    The Bible in a nutshell, in John Three, Sixteen.
    God loved the World, He sent His Son, sinless, pure and clean.
    To those accepting Christ's death, paid for our sin and strife,
    That they would never perish, but have eternal life.


    Would you like to receive this FREE GIFT today?? All you need to do is
    admit to God that you are a sinner, and that you can NOT save yourself.

    Right now, come to God, just as you are...no matter what you've done in
    your life...or how evil...and be willing, with His Help, to turn from
    the way you've lived (repent)...accepting by faith, that:

    Jesus Christ, God's Only Begotten Son, left the Glory of Heaven, to be
    born of a Virgin, to live on Earth as a human being in all ways like us
    (except without sin), that He suffered died for you on an Old Rugged
    Cross, that He rose from the dead to provide you Eternal Life, is
    coming back soon to Earth to reign in Power and Glory, and He wants you
    to rule and reign with Him.

    All you need to do is pray a simple prayer of contrition...to ask Him
    to forgive your sins, to come into your life and be your personal
    Saviour, and the Lord of Your Life.



    "Lord Jesus...I admit that I'm a sinner. And, I know that nothing I
    can do will save myself".

    "Right now, just as I am...I come to you in faith...believing that You
    died for me, and rose again on the third day, according to the Scriptures".

    "I'm sorry for the way I've lived, and I'm willing to turn from my sin.
    Dear Jesus, Come into my heart, forgive my sin...save me...and be the
    Lord of my life".

    "By Your Grace, I will follow and obey You in all that I do".

    "Thank You For Being My Friend For Life. In Your Name, I Pray. Amen".


    If you prayed that prayer, and REALLY MEANT IT...I can assure you that
    on the Authority of God's Word...that you have Eternal Life right now...
    that all the angels of Heaven are rejoicing...and I rejoice with you...
    because I'll see you before the Throne Of God one day.

    The best thing for you now is to spend time with God each day...just
    talk with Him as if you were talking to a close personal friend. After
    all, He is just that...He sticks closer than a brother. You can talk
    with him at any time, day or night, and never have to wait. Read His
    Word, the Holy Bible...be baptized, worship, and fellowship with other Christians in a Church where Christ is preached. God will mold you into
    the image of His Son, little by little...and when you mess up, just
    confess to Him your error, and then ask and claim His Forgiveness. He
    promises to never leave you, or forsake you.
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (1:19/33)
  • From Daryl Stout@1:19/33 to All on Sun Jun 6 11:25:11 2021
    I'm sure you'll admit that you enjoy receiving gifts...be it for a
    birthday, anniversary, holiday, etc.; especially if it was something
    you knew you could not afford, but it was something that you greatly

    I'd like to tell you about a FREE GIFT that you can receive today...a
    Gift that was purchased for YOU a long time ago...by a Special Friend...
    who knows you better than you know yourself...and who loved you so much,
    that He gave His Life for you...to obtain for you...the gift of Life Everlasting. This gift is FREE to ALL who wish to receive it. In fact,
    it's Heavenly...Eternal Salvation through Jesus Christ.

    For those who may be thinking that clicking on the "Get A Free Gift"
    icon or related link was NOT going to be this...I want to point out that
    the Free Gift Of Salvation in Jesus Christ is FREE TO ALL WHO WOULD
    RECEIVE IT...it is YOUR CHOICE as to whether or not you wish to do so.

    On March 28, 1978, I was right where you are now...I was offered this
    FREE GIFT...and I'll admit I didn't understand it...and you may not
    understand it, either. But, the best way I can tell you is excerpts
    from the songs He has given me.


    If you're reading these poems here, before The Rapture hits,
    The choice is yours here now to make, your life to Christ, commit.
    For when God's Clock, strikes the time, that the saints will rise,
    Happening so rapidly, too quick to say goodbye.

    Tragedy at Rapture...you can avoid that day.
    Repent of sin, and come to Christ...the Truth, The Life, The Way.
    Ask Him now to save your soul, and wash away your sins.
    And, on that Glorious Rapture morn, you'll go to be with Him.

    The Day The Spirit Of The Lord Came And Pricked My Heart;
    These songs He gave me are a witness of His Gift He did impart.
    And now, dear friend...I ask you...have you had a day like this??
    Decide today...eternally...your choice...doom or bliss??

    Doing good deeds in this life, and what's right in his eyes...
    ...won't get man into Heaven...no matter how hard he tries.
    Christ's Death and Resurrection is for EVERY man and nation...
    And how shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation??

    Man thinks that praying to anybody, gets Heaven at the grave.
    But, no other name but Jesus, is given; whereby we must be saved.
    A person, a figure, a church denomination; or others...can't get it done.
    For it's written there in God's Holy Bible...
    There's none righteous...no, not one.

    Your sins are a barrier between you and God;
    Fellowship apart, as down lifes path you've trod.
    'Come, let us reason', says the Lord...for you He truly knows...
    Your scarlet sins...covered with His Blood...become white as snow.

    Precious was the love of God...even with man's sin...
    He sent His Son to die for us, while we rebelled to Him.
    King Of Kings...Lord Of Lords...The Way...The Life...The Truth
    Accept Him now...He loves you so...Gentile or a Jew.

    For God So Loved The World, that He gave His Only Son...
    To Seek, and Save That Which Was Lost.
    For it does not matter who or what you are...

    Jesus...God's Son...He knew the consequences the sin of pride would bear.
    Born of a Virgin...He preached the Kingdom of God
    To any, and all that would hear.
    But, He was crucified between two thieves on Good Friday...
    And to Him, one cursed and yelled...
    But, the other was saved...for he knew
    What Good Is Your Pride Going To Do You In Hell??

    Death Without The Lord is bad...to be in Hell for sin...
    But for those in Christ, it's Heavenly...they'll never sin again.
    Make Jesus as your Lord and Friend Today...and tarry not...
    He died to save you from your sins...and cleanse your blemished spots.

    Only one of two places awaits everyone, when death knocks on their door.
    Heaven Or Hell...no place in between...to clean up one's lifetime score.
    For you are saved only by grace through faith, not of works to boast.
    The decision to reject Jesus as Saviour and Lord,
    Is one you'll regret the most.

    You only have one life to live; be careful what you ask.
    Be righteous, truthful in your deeds; not behind a mask.
    For all your deeds and your life will both soon be past.
    And only those things, done for Christ, will eternally last.

    Like a roaring lion, seeking souls each hour;
    Satan wants your life today, eternally to be devoured.
    As the covering cherub, it's where it all did start.
    His subtle lies, they will ensnare, your unsuspecting heart.

    The Lord will return very soon...believe now, and don't wait...
    For if you listen to Satan's lies...you'll find that it's too late.
    Accept Christ and His Word for you...let both fill your heart and mind...
    And, on the day of Rapture...you won't be left behind.

    What more could I have done for you?? I loved you so, My Child.
    So much that I was spat upon, whipped, cursed, and reviled.
    I wanted you, and loved you so with all My Life and Heart...
    But, it was to be your sin that would tear us both apart.

    I let you nail me to that Cross...to suffer and be killed.
    But, I'd Rise Again That Easter Morn...Redemption's Plan Fulfilled.
    Shed Blood From My Nail Pierced Hands...Paid Sins Death Stung Fee...
    Removed Disgrace...Amazing Grace...Do You Have Time For Me??

    For it's the Resurrection, we celebrate and proclaim...
    The Gospel is for ALL mankind...regardless of your name.
    Accept Christ as your Lord today, and let Him your life change...
    For with His Resurrection, we'll never be the same.

    The Lord...He saved my life...The Lord...He saved my soul...
    And, like with me...he waits for you...to come to Him also. Saviour...Lord...King Of Kings...He's knocking at your hearts door.
    Receive Him today...He's coming soon...to reign forevermore.

    But, to all those who have rejected God,
    Without protection, they think 'all is well'.
    As down the path of sin and death they trod,
    And tragically, are one heartbeat from Hell.

    The wicked shall be turned into hell;
    But, for those, who Christ, they do receive.
    Their joy at death, no mortal tongue can tell;
    Eternal blessings for those who believed.

    Years from now, you'll remember
    When crossing to the other side.
    Seeing the Glory Of Heaven,
    Or fires of Hell as you died.

    "Lost without a compass, on eternal scale."
    "To those refusing Jesus Christ, the Lord who can not fail."
    "For all the unregenerate, preferring sins desire."
    "Never ending torment, in the Lake Of Fire."

    Life is like a vapor...and soon, it will all end.
    What will you do with Jesus Christ?? God asks of you, dear friend.
    Your life..you will account one day...with God, you cannot fudge...
    Will Jesus be your Saviour...or will He be your Judge??

    For one day soon, God's Grace will end...and it will be too late.
    For all must die...then judgment there...what will be your fate??
    Accept Christ as your Lord and Saviour...and Friend Forever there...
    Refuse Him, and He'll truly be your most feared nightmare.

    Don't put off your decision...saying 'the time is just not right'.
    If you refuse to accept Jesus...and if you die tonight;
    You'll face Christ as your Judge there...on that somber day...
    Regretting ignoring Him and His Vessels for your sinful ways.

    Where will you be...eternally...When it's time for you to die??
    It all depends on what you do with Jesus...God's Son...
    On whom, you must decide.
    To accept Him as Lord...as well as your Saviour...
    As He lived and died and rose for you...
    Or, if you willfully...choose to reject Him...
    Your choice between bliss and doom.

    When God's Spirit speaks to you, friend...don't take a chance.
    For you may regret, if you just give a furtive glance.
    The Invitation to receive Eternal Life so dear;
    And, this could be the only time the Gospel you would hear.

    The one sin unforgiven, even those not in this poem,
    It seems I've covered everything, but what is this unknown??
    Rejection of Christ Jesus, who died upon that Cross.
    And resurrected from the grave, to redeem the lost.

    Sinner, Seek The Lord Today...while He may be found.
    The Grace of God will end one day...and the only sound
    You'll hear from Him at the Judgment Of The Great White Throne:
    Depart, ye cursed...to Eternal Fire...for you, I've never known.

    If you wait, 'til it's too late, you're cast into the fire.
    You'll suffer for eternity, the cost for sins desire.
    All could've been prevented, if you, in life, had prayed,
    For Christ to save your soul from sin, and live in life He gave.

    One day, on bended knee, mankind will bow
    Declaring there that Jesus Christ is Lord.
    To the glory of God the Father, now;
    In Truth Of His Word, sharper than a sword.

    'What will you do with Jesus Christ?', God asks of you today.
    The choice is yours to make, my friend, will you accept His Way??
    For every knee will bow before Him, on that final day.
    'Jesus Christ Is Lord Of All' every tongue will say.

    What is your cry?? You, a lost sinner...
    To Jesus Christ the Lord today?
    In repentence & sorrow, will you accept Him??
    The Truth, The Life, & The Way.
    'Dear Jesus, Save Me, be the Lord Of My Life';
    Grateful that He did it for you.
    Or do you reject Him??
    And, hear Him say 'Depart; for you I never knew'.

    While God commands, He will not force, accepting of His Gift.
    It's your choice if you want Christ, your burden, there to lift.
    But, if yourself, there want to pay, for sins done by the score,
    Suffering in the Lake Of Fire, will be yours forevermore.

    So, what will your Judgment Choice now be??
    Don't think that you will live for many years.
    To no one, is tomorrow guaranteed...
    Will you repent today, with bitter tears??

    So, bow before Him now, today repent.
    For He truly knows the best for you.
    Then, daily serving Him, you'll gladly say
    'Today, Oh, Lord...what will you have me do??'

    Betrayed; to you, I would be, if judgment didn't warn.
    To be saved, you must repent, and again to be reborn.
    God won't force His Will on you, but you now, must choose.
    Will you accept Christ Jesus?? Or His Gift, Refuse??

    The wages of sin, are never reduced, for everyone living on Earth.
    But, physical death, not really the end, if you've received The New Birth.
    Turn and repent, from your sinful deeds, and ask Christ to save you today.
    For He did defeat, both Hell and the Grave, and all will face Him one day.

    Will this be your final altar call??
    The final chance for you, to Jesus, come??
    For people praying for you, in this hall;
    For you to choose your true eternal home.

    Those not in God's Kingdom, you can avoid this group.
    Today, repent of all your sins, let Christ your life regroup.
    Ask The Lord to save your soul, and wash your sins away.
    For He is, The King Of Kings, The Truth, The Life, The Way.

    All roads lead to God...but to Heaven, only one.
    The Bema, or The Great White Throne, Judgment won't be fun.
    Whether you served Christ on Earth, or your sins desires.
    Either joy in Heaven...or tormenting, eternal fire.

    Christ alone, the perfect picture, of God's Love and Grace.
    Your choice on what what you do with Him, determines who you'll face.
    Your Best Friend, He there will be, if His Blood's applied.
    Your Worst Nightmare, rejecting Him, you'll be terrified.

    Your righteousness as filthy rags, you can this mess, now lose.
    If in all humility, Christ's Gift, you don't refuse.
    Turn now from your life of sin, accept Christ Jesus now.
    And serve Him now with all your heart, before Him humbly bow.

    Going through the motions, does this sound like you??
    You've grieved The Lord who loves you so, in all the sin you'd do.
    If you've not been born again, now is the day to choose;
    Accept Christ as your Lord today; serve Him...don't refuse.

    Please don't be one of the souls, hated by The Lord.
    He wants you to accept His Son...come now, get on board.
    The Glory Train is waiting now...come kneel there at The Cross.
    As Christ died, and rose again, to redeem the lost.

    The Bible in a nutshell, in John Three, Sixteen.
    God loved the World, He sent His Son, sinless, pure and clean.
    To those accepting Christ's death, paid for our sin and strife,
    That they would never perish, but have eternal life.


    Would you like to receive this FREE GIFT today?? All you need to do is
    admit to God that you are a sinner, and that you can NOT save yourself.

    Right now, come to God, just as you are...no matter what you've done in
    your life...or how evil...and be willing, with His Help, to turn from
    the way you've lived (repent)...accepting by faith, that:

    Jesus Christ, God's Only Begotten Son, left the Glory of Heaven, to be
    born of a Virgin, to live on Earth as a human being in all ways like us
    (except without sin), that He suffered died for you on an Old Rugged
    Cross, that He rose from the dead to provide you Eternal Life, is
    coming back soon to Earth to reign in Power and Glory, and He wants you
    to rule and reign with Him.

    All you need to do is pray a simple prayer of contrition...to ask Him
    to forgive your sins, to come into your life and be your personal
    Saviour, and the Lord of Your Life.



    "Lord Jesus...I admit that I'm a sinner. And, I know that nothing I
    can do will save myself".

    "Right now, just as I am...I come to you in faith...believing that You
    died for me, and rose again on the third day, according to the Scriptures".

    "I'm sorry for the way I've lived, and I'm willing to turn from my sin.
    Dear Jesus, Come into my heart, forgive my sin...save me...and be the
    Lord of my life".

    "By Your Grace, I will follow and obey You in all that I do".

    "Thank You For Being My Friend For Life. In Your Name, I Pray. Amen".


    If you prayed that prayer, and REALLY MEANT IT...I can assure you that
    on the Authority of God's Word...that you have Eternal Life right now...
    that all the angels of Heaven are rejoicing...and I rejoice with you...
    because I'll see you before the Throne Of God one day.

    The best thing for you now is to spend time with God each day...just
    talk with Him as if you were talking to a close personal friend. After
    all, He is just that...He sticks closer than a brother. You can talk
    with him at any time, day or night, and never have to wait. Read His
    Word, the Holy Bible...be baptized, worship, and fellowship with other Christians in a Church where Christ is preached. God will mold you into
    the image of His Son, little by little...and when you mess up, just
    confess to Him your error, and then ask and claim His Forgiveness. He
    promises to never leave you, or forsake you.
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (1:19/33)
  • From Daryl Stout@1:19/33 to All on Mon Jun 7 00:03:04 2021
    I'm sure you'll admit that you enjoy receiving gifts...be it for a
    birthday, anniversary, holiday, etc.; especially if it was something
    you knew you could not afford, but it was something that you greatly

    I'd like to tell you about a FREE GIFT that you can receive today...a
    Gift that was purchased for YOU a long time ago...by a Special Friend...
    who knows you better than you know yourself...and who loved you so much,
    that He gave His Life for you...to obtain for you...the gift of Life Everlasting. This gift is FREE to ALL who wish to receive it. In fact,
    it's Heavenly...Eternal Salvation through Jesus Christ.

    For those who may be thinking that clicking on the "Get A Free Gift"
    icon or related link was NOT going to be this...I want to point out that
    the Free Gift Of Salvation in Jesus Christ is FREE TO ALL WHO WOULD
    RECEIVE IT...it is YOUR CHOICE as to whether or not you wish to do so.

    On March 28, 1978, I was right where you are now...I was offered this
    FREE GIFT...and I'll admit I didn't understand it...and you may not
    understand it, either. But, the best way I can tell you is excerpts
    from the songs He has given me.


    If you're reading these poems here, before The Rapture hits,
    The choice is yours here now to make, your life to Christ, commit.
    For when God's Clock, strikes the time, that the saints will rise,
    Happening so rapidly, too quick to say goodbye.

    Tragedy at Rapture...you can avoid that day.
    Repent of sin, and come to Christ...the Truth, The Life, The Way.
    Ask Him now to save your soul, and wash away your sins.
    And, on that Glorious Rapture morn, you'll go to be with Him.

    The Day The Spirit Of The Lord Came And Pricked My Heart;
    These songs He gave me are a witness of His Gift He did impart.
    And now, dear friend...I ask you...have you had a day like this??
    Decide today...eternally...your choice...doom or bliss??

    Doing good deeds in this life, and what's right in his eyes...
    ...won't get man into Heaven...no matter how hard he tries.
    Christ's Death and Resurrection is for EVERY man and nation...
    And how shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation??

    Man thinks that praying to anybody, gets Heaven at the grave.
    But, no other name but Jesus, is given; whereby we must be saved.
    A person, a figure, a church denomination; or others...can't get it done.
    For it's written there in God's Holy Bible...
    There's none righteous...no, not one.

    Your sins are a barrier between you and God;
    Fellowship apart, as down lifes path you've trod.
    'Come, let us reason', says the Lord...for you He truly knows...
    Your scarlet sins...covered with His Blood...become white as snow.

    Precious was the love of God...even with man's sin...
    He sent His Son to die for us, while we rebelled to Him.
    King Of Kings...Lord Of Lords...The Way...The Life...The Truth
    Accept Him now...He loves you so...Gentile or a Jew.

    For God So Loved The World, that He gave His Only Son...
    To Seek, and Save That Which Was Lost.
    For it does not matter who or what you are...

    Jesus...God's Son...He knew the consequences the sin of pride would bear.
    Born of a Virgin...He preached the Kingdom of God
    To any, and all that would hear.
    But, He was crucified between two thieves on Good Friday...
    And to Him, one cursed and yelled...
    But, the other was saved...for he knew
    What Good Is Your Pride Going To Do You In Hell??

    Death Without The Lord is bad...to be in Hell for sin...
    But for those in Christ, it's Heavenly...they'll never sin again.
    Make Jesus as your Lord and Friend Today...and tarry not...
    He died to save you from your sins...and cleanse your blemished spots.

    Only one of two places awaits everyone, when death knocks on their door.
    Heaven Or Hell...no place in between...to clean up one's lifetime score.
    For you are saved only by grace through faith, not of works to boast.
    The decision to reject Jesus as Saviour and Lord,
    Is one you'll regret the most.

    You only have one life to live; be careful what you ask.
    Be righteous, truthful in your deeds; not behind a mask.
    For all your deeds and your life will both soon be past.
    And only those things, done for Christ, will eternally last.

    Like a roaring lion, seeking souls each hour;
    Satan wants your life today, eternally to be devoured.
    As the covering cherub, it's where it all did start.
    His subtle lies, they will ensnare, your unsuspecting heart.

    The Lord will return very soon...believe now, and don't wait...
    For if you listen to Satan's lies...you'll find that it's too late.
    Accept Christ and His Word for you...let both fill your heart and mind...
    And, on the day of Rapture...you won't be left behind.

    What more could I have done for you?? I loved you so, My Child.
    So much that I was spat upon, whipped, cursed, and reviled.
    I wanted you, and loved you so with all My Life and Heart...
    But, it was to be your sin that would tear us both apart.

    I let you nail me to that Cross...to suffer and be killed.
    But, I'd Rise Again That Easter Morn...Redemption's Plan Fulfilled.
    Shed Blood From My Nail Pierced Hands...Paid Sins Death Stung Fee...
    Removed Disgrace...Amazing Grace...Do You Have Time For Me??

    For it's the Resurrection, we celebrate and proclaim...
    The Gospel is for ALL mankind...regardless of your name.
    Accept Christ as your Lord today, and let Him your life change...
    For with His Resurrection, we'll never be the same.

    The Lord...He saved my life...The Lord...He saved my soul...
    And, like with me...he waits for you...to come to Him also. Saviour...Lord...King Of Kings...He's knocking at your hearts door.
    Receive Him today...He's coming soon...to reign forevermore.

    But, to all those who have rejected God,
    Without protection, they think 'all is well'.
    As down the path of sin and death they trod,
    And tragically, are one heartbeat from Hell.

    The wicked shall be turned into hell;
    But, for those, who Christ, they do receive.
    Their joy at death, no mortal tongue can tell;
    Eternal blessings for those who believed.

    Years from now, you'll remember
    When crossing to the other side.
    Seeing the Glory Of Heaven,
    Or fires of Hell as you died.

    "Lost without a compass, on eternal scale."
    "To those refusing Jesus Christ, the Lord who can not fail."
    "For all the unregenerate, preferring sins desire."
    "Never ending torment, in the Lake Of Fire."

    Life is like a vapor...and soon, it will all end.
    What will you do with Jesus Christ?? God asks of you, dear friend.
    Your life..you will account one day...with God, you cannot fudge...
    Will Jesus be your Saviour...or will He be your Judge??

    For one day soon, God's Grace will end...and it will be too late.
    For all must die...then judgment there...what will be your fate??
    Accept Christ as your Lord and Saviour...and Friend Forever there...
    Refuse Him, and He'll truly be your most feared nightmare.

    Don't put off your decision...saying 'the time is just not right'.
    If you refuse to accept Jesus...and if you die tonight;
    You'll face Christ as your Judge there...on that somber day...
    Regretting ignoring Him and His Vessels for your sinful ways.

    Where will you be...eternally...When it's time for you to die??
    It all depends on what you do with Jesus...God's Son...
    On whom, you must decide.
    To accept Him as Lord...as well as your Saviour...
    As He lived and died and rose for you...
    Or, if you willfully...choose to reject Him...
    Your choice between bliss and doom.

    When God's Spirit speaks to you, friend...don't take a chance.
    For you may regret, if you just give a furtive glance.
    The Invitation to receive Eternal Life so dear;
    And, this could be the only time the Gospel you would hear.

    The one sin unforgiven, even those not in this poem,
    It seems I've covered everything, but what is this unknown??
    Rejection of Christ Jesus, who died upon that Cross.
    And resurrected from the grave, to redeem the lost.

    Sinner, Seek The Lord Today...while He may be found.
    The Grace of God will end one day...and the only sound
    You'll hear from Him at the Judgment Of The Great White Throne:
    Depart, ye cursed...to Eternal Fire...for you, I've never known.

    If you wait, 'til it's too late, you're cast into the fire.
    You'll suffer for eternity, the cost for sins desire.
    All could've been prevented, if you, in life, had prayed,
    For Christ to save your soul from sin, and live in life He gave.

    One day, on bended knee, mankind will bow
    Declaring there that Jesus Christ is Lord.
    To the glory of God the Father, now;
    In Truth Of His Word, sharper than a sword.

    'What will you do with Jesus Christ?', God asks of you today.
    The choice is yours to make, my friend, will you accept His Way??
    For every knee will bow before Him, on that final day.
    'Jesus Christ Is Lord Of All' every tongue will say.

    What is your cry?? You, a lost sinner...
    To Jesus Christ the Lord today?
    In repentence & sorrow, will you accept Him??
    The Truth, The Life, & The Way.
    'Dear Jesus, Save Me, be the Lord Of My Life';
    Grateful that He did it for you.
    Or do you reject Him??
    And, hear Him say 'Depart; for you I never knew'.

    While God commands, He will not force, accepting of His Gift.
    It's your choice if you want Christ, your burden, there to lift.
    But, if yourself, there want to pay, for sins done by the score,
    Suffering in the Lake Of Fire, will be yours forevermore.

    So, what will your Judgment Choice now be??
    Don't think that you will live for many years.
    To no one, is tomorrow guaranteed...
    Will you repent today, with bitter tears??

    So, bow before Him now, today repent.
    For He truly knows the best for you.
    Then, daily serving Him, you'll gladly say
    'Today, Oh, Lord...what will you have me do??'

    Betrayed; to you, I would be, if judgment didn't warn.
    To be saved, you must repent, and again to be reborn.
    God won't force His Will on you, but you now, must choose.
    Will you accept Christ Jesus?? Or His Gift, Refuse??

    The wages of sin, are never reduced, for everyone living on Earth.
    But, physical death, not really the end, if you've received The New Birth.
    Turn and repent, from your sinful deeds, and ask Christ to save you today.
    For He did defeat, both Hell and the Grave, and all will face Him one day.

    Will this be your final altar call??
    The final chance for you, to Jesus, come??
    For people praying for you, in this hall;
    For you to choose your true eternal home.

    Those not in God's Kingdom, you can avoid this group.
    Today, repent of all your sins, let Christ your life regroup.
    Ask The Lord to save your soul, and wash your sins away.
    For He is, The King Of Kings, The Truth, The Life, The Way.

    All roads lead to God...but to Heaven, only one.
    The Bema, or The Great White Throne, Judgment won't be fun.
    Whether you served Christ on Earth, or your sins desires.
    Either joy in Heaven...or tormenting, eternal fire.

    Christ alone, the perfect picture, of God's Love and Grace.
    Your choice on what what you do with Him, determines who you'll face.
    Your Best Friend, He there will be, if His Blood's applied.
    Your Worst Nightmare, rejecting Him, you'll be terrified.

    Your righteousness as filthy rags, you can this mess, now lose.
    If in all humility, Christ's Gift, you don't refuse.
    Turn now from your life of sin, accept Christ Jesus now.
    And serve Him now with all your heart, before Him humbly bow.

    Going through the motions, does this sound like you??
    You've grieved The Lord who loves you so, in all the sin you'd do.
    If you've not been born again, now is the day to choose;
    Accept Christ as your Lord today; serve Him...don't refuse.

    Please don't be one of the souls, hated by The Lord.
    He wants you to accept His Son...come now, get on board.
    The Glory Train is waiting now...come kneel there at The Cross.
    As Christ died, and rose again, to redeem the lost.

    The Bible in a nutshell, in John Three, Sixteen.
    God loved the World, He sent His Son, sinless, pure and clean.
    To those accepting Christ's death, paid for our sin and strife,
    That they would never perish, but have eternal life.


    Would you like to receive this FREE GIFT today?? All you need to do is
    admit to God that you are a sinner, and that you can NOT save yourself.

    Right now, come to God, just as you are...no matter what you've done in
    your life...or how evil...and be willing, with His Help, to turn from
    the way you've lived (repent)...accepting by faith, that:

    Jesus Christ, God's Only Begotten Son, left the Glory of Heaven, to be
    born of a Virgin, to live on Earth as a human being in all ways like us
    (except without sin), that He suffered died for you on an Old Rugged
    Cross, that He rose from the dead to provide you Eternal Life, is
    coming back soon to Earth to reign in Power and Glory, and He wants you
    to rule and reign with Him.

    All you need to do is pray a simple prayer of contrition...to ask Him
    to forgive your sins, to come into your life and be your personal
    Saviour, and the Lord of Your Life.



    "Lord Jesus...I admit that I'm a sinner. And, I know that nothing I
    can do will save myself".

    "Right now, just as I am...I come to you in faith...believing that You
    died for me, and rose again on the third day, according to the Scriptures".

    "I'm sorry for the way I've lived, and I'm willing to turn from my sin.
    Dear Jesus, Come into my heart, forgive my sin...save me...and be the
    Lord of my life".

    "By Your Grace, I will follow and obey You in all that I do".

    "Thank You For Being My Friend For Life. In Your Name, I Pray. Amen".


    If you prayed that prayer, and REALLY MEANT IT...I can assure you that
    on the Authority of God's Word...that you have Eternal Life right now...
    that all the angels of Heaven are rejoicing...and I rejoice with you...
    because I'll see you before the Throne Of God one day.

    The best thing for you now is to spend time with God each day...just
    talk with Him as if you were talking to a close personal friend. After
    all, He is just that...He sticks closer than a brother. You can talk
    with him at any time, day or night, and never have to wait. Read His
    Word, the Holy Bible...be baptized, worship, and fellowship with other Christians in a Church where Christ is preached. God will mold you into
    the image of His Son, little by little...and when you mess up, just
    confess to Him your error, and then ask and claim His Forgiveness. He
    promises to never leave you, or forsake you.
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (1:19/33)
  • From Daryl Stout@1:19/33 to All on Sun Jun 13 00:01:21 2021
    I'm sure you'll admit that you enjoy receiving gifts...be it for a
    birthday, anniversary, holiday, etc.; especially if it was something
    you knew you could not afford, but it was something that you greatly

    I'd like to tell you about a FREE GIFT that you can receive today...a
    Gift that was purchased for YOU a long time ago...by a Special Friend...
    who knows you better than you know yourself...and who loved you so much,
    that He gave His Life for you...to obtain for you...the gift of Life Everlasting. This gift is FREE to ALL who wish to receive it. In fact,
    it's Heavenly...Eternal Salvation through Jesus Christ.

    For those who may be thinking that clicking on the "Get A Free Gift"
    icon or related link was NOT going to be this...I want to point out that
    the Free Gift Of Salvation in Jesus Christ is FREE TO ALL WHO WOULD
    RECEIVE IT...it is YOUR CHOICE as to whether or not you wish to do so.

    On March 28, 1978, I was right where you are now...I was offered this
    FREE GIFT...and I'll admit I didn't understand it...and you may not
    understand it, either. But, the best way I can tell you is excerpts
    from the songs He has given me.


    If you're reading these poems here, before The Rapture hits,
    The choice is yours here now to make, your life to Christ, commit.
    For when God's Clock, strikes the time, that the saints will rise,
    Happening so rapidly, too quick to say goodbye.

    Tragedy at Rapture...you can avoid that day.
    Repent of sin, and come to Christ...the Truth, The Life, The Way.
    Ask Him now to save your soul, and wash away your sins.
    And, on that Glorious Rapture morn, you'll go to be with Him.

    The Day The Spirit Of The Lord Came And Pricked My Heart;
    These songs He gave me are a witness of His Gift He did impart.
    And now, dear friend...I ask you...have you had a day like this??
    Decide today...eternally...your choice...doom or bliss??

    Doing good deeds in this life, and what's right in his eyes...
    ...won't get man into Heaven...no matter how hard he tries.
    Christ's Death and Resurrection is for EVERY man and nation...
    And how shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation??

    Man thinks that praying to anybody, gets Heaven at the grave.
    But, no other name but Jesus, is given; whereby we must be saved.
    A person, a figure, a church denomination; or others...can't get it done.
    For it's written there in God's Holy Bible...
    There's none righteous...no, not one.

    Your sins are a barrier between you and God;
    Fellowship apart, as down lifes path you've trod.
    'Come, let us reason', says the Lord...for you He truly knows...
    Your scarlet sins...covered with His Blood...become white as snow.

    Precious was the love of God...even with man's sin...
    He sent His Son to die for us, while we rebelled to Him.
    King Of Kings...Lord Of Lords...The Way...The Life...The Truth
    Accept Him now...He loves you so...Gentile or a Jew.

    For God So Loved The World, that He gave His Only Son...
    To Seek, and Save That Which Was Lost.
    For it does not matter who or what you are...

    Jesus...God's Son...He knew the consequences the sin of pride would bear.
    Born of a Virgin...He preached the Kingdom of God
    To any, and all that would hear.
    But, He was crucified between two thieves on Good Friday...
    And to Him, one cursed and yelled...
    But, the other was saved...for he knew
    What Good Is Your Pride Going To Do You In Hell??

    Death Without The Lord is bad...to be in Hell for sin...
    But for those in Christ, it's Heavenly...they'll never sin again.
    Make Jesus as your Lord and Friend Today...and tarry not...
    He died to save you from your sins...and cleanse your blemished spots.

    Only one of two places awaits everyone, when death knocks on their door.
    Heaven Or Hell...no place in between...to clean up one's lifetime score.
    For you are saved only by grace through faith, not of works to boast.
    The decision to reject Jesus as Saviour and Lord,
    Is one you'll regret the most.

    You only have one life to live; be careful what you ask.
    Be righteous, truthful in your deeds; not behind a mask.
    For all your deeds and your life will both soon be past.
    And only those things, done for Christ, will eternally last.

    Like a roaring lion, seeking souls each hour;
    Satan wants your life today, eternally to be devoured.
    As the covering cherub, it's where it all did start.
    His subtle lies, they will ensnare, your unsuspecting heart.

    The Lord will return very soon...believe now, and don't wait...
    For if you listen to Satan's lies...you'll find that it's too late.
    Accept Christ and His Word for you...let both fill your heart and mind...
    And, on the day of Rapture...you won't be left behind.

    What more could I have done for you?? I loved you so, My Child.
    So much that I was spat upon, whipped, cursed, and reviled.
    I wanted you, and loved you so with all My Life and Heart...
    But, it was to be your sin that would tear us both apart.

    I let you nail me to that Cross...to suffer and be killed.
    But, I'd Rise Again That Easter Morn...Redemption's Plan Fulfilled.
    Shed Blood From My Nail Pierced Hands...Paid Sins Death Stung Fee...
    Removed Disgrace...Amazing Grace...Do You Have Time For Me??

    For it's the Resurrection, we celebrate and proclaim...
    The Gospel is for ALL mankind...regardless of your name.
    Accept Christ as your Lord today, and let Him your life change...
    For with His Resurrection, we'll never be the same.

    The Lord...He saved my life...The Lord...He saved my soul...
    And, like with me...he waits for you...to come to Him also. Saviour...Lord...King Of Kings...He's knocking at your hearts door.
    Receive Him today...He's coming soon...to reign forevermore.

    But, to all those who have rejected God,
    Without protection, they think 'all is well'.
    As down the path of sin and death they trod,
    And tragically, are one heartbeat from Hell.

    The wicked shall be turned into hell;
    But, for those, who Christ, they do receive.
    Their joy at death, no mortal tongue can tell;
    Eternal blessings for those who believed.

    Years from now, you'll remember
    When crossing to the other side.
    Seeing the Glory Of Heaven,
    Or fires of Hell as you died.

    "Lost without a compass, on eternal scale."
    "To those refusing Jesus Christ, the Lord who can not fail."
    "For all the unregenerate, preferring sins desire."
    "Never ending torment, in the Lake Of Fire."

    Life is like a vapor...and soon, it will all end.
    What will you do with Jesus Christ?? God asks of you, dear friend.
    Your life..you will account one day...with God, you cannot fudge...
    Will Jesus be your Saviour...or will He be your Judge??

    For one day soon, God's Grace will end...and it will be too late.
    For all must die...then judgment there...what will be your fate??
    Accept Christ as your Lord and Saviour...and Friend Forever there...
    Refuse Him, and He'll truly be your most feared nightmare.

    Don't put off your decision...saying 'the time is just not right'.
    If you refuse to accept Jesus...and if you die tonight;
    You'll face Christ as your Judge there...on that somber day...
    Regretting ignoring Him and His Vessels for your sinful ways.

    Where will you be...eternally...When it's time for you to die??
    It all depends on what you do with Jesus...God's Son...
    On whom, you must decide.
    To accept Him as Lord...as well as your Saviour...
    As He lived and died and rose for you...
    Or, if you willfully...choose to reject Him...
    Your choice between bliss and doom.

    When God's Spirit speaks to you, friend...don't take a chance.
    For you may regret, if you just give a furtive glance.
    The Invitation to receive Eternal Life so dear;
    And, this could be the only time the Gospel you would hear.

    The one sin unforgiven, even those not in this poem,
    It seems I've covered everything, but what is this unknown??
    Rejection of Christ Jesus, who died upon that Cross.
    And resurrected from the grave, to redeem the lost.

    Sinner, Seek The Lord Today...while He may be found.
    The Grace of God will end one day...and the only sound
    You'll hear from Him at the Judgment Of The Great White Throne:
    Depart, ye cursed...to Eternal Fire...for you, I've never known.

    If you wait, 'til it's too late, you're cast into the fire.
    You'll suffer for eternity, the cost for sins desire.
    All could've been prevented, if you, in life, had prayed,
    For Christ to save your soul from sin, and live in life He gave.

    One day, on bended knee, mankind will bow
    Declaring there that Jesus Christ is Lord.
    To the glory of God the Father, now;
    In Truth Of His Word, sharper than a sword.

    'What will you do with Jesus Christ?', God asks of you today.
    The choice is yours to make, my friend, will you accept His Way??
    For every knee will bow before Him, on that final day.
    'Jesus Christ Is Lord Of All' every tongue will say.

    What is your cry?? You, a lost sinner...
    To Jesus Christ the Lord today?
    In repentence & sorrow, will you accept Him??
    The Truth, The Life, & The Way.
    'Dear Jesus, Save Me, be the Lord Of My Life';
    Grateful that He did it for you.
    Or do you reject Him??
    And, hear Him say 'Depart; for you I never knew'.

    While God commands, He will not force, accepting of His Gift.
    It's your choice if you want Christ, your burden, there to lift.
    But, if yourself, there want to pay, for sins done by the score,
    Suffering in the Lake Of Fire, will be yours forevermore.

    So, what will your Judgment Choice now be??
    Don't think that you will live for many years.
    To no one, is tomorrow guaranteed...
    Will you repent today, with bitter tears??

    So, bow before Him now, today repent.
    For He truly knows the best for you.
    Then, daily serving Him, you'll gladly say
    'Today, Oh, Lord...what will you have me do??'

    Betrayed; to you, I would be, if judgment didn't warn.
    To be saved, you must repent, and again to be reborn.
    God won't force His Will on you, but you now, must choose.
    Will you accept Christ Jesus?? Or His Gift, Refuse??

    The wages of sin, are never reduced, for everyone living on Earth.
    But, physical death, not really the end, if you've received The New Birth.
    Turn and repent, from your sinful deeds, and ask Christ to save you today.
    For He did defeat, both Hell and the Grave, and all will face Him one day.

    Will this be your final altar call??
    The final chance for you, to Jesus, come??
    For people praying for you, in this hall;
    For you to choose your true eternal home.

    Those not in God's Kingdom, you can avoid this group.
    Today, repent of all your sins, let Christ your life regroup.
    Ask The Lord to save your soul, and wash your sins away.
    For He is, The King Of Kings, The Truth, The Life, The Way.

    All roads lead to God...but to Heaven, only one.
    The Bema, or The Great White Throne, Judgment won't be fun.
    Whether you served Christ on Earth, or your sins desires.
    Either joy in Heaven...or tormenting, eternal fire.

    Christ alone, the perfect picture, of God's Love and Grace.
    Your choice on what what you do with Him, determines who you'll face.
    Your Best Friend, He there will be, if His Blood's applied.
    Your Worst Nightmare, rejecting Him, you'll be terrified.

    Your righteousness as filthy rags, you can this mess, now lose.
    If in all humility, Christ's Gift, you don't refuse.
    Turn now from your life of sin, accept Christ Jesus now.
    And serve Him now with all your heart, before Him humbly bow.

    Going through the motions, does this sound like you??
    You've grieved The Lord who loves you so, in all the sin you'd do.
    If you've not been born again, now is the day to choose;
    Accept Christ as your Lord today; serve Him...don't refuse.

    Please don't be one of the souls, hated by The Lord.
    He wants you to accept His Son...come now, get on board.
    The Glory Train is waiting now...come kneel there at The Cross.
    As Christ died, and rose again, to redeem the lost.

    The Bible in a nutshell, in John Three, Sixteen.
    God loved the World, He sent His Son, sinless, pure and clean.
    To those accepting Christ's death, paid for our sin and strife,
    That they would never perish, but have eternal life.


    Would you like to receive this FREE GIFT today?? All you need to do is
    admit to God that you are a sinner, and that you can NOT save yourself.

    Right now, come to God, just as you are...no matter what you've done in
    your life...or how evil...and be willing, with His Help, to turn from
    the way you've lived (repent)...accepting by faith, that:

    Jesus Christ, God's Only Begotten Son, left the Glory of Heaven, to be
    born of a Virgin, to live on Earth as a human being in all ways like us
    (except without sin), that He suffered died for you on an Old Rugged
    Cross, that He rose from the dead to provide you Eternal Life, is
    coming back soon to Earth to reign in Power and Glory, and He wants you
    to rule and reign with Him.

    All you need to do is pray a simple prayer of contrition...to ask Him
    to forgive your sins, to come into your life and be your personal
    Saviour, and the Lord of Your Life.



    "Lord Jesus...I admit that I'm a sinner. And, I know that nothing I
    can do will save myself".

    "Right now, just as I am...I come to you in faith...believing that You
    died for me, and rose again on the third day, according to the Scriptures".

    "I'm sorry for the way I've lived, and I'm willing to turn from my sin.
    Dear Jesus, Come into my heart, forgive my sin...save me...and be the
    Lord of my life".

    "By Your Grace, I will follow and obey You in all that I do".

    "Thank You For Being My Friend For Life. In Your Name, I Pray. Amen".


    If you prayed that prayer, and REALLY MEANT IT...I can assure you that
    on the Authority of God's Word...that you have Eternal Life right now...
    that all the angels of Heaven are rejoicing...and I rejoice with you...
    because I'll see you before the Throne Of God one day.

    The best thing for you now is to spend time with God each day...just
    talk with Him as if you were talking to a close personal friend. After
    all, He is just that...He sticks closer than a brother. You can talk
    with him at any time, day or night, and never have to wait. Read His
    Word, the Holy Bible...be baptized, worship, and fellowship with other Christians in a Church where Christ is preached. God will mold you into
    the image of His Son, little by little...and when you mess up, just
    confess to Him your error, and then ask and claim His Forgiveness. He
    promises to never leave you, or forsake you.
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (1:19/33)
  • From Daryl Stout@1:19/33 to All on Sun Jun 20 00:01:21 2021
    I'm sure you'll admit that you enjoy receiving gifts...be it for a
    birthday, anniversary, holiday, etc.; especially if it was something
    you knew you could not afford, but it was something that you greatly

    I'd like to tell you about a FREE GIFT that you can receive today...a
    Gift that was purchased for YOU a long time ago...by a Special Friend...
    who knows you better than you know yourself...and who loved you so much,
    that He gave His Life for you...to obtain for you...the gift of Life Everlasting. This gift is FREE to ALL who wish to receive it. In fact,
    it's Heavenly...Eternal Salvation through Jesus Christ.

    For those who may be thinking that clicking on the "Get A Free Gift"
    icon or related link was NOT going to be this...I want to point out that
    the Free Gift Of Salvation in Jesus Christ is FREE TO ALL WHO WOULD
    RECEIVE IT...it is YOUR CHOICE as to whether or not you wish to do so.

    On March 28, 1978, I was right where you are now...I was offered this
    FREE GIFT...and I'll admit I didn't understand it...and you may not
    understand it, either. But, the best way I can tell you is excerpts
    from the songs He has given me.


    If you're reading these poems here, before The Rapture hits,
    The choice is yours here now to make, your life to Christ, commit.
    For when God's Clock, strikes the time, that the saints will rise,
    Happening so rapidly, too quick to say goodbye.

    Tragedy at Rapture...you can avoid that day.
    Repent of sin, and come to Christ...the Truth, The Life, The Way.
    Ask Him now to save your soul, and wash away your sins.
    And, on that Glorious Rapture morn, you'll go to be with Him.

    The Day The Spirit Of The Lord Came And Pricked My Heart;
    These songs He gave me are a witness of His Gift He did impart.
    And now, dear friend...I ask you...have you had a day like this??
    Decide today...eternally...your choice...doom or bliss??

    Doing good deeds in this life, and what's right in his eyes...
    ...won't get man into Heaven...no matter how hard he tries.
    Christ's Death and Resurrection is for EVERY man and nation...
    And how shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation??

    Man thinks that praying to anybody, gets Heaven at the grave.
    But, no other name but Jesus, is given; whereby we must be saved.
    A person, a figure, a church denomination; or others...can't get it done.
    For it's written there in God's Holy Bible...
    There's none righteous...no, not one.

    Your sins are a barrier between you and God;
    Fellowship apart, as down lifes path you've trod.
    'Come, let us reason', says the Lord...for you He truly knows...
    Your scarlet sins...covered with His Blood...become white as snow.

    Precious was the love of God...even with man's sin...
    He sent His Son to die for us, while we rebelled to Him.
    King Of Kings...Lord Of Lords...The Way...The Life...The Truth
    Accept Him now...He loves you so...Gentile or a Jew.

    For God So Loved The World, that He gave His Only Son...
    To Seek, and Save That Which Was Lost.
    For it does not matter who or what you are...

    Jesus...God's Son...He knew the consequences the sin of pride would bear.
    Born of a Virgin...He preached the Kingdom of God
    To any, and all that would hear.
    But, He was crucified between two thieves on Good Friday...
    And to Him, one cursed and yelled...
    But, the other was saved...for he knew
    What Good Is Your Pride Going To Do You In Hell??

    Death Without The Lord is bad...to be in Hell for sin...
    But for those in Christ, it's Heavenly...they'll never sin again.
    Make Jesus as your Lord and Friend Today...and tarry not...
    He died to save you from your sins...and cleanse your blemished spots.

    Only one of two places awaits everyone, when death knocks on their door.
    Heaven Or Hell...no place in between...to clean up one's lifetime score.
    For you are saved only by grace through faith, not of works to boast.
    The decision to reject Jesus as Saviour and Lord,
    Is one you'll regret the most.

    You only have one life to live; be careful what you ask.
    Be righteous, truthful in your deeds; not behind a mask.
    For all your deeds and your life will both soon be past.
    And only those things, done for Christ, will eternally last.

    Like a roaring lion, seeking souls each hour;
    Satan wants your life today, eternally to be devoured.
    As the covering cherub, it's where it all did start.
    His subtle lies, they will ensnare, your unsuspecting heart.

    The Lord will return very soon...believe now, and don't wait...
    For if you listen to Satan's lies...you'll find that it's too late.
    Accept Christ and His Word for you...let both fill your heart and mind...
    And, on the day of Rapture...you won't be left behind.

    What more could I have done for you?? I loved you so, My Child.
    So much that I was spat upon, whipped, cursed, and reviled.
    I wanted you, and loved you so with all My Life and Heart...
    But, it was to be your sin that would tear us both apart.

    I let you nail me to that Cross...to suffer and be killed.
    But, I'd Rise Again That Easter Morn...Redemption's Plan Fulfilled.
    Shed Blood From My Nail Pierced Hands...Paid Sins Death Stung Fee...
    Removed Disgrace...Amazing Grace...Do You Have Time For Me??

    For it's the Resurrection, we celebrate and proclaim...
    The Gospel is for ALL mankind...regardless of your name.
    Accept Christ as your Lord today, and let Him your life change...
    For with His Resurrection, we'll never be the same.

    The Lord...He saved my life...The Lord...He saved my soul...
    And, like with me...he waits for you...to come to Him also. Saviour...Lord...King Of Kings...He's knocking at your hearts door.
    Receive Him today...He's coming soon...to reign forevermore.

    But, to all those who have rejected God,
    Without protection, they think 'all is well'.
    As down the path of sin and death they trod,
    And tragically, are one heartbeat from Hell.

    The wicked shall be turned into hell;
    But, for those, who Christ, they do receive.
    Their joy at death, no mortal tongue can tell;
    Eternal blessings for those who believed.

    Years from now, you'll remember
    When crossing to the other side.
    Seeing the Glory Of Heaven,
    Or fires of Hell as you died.

    "Lost without a compass, on eternal scale."
    "To those refusing Jesus Christ, the Lord who can not fail."
    "For all the unregenerate, preferring sins desire."
    "Never ending torment, in the Lake Of Fire."

    Life is like a vapor...and soon, it will all end.
    What will you do with Jesus Christ?? God asks of you, dear friend.
    Your life..you will account one day...with God, you cannot fudge...
    Will Jesus be your Saviour...or will He be your Judge??

    For one day soon, God's Grace will end...and it will be too late.
    For all must die...then judgment there...what will be your fate??
    Accept Christ as your Lord and Saviour...and Friend Forever there...
    Refuse Him, and He'll truly be your most feared nightmare.

    Don't put off your decision...saying 'the time is just not right'.
    If you refuse to accept Jesus...and if you die tonight;
    You'll face Christ as your Judge there...on that somber day...
    Regretting ignoring Him and His Vessels for your sinful ways.

    Where will you be...eternally...When it's time for you to die??
    It all depends on what you do with Jesus...God's Son...
    On whom, you must decide.
    To accept Him as Lord...as well as your Saviour...
    As He lived and died and rose for you...
    Or, if you willfully...choose to reject Him...
    Your choice between bliss and doom.

    When God's Spirit speaks to you, friend...don't take a chance.
    For you may regret, if you just give a furtive glance.
    The Invitation to receive Eternal Life so dear;
    And, this could be the only time the Gospel you would hear.

    The one sin unforgiven, even those not in this poem,
    It seems I've covered everything, but what is this unknown??
    Rejection of Christ Jesus, who died upon that Cross.
    And resurrected from the grave, to redeem the lost.

    Sinner, Seek The Lord Today...while He may be found.
    The Grace of God will end one day...and the only sound
    You'll hear from Him at the Judgment Of The Great White Throne:
    Depart, ye cursed...to Eternal Fire...for you, I've never known.

    If you wait, 'til it's too late, you're cast into the fire.
    You'll suffer for eternity, the cost for sins desire.
    All could've been prevented, if you, in life, had prayed,
    For Christ to save your soul from sin, and live in life He gave.

    One day, on bended knee, mankind will bow
    Declaring there that Jesus Christ is Lord.
    To the glory of God the Father, now;
    In Truth Of His Word, sharper than a sword.

    'What will you do with Jesus Christ?', God asks of you today.
    The choice is yours to make, my friend, will you accept His Way??
    For every knee will bow before Him, on that final day.
    'Jesus Christ Is Lord Of All' every tongue will say.

    What is your cry?? You, a lost sinner...
    To Jesus Christ the Lord today?
    In repentence & sorrow, will you accept Him??
    The Truth, The Life, & The Way.
    'Dear Jesus, Save Me, be the Lord Of My Life';
    Grateful that He did it for you.
    Or do you reject Him??
    And, hear Him say 'Depart; for you I never knew'.

    While God commands, He will not force, accepting of His Gift.
    It's your choice if you want Christ, your burden, there to lift.
    But, if yourself, there want to pay, for sins done by the score,
    Suffering in the Lake Of Fire, will be yours forevermore.

    So, what will your Judgment Choice now be??
    Don't think that you will live for many years.
    To no one, is tomorrow guaranteed...
    Will you repent today, with bitter tears??

    So, bow before Him now, today repent.
    For He truly knows the best for you.
    Then, daily serving Him, you'll gladly say
    'Today, Oh, Lord...what will you have me do??'

    Betrayed; to you, I would be, if judgment didn't warn.
    To be saved, you must repent, and again to be reborn.
    God won't force His Will on you, but you now, must choose.
    Will you accept Christ Jesus?? Or His Gift, Refuse??

    The wages of sin, are never reduced, for everyone living on Earth.
    But, physical death, not really the end, if you've received The New Birth.
    Turn and repent, from your sinful deeds, and ask Christ to save you today.
    For He did defeat, both Hell and the Grave, and all will face Him one day.

    Will this be your final altar call??
    The final chance for you, to Jesus, come??
    For people praying for you, in this hall;
    For you to choose your true eternal home.

    Those not in God's Kingdom, you can avoid this group.
    Today, repent of all your sins, let Christ your life regroup.
    Ask The Lord to save your soul, and wash your sins away.
    For He is, The King Of Kings, The Truth, The Life, The Way.

    All roads lead to God...but to Heaven, only one.
    The Bema, or The Great White Throne, Judgment won't be fun.
    Whether you served Christ on Earth, or your sins desires.
    Either joy in Heaven...or tormenting, eternal fire.

    Christ alone, the perfect picture, of God's Love and Grace.
    Your choice on what what you do with Him, determines who you'll face.
    Your Best Friend, He there will be, if His Blood's applied.
    Your Worst Nightmare, rejecting Him, you'll be terrified.

    Your righteousness as filthy rags, you can this mess, now lose.
    If in all humility, Christ's Gift, you don't refuse.
    Turn now from your life of sin, accept Christ Jesus now.
    And serve Him now with all your heart, before Him humbly bow.

    Going through the motions, does this sound like you??
    You've grieved The Lord who loves you so, in all the sin you'd do.
    If you've not been born again, now is the day to choose;
    Accept Christ as your Lord today; serve Him...don't refuse.

    Please don't be one of the souls, hated by The Lord.
    He wants you to accept His Son...come now, get on board.
    The Glory Train is waiting now...come kneel there at The Cross.
    As Christ died, and rose again, to redeem the lost.

    The Bible in a nutshell, in John Three, Sixteen.
    God loved the World, He sent His Son, sinless, pure and clean.
    To those accepting Christ's death, paid for our sin and strife,
    That they would never perish, but have eternal life.


    Would you like to receive this FREE GIFT today?? All you need to do is
    admit to God that you are a sinner, and that you can NOT save yourself.

    Right now, come to God, just as you are...no matter what you've done in
    your life...or how evil...and be willing, with His Help, to turn from
    the way you've lived (repent)...accepting by faith, that:

    Jesus Christ, God's Only Begotten Son, left the Glory of Heaven, to be
    born of a Virgin, to live on Earth as a human being in all ways like us
    (except without sin), that He suffered died for you on an Old Rugged
    Cross, that He rose from the dead to provide you Eternal Life, is
    coming back soon to Earth to reign in Power and Glory, and He wants you
    to rule and reign with Him.

    All you need to do is pray a simple prayer of contrition...to ask Him
    to forgive your sins, to come into your life and be your personal
    Saviour, and the Lord of Your Life.



    "Lord Jesus...I admit that I'm a sinner. And, I know that nothing I
    can do will save myself".

    "Right now, just as I am...I come to you in faith...believing that You
    died for me, and rose again on the third day, according to the Scriptures".

    "I'm sorry for the way I've lived, and I'm willing to turn from my sin.
    Dear Jesus, Come into my heart, forgive my sin...save me...and be the
    Lord of my life".

    "By Your Grace, I will follow and obey You in all that I do".

    "Thank You For Being My Friend For Life. In Your Name, I Pray. Amen".


    If you prayed that prayer, and REALLY MEANT IT...I can assure you that
    on the Authority of God's Word...that you have Eternal Life right now...
    that all the angels of Heaven are rejoicing...and I rejoice with you...
    because I'll see you before the Throne Of God one day.

    The best thing for you now is to spend time with God each day...just
    talk with Him as if you were talking to a close personal friend. After
    all, He is just that...He sticks closer than a brother. You can talk
    with him at any time, day or night, and never have to wait. Read His
    Word, the Holy Bible...be baptized, worship, and fellowship with other Christians in a Church where Christ is preached. God will mold you into
    the image of His Son, little by little...and when you mess up, just
    confess to Him your error, and then ask and claim His Forgiveness. He
    promises to never leave you, or forsake you.
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (1:19/33)
  • From Daryl Stout@1:19/33 to All on Sun Jun 27 00:01:24 2021
    I'm sure you'll admit that you enjoy receiving gifts...be it for a
    birthday, anniversary, holiday, etc.; especially if it was something
    you knew you could not afford, but it was something that you greatly

    I'd like to tell you about a FREE GIFT that you can receive today...a
    Gift that was purchased for YOU a long time ago...by a Special Friend...
    who knows you better than you know yourself...and who loved you so much,
    that He gave His Life for you...to obtain for you...the gift of Life Everlasting. This gift is FREE to ALL who wish to receive it. In fact,
    it's Heavenly...Eternal Salvation through Jesus Christ.

    For those who may be thinking that clicking on the "Get A Free Gift"
    icon or related link was NOT going to be this...I want to point out that
    the Free Gift Of Salvation in Jesus Christ is FREE TO ALL WHO WOULD
    RECEIVE IT...it is YOUR CHOICE as to whether or not you wish to do so.

    On March 28, 1978, I was right where you are now...I was offered this
    FREE GIFT...and I'll admit I didn't understand it...and you may not
    understand it, either. But, the best way I can tell you is excerpts
    from the songs He has given me.


    If you're reading these poems here, before The Rapture hits,
    The choice is yours here now to make, your life to Christ, commit.
    For when God's Clock, strikes the time, that the saints will rise,
    Happening so rapidly, too quick to say goodbye.

    Tragedy at Rapture...you can avoid that day.
    Repent of sin, and come to Christ...the Truth, The Life, The Way.
    Ask Him now to save your soul, and wash away your sins.
    And, on that Glorious Rapture morn, you'll go to be with Him.

    The Day The Spirit Of The Lord Came And Pricked My Heart;
    These songs He gave me are a witness of His Gift He did impart.
    And now, dear friend...I ask you...have you had a day like this??
    Decide today...eternally...your choice...doom or bliss??

    Doing good deeds in this life, and what's right in his eyes...
    ...won't get man into Heaven...no matter how hard he tries.
    Christ's Death and Resurrection is for EVERY man and nation...
    And how shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation??

    Man thinks that praying to anybody, gets Heaven at the grave.
    But, no other name but Jesus, is given; whereby we must be saved.
    A person, a figure, a church denomination; or others...can't get it done.
    For it's written there in God's Holy Bible...
    There's none righteous...no, not one.

    Your sins are a barrier between you and God;
    Fellowship apart, as down lifes path you've trod.
    'Come, let us reason', says the Lord...for you He truly knows...
    Your scarlet sins...covered with His Blood...become white as snow.

    Precious was the love of God...even with man's sin...
    He sent His Son to die for us, while we rebelled to Him.
    King Of Kings...Lord Of Lords...The Way...The Life...The Truth
    Accept Him now...He loves you so...Gentile or a Jew.

    For God So Loved The World, that He gave His Only Son...
    To Seek, and Save That Which Was Lost.
    For it does not matter who or what you are...

    Jesus...God's Son...He knew the consequences the sin of pride would bear.
    Born of a Virgin...He preached the Kingdom of God
    To any, and all that would hear.
    But, He was crucified between two thieves on Good Friday...
    And to Him, one cursed and yelled...
    But, the other was saved...for he knew
    What Good Is Your Pride Going To Do You In Hell??

    Death Without The Lord is bad...to be in Hell for sin...
    But for those in Christ, it's Heavenly...they'll never sin again.
    Make Jesus as your Lord and Friend Today...and tarry not...
    He died to save you from your sins...and cleanse your blemished spots.

    Only one of two places awaits everyone, when death knocks on their door.
    Heaven Or Hell...no place in between...to clean up one's lifetime score.
    For you are saved only by grace through faith, not of works to boast.
    The decision to reject Jesus as Saviour and Lord,
    Is one you'll regret the most.

    You only have one life to live; be careful what you ask.
    Be righteous, truthful in your deeds; not behind a mask.
    For all your deeds and your life will both soon be past.
    And only those things, done for Christ, will eternally last.

    Like a roaring lion, seeking souls each hour;
    Satan wants your life today, eternally to be devoured.
    As the covering cherub, it's where it all did start.
    His subtle lies, they will ensnare, your unsuspecting heart.

    The Lord will return very soon...believe now, and don't wait...
    For if you listen to Satan's lies...you'll find that it's too late.
    Accept Christ and His Word for you...let both fill your heart and mind...
    And, on the day of Rapture...you won't be left behind.

    What more could I have done for you?? I loved you so, My Child.
    So much that I was spat upon, whipped, cursed, and reviled.
    I wanted you, and loved you so with all My Life and Heart...
    But, it was to be your sin that would tear us both apart.

    I let you nail me to that Cross...to suffer and be killed.
    But, I'd Rise Again That Easter Morn...Redemption's Plan Fulfilled.
    Shed Blood From My Nail Pierced Hands...Paid Sins Death Stung Fee...
    Removed Disgrace...Amazing Grace...Do You Have Time For Me??

    For it's the Resurrection, we celebrate and proclaim...
    The Gospel is for ALL mankind...regardless of your name.
    Accept Christ as your Lord today, and let Him your life change...
    For with His Resurrection, we'll never be the same.

    The Lord...He saved my life...The Lord...He saved my soul...
    And, like with me...he waits for you...to come to Him also. Saviour...Lord...King Of Kings...He's knocking at your hearts door.
    Receive Him today...He's coming soon...to reign forevermore.

    But, to all those who have rejected God,
    Without protection, they think 'all is well'.
    As down the path of sin and death they trod,
    And tragically, are one heartbeat from Hell.

    The wicked shall be turned into hell;
    But, for those, who Christ, they do receive.
    Their joy at death, no mortal tongue can tell;
    Eternal blessings for those who believed.

    Years from now, you'll remember
    When crossing to the other side.
    Seeing the Glory Of Heaven,
    Or fires of Hell as you died.

    "Lost without a compass, on eternal scale."
    "To those refusing Jesus Christ, the Lord who can not fail."
    "For all the unregenerate, preferring sins desire."
    "Never ending torment, in the Lake Of Fire."

    Life is like a vapor...and soon, it will all end.
    What will you do with Jesus Christ?? God asks of you, dear friend.
    Your life..you will account one day...with God, you cannot fudge...
    Will Jesus be your Saviour...or will He be your Judge??

    For one day soon, God's Grace will end...and it will be too late.
    For all must die...then judgment there...what will be your fate??
    Accept Christ as your Lord and Saviour...and Friend Forever there...
    Refuse Him, and He'll truly be your most feared nightmare.

    Don't put off your decision...saying 'the time is just not right'.
    If you refuse to accept Jesus...and if you die tonight;
    You'll face Christ as your Judge there...on that somber day...
    Regretting ignoring Him and His Vessels for your sinful ways.

    Where will you be...eternally...When it's time for you to die??
    It all depends on what you do with Jesus...God's Son...
    On whom, you must decide.
    To accept Him as Lord...as well as your Saviour...
    As He lived and died and rose for you...
    Or, if you willfully...choose to reject Him...
    Your choice between bliss and doom.

    When God's Spirit speaks to you, friend...don't take a chance.
    For you may regret, if you just give a furtive glance.
    The Invitation to receive Eternal Life so dear;
    And, this could be the only time the Gospel you would hear.

    The one sin unforgiven, even those not in this poem,
    It seems I've covered everything, but what is this unknown??
    Rejection of Christ Jesus, who died upon that Cross.
    And resurrected from the grave, to redeem the lost.

    Sinner, Seek The Lord Today...while He may be found.
    The Grace of God will end one day...and the only sound
    You'll hear from Him at the Judgment Of The Great White Throne:
    Depart, ye cursed...to Eternal Fire...for you, I've never known.

    If you wait, 'til it's too late, you're cast into the fire.
    You'll suffer for eternity, the cost for sins desire.
    All could've been prevented, if you, in life, had prayed,
    For Christ to save your soul from sin, and live in life He gave.

    One day, on bended knee, mankind will bow
    Declaring there that Jesus Christ is Lord.
    To the glory of God the Father, now;
    In Truth Of His Word, sharper than a sword.

    'What will you do with Jesus Christ?', God asks of you today.
    The choice is yours to make, my friend, will you accept His Way??
    For every knee will bow before Him, on that final day.
    'Jesus Christ Is Lord Of All' every tongue will say.

    What is your cry?? You, a lost sinner...
    To Jesus Christ the Lord today?
    In repentence & sorrow, will you accept Him??
    The Truth, The Life, & The Way.
    'Dear Jesus, Save Me, be the Lord Of My Life';
    Grateful that He did it for you.
    Or do you reject Him??
    And, hear Him say 'Depart; for you I never knew'.

    While God commands, He will not force, accepting of His Gift.
    It's your choice if you want Christ, your burden, there to lift.
    But, if yourself, there want to pay, for sins done by the score,
    Suffering in the Lake Of Fire, will be yours forevermore.

    So, what will your Judgment Choice now be??
    Don't think that you will live for many years.
    To no one, is tomorrow guaranteed...
    Will you repent today, with bitter tears??

    So, bow before Him now, today repent.
    For He truly knows the best for you.
    Then, daily serving Him, you'll gladly say
    'Today, Oh, Lord...what will you have me do??'

    Betrayed; to you, I would be, if judgment didn't warn.
    To be saved, you must repent, and again to be reborn.
    God won't force His Will on you, but you now, must choose.
    Will you accept Christ Jesus?? Or His Gift, Refuse??

    The wages of sin, are never reduced, for everyone living on Earth.
    But, physical death, not really the end, if you've received The New Birth.
    Turn and repent, from your sinful deeds, and ask Christ to save you today.
    For He did defeat, both Hell and the Grave, and all will face Him one day.

    Will this be your final altar call??
    The final chance for you, to Jesus, come??
    For people praying for you, in this hall;
    For you to choose your true eternal home.

    Those not in God's Kingdom, you can avoid this group.
    Today, repent of all your sins, let Christ your life regroup.
    Ask The Lord to save your soul, and wash your sins away.
    For He is, The King Of Kings, The Truth, The Life, The Way.

    All roads lead to God...but to Heaven, only one.
    The Bema, or The Great White Throne, Judgment won't be fun.
    Whether you served Christ on Earth, or your sins desires.
    Either joy in Heaven...or tormenting, eternal fire.

    Christ alone, the perfect picture, of God's Love and Grace.
    Your choice on what what you do with Him, determines who you'll face.
    Your Best Friend, He there will be, if His Blood's applied.
    Your Worst Nightmare, rejecting Him, you'll be terrified.

    Your righteousness as filthy rags, you can this mess, now lose.
    If in all humility, Christ's Gift, you don't refuse.
    Turn now from your life of sin, accept Christ Jesus now.
    And serve Him now with all your heart, before Him humbly bow.

    Going through the motions, does this sound like you??
    You've grieved The Lord who loves you so, in all the sin you'd do.
    If you've not been born again, now is the day to choose;
    Accept Christ as your Lord today; serve Him...don't refuse.

    Please don't be one of the souls, hated by The Lord.
    He wants you to accept His Son...come now, get on board.
    The Glory Train is waiting now...come kneel there at The Cross.
    As Christ died, and rose again, to redeem the lost.

    The Bible in a nutshell, in John Three, Sixteen.
    God loved the World, He sent His Son, sinless, pure and clean.
    To those accepting Christ's death, paid for our sin and strife,
    That they would never perish, but have eternal life.


    Would you like to receive this FREE GIFT today?? All you need to do is
    admit to God that you are a sinner, and that you can NOT save yourself.

    Right now, come to God, just as you are...no matter what you've done in
    your life...or how evil...and be willing, with His Help, to turn from
    the way you've lived (repent)...accepting by faith, that:

    Jesus Christ, God's Only Begotten Son, left the Glory of Heaven, to be
    born of a Virgin, to live on Earth as a human being in all ways like us
    (except without sin), that He suffered died for you on an Old Rugged
    Cross, that He rose from the dead to provide you Eternal Life, is
    coming back soon to Earth to reign in Power and Glory, and He wants you
    to rule and reign with Him.

    All you need to do is pray a simple prayer of contrition...to ask Him
    to forgive your sins, to come into your life and be your personal
    Saviour, and the Lord of Your Life.



    "Lord Jesus...I admit that I'm a sinner. And, I know that nothing I
    can do will save myself".

    "Right now, just as I am...I come to you in faith...believing that You
    died for me, and rose again on the third day, according to the Scriptures".

    "I'm sorry for the way I've lived, and I'm willing to turn from my sin.
    Dear Jesus, Come into my heart, forgive my sin...save me...and be the
    Lord of my life".

    "By Your Grace, I will follow and obey You in all that I do".

    "Thank You For Being My Friend For Life. In Your Name, I Pray. Amen".


    If you prayed that prayer, and REALLY MEANT IT...I can assure you that
    on the Authority of God's Word...that you have Eternal Life right now...
    that all the angels of Heaven are rejoicing...and I rejoice with you...
    because I'll see you before the Throne Of God one day.

    The best thing for you now is to spend time with God each day...just
    talk with Him as if you were talking to a close personal friend. After
    all, He is just that...He sticks closer than a brother. You can talk
    with him at any time, day or night, and never have to wait. Read His
    Word, the Holy Bible...be baptized, worship, and fellowship with other Christians in a Church where Christ is preached. God will mold you into
    the image of His Son, little by little...and when you mess up, just
    confess to Him your error, and then ask and claim His Forgiveness. He
    promises to never leave you, or forsake you.
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (1:19/33)
  • From Daryl Stout@1:19/33 to All on Sun Jul 4 00:01:26 2021
    I'm sure you'll admit that you enjoy receiving gifts...be it for a
    birthday, anniversary, holiday, etc.; especially if it was something
    you knew you could not afford, but it was something that you greatly

    I'd like to tell you about a FREE GIFT that you can receive today...a
    Gift that was purchased for YOU a long time ago...by a Special Friend...
    who knows you better than you know yourself...and who loved you so much,
    that He gave His Life for you...to obtain for you...the gift of Life Everlasting. This gift is FREE to ALL who wish to receive it. In fact,
    it's Heavenly...Eternal Salvation through Jesus Christ.

    For those who may be thinking that clicking on the "Get A Free Gift"
    icon or related link was NOT going to be this...I want to point out that
    the Free Gift Of Salvation in Jesus Christ is FREE TO ALL WHO WOULD
    RECEIVE IT...it is YOUR CHOICE as to whether or not you wish to do so.

    On March 28, 1978, I was right where you are now...I was offered this
    FREE GIFT...and I'll admit I didn't understand it...and you may not
    understand it, either. But, the best way I can tell you is excerpts
    from the songs He has given me.


    If you're reading these poems here, before The Rapture hits,
    The choice is yours here now to make, your life to Christ, commit.
    For when God's Clock, strikes the time, that the saints will rise,
    Happening so rapidly, too quick to say goodbye.

    Tragedy at Rapture...you can avoid that day.
    Repent of sin, and come to Christ...the Truth, The Life, The Way.
    Ask Him now to save your soul, and wash away your sins.
    And, on that Glorious Rapture morn, you'll go to be with Him.

    The Day The Spirit Of The Lord Came And Pricked My Heart;
    These songs He gave me are a witness of His Gift He did impart.
    And now, dear friend...I ask you...have you had a day like this??
    Decide today...eternally...your choice...doom or bliss??

    Doing good deeds in this life, and what's right in his eyes...
    ...won't get man into Heaven...no matter how hard he tries.
    Christ's Death and Resurrection is for EVERY man and nation...
    And how shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation??

    Man thinks that praying to anybody, gets Heaven at the grave.
    But, no other name but Jesus, is given; whereby we must be saved.
    A person, a figure, a church denomination; or others...can't get it done.
    For it's written there in God's Holy Bible...
    There's none righteous...no, not one.

    Your sins are a barrier between you and God;
    Fellowship apart, as down lifes path you've trod.
    'Come, let us reason', says the Lord...for you He truly knows...
    Your scarlet sins...covered with His Blood...become white as snow.

    Precious was the love of God...even with man's sin...
    He sent His Son to die for us, while we rebelled to Him.
    King Of Kings...Lord Of Lords...The Way...The Life...The Truth
    Accept Him now...He loves you so...Gentile or a Jew.

    For God So Loved The World, that He gave His Only Son...
    To Seek, and Save That Which Was Lost.
    For it does not matter who or what you are...

    Jesus...God's Son...He knew the consequences the sin of pride would bear.
    Born of a Virgin...He preached the Kingdom of God
    To any, and all that would hear.
    But, He was crucified between two thieves on Good Friday...
    And to Him, one cursed and yelled...
    But, the other was saved...for he knew
    What Good Is Your Pride Going To Do You In Hell??

    Death Without The Lord is bad...to be in Hell for sin...
    But for those in Christ, it's Heavenly...they'll never sin again.
    Make Jesus as your Lord and Friend Today...and tarry not...
    He died to save you from your sins...and cleanse your blemished spots.

    Only one of two places awaits everyone, when death knocks on their door.
    Heaven Or Hell...no place in between...to clean up one's lifetime score.
    For you are saved only by grace through faith, not of works to boast.
    The decision to reject Jesus as Saviour and Lord,
    Is one you'll regret the most.

    You only have one life to live; be careful what you ask.
    Be righteous, truthful in your deeds; not behind a mask.
    For all your deeds and your life will both soon be past.
    And only those things, done for Christ, will eternally last.

    Like a roaring lion, seeking souls each hour;
    Satan wants your life today, eternally to be devoured.
    As the covering cherub, it's where it all did start.
    His subtle lies, they will ensnare, your unsuspecting heart.

    The Lord will return very soon...believe now, and don't wait...
    For if you listen to Satan's lies...you'll find that it's too late.
    Accept Christ and His Word for you...let both fill your heart and mind...
    And, on the day of Rapture...you won't be left behind.

    What more could I have done for you?? I loved you so, My Child.
    So much that I was spat upon, whipped, cursed, and reviled.
    I wanted you, and loved you so with all My Life and Heart...
    But, it was to be your sin that would tear us both apart.

    I let you nail me to that Cross...to suffer and be killed.
    But, I'd Rise Again That Easter Morn...Redemption's Plan Fulfilled.
    Shed Blood From My Nail Pierced Hands...Paid Sins Death Stung Fee...
    Removed Disgrace...Amazing Grace...Do You Have Time For Me??

    For it's the Resurrection, we celebrate and proclaim...
    The Gospel is for ALL mankind...regardless of your name.
    Accept Christ as your Lord today, and let Him your life change...
    For with His Resurrection, we'll never be the same.

    The Lord...He saved my life...The Lord...He saved my soul...
    And, like with me...he waits for you...to come to Him also. Saviour...Lord...King Of Kings...He's knocking at your hearts door.
    Receive Him today...He's coming soon...to reign forevermore.

    But, to all those who have rejected God,
    Without protection, they think 'all is well'.
    As down the path of sin and death they trod,
    And tragically, are one heartbeat from Hell.

    The wicked shall be turned into hell;
    But, for those, who Christ, they do receive.
    Their joy at death, no mortal tongue can tell;
    Eternal blessings for those who believed.

    Years from now, you'll remember
    When crossing to the other side.
    Seeing the Glory Of Heaven,
    Or fires of Hell as you died.

    "Lost without a compass, on eternal scale."
    "To those refusing Jesus Christ, the Lord who can not fail."
    "For all the unregenerate, preferring sins desire."
    "Never ending torment, in the Lake Of Fire."

    Life is like a vapor...and soon, it will all end.
    What will you do with Jesus Christ?? God asks of you, dear friend.
    Your life..you will account one day...with God, you cannot fudge...
    Will Jesus be your Saviour...or will He be your Judge??

    For one day soon, God's Grace will end...and it will be too late.
    For all must die...then judgment there...what will be your fate??
    Accept Christ as your Lord and Saviour...and Friend Forever there...
    Refuse Him, and He'll truly be your most feared nightmare.

    Don't put off your decision...saying 'the time is just not right'.
    If you refuse to accept Jesus...and if you die tonight;
    You'll face Christ as your Judge there...on that somber day...
    Regretting ignoring Him and His Vessels for your sinful ways.

    Where will you be...eternally...When it's time for you to die??
    It all depends on what you do with Jesus...God's Son...
    On whom, you must decide.
    To accept Him as Lord...as well as your Saviour...
    As He lived and died and rose for you...
    Or, if you willfully...choose to reject Him...
    Your choice between bliss and doom.

    When God's Spirit speaks to you, friend...don't take a chance.
    For you may regret, if you just give a furtive glance.
    The Invitation to receive Eternal Life so dear;
    And, this could be the only time the Gospel you would hear.

    The one sin unforgiven, even those not in this poem,
    It seems I've covered everything, but what is this unknown??
    Rejection of Christ Jesus, who died upon that Cross.
    And resurrected from the grave, to redeem the lost.

    Sinner, Seek The Lord Today...while He may be found.
    The Grace of God will end one day...and the only sound
    You'll hear from Him at the Judgment Of The Great White Throne:
    Depart, ye cursed...to Eternal Fire...for you, I've never known.

    If you wait, 'til it's too late, you're cast into the fire.
    You'll suffer for eternity, the cost for sins desire.
    All could've been prevented, if you, in life, had prayed,
    For Christ to save your soul from sin, and live in life He gave.

    One day, on bended knee, mankind will bow
    Declaring there that Jesus Christ is Lord.
    To the glory of God the Father, now;
    In Truth Of His Word, sharper than a sword.

    'What will you do with Jesus Christ?', God asks of you today.
    The choice is yours to make, my friend, will you accept His Way??
    For every knee will bow before Him, on that final day.
    'Jesus Christ Is Lord Of All' every tongue will say.

    What is your cry?? You, a lost sinner...
    To Jesus Christ the Lord today?
    In repentence & sorrow, will you accept Him??
    The Truth, The Life, & The Way.
    'Dear Jesus, Save Me, be the Lord Of My Life';
    Grateful that He did it for you.
    Or do you reject Him??
    And, hear Him say 'Depart; for you I never knew'.

    While God commands, He will not force, accepting of His Gift.
    It's your choice if you want Christ, your burden, there to lift.
    But, if yourself, there want to pay, for sins done by the score,
    Suffering in the Lake Of Fire, will be yours forevermore.

    So, what will your Judgment Choice now be??
    Don't think that you will live for many years.
    To no one, is tomorrow guaranteed...
    Will you repent today, with bitter tears??

    So, bow before Him now, today repent.
    For He truly knows the best for you.
    Then, daily serving Him, you'll gladly say
    'Today, Oh, Lord...what will you have me do??'

    Betrayed; to you, I would be, if judgment didn't warn.
    To be saved, you must repent, and again to be reborn.
    God won't force His Will on you, but you now, must choose.
    Will you accept Christ Jesus?? Or His Gift, Refuse??

    The wages of sin, are never reduced, for everyone living on Earth.
    But, physical death, not really the end, if you've received The New Birth.
    Turn and repent, from your sinful deeds, and ask Christ to save you today.
    For He did defeat, both Hell and the Grave, and all will face Him one day.

    Will this be your final altar call??
    The final chance for you, to Jesus, come??
    For people praying for you, in this hall;
    For you to choose your true eternal home.

    Those not in God's Kingdom, you can avoid this group.
    Today, repent of all your sins, let Christ your life regroup.
    Ask The Lord to save your soul, and wash your sins away.
    For He is, The King Of Kings, The Truth, The Life, The Way.

    All roads lead to God...but to Heaven, only one.
    The Bema, or The Great White Throne, Judgment won't be fun.
    Whether you served Christ on Earth, or your sins desires.
    Either joy in Heaven...or tormenting, eternal fire.

    Christ alone, the perfect picture, of God's Love and Grace.
    Your choice on what what you do with Him, determines who you'll face.
    Your Best Friend, He there will be, if His Blood's applied.
    Your Worst Nightmare, rejecting Him, you'll be terrified.

    Your righteousness as filthy rags, you can this mess, now lose.
    If in all humility, Christ's Gift, you don't refuse.
    Turn now from your life of sin, accept Christ Jesus now.
    And serve Him now with all your heart, before Him humbly bow.

    Going through the motions, does this sound like you??
    You've grieved The Lord who loves you so, in all the sin you'd do.
    If you've not been born again, now is the day to choose;
    Accept Christ as your Lord today; serve Him...don't refuse.

    Please don't be one of the souls, hated by The Lord.
    He wants you to accept His Son...come now, get on board.
    The Glory Train is waiting now...come kneel there at The Cross.
    As Christ died, and rose again, to redeem the lost.

    The Bible in a nutshell, in John Three, Sixteen.
    God loved the World, He sent His Son, sinless, pure and clean.
    To those accepting Christ's death, paid for our sin and strife,
    That they would never perish, but have eternal life.


    Would you like to receive this FREE GIFT today?? All you need to do is
    admit to God that you are a sinner, and that you can NOT save yourself.

    Right now, come to God, just as you are...no matter what you've done in
    your life...or how evil...and be willing, with His Help, to turn from
    the way you've lived (repent)...accepting by faith, that:

    Jesus Christ, God's Only Begotten Son, left the Glory of Heaven, to be
    born of a Virgin, to live on Earth as a human being in all ways like us
    (except without sin), that He suffered died for you on an Old Rugged
    Cross, that He rose from the dead to provide you Eternal Life, is
    coming back soon to Earth to reign in Power and Glory, and He wants you
    to rule and reign with Him.

    All you need to do is pray a simple prayer of contrition...to ask Him
    to forgive your sins, to come into your life and be your personal
    Saviour, and the Lord of Your Life.



    "Lord Jesus...I admit that I'm a sinner. And, I know that nothing I
    can do will save myself".

    "Right now, just as I am...I come to you in faith...believing that You
    died for me, and rose again on the third day, according to the Scriptures".

    "I'm sorry for the way I've lived, and I'm willing to turn from my sin.
    Dear Jesus, Come into my heart, forgive my sin...save me...and be the
    Lord of my life".

    "By Your Grace, I will follow and obey You in all that I do".

    "Thank You For Being My Friend For Life. In Your Name, I Pray. Amen".


    If you prayed that prayer, and REALLY MEANT IT...I can assure you that
    on the Authority of God's Word...that you have Eternal Life right now...
    that all the angels of Heaven are rejoicing...and I rejoice with you...
    because I'll see you before the Throne Of God one day.

    The best thing for you now is to spend time with God each day...just
    talk with Him as if you were talking to a close personal friend. After
    all, He is just that...He sticks closer than a brother. You can talk
    with him at any time, day or night, and never have to wait. Read His
    Word, the Holy Bible...be baptized, worship, and fellowship with other Christians in a Church where Christ is preached. God will mold you into
    the image of His Son, little by little...and when you mess up, just
    confess to Him your error, and then ask and claim His Forgiveness. He
    promises to never leave you, or forsake you.
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (1:19/33)
  • From Daryl Stout@1:19/33 to All on Sun Jul 11 10:51:57 2021
    I'm sure you'll admit that you enjoy receiving gifts...be it for a
    birthday, anniversary, holiday, etc.; especially if it was something
    you knew you could not afford, but it was something that you greatly

    I'd like to tell you about a FREE GIFT that you can receive today...a
    Gift that was purchased for YOU a long time ago...by a Special Friend...
    who knows you better than you know yourself...and who loved you so much,
    that He gave His Life for you...to obtain for you...the gift of Life Everlasting. This gift is FREE to ALL who wish to receive it. In fact,
    it's Heavenly...Eternal Salvation through Jesus Christ.

    For those who may be thinking that clicking on the "Get A Free Gift"
    icon or related link was NOT going to be this...I want to point out that
    the Free Gift Of Salvation in Jesus Christ is FREE TO ALL WHO WOULD
    RECEIVE IT...it is YOUR CHOICE as to whether or not you wish to do so.

    On March 28, 1978, I was right where you are now...I was offered this
    FREE GIFT...and I'll admit I didn't understand it...and you may not
    understand it, either. But, the best way I can tell you is excerpts
    from the songs He has given me.


    If you're reading these poems here, before The Rapture hits,
    The choice is yours here now to make, your life to Christ, commit.
    For when God's Clock, strikes the time, that the saints will rise,
    Happening so rapidly, too quick to say goodbye.

    Tragedy at Rapture...you can avoid that day.
    Repent of sin, and come to Christ...the Truth, The Life, The Way.
    Ask Him now to save your soul, and wash away your sins.
    And, on that Glorious Rapture morn, you'll go to be with Him.

    The Day The Spirit Of The Lord Came And Pricked My Heart;
    These songs He gave me are a witness of His Gift He did impart.
    And now, dear friend...I ask you...have you had a day like this??
    Decide today...eternally...your choice...doom or bliss??

    Doing good deeds in this life, and what's right in his eyes...
    ...won't get man into Heaven...no matter how hard he tries.
    Christ's Death and Resurrection is for EVERY man and nation...
    And how shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation??

    Man thinks that praying to anybody, gets Heaven at the grave.
    But, no other name but Jesus, is given; whereby we must be saved.
    A person, a figure, a church denomination; or others...can't get it done.
    For it's written there in God's Holy Bible...
    There's none righteous...no, not one.

    Your sins are a barrier between you and God;
    Fellowship apart, as down lifes path you've trod.
    'Come, let us reason', says the Lord...for you He truly knows...
    Your scarlet sins...covered with His Blood...become white as snow.

    Precious was the love of God...even with man's sin...
    He sent His Son to die for us, while we rebelled to Him.
    King Of Kings...Lord Of Lords...The Way...The Life...The Truth
    Accept Him now...He loves you so...Gentile or a Jew.

    For God So Loved The World, that He gave His Only Son...
    To Seek, and Save That Which Was Lost.
    For it does not matter who or what you are...

    Jesus...God's Son...He knew the consequences the sin of pride would bear.
    Born of a Virgin...He preached the Kingdom of God
    To any, and all that would hear.
    But, He was crucified between two thieves on Good Friday...
    And to Him, one cursed and yelled...
    But, the other was saved...for he knew
    What Good Is Your Pride Going To Do You In Hell??

    Death Without The Lord is bad...to be in Hell for sin...
    But for those in Christ, it's Heavenly...they'll never sin again.
    Make Jesus as your Lord and Friend Today...and tarry not...
    He died to save you from your sins...and cleanse your blemished spots.

    Only one of two places awaits everyone, when death knocks on their door.
    Heaven Or Hell...no place in between...to clean up one's lifetime score.
    For you are saved only by grace through faith, not of works to boast.
    The decision to reject Jesus as Saviour and Lord,
    Is one you'll regret the most.

    You only have one life to live; be careful what you ask.
    Be righteous, truthful in your deeds; not behind a mask.
    For all your deeds and your life will both soon be past.
    And only those things, done for Christ, will eternally last.

    Like a roaring lion, seeking souls each hour;
    Satan wants your life today, eternally to be devoured.
    As the covering cherub, it's where it all did start.
    His subtle lies, they will ensnare, your unsuspecting heart.

    The Lord will return very soon...believe now, and don't wait...
    For if you listen to Satan's lies...you'll find that it's too late.
    Accept Christ and His Word for you...let both fill your heart and mind...
    And, on the day of Rapture...you won't be left behind.

    What more could I have done for you?? I loved you so, My Child.
    So much that I was spat upon, whipped, cursed, and reviled.
    I wanted you, and loved you so with all My Life and Heart...
    But, it was to be your sin that would tear us both apart.

    I let you nail me to that Cross...to suffer and be killed.
    But, I'd Rise Again That Easter Morn...Redemption's Plan Fulfilled.
    Shed Blood From My Nail Pierced Hands...Paid Sins Death Stung Fee...
    Removed Disgrace...Amazing Grace...Do You Have Time For Me??

    For it's the Resurrection, we celebrate and proclaim...
    The Gospel is for ALL mankind...regardless of your name.
    Accept Christ as your Lord today, and let Him your life change...
    For with His Resurrection, we'll never be the same.

    The Lord...He saved my life...The Lord...He saved my soul...
    And, like with me...he waits for you...to come to Him also. Saviour...Lord...King Of Kings...He's knocking at your hearts door.
    Receive Him today...He's coming soon...to reign forevermore.

    But, to all those who have rejected God,
    Without protection, they think 'all is well'.
    As down the path of sin and death they trod,
    And tragically, are one heartbeat from Hell.

    The wicked shall be turned into hell;
    But, for those, who Christ, they do receive.
    Their joy at death, no mortal tongue can tell;
    Eternal blessings for those who believed.

    Years from now, you'll remember
    When crossing to the other side.
    Seeing the Glory Of Heaven,
    Or fires of Hell as you died.

    "Lost without a compass, on eternal scale."
    "To those refusing Jesus Christ, the Lord who can not fail."
    "For all the unregenerate, preferring sins desire."
    "Never ending torment, in the Lake Of Fire."

    Life is like a vapor...and soon, it will all end.
    What will you do with Jesus Christ?? God asks of you, dear friend.
    Your life..you will account one day...with God, you cannot fudge...
    Will Jesus be your Saviour...or will He be your Judge??

    For one day soon, God's Grace will end...and it will be too late.
    For all must die...then judgment there...what will be your fate??
    Accept Christ as your Lord and Saviour...and Friend Forever there...
    Refuse Him, and He'll truly be your most feared nightmare.

    Don't put off your decision...saying 'the time is just not right'.
    If you refuse to accept Jesus...and if you die tonight;
    You'll face Christ as your Judge there...on that somber day...
    Regretting ignoring Him and His Vessels for your sinful ways.

    Where will you be...eternally...When it's time for you to die??
    It all depends on what you do with Jesus...God's Son...
    On whom, you must decide.
    To accept Him as Lord...as well as your Saviour...
    As He lived and died and rose for you...
    Or, if you willfully...choose to reject Him...
    Your choice between bliss and doom.

    When God's Spirit speaks to you, friend...don't take a chance.
    For you may regret, if you just give a furtive glance.
    The Invitation to receive Eternal Life so dear;
    And, this could be the only time the Gospel you would hear.

    The one sin unforgiven, even those not in this poem,
    It seems I've covered everything, but what is this unknown??
    Rejection of Christ Jesus, who died upon that Cross.
    And resurrected from the grave, to redeem the lost.

    Sinner, Seek The Lord Today...while He may be found.
    The Grace of God will end one day...and the only sound
    You'll hear from Him at the Judgment Of The Great White Throne:
    Depart, ye cursed...to Eternal Fire...for you, I've never known.

    If you wait, 'til it's too late, you're cast into the fire.
    You'll suffer for eternity, the cost for sins desire.
    All could've been prevented, if you, in life, had prayed,
    For Christ to save your soul from sin, and live in life He gave.

    One day, on bended knee, mankind will bow
    Declaring there that Jesus Christ is Lord.
    To the glory of God the Father, now;
    In Truth Of His Word, sharper than a sword.

    'What will you do with Jesus Christ?', God asks of you today.
    The choice is yours to make, my friend, will you accept His Way??
    For every knee will bow before Him, on that final day.
    'Jesus Christ Is Lord Of All' every tongue will say.

    What is your cry?? You, a lost sinner...
    To Jesus Christ the Lord today?
    In repentence & sorrow, will you accept Him??
    The Truth, The Life, & The Way.
    'Dear Jesus, Save Me, be the Lord Of My Life';
    Grateful that He did it for you.
    Or do you reject Him??
    And, hear Him say 'Depart; for you I never knew'.

    While God commands, He will not force, accepting of His Gift.
    It's your choice if you want Christ, your burden, there to lift.
    But, if yourself, there want to pay, for sins done by the score,
    Suffering in the Lake Of Fire, will be yours forevermore.

    So, what will your Judgment Choice now be??
    Don't think that you will live for many years.
    To no one, is tomorrow guaranteed...
    Will you repent today, with bitter tears??

    So, bow before Him now, today repent.
    For He truly knows the best for you.
    Then, daily serving Him, you'll gladly say
    'Today, Oh, Lord...what will you have me do??'

    Betrayed; to you, I would be, if judgment didn't warn.
    To be saved, you must repent, and again to be reborn.
    God won't force His Will on you, but you now, must choose.
    Will you accept Christ Jesus?? Or His Gift, Refuse??

    The wages of sin, are never reduced, for everyone living on Earth.
    But, physical death, not really the end, if you've received The New Birth.
    Turn and repent, from your sinful deeds, and ask Christ to save you today.
    For He did defeat, both Hell and the Grave, and all will face Him one day.

    Will this be your final altar call??
    The final chance for you, to Jesus, come??
    For people praying for you, in this hall;
    For you to choose your true eternal home.

    Those not in God's Kingdom, you can avoid this group.
    Today, repent of all your sins, let Christ your life regroup.
    Ask The Lord to save your soul, and wash your sins away.
    For He is, The King Of Kings, The Truth, The Life, The Way.

    All roads lead to God...but to Heaven, only one.
    The Bema, or The Great White Throne, Judgment won't be fun.
    Whether you served Christ on Earth, or your sins desires.
    Either joy in Heaven...or tormenting, eternal fire.

    Christ alone, the perfect picture, of God's Love and Grace.
    Your choice on what what you do with Him, determines who you'll face.
    Your Best Friend, He there will be, if His Blood's applied.
    Your Worst Nightmare, rejecting Him, you'll be terrified.

    Your righteousness as filthy rags, you can this mess, now lose.
    If in all humility, Christ's Gift, you don't refuse.
    Turn now from your life of sin, accept Christ Jesus now.
    And serve Him now with all your heart, before Him humbly bow.

    Going through the motions, does this sound like you??
    You've grieved The Lord who loves you so, in all the sin you'd do.
    If you've not been born again, now is the day to choose;
    Accept Christ as your Lord today; serve Him...don't refuse.

    Please don't be one of the souls, hated by The Lord.
    He wants you to accept His Son...come now, get on board.
    The Glory Train is waiting now...come kneel there at The Cross.
    As Christ died, and rose again, to redeem the lost.

    The Bible in a nutshell, in John Three, Sixteen.
    God loved the World, He sent His Son, sinless, pure and clean.
    To those accepting Christ's death, paid for our sin and strife,
    That they would never perish, but have eternal life.


    Would you like to receive this FREE GIFT today?? All you need to do is
    admit to God that you are a sinner, and that you can NOT save yourself.

    Right now, come to God, just as you are...no matter what you've done in
    your life...or how evil...and be willing, with His Help, to turn from
    the way you've lived (repent)...accepting by faith, that:

    Jesus Christ, God's Only Begotten Son, left the Glory of Heaven, to be
    born of a Virgin, to live on Earth as a human being in all ways like us
    (except without sin), that He suffered died for you on an Old Rugged
    Cross, that He rose from the dead to provide you Eternal Life, is
    coming back soon to Earth to reign in Power and Glory, and He wants you
    to rule and reign with Him.

    All you need to do is pray a simple prayer of contrition...to ask Him
    to forgive your sins, to come into your life and be your personal
    Saviour, and the Lord of Your Life.



    "Lord Jesus...I admit that I'm a sinner. And, I know that nothing I
    can do will save myself".

    "Right now, just as I am...I come to you in faith...believing that You
    died for me, and rose again on the third day, according to the Scriptures".

    "I'm sorry for the way I've lived, and I'm willing to turn from my sin.
    Dear Jesus, Come into my heart, forgive my sin...save me...and be the
    Lord of my life".

    "By Your Grace, I will follow and obey You in all that I do".

    "Thank You For Being My Friend For Life. In Your Name, I Pray. Amen".


    If you prayed that prayer, and REALLY MEANT IT...I can assure you that
    on the Authority of God's Word...that you have Eternal Life right now...
    that all the angels of Heaven are rejoicing...and I rejoice with you...
    because I'll see you before the Throne Of God one day.

    The best thing for you now is to spend time with God each day...just
    talk with Him as if you were talking to a close personal friend. After
    all, He is just that...He sticks closer than a brother. You can talk
    with him at any time, day or night, and never have to wait. Read His
    Word, the Holy Bible...be baptized, worship, and fellowship with other Christians in a Church where Christ is preached. God will mold you into
    the image of His Son, little by little...and when you mess up, just
    confess to Him your error, and then ask and claim His Forgiveness. He
    promises to never leave you, or forsake you.
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (1:19/33)
  • From Daryl Stout@1:19/33 to All on Sun Jul 18 00:01:21 2021
    I'm sure you'll admit that you enjoy receiving gifts...be it for a
    birthday, anniversary, holiday, etc.; especially if it was something
    you knew you could not afford, but it was something that you greatly

    I'd like to tell you about a FREE GIFT that you can receive today...a
    Gift that was purchased for YOU a long time ago...by a Special Friend...
    who knows you better than you know yourself...and who loved you so much,
    that He gave His Life for you...to obtain for you...the gift of Life Everlasting. This gift is FREE to ALL who wish to receive it. In fact,
    it's Heavenly...Eternal Salvation through Jesus Christ.

    For those who may be thinking that clicking on the "Get A Free Gift"
    icon or related link was NOT going to be this...I want to point out that
    the Free Gift Of Salvation in Jesus Christ is FREE TO ALL WHO WOULD
    RECEIVE IT...it is YOUR CHOICE as to whether or not you wish to do so.

    On March 28, 1978, I was right where you are now...I was offered this
    FREE GIFT...and I'll admit I didn't understand it...and you may not
    understand it, either. But, the best way I can tell you is excerpts
    from the songs He has given me.


    If you're reading these poems here, before The Rapture hits,
    The choice is yours here now to make, your life to Christ, commit.
    For when God's Clock, strikes the time, that the saints will rise,
    Happening so rapidly, too quick to say goodbye.

    Tragedy at Rapture...you can avoid that day.
    Repent of sin, and come to Christ...the Truth, The Life, The Way.
    Ask Him now to save your soul, and wash away your sins.
    And, on that Glorious Rapture morn, you'll go to be with Him.

    The Day The Spirit Of The Lord Came And Pricked My Heart;
    These songs He gave me are a witness of His Gift He did impart.
    And now, dear friend...I ask you...have you had a day like this??
    Decide today...eternally...your choice...doom or bliss??

    Doing good deeds in this life, and what's right in his eyes...
    ...won't get man into Heaven...no matter how hard he tries.
    Christ's Death and Resurrection is for EVERY man and nation...
    And how shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation??

    Man thinks that praying to anybody, gets Heaven at the grave.
    But, no other name but Jesus, is given; whereby we must be saved.
    A person, a figure, a church denomination; or others...can't get it done.
    For it's written there in God's Holy Bible...
    There's none righteous...no, not one.

    Your sins are a barrier between you and God;
    Fellowship apart, as down lifes path you've trod.
    'Come, let us reason', says the Lord...for you He truly knows...
    Your scarlet sins...covered with His Blood...become white as snow.

    Precious was the love of God...even with man's sin...
    He sent His Son to die for us, while we rebelled to Him.
    King Of Kings...Lord Of Lords...The Way...The Life...The Truth
    Accept Him now...He loves you so...Gentile or a Jew.

    For God So Loved The World, that He gave His Only Son...
    To Seek, and Save That Which Was Lost.
    For it does not matter who or what you are...

    Jesus...God's Son...He knew the consequences the sin of pride would bear.
    Born of a Virgin...He preached the Kingdom of God
    To any, and all that would hear.
    But, He was crucified between two thieves on Good Friday...
    And to Him, one cursed and yelled...
    But, the other was saved...for he knew
    What Good Is Your Pride Going To Do You In Hell??

    Death Without The Lord is bad...to be in Hell for sin...
    But for those in Christ, it's Heavenly...they'll never sin again.
    Make Jesus as your Lord and Friend Today...and tarry not...
    He died to save you from your sins...and cleanse your blemished spots.

    Only one of two places awaits everyone, when death knocks on their door.
    Heaven Or Hell...no place in between...to clean up one's lifetime score.
    For you are saved only by grace through faith, not of works to boast.
    The decision to reject Jesus as Saviour and Lord,
    Is one you'll regret the most.

    You only have one life to live; be careful what you ask.
    Be righteous, truthful in your deeds; not behind a mask.
    For all your deeds and your life will both soon be past.
    And only those things, done for Christ, will eternally last.

    Like a roaring lion, seeking souls each hour;
    Satan wants your life today, eternally to be devoured.
    As the covering cherub, it's where it all did start.
    His subtle lies, they will ensnare, your unsuspecting heart.

    The Lord will return very soon...believe now, and don't wait...
    For if you listen to Satan's lies...you'll find that it's too late.
    Accept Christ and His Word for you...let both fill your heart and mind...
    And, on the day of Rapture...you won't be left behind.

    What more could I have done for you?? I loved you so, My Child.
    So much that I was spat upon, whipped, cursed, and reviled.
    I wanted you, and loved you so with all My Life and Heart...
    But, it was to be your sin that would tear us both apart.

    I let you nail me to that Cross...to suffer and be killed.
    But, I'd Rise Again That Easter Morn...Redemption's Plan Fulfilled.
    Shed Blood From My Nail Pierced Hands...Paid Sins Death Stung Fee...
    Removed Disgrace...Amazing Grace...Do You Have Time For Me??

    For it's the Resurrection, we celebrate and proclaim...
    The Gospel is for ALL mankind...regardless of your name.
    Accept Christ as your Lord today, and let Him your life change...
    For with His Resurrection, we'll never be the same.

    The Lord...He saved my life...The Lord...He saved my soul...
    And, like with me...he waits for you...to come to Him also. Saviour...Lord...King Of Kings...He's knocking at your hearts door.
    Receive Him today...He's coming soon...to reign forevermore.

    But, to all those who have rejected God,
    Without protection, they think 'all is well'.
    As down the path of sin and death they trod,
    And tragically, are one heartbeat from Hell.

    The wicked shall be turned into hell;
    But, for those, who Christ, they do receive.
    Their joy at death, no mortal tongue can tell;
    Eternal blessings for those who believed.

    Years from now, you'll remember
    When crossing to the other side.
    Seeing the Glory Of Heaven,
    Or fires of Hell as you died.

    "Lost without a compass, on eternal scale."
    "To those refusing Jesus Christ, the Lord who can not fail."
    "For all the unregenerate, preferring sins desire."
    "Never ending torment, in the Lake Of Fire."

    Life is like a vapor...and soon, it will all end.
    What will you do with Jesus Christ?? God asks of you, dear friend.
    Your life..you will account one day...with God, you cannot fudge...
    Will Jesus be your Saviour...or will He be your Judge??

    For one day soon, God's Grace will end...and it will be too late.
    For all must die...then judgment there...what will be your fate??
    Accept Christ as your Lord and Saviour...and Friend Forever there...
    Refuse Him, and He'll truly be your most feared nightmare.

    Don't put off your decision...saying 'the time is just not right'.
    If you refuse to accept Jesus...and if you die tonight;
    You'll face Christ as your Judge there...on that somber day...
    Regretting ignoring Him and His Vessels for your sinful ways.

    Where will you be...eternally...When it's time for you to die??
    It all depends on what you do with Jesus...God's Son...
    On whom, you must decide.
    To accept Him as Lord...as well as your Saviour...
    As He lived and died and rose for you...
    Or, if you willfully...choose to reject Him...
    Your choice between bliss and doom.

    When God's Spirit speaks to you, friend...don't take a chance.
    For you may regret, if you just give a furtive glance.
    The Invitation to receive Eternal Life so dear;
    And, this could be the only time the Gospel you would hear.

    The one sin unforgiven, even those not in this poem,
    It seems I've covered everything, but what is this unknown??
    Rejection of Christ Jesus, who died upon that Cross.
    And resurrected from the grave, to redeem the lost.

    Sinner, Seek The Lord Today...while He may be found.
    The Grace of God will end one day...and the only sound
    You'll hear from Him at the Judgment Of The Great White Throne:
    Depart, ye cursed...to Eternal Fire...for you, I've never known.

    If you wait, 'til it's too late, you're cast into the fire.
    You'll suffer for eternity, the cost for sins desire.
    All could've been prevented, if you, in life, had prayed,
    For Christ to save your soul from sin, and live in life He gave.

    One day, on bended knee, mankind will bow
    Declaring there that Jesus Christ is Lord.
    To the glory of God the Father, now;
    In Truth Of His Word, sharper than a sword.

    'What will you do with Jesus Christ?', God asks of you today.
    The choice is yours to make, my friend, will you accept His Way??
    For every knee will bow before Him, on that final day.
    'Jesus Christ Is Lord Of All' every tongue will say.

    What is your cry?? You, a lost sinner...
    To Jesus Christ the Lord today?
    In repentence & sorrow, will you accept Him??
    The Truth, The Life, & The Way.
    'Dear Jesus, Save Me, be the Lord Of My Life';
    Grateful that He did it for you.
    Or do you reject Him??
    And, hear Him say 'Depart; for you I never knew'.

    While God commands, He will not force, accepting of His Gift.
    It's your choice if you want Christ, your burden, there to lift.
    But, if yourself, there want to pay, for sins done by the score,
    Suffering in the Lake Of Fire, will be yours forevermore.

    So, what will your Judgment Choice now be??
    Don't think that you will live for many years.
    To no one, is tomorrow guaranteed...
    Will you repent today, with bitter tears??

    So, bow before Him now, today repent.
    For He truly knows the best for you.
    Then, daily serving Him, you'll gladly say
    'Today, Oh, Lord...what will you have me do??'

    Betrayed; to you, I would be, if judgment didn't warn.
    To be saved, you must repent, and again to be reborn.
    God won't force His Will on you, but you now, must choose.
    Will you accept Christ Jesus?? Or His Gift, Refuse??

    The wages of sin, are never reduced, for everyone living on Earth.
    But, physical death, not really the end, if you've received The New Birth.
    Turn and repent, from your sinful deeds, and ask Christ to save you today.
    For He did defeat, both Hell and the Grave, and all will face Him one day.

    Will this be your final altar call??
    The final chance for you, to Jesus, come??
    For people praying for you, in this hall;
    For you to choose your true eternal home.

    Those not in God's Kingdom, you can avoid this group.
    Today, repent of all your sins, let Christ your life regroup.
    Ask The Lord to save your soul, and wash your sins away.
    For He is, The King Of Kings, The Truth, The Life, The Way.

    All roads lead to God...but to Heaven, only one.
    The Bema, or The Great White Throne, Judgment won't be fun.
    Whether you served Christ on Earth, or your sins desires.
    Either joy in Heaven...or tormenting, eternal fire.

    Christ alone, the perfect picture, of God's Love and Grace.
    Your choice on what what you do with Him, determines who you'll face.
    Your Best Friend, He there will be, if His Blood's applied.
    Your Worst Nightmare, rejecting Him, you'll be terrified.

    Your righteousness as filthy rags, you can this mess, now lose.
    If in all humility, Christ's Gift, you don't refuse.
    Turn now from your life of sin, accept Christ Jesus now.
    And serve Him now with all your heart, before Him humbly bow.

    Going through the motions, does this sound like you??
    You've grieved The Lord who loves you so, in all the sin you'd do.
    If you've not been born again, now is the day to choose;
    Accept Christ as your Lord today; serve Him...don't refuse.

    Please don't be one of the souls, hated by The Lord.
    He wants you to accept His Son...come now, get on board.
    The Glory Train is waiting now...come kneel there at The Cross.
    As Christ died, and rose again, to redeem the lost.

    The Bible in a nutshell, in John Three, Sixteen.
    God loved the World, He sent His Son, sinless, pure and clean.
    To those accepting Christ's death, paid for our sin and strife,
    That they would never perish, but have eternal life.


    Would you like to receive this FREE GIFT today?? All you need to do is
    admit to God that you are a sinner, and that you can NOT save yourself.

    Right now, come to God, just as you are...no matter what you've done in
    your life...or how evil...and be willing, with His Help, to turn from
    the way you've lived (repent)...accepting by faith, that:

    Jesus Christ, God's Only Begotten Son, left the Glory of Heaven, to be
    born of a Virgin, to live on Earth as a human being in all ways like us
    (except without sin), that He suffered died for you on an Old Rugged
    Cross, that He rose from the dead to provide you Eternal Life, is
    coming back soon to Earth to reign in Power and Glory, and He wants you
    to rule and reign with Him.

    All you need to do is pray a simple prayer of contrition...to ask Him
    to forgive your sins, to come into your life and be your personal
    Saviour, and the Lord of Your Life.



    "Lord Jesus...I admit that I'm a sinner. And, I know that nothing I
    can do will save myself".

    "Right now, just as I am...I come to you in faith...believing that You
    died for me, and rose again on the third day, according to the Scriptures".

    "I'm sorry for the way I've lived, and I'm willing to turn from my sin.
    Dear Jesus, Come into my heart, forgive my sin...save me...and be the
    Lord of my life".

    "By Your Grace, I will follow and obey You in all that I do".

    "Thank You For Being My Friend For Life. In Your Name, I Pray. Amen".


    If you prayed that prayer, and REALLY MEANT IT...I can assure you that
    on the Authority of God's Word...that you have Eternal Life right now...
    that all the angels of Heaven are rejoicing...and I rejoice with you...
    because I'll see you before the Throne Of God one day.

    The best thing for you now is to spend time with God each day...just
    talk with Him as if you were talking to a close personal friend. After
    all, He is just that...He sticks closer than a brother. You can talk
    with him at any time, day or night, and never have to wait. Read His
    Word, the Holy Bible...be baptized, worship, and fellowship with other Christians in a Church where Christ is preached. God will mold you into
    the image of His Son, little by little...and when you mess up, just
    confess to Him your error, and then ask and claim His Forgiveness. He
    promises to never leave you, or forsake you.
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (1:19/33)
  • From Daryl Stout@1:19/33 to All on Sun Jul 25 00:01:27 2021
    I'm sure you'll admit that you enjoy receiving gifts...be it for a
    birthday, anniversary, holiday, etc.; especially if it was something
    you knew you could not afford, but it was something that you greatly

    I'd like to tell you about a FREE GIFT that you can receive today...a
    Gift that was purchased for YOU a long time ago...by a Special Friend...
    who knows you better than you know yourself...and who loved you so much,
    that He gave His Life for you...to obtain for you...the gift of Life Everlasting. This gift is FREE to ALL who wish to receive it. In fact,
    it's Heavenly...Eternal Salvation through Jesus Christ.

    For those who may be thinking that clicking on the "Get A Free Gift"
    icon or related link was NOT going to be this...I want to point out that
    the Free Gift Of Salvation in Jesus Christ is FREE TO ALL WHO WOULD
    RECEIVE IT...it is YOUR CHOICE as to whether or not you wish to do so.

    On March 28, 1978, I was right where you are now...I was offered this
    FREE GIFT...and I'll admit I didn't understand it...and you may not
    understand it, either. But, the best way I can tell you is excerpts
    from the songs He has given me.


    If you're reading these poems here, before The Rapture hits,
    The choice is yours here now to make, your life to Christ, commit.
    For when God's Clock, strikes the time, that the saints will rise,
    Happening so rapidly, too quick to say goodbye.

    Tragedy at Rapture...you can avoid that day.
    Repent of sin, and come to Christ...the Truth, The Life, The Way.
    Ask Him now to save your soul, and wash away your sins.
    And, on that Glorious Rapture morn, you'll go to be with Him.

    The Day The Spirit Of The Lord Came And Pricked My Heart;
    These songs He gave me are a witness of His Gift He did impart.
    And now, dear friend...I ask you...have you had a day like this??
    Decide today...eternally...your choice...doom or bliss??

    Doing good deeds in this life, and what's right in his eyes...
    ...won't get man into Heaven...no matter how hard he tries.
    Christ's Death and Resurrection is for EVERY man and nation...
    And how shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation??

    Man thinks that praying to anybody, gets Heaven at the grave.
    But, no other name but Jesus, is given; whereby we must be saved.
    A person, a figure, a church denomination; or others...can't get it done.
    For it's written there in God's Holy Bible...
    There's none righteous...no, not one.

    Your sins are a barrier between you and God;
    Fellowship apart, as down lifes path you've trod.
    'Come, let us reason', says the Lord...for you He truly knows...
    Your scarlet sins...covered with His Blood...become white as snow.

    Precious was the love of God...even with man's sin...
    He sent His Son to die for us, while we rebelled to Him.
    King Of Kings...Lord Of Lords...The Way...The Life...The Truth
    Accept Him now...He loves you so...Gentile or a Jew.

    For God So Loved The World, that He gave His Only Son...
    To Seek, and Save That Which Was Lost.
    For it does not matter who or what you are...

    Jesus...God's Son...He knew the consequences the sin of pride would bear.
    Born of a Virgin...He preached the Kingdom of God
    To any, and all that would hear.
    But, He was crucified between two thieves on Good Friday...
    And to Him, one cursed and yelled...
    But, the other was saved...for he knew
    What Good Is Your Pride Going To Do You In Hell??

    Death Without The Lord is bad...to be in Hell for sin...
    But for those in Christ, it's Heavenly...they'll never sin again.
    Make Jesus as your Lord and Friend Today...and tarry not...
    He died to save you from your sins...and cleanse your blemished spots.

    Only one of two places awaits everyone, when death knocks on their door.
    Heaven Or Hell...no place in between...to clean up one's lifetime score.
    For you are saved only by grace through faith, not of works to boast.
    The decision to reject Jesus as Saviour and Lord,
    Is one you'll regret the most.

    You only have one life to live; be careful what you ask.
    Be righteous, truthful in your deeds; not behind a mask.
    For all your deeds and your life will both soon be past.
    And only those things, done for Christ, will eternally last.

    Like a roaring lion, seeking souls each hour;
    Satan wants your life today, eternally to be devoured.
    As the covering cherub, it's where it all did start.
    His subtle lies, they will ensnare, your unsuspecting heart.

    The Lord will return very soon...believe now, and don't wait...
    For if you listen to Satan's lies...you'll find that it's too late.
    Accept Christ and His Word for you...let both fill your heart and mind...
    And, on the day of Rapture...you won't be left behind.

    What more could I have done for you?? I loved you so, My Child.
    So much that I was spat upon, whipped, cursed, and reviled.
    I wanted you, and loved you so with all My Life and Heart...
    But, it was to be your sin that would tear us both apart.

    I let you nail me to that Cross...to suffer and be killed.
    But, I'd Rise Again That Easter Morn...Redemption's Plan Fulfilled.
    Shed Blood From My Nail Pierced Hands...Paid Sins Death Stung Fee...
    Removed Disgrace...Amazing Grace...Do You Have Time For Me??

    For it's the Resurrection, we celebrate and proclaim...
    The Gospel is for ALL mankind...regardless of your name.
    Accept Christ as your Lord today, and let Him your life change...
    For with His Resurrection, we'll never be the same.

    The Lord...He saved my life...The Lord...He saved my soul...
    And, like with me...he waits for you...to come to Him also. Saviour...Lord...King Of Kings...He's knocking at your hearts door.
    Receive Him today...He's coming soon...to reign forevermore.

    But, to all those who have rejected God,
    Without protection, they think 'all is well'.
    As down the path of sin and death they trod,
    And tragically, are one heartbeat from Hell.

    The wicked shall be turned into hell;
    But, for those, who Christ, they do receive.
    Their joy at death, no mortal tongue can tell;
    Eternal blessings for those who believed.

    Years from now, you'll remember
    When crossing to the other side.
    Seeing the Glory Of Heaven,
    Or fires of Hell as you died.

    "Lost without a compass, on eternal scale."
    "To those refusing Jesus Christ, the Lord who can not fail."
    "For all the unregenerate, preferring sins desire."
    "Never ending torment, in the Lake Of Fire."

    Life is like a vapor...and soon, it will all end.
    What will you do with Jesus Christ?? God asks of you, dear friend.
    Your life..you will account one day...with God, you cannot fudge...
    Will Jesus be your Saviour...or will He be your Judge??

    For one day soon, God's Grace will end...and it will be too late.
    For all must die...then judgment there...what will be your fate??
    Accept Christ as your Lord and Saviour...and Friend Forever there...
    Refuse Him, and He'll truly be your most feared nightmare.

    Don't put off your decision...saying 'the time is just not right'.
    If you refuse to accept Jesus...and if you die tonight;
    You'll face Christ as your Judge there...on that somber day...
    Regretting ignoring Him and His Vessels for your sinful ways.

    Where will you be...eternally...When it's time for you to die??
    It all depends on what you do with Jesus...God's Son...
    On whom, you must decide.
    To accept Him as Lord...as well as your Saviour...
    As He lived and died and rose for you...
    Or, if you willfully...choose to reject Him...
    Your choice between bliss and doom.

    When God's Spirit speaks to you, friend...don't take a chance.
    For you may regret, if you just give a furtive glance.
    The Invitation to receive Eternal Life so dear;
    And, this could be the only time the Gospel you would hear.

    The one sin unforgiven, even those not in this poem,
    It seems I've covered everything, but what is this unknown??
    Rejection of Christ Jesus, who died upon that Cross.
    And resurrected from the grave, to redeem the lost.

    Sinner, Seek The Lord Today...while He may be found.
    The Grace of God will end one day...and the only sound
    You'll hear from Him at the Judgment Of The Great White Throne:
    Depart, ye cursed...to Eternal Fire...for you, I've never known.

    If you wait, 'til it's too late, you're cast into the fire.
    You'll suffer for eternity, the cost for sins desire.
    All could've been prevented, if you, in life, had prayed,
    For Christ to save your soul from sin, and live in life He gave.

    One day, on bended knee, mankind will bow
    Declaring there that Jesus Christ is Lord.
    To the glory of God the Father, now;
    In Truth Of His Word, sharper than a sword.

    'What will you do with Jesus Christ?', God asks of you today.
    The choice is yours to make, my friend, will you accept His Way??
    For every knee will bow before Him, on that final day.
    'Jesus Christ Is Lord Of All' every tongue will say.

    What is your cry?? You, a lost sinner...
    To Jesus Christ the Lord today?
    In repentence & sorrow, will you accept Him??
    The Truth, The Life, & The Way.
    'Dear Jesus, Save Me, be the Lord Of My Life';
    Grateful that He did it for you.
    Or do you reject Him??
    And, hear Him say 'Depart; for you I never knew'.

    While God commands, He will not force, accepting of His Gift.
    It's your choice if you want Christ, your burden, there to lift.
    But, if yourself, there want to pay, for sins done by the score,
    Suffering in the Lake Of Fire, will be yours forevermore.

    So, what will your Judgment Choice now be??
    Don't think that you will live for many years.
    To no one, is tomorrow guaranteed...
    Will you repent today, with bitter tears??

    So, bow before Him now, today repent.
    For He truly knows the best for you.
    Then, daily serving Him, you'll gladly say
    'Today, Oh, Lord...what will you have me do??'

    Betrayed; to you, I would be, if judgment didn't warn.
    To be saved, you must repent, and again to be reborn.
    God won't force His Will on you, but you now, must choose.
    Will you accept Christ Jesus?? Or His Gift, Refuse??

    The wages of sin, are never reduced, for everyone living on Earth.
    But, physical death, not really the end, if you've received The New Birth.
    Turn and repent, from your sinful deeds, and ask Christ to save you today.
    For He did defeat, both Hell and the Grave, and all will face Him one day.

    Will this be your final altar call??
    The final chance for you, to Jesus, come??
    For people praying for you, in this hall;
    For you to choose your true eternal home.

    Those not in God's Kingdom, you can avoid this group.
    Today, repent of all your sins, let Christ your life regroup.
    Ask The Lord to save your soul, and wash your sins away.
    For He is, The King Of Kings, The Truth, The Life, The Way.

    All roads lead to God...but to Heaven, only one.
    The Bema, or The Great White Throne, Judgment won't be fun.
    Whether you served Christ on Earth, or your sins desires.
    Either joy in Heaven...or tormenting, eternal fire.

    Christ alone, the perfect picture, of God's Love and Grace.
    Your choice on what what you do with Him, determines who you'll face.
    Your Best Friend, He there will be, if His Blood's applied.
    Your Worst Nightmare, rejecting Him, you'll be terrified.

    Your righteousness as filthy rags, you can this mess, now lose.
    If in all humility, Christ's Gift, you don't refuse.
    Turn now from your life of sin, accept Christ Jesus now.
    And serve Him now with all your heart, before Him humbly bow.

    Going through the motions, does this sound like you??
    You've grieved The Lord who loves you so, in all the sin you'd do.
    If you've not been born again, now is the day to choose;
    Accept Christ as your Lord today; serve Him...don't refuse.

    Please don't be one of the souls, hated by The Lord.
    He wants you to accept His Son...come now, get on board.
    The Glory Train is waiting now...come kneel there at The Cross.
    As Christ died, and rose again, to redeem the lost.

    The Bible in a nutshell, in John Three, Sixteen.
    God loved the World, He sent His Son, sinless, pure and clean.
    To those accepting Christ's death, paid for our sin and strife,
    That they would never perish, but have eternal life.


    Would you like to receive this FREE GIFT today?? All you need to do is
    admit to God that you are a sinner, and that you can NOT save yourself.

    Right now, come to God, just as you are...no matter what you've done in
    your life...or how evil...and be willing, with His Help, to turn from
    the way you've lived (repent)...accepting by faith, that:

    Jesus Christ, God's Only Begotten Son, left the Glory of Heaven, to be
    born of a Virgin, to live on Earth as a human being in all ways like us
    (except without sin), that He suffered died for you on an Old Rugged
    Cross, that He rose from the dead to provide you Eternal Life, is
    coming back soon to Earth to reign in Power and Glory, and He wants you
    to rule and reign with Him.

    All you need to do is pray a simple prayer of contrition...to ask Him
    to forgive your sins, to come into your life and be your personal
    Saviour, and the Lord of Your Life.



    "Lord Jesus...I admit that I'm a sinner. And, I know that nothing I
    can do will save myself".

    "Right now, just as I am...I come to you in faith...believing that You
    died for me, and rose again on the third day, according to the Scriptures".

    "I'm sorry for the way I've lived, and I'm willing to turn from my sin.
    Dear Jesus, Come into my heart, forgive my sin...save me...and be the
    Lord of my life".

    "By Your Grace, I will follow and obey You in all that I do".

    "Thank You For Being My Friend For Life. In Your Name, I Pray. Amen".


    If you prayed that prayer, and REALLY MEANT IT...I can assure you that
    on the Authority of God's Word...that you have Eternal Life right now...
    that all the angels of Heaven are rejoicing...and I rejoice with you...
    because I'll see you before the Throne Of God one day.

    The best thing for you now is to spend time with God each day...just
    talk with Him as if you were talking to a close personal friend. After
    all, He is just that...He sticks closer than a brother. You can talk
    with him at any time, day or night, and never have to wait. Read His
    Word, the Holy Bible...be baptized, worship, and fellowship with other Christians in a Church where Christ is preached. God will mold you into
    the image of His Son, little by little...and when you mess up, just
    confess to Him your error, and then ask and claim His Forgiveness. He
    promises to never leave you, or forsake you.
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (1:19/33)
  • From Daryl Stout@1:19/33 to All on Sun Aug 1 14:54:48 2021
    I'm sure you'll admit that you enjoy receiving gifts...be it for a
    birthday, anniversary, holiday, etc.; especially if it was something
    you knew you could not afford, but it was something that you greatly

    I'd like to tell you about a FREE GIFT that you can receive today...a
    Gift that was purchased for YOU a long time ago...by a Special Friend...
    who knows you better than you know yourself...and who loved you so much,
    that He gave His Life for you...to obtain for you...the gift of Life Everlasting. This gift is FREE to ALL who wish to receive it. In fact,
    it's Heavenly...Eternal Salvation through Jesus Christ.

    For those who may be thinking that clicking on the "Get A Free Gift"
    icon or related link was NOT going to be this...I want to point out that
    the Free Gift Of Salvation in Jesus Christ is FREE TO ALL WHO WOULD
    RECEIVE IT...it is YOUR CHOICE as to whether or not you wish to do so.

    On March 28, 1978, I was right where you are now...I was offered this
    FREE GIFT...and I'll admit I didn't understand it...and you may not
    understand it, either. But, the best way I can tell you is excerpts
    from the songs He has given me.


    If you're reading these poems here, before The Rapture hits,
    The choice is yours here now to make, your life to Christ, commit.
    For when God's Clock, strikes the time, that the saints will rise,
    Happening so rapidly, too quick to say goodbye.

    Tragedy at Rapture...you can avoid that day.
    Repent of sin, and come to Christ...the Truth, The Life, The Way.
    Ask Him now to save your soul, and wash away your sins.
    And, on that Glorious Rapture morn, you'll go to be with Him.

    The Day The Spirit Of The Lord Came And Pricked My Heart;
    These songs He gave me are a witness of His Gift He did impart.
    And now, dear friend...I ask you...have you had a day like this??
    Decide today...eternally...your choice...doom or bliss??

    Doing good deeds in this life, and what's right in his eyes...
    ...won't get man into Heaven...no matter how hard he tries.
    Christ's Death and Resurrection is for EVERY man and nation...
    And how shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation??

    Man thinks that praying to anybody, gets Heaven at the grave.
    But, no other name but Jesus, is given; whereby we must be saved.
    A person, a figure, a church denomination; or others...can't get it done.
    For it's written there in God's Holy Bible...
    There's none righteous...no, not one.

    Your sins are a barrier between you and God;
    Fellowship apart, as down lifes path you've trod.
    'Come, let us reason', says the Lord...for you He truly knows...
    Your scarlet sins...covered with His Blood...become white as snow.

    Precious was the love of God...even with man's sin...
    He sent His Son to die for us, while we rebelled to Him.
    King Of Kings...Lord Of Lords...The Way...The Life...The Truth
    Accept Him now...He loves you so...Gentile or a Jew.

    For God So Loved The World, that He gave His Only Son...
    To Seek, and Save That Which Was Lost.
    For it does not matter who or what you are...

    Jesus...God's Son...He knew the consequences the sin of pride would bear.
    Born of a Virgin...He preached the Kingdom of God
    To any, and all that would hear.
    But, He was crucified between two thieves on Good Friday...
    And to Him, one cursed and yelled...
    But, the other was saved...for he knew
    What Good Is Your Pride Going To Do You In Hell??

    Death Without The Lord is bad...to be in Hell for sin...
    But for those in Christ, it's Heavenly...they'll never sin again.
    Make Jesus as your Lord and Friend Today...and tarry not...
    He died to save you from your sins...and cleanse your blemished spots.

    Only one of two places awaits everyone, when death knocks on their door.
    Heaven Or Hell...no place in between...to clean up one's lifetime score.
    For you are saved only by grace through faith, not of works to boast.
    The decision to reject Jesus as Saviour and Lord,
    Is one you'll regret the most.

    You only have one life to live; be careful what you ask.
    Be righteous, truthful in your deeds; not behind a mask.
    For all your deeds and your life will both soon be past.
    And only those things, done for Christ, will eternally last.

    Like a roaring lion, seeking souls each hour;
    Satan wants your life today, eternally to be devoured.
    As the covering cherub, it's where it all did start.
    His subtle lies, they will ensnare, your unsuspecting heart.

    The Lord will return very soon...believe now, and don't wait...
    For if you listen to Satan's lies...you'll find that it's too late.
    Accept Christ and His Word for you...let both fill your heart and mind...
    And, on the day of Rapture...you won't be left behind.

    What more could I have done for you?? I loved you so, My Child.
    So much that I was spat upon, whipped, cursed, and reviled.
    I wanted you, and loved you so with all My Life and Heart...
    But, it was to be your sin that would tear us both apart.

    I let you nail me to that Cross...to suffer and be killed.
    But, I'd Rise Again That Easter Morn...Redemption's Plan Fulfilled.
    Shed Blood From My Nail Pierced Hands...Paid Sins Death Stung Fee...
    Removed Disgrace...Amazing Grace...Do You Have Time For Me??

    For it's the Resurrection, we celebrate and proclaim...
    The Gospel is for ALL mankind...regardless of your name.
    Accept Christ as your Lord today, and let Him your life change...
    For with His Resurrection, we'll never be the same.

    The Lord...He saved my life...The Lord...He saved my soul...
    And, like with me...he waits for you...to come to Him also. Saviour...Lord...King Of Kings...He's knocking at your hearts door.
    Receive Him today...He's coming soon...to reign forevermore.

    But, to all those who have rejected God,
    Without protection, they think 'all is well'.
    As down the path of sin and death they trod,
    And tragically, are one heartbeat from Hell.

    The wicked shall be turned into hell;
    But, for those, who Christ, they do receive.
    Their joy at death, no mortal tongue can tell;
    Eternal blessings for those who believed.

    Years from now, you'll remember
    When crossing to the other side.
    Seeing the Glory Of Heaven,
    Or fires of Hell as you died.

    "Lost without a compass, on eternal scale."
    "To those refusing Jesus Christ, the Lord who can not fail."
    "For all the unregenerate, preferring sins desire."
    "Never ending torment, in the Lake Of Fire."

    Life is like a vapor...and soon, it will all end.
    What will you do with Jesus Christ?? God asks of you, dear friend.
    Your life..you will account one day...with God, you cannot fudge...
    Will Jesus be your Saviour...or will He be your Judge??

    For one day soon, God's Grace will end...and it will be too late.
    For all must die...then judgment there...what will be your fate??
    Accept Christ as your Lord and Saviour...and Friend Forever there...
    Refuse Him, and He'll truly be your most feared nightmare.

    Don't put off your decision...saying 'the time is just not right'.
    If you refuse to accept Jesus...and if you die tonight;
    You'll face Christ as your Judge there...on that somber day...
    Regretting ignoring Him and His Vessels for your sinful ways.

    Where will you be...eternally...When it's time for you to die??
    It all depends on what you do with Jesus...God's Son...
    On whom, you must decide.
    To accept Him as Lord...as well as your Saviour...
    As He lived and died and rose for you...
    Or, if you willfully...choose to reject Him...
    Your choice between bliss and doom.

    When God's Spirit speaks to you, friend...don't take a chance.
    For you may regret, if you just give a furtive glance.
    The Invitation to receive Eternal Life so dear;
    And, this could be the only time the Gospel you would hear.

    The one sin unforgiven, even those not in this poem,
    It seems I've covered everything, but what is this unknown??
    Rejection of Christ Jesus, who died upon that Cross.
    And resurrected from the grave, to redeem the lost.

    Sinner, Seek The Lord Today...while He may be found.
    The Grace of God will end one day...and the only sound
    You'll hear from Him at the Judgment Of The Great White Throne:
    Depart, ye cursed...to Eternal Fire...for you, I've never known.

    If you wait, 'til it's too late, you're cast into the fire.
    You'll suffer for eternity, the cost for sins desire.
    All could've been prevented, if you, in life, had prayed,
    For Christ to save your soul from sin, and live in life He gave.

    One day, on bended knee, mankind will bow
    Declaring there that Jesus Christ is Lord.
    To the glory of God the Father, now;
    In Truth Of His Word, sharper than a sword.

    'What will you do with Jesus Christ?', God asks of you today.
    The choice is yours to make, my friend, will you accept His Way??
    For every knee will bow before Him, on that final day.
    'Jesus Christ Is Lord Of All' every tongue will say.

    What is your cry?? You, a lost sinner...
    To Jesus Christ the Lord today?
    In repentence & sorrow, will you accept Him??
    The Truth, The Life, & The Way.
    'Dear Jesus, Save Me, be the Lord Of My Life';
    Grateful that He did it for you.
    Or do you reject Him??
    And, hear Him say 'Depart; for you I never knew'.

    While God commands, He will not force, accepting of His Gift.
    It's your choice if you want Christ, your burden, there to lift.
    But, if yourself, there want to pay, for sins done by the score,
    Suffering in the Lake Of Fire, will be yours forevermore.

    So, what will your Judgment Choice now be??
    Don't think that you will live for many years.
    To no one, is tomorrow guaranteed...
    Will you repent today, with bitter tears??

    So, bow before Him now, today repent.
    For He truly knows the best for you.
    Then, daily serving Him, you'll gladly say
    'Today, Oh, Lord...what will you have me do??'

    Betrayed; to you, I would be, if judgment didn't warn.
    To be saved, you must repent, and again to be reborn.
    God won't force His Will on you, but you now, must choose.
    Will you accept Christ Jesus?? Or His Gift, Refuse??

    The wages of sin, are never reduced, for everyone living on Earth.
    But, physical death, not really the end, if you've received The New Birth.
    Turn and repent, from your sinful deeds, and ask Christ to save you today.
    For He did defeat, both Hell and the Grave, and all will face Him one day.

    Will this be your final altar call??
    The final chance for you, to Jesus, come??
    For people praying for you, in this hall;
    For you to choose your true eternal home.

    Those not in God's Kingdom, you can avoid this group.
    Today, repent of all your sins, let Christ your life regroup.
    Ask The Lord to save your soul, and wash your sins away.
    For He is, The King Of Kings, The Truth, The Life, The Way.

    All roads lead to God...but to Heaven, only one.
    The Bema, or The Great White Throne, Judgment won't be fun.
    Whether you served Christ on Earth, or your sins desires.
    Either joy in Heaven...or tormenting, eternal fire.

    Christ alone, the perfect picture, of God's Love and Grace.
    Your choice on what what you do with Him, determines who you'll face.
    Your Best Friend, He there will be, if His Blood's applied.
    Your Worst Nightmare, rejecting Him, you'll be terrified.

    Your righteousness as filthy rags, you can this mess, now lose.
    If in all humility, Christ's Gift, you don't refuse.
    Turn now from your life of sin, accept Christ Jesus now.
    And serve Him now with all your heart, before Him humbly bow.

    Going through the motions, does this sound like you??
    You've grieved The Lord who loves you so, in all the sin you'd do.
    If you've not been born again, now is the day to choose;
    Accept Christ as your Lord today; serve Him...don't refuse.

    Please don't be one of the souls, hated by The Lord.
    He wants you to accept His Son...come now, get on board.
    The Glory Train is waiting now...come kneel there at The Cross.
    As Christ died, and rose again, to redeem the lost.

    The Bible in a nutshell, in John Three, Sixteen.
    God loved the World, He sent His Son, sinless, pure and clean.
    To those accepting Christ's death, paid for our sin and strife,
    That they would never perish, but have eternal life.


    Would you like to receive this FREE GIFT today?? All you need to do is
    admit to God that you are a sinner, and that you can NOT save yourself.

    Right now, come to God, just as you are...no matter what you've done in
    your life...or how evil...and be willing, with His Help, to turn from
    the way you've lived (repent)...accepting by faith, that:

    Jesus Christ, God's Only Begotten Son, left the Glory of Heaven, to be
    born of a Virgin, to live on Earth as a human being in all ways like us
    (except without sin), that He suffered died for you on an Old Rugged
    Cross, that He rose from the dead to provide you Eternal Life, is
    coming back soon to Earth to reign in Power and Glory, and He wants you
    to rule and reign with Him.

    All you need to do is pray a simple prayer of contrition...to ask Him
    to forgive your sins, to come into your life and be your personal
    Saviour, and the Lord of Your Life.



    "Lord Jesus...I admit that I'm a sinner. And, I know that nothing I
    can do will save myself".

    "Right now, just as I am...I come to you in faith...believing that You
    died for me, and rose again on the third day, according to the Scriptures".

    "I'm sorry for the way I've lived, and I'm willing to turn from my sin.
    Dear Jesus, Come into my heart, forgive my sin...save me...and be the
    Lord of my life".

    "By Your Grace, I will follow and obey You in all that I do".

    "Thank You For Being My Friend For Life. In Your Name, I Pray. Amen".


    If you prayed that prayer, and REALLY MEANT IT...I can assure you that
    on the Authority of God's Word...that you have Eternal Life right now...
    that all the angels of Heaven are rejoicing...and I rejoice with you...
    because I'll see you before the Throne Of God one day.

    The best thing for you now is to spend time with God each day...just
    talk with Him as if you were talking to a close personal friend. After
    all, He is just that...He sticks closer than a brother. You can talk
    with him at any time, day or night, and never have to wait. Read His
    Word, the Holy Bible...be baptized, worship, and fellowship with other Christians in a Church where Christ is preached. God will mold you into
    the image of His Son, little by little...and when you mess up, just
    confess to Him your error, and then ask and claim His Forgiveness. He
    promises to never leave you, or forsake you.
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (1:19/33)
  • From Daryl Stout@1:19/33 to All on Sun Aug 15 00:01:20 2021
    I'm sure you'll admit that you enjoy receiving gifts...be it for a
    birthday, anniversary, holiday, etc.; especially if it was something
    you knew you could not afford, but it was something that you greatly

    I'd like to tell you about a FREE GIFT that you can receive today...a
    Gift that was purchased for YOU a long time ago...by a Special Friend...
    who knows you better than you know yourself...and who loved you so much,
    that He gave His Life for you...to obtain for you...the gift of Life Everlasting. This gift is FREE to ALL who wish to receive it. In fact,
    it's Heavenly...Eternal Salvation through Jesus Christ.

    For those who may be thinking that clicking on the "Get A Free Gift"
    icon or related link was NOT going to be this...I want to point out that
    the Free Gift Of Salvation in Jesus Christ is FREE TO ALL WHO WOULD
    RECEIVE IT...it is YOUR CHOICE as to whether or not you wish to do so.

    On March 28, 1978, I was right where you are now...I was offered this
    FREE GIFT...and I'll admit I didn't understand it...and you may not
    understand it, either. But, the best way I can tell you is excerpts
    from the songs He has given me.


    If you're reading these poems here, before The Rapture hits,
    The choice is yours here now to make, your life to Christ, commit.
    For when God's Clock, strikes the time, that the saints will rise,
    Happening so rapidly, too quick to say goodbye.

    Tragedy at Rapture...you can avoid that day.
    Repent of sin, and come to Christ...the Truth, The Life, The Way.
    Ask Him now to save your soul, and wash away your sins.
    And, on that Glorious Rapture morn, you'll go to be with Him.

    The Day The Spirit Of The Lord Came And Pricked My Heart;
    These songs He gave me are a witness of His Gift He did impart.
    And now, dear friend...I ask you...have you had a day like this??
    Decide today...eternally...your choice...doom or bliss??

    Doing good deeds in this life, and what's right in his eyes...
    ...won't get man into Heaven...no matter how hard he tries.
    Christ's Death and Resurrection is for EVERY man and nation...
    And how shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation??

    Man thinks that praying to anybody, gets Heaven at the grave.
    But, no other name but Jesus, is given; whereby we must be saved.
    A person, a figure, a church denomination; or others...can't get it done.
    For it's written there in God's Holy Bible...
    There's none righteous...no, not one.

    Your sins are a barrier between you and God;
    Fellowship apart, as down lifes path you've trod.
    'Come, let us reason', says the Lord...for you He truly knows...
    Your scarlet sins...covered with His Blood...become white as snow.

    Precious was the love of God...even with man's sin...
    He sent His Son to die for us, while we rebelled to Him.
    King Of Kings...Lord Of Lords...The Way...The Life...The Truth
    Accept Him now...He loves you so...Gentile or a Jew.

    For God So Loved The World, that He gave His Only Son...
    To Seek, and Save That Which Was Lost.
    For it does not matter who or what you are...

    Jesus...God's Son...He knew the consequences the sin of pride would bear.
    Born of a Virgin...He preached the Kingdom of God
    To any, and all that would hear.
    But, He was crucified between two thieves on Good Friday...
    And to Him, one cursed and yelled...
    But, the other was saved...for he knew
    What Good Is Your Pride Going To Do You In Hell??

    Death Without The Lord is bad...to be in Hell for sin...
    But for those in Christ, it's Heavenly...they'll never sin again.
    Make Jesus as your Lord and Friend Today...and tarry not...
    He died to save you from your sins...and cleanse your blemished spots.

    Only one of two places awaits everyone, when death knocks on their door.
    Heaven Or Hell...no place in between...to clean up one's lifetime score.
    For you are saved only by grace through faith, not of works to boast.
    The decision to reject Jesus as Saviour and Lord,
    Is one you'll regret the most.

    You only have one life to live; be careful what you ask.
    Be righteous, truthful in your deeds; not behind a mask.
    For all your deeds and your life will both soon be past.
    And only those things, done for Christ, will eternally last.

    Like a roaring lion, seeking souls each hour;
    Satan wants your life today, eternally to be devoured.
    As the covering cherub, it's where it all did start.
    His subtle lies, they will ensnare, your unsuspecting heart.

    The Lord will return very soon...believe now, and don't wait...
    For if you listen to Satan's lies...you'll find that it's too late.
    Accept Christ and His Word for you...let both fill your heart and mind...
    And, on the day of Rapture...you won't be left behind.

    What more could I have done for you?? I loved you so, My Child.
    So much that I was spat upon, whipped, cursed, and reviled.
    I wanted you, and loved you so with all My Life and Heart...
    But, it was to be your sin that would tear us both apart.

    I let you nail me to that Cross...to suffer and be killed.
    But, I'd Rise Again That Easter Morn...Redemption's Plan Fulfilled.
    Shed Blood From My Nail Pierced Hands...Paid Sins Death Stung Fee...
    Removed Disgrace...Amazing Grace...Do You Have Time For Me??

    For it's the Resurrection, we celebrate and proclaim...
    The Gospel is for ALL mankind...regardless of your name.
    Accept Christ as your Lord today, and let Him your life change...
    For with His Resurrection, we'll never be the same.

    The Lord...He saved my life...The Lord...He saved my soul...
    And, like with me...he waits for you...to come to Him also. Saviour...Lord...King Of Kings...He's knocking at your hearts door.
    Receive Him today...He's coming soon...to reign forevermore.

    But, to all those who have rejected God,
    Without protection, they think 'all is well'.
    As down the path of sin and death they trod,
    And tragically, are one heartbeat from Hell.

    The wicked shall be turned into hell;
    But, for those, who Christ, they do receive.
    Their joy at death, no mortal tongue can tell;
    Eternal blessings for those who believed.

    Years from now, you'll remember
    When crossing to the other side.
    Seeing the Glory Of Heaven,
    Or fires of Hell as you died.

    "Lost without a compass, on eternal scale."
    "To those refusing Jesus Christ, the Lord who can not fail."
    "For all the unregenerate, preferring sins desire."
    "Never ending torment, in the Lake Of Fire."

    Life is like a vapor...and soon, it will all end.
    What will you do with Jesus Christ?? God asks of you, dear friend.
    Your life..you will account one day...with God, you cannot fudge...
    Will Jesus be your Saviour...or will He be your Judge??

    For one day soon, God's Grace will end...and it will be too late.
    For all must die...then judgment there...what will be your fate??
    Accept Christ as your Lord and Saviour...and Friend Forever there...
    Refuse Him, and He'll truly be your most feared nightmare.

    Don't put off your decision...saying 'the time is just not right'.
    If you refuse to accept Jesus...and if you die tonight;
    You'll face Christ as your Judge there...on that somber day...
    Regretting ignoring Him and His Vessels for your sinful ways.

    Where will you be...eternally...When it's time for you to die??
    It all depends on what you do with Jesus...God's Son...
    On whom, you must decide.
    To accept Him as Lord...as well as your Saviour...
    As He lived and died and rose for you...
    Or, if you willfully...choose to reject Him...
    Your choice between bliss and doom.

    When God's Spirit speaks to you, friend...don't take a chance.
    For you may regret, if you just give a furtive glance.
    The Invitation to receive Eternal Life so dear;
    And, this could be the only time the Gospel you would hear.

    The one sin unforgiven, even those not in this poem,
    It seems I've covered everything, but what is this unknown??
    Rejection of Christ Jesus, who died upon that Cross.
    And resurrected from the grave, to redeem the lost.

    Sinner, Seek The Lord Today...while He may be found.
    The Grace of God will end one day...and the only sound
    You'll hear from Him at the Judgment Of The Great White Throne:
    Depart, ye cursed...to Eternal Fire...for you, I've never known.

    If you wait, 'til it's too late, you're cast into the fire.
    You'll suffer for eternity, the cost for sins desire.
    All could've been prevented, if you, in life, had prayed,
    For Christ to save your soul from sin, and live in life He gave.

    One day, on bended knee, mankind will bow
    Declaring there that Jesus Christ is Lord.
    To the glory of God the Father, now;
    In Truth Of His Word, sharper than a sword.

    'What will you do with Jesus Christ?', God asks of you today.
    The choice is yours to make, my friend, will you accept His Way??
    For every knee will bow before Him, on that final day.
    'Jesus Christ Is Lord Of All' every tongue will say.

    What is your cry?? You, a lost sinner...
    To Jesus Christ the Lord today?
    In repentence & sorrow, will you accept Him??
    The Truth, The Life, & The Way.
    'Dear Jesus, Save Me, be the Lord Of My Life';
    Grateful that He did it for you.
    Or do you reject Him??
    And, hear Him say 'Depart; for you I never knew'.

    While God commands, He will not force, accepting of His Gift.
    It's your choice if you want Christ, your burden, there to lift.
    But, if yourself, there want to pay, for sins done by the score,
    Suffering in the Lake Of Fire, will be yours forevermore.

    So, what will your Judgment Choice now be??
    Don't think that you will live for many years.
    To no one, is tomorrow guaranteed...
    Will you repent today, with bitter tears??

    So, bow before Him now, today repent.
    For He truly knows the best for you.
    Then, daily serving Him, you'll gladly say
    'Today, Oh, Lord...what will you have me do??'

    Betrayed; to you, I would be, if judgment didn't warn.
    To be saved, you must repent, and again to be reborn.
    God won't force His Will on you, but you now, must choose.
    Will you accept Christ Jesus?? Or His Gift, Refuse??

    The wages of sin, are never reduced, for everyone living on Earth.
    But, physical death, not really the end, if you've received The New Birth.
    Turn and repent, from your sinful deeds, and ask Christ to save you today.
    For He did defeat, both Hell and the Grave, and all will face Him one day.

    Will this be your final altar call??
    The final chance for you, to Jesus, come??
    For people praying for you, in this hall;
    For you to choose your true eternal home.

    Those not in God's Kingdom, you can avoid this group.
    Today, repent of all your sins, let Christ your life regroup.
    Ask The Lord to save your soul, and wash your sins away.
    For He is, The King Of Kings, The Truth, The Life, The Way.

    All roads lead to God...but to Heaven, only one.
    The Bema, or The Great White Throne, Judgment won't be fun.
    Whether you served Christ on Earth, or your sins desires.
    Either joy in Heaven...or tormenting, eternal fire.

    Christ alone, the perfect picture, of God's Love and Grace.
    Your choice on what what you do with Him, determines who you'll face.
    Your Best Friend, He there will be, if His Blood's applied.
    Your Worst Nightmare, rejecting Him, you'll be terrified.

    Your righteousness as filthy rags, you can this mess, now lose.
    If in all humility, Christ's Gift, you don't refuse.
    Turn now from your life of sin, accept Christ Jesus now.
    And serve Him now with all your heart, before Him humbly bow.

    Going through the motions, does this sound like you??
    You've grieved The Lord who loves you so, in all the sin you'd do.
    If you've not been born again, now is the day to choose;
    Accept Christ as your Lord today; serve Him...don't refuse.

    Please don't be one of the souls, hated by The Lord.
    He wants you to accept His Son...come now, get on board.
    The Glory Train is waiting now...come kneel there at The Cross.
    As Christ died, and rose again, to redeem the lost.

    The Bible in a nutshell, in John Three, Sixteen.
    God loved the World, He sent His Son, sinless, pure and clean.
    To those accepting Christ's death, paid for our sin and strife,
    That they would never perish, but have eternal life.


    Would you like to receive this FREE GIFT today?? All you need to do is
    admit to God that you are a sinner, and that you can NOT save yourself.

    Right now, come to God, just as you are...no matter what you've done in
    your life...or how evil...and be willing, with His Help, to turn from
    the way you've lived (repent)...accepting by faith, that:

    Jesus Christ, God's Only Begotten Son, left the Glory of Heaven, to be
    born of a Virgin, to live on Earth as a human being in all ways like us
    (except without sin), that He suffered died for you on an Old Rugged
    Cross, that He rose from the dead to provide you Eternal Life, is
    coming back soon to Earth to reign in Power and Glory, and He wants you
    to rule and reign with Him.

    All you need to do is pray a simple prayer of contrition...to ask Him
    to forgive your sins, to come into your life and be your personal
    Saviour, and the Lord of Your Life.



    "Lord Jesus...I admit that I'm a sinner. And, I know that nothing I
    can do will save myself".

    "Right now, just as I am...I come to you in faith...believing that You
    died for me, and rose again on the third day, according to the Scriptures".

    "I'm sorry for the way I've lived, and I'm willing to turn from my sin.
    Dear Jesus, Come into my heart, forgive my sin...save me...and be the
    Lord of my life".

    "By Your Grace, I will follow and obey You in all that I do".

    "Thank You For Being My Friend For Life. In Your Name, I Pray. Amen".


    If you prayed that prayer, and REALLY MEANT IT...I can assure you that
    on the Authority of God's Word...that you have Eternal Life right now...
    that all the angels of Heaven are rejoicing...and I rejoice with you...
    because I'll see you before the Throne Of God one day.

    The best thing for you now is to spend time with God each day...just
    talk with Him as if you were talking to a close personal friend. After
    all, He is just that...He sticks closer than a brother. You can talk
    with him at any time, day or night, and never have to wait. Read His
    Word, the Holy Bible...be baptized, worship, and fellowship with other Christians in a Church where Christ is preached. God will mold you into
    the image of His Son, little by little...and when you mess up, just
    confess to Him your error, and then ask and claim His Forgiveness. He
    promises to never leave you, or forsake you.
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (1:19/33)
  • From Daryl Stout@1:2320/33 to All on Sun Sep 5 10:29:29 2021
    I'm sure you'll admit that you enjoy receiving gifts...be it for a
    birthday, anniversary, holiday, etc.; especially if it was something
    you knew you could not afford, but it was something that you greatly

    I'd like to tell you about a FREE GIFT that you can receive today...a
    Gift that was purchased for YOU a long time ago...by a Special Friend...
    who knows you better than you know yourself...and who loved you so much,
    that He gave His Life for you...to obtain for you...the gift of Life Everlasting. This gift is FREE to ALL who wish to receive it. In fact,
    it's Heavenly...Eternal Salvation through Jesus Christ.

    For those who may be thinking that clicking on the "Get A Free Gift"
    icon or related link was NOT going to be this...I want to point out that
    the Free Gift Of Salvation in Jesus Christ is FREE TO ALL WHO WOULD
    RECEIVE IT...it is YOUR CHOICE as to whether or not you wish to do so.

    On March 28, 1978, I was right where you are now...I was offered this
    FREE GIFT...and I'll admit I didn't understand it...and you may not
    understand it, either. But, the best way I can tell you is excerpts
    from the songs He has given me.


    If you're reading these poems here, before The Rapture hits,
    The choice is yours here now to make, your life to Christ, commit.
    For when God's Clock, strikes the time, that the saints will rise,
    Happening so rapidly, too quick to say goodbye.

    Tragedy at Rapture...you can avoid that day.
    Repent of sin, and come to Christ...the Truth, The Life, The Way.
    Ask Him now to save your soul, and wash away your sins.
    And, on that Glorious Rapture morn, you'll go to be with Him.

    The Day The Spirit Of The Lord Came And Pricked My Heart;
    These songs He gave me are a witness of His Gift He did impart.
    And now, dear friend...I ask you...have you had a day like this??
    Decide today...eternally...your choice...doom or bliss??

    Doing good deeds in this life, and what's right in his eyes...
    ...won't get man into Heaven...no matter how hard he tries.
    Christ's Death and Resurrection is for EVERY man and nation...
    And how shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation??

    Man thinks that praying to anybody, gets Heaven at the grave.
    But, no other name but Jesus, is given; whereby we must be saved.
    A person, a figure, a church denomination; or others...can't get it done.
    For it's written there in God's Holy Bible...
    There's none righteous...no, not one.

    Your sins are a barrier between you and God;
    Fellowship apart, as down lifes path you've trod.
    'Come, let us reason', says the Lord...for you He truly knows...
    Your scarlet sins...covered with His Blood...become white as snow.

    Precious was the love of God...even with man's sin...
    He sent His Son to die for us, while we rebelled to Him.
    King Of Kings...Lord Of Lords...The Way...The Life...The Truth
    Accept Him now...He loves you so...Gentile or a Jew.

    For God So Loved The World, that He gave His Only Son...
    To Seek, and Save That Which Was Lost.
    For it does not matter who or what you are...

    Jesus...God's Son...He knew the consequences the sin of pride would bear.
    Born of a Virgin...He preached the Kingdom of God
    To any, and all that would hear.
    But, He was crucified between two thieves on Good Friday...
    And to Him, one cursed and yelled...
    But, the other was saved...for he knew
    What Good Is Your Pride Going To Do You In Hell??

    Death Without The Lord is bad...to be in Hell for sin...
    But for those in Christ, it's Heavenly...they'll never sin again.
    Make Jesus as your Lord and Friend Today...and tarry not...
    He died to save you from your sins...and cleanse your blemished spots.

    Only one of two places awaits everyone, when death knocks on their door.
    Heaven Or Hell...no place in between...to clean up one's lifetime score.
    For you are saved only by grace through faith, not of works to boast.
    The decision to reject Jesus as Saviour and Lord,
    Is one you'll regret the most.

    You only have one life to live; be careful what you ask.
    Be righteous, truthful in your deeds; not behind a mask.
    For all your deeds and your life will both soon be past.
    And only those things, done for Christ, will eternally last.

    Like a roaring lion, seeking souls each hour;
    Satan wants your life today, eternally to be devoured.
    As the covering cherub, it's where it all did start.
    His subtle lies, they will ensnare, your unsuspecting heart.

    The Lord will return very soon...believe now, and don't wait...
    For if you listen to Satan's lies...you'll find that it's too late.
    Accept Christ and His Word for you...let both fill your heart and mind...
    And, on the day of Rapture...you won't be left behind.

    What more could I have done for you?? I loved you so, My Child.
    So much that I was spat upon, whipped, cursed, and reviled.
    I wanted you, and loved you so with all My Life and Heart...
    But, it was to be your sin that would tear us both apart.

    I let you nail me to that Cross...to suffer and be killed.
    But, I'd Rise Again That Easter Morn...Redemption's Plan Fulfilled.
    Shed Blood From My Nail Pierced Hands...Paid Sins Death Stung Fee...
    Removed Disgrace...Amazing Grace...Do You Have Time For Me??

    For it's the Resurrection, we celebrate and proclaim...
    The Gospel is for ALL mankind...regardless of your name.
    Accept Christ as your Lord today, and let Him your life change...
    For with His Resurrection, we'll never be the same.

    The Lord...He saved my life...The Lord...He saved my soul...
    And, like with me...he waits for you...to come to Him also. Saviour...Lord...King Of Kings...He's knocking at your hearts door.
    Receive Him today...He's coming soon...to reign forevermore.

    But, to all those who have rejected God,
    Without protection, they think 'all is well'.
    As down the path of sin and death they trod,
    And tragically, are one heartbeat from Hell.

    The wicked shall be turned into hell;
    But, for those, who Christ, they do receive.
    Their joy at death, no mortal tongue can tell;
    Eternal blessings for those who believed.

    Years from now, you'll remember
    When crossing to the other side.
    Seeing the Glory Of Heaven,
    Or fires of Hell as you died.

    "Lost without a compass, on eternal scale."
    "To those refusing Jesus Christ, the Lord who can not fail."
    "For all the unregenerate, preferring sins desire."
    "Never ending torment, in the Lake Of Fire."

    Life is like a vapor...and soon, it will all end.
    What will you do with Jesus Christ?? God asks of you, dear friend.
    Your life..you will account one day...with God, you cannot fudge...
    Will Jesus be your Saviour...or will He be your Judge??

    For one day soon, God's Grace will end...and it will be too late.
    For all must die...then judgment there...what will be your fate??
    Accept Christ as your Lord and Saviour...and Friend Forever there...
    Refuse Him, and He'll truly be your most feared nightmare.

    Don't put off your decision...saying 'the time is just not right'.
    If you refuse to accept Jesus...and if you die tonight;
    You'll face Christ as your Judge there...on that somber day...
    Regretting ignoring Him and His Vessels for your sinful ways.

    Where will you be...eternally...When it's time for you to die??
    It all depends on what you do with Jesus...God's Son...
    On whom, you must decide.
    To accept Him as Lord...as well as your Saviour...
    As He lived and died and rose for you...
    Or, if you willfully...choose to reject Him...
    Your choice between bliss and doom.

    When God's Spirit speaks to you, friend...don't take a chance.
    For you may regret, if you just give a furtive glance.
    The Invitation to receive Eternal Life so dear;
    And, this could be the only time the Gospel you would hear.

    The one sin unforgiven, even those not in this poem,
    It seems I've covered everything, but what is this unknown??
    Rejection of Christ Jesus, who died upon that Cross.
    And resurrected from the grave, to redeem the lost.

    Sinner, Seek The Lord Today...while He may be found.
    The Grace of God will end one day...and the only sound
    You'll hear from Him at the Judgment Of The Great White Throne:
    Depart, ye cursed...to Eternal Fire...for you, I've never known.

    If you wait, 'til it's too late, you're cast into the fire.
    You'll suffer for eternity, the cost for sins desire.
    All could've been prevented, if you, in life, had prayed,
    For Christ to save your soul from sin, and live in life He gave.

    One day, on bended knee, mankind will bow
    Declaring there that Jesus Christ is Lord.
    To the glory of God the Father, now;
    In Truth Of His Word, sharper than a sword.

    'What will you do with Jesus Christ?', God asks of you today.
    The choice is yours to make, my friend, will you accept His Way??
    For every knee will bow before Him, on that final day.
    'Jesus Christ Is Lord Of All' every tongue will say.

    What is your cry?? You, a lost sinner...
    To Jesus Christ the Lord today?
    In repentence & sorrow, will you accept Him??
    The Truth, The Life, & The Way.
    'Dear Jesus, Save Me, be the Lord Of My Life';
    Grateful that He did it for you.
    Or do you reject Him??
    And, hear Him say 'Depart; for you I never knew'.

    While God commands, He will not force, accepting of His Gift.
    It's your choice if you want Christ, your burden, there to lift.
    But, if yourself, there want to pay, for sins done by the score,
    Suffering in the Lake Of Fire, will be yours forevermore.

    So, what will your Judgment Choice now be??
    Don't think that you will live for many years.
    To no one, is tomorrow guaranteed...
    Will you repent today, with bitter tears??

    So, bow before Him now, today repent.
    For He truly knows the best for you.
    Then, daily serving Him, you'll gladly say
    'Today, Oh, Lord...what will you have me do??'

    Betrayed; to you, I would be, if judgment didn't warn.
    To be saved, you must repent, and again to be reborn.
    God won't force His Will on you, but you now, must choose.
    Will you accept Christ Jesus?? Or His Gift, Refuse??

    The wages of sin, are never reduced, for everyone living on Earth.
    But, physical death, not really the end, if you've received The New Birth.
    Turn and repent, from your sinful deeds, and ask Christ to save you today.
    For He did defeat, both Hell and the Grave, and all will face Him one day.

    Will this be your final altar call??
    The final chance for you, to Jesus, come??
    For people praying for you, in this hall;
    For you to choose your true eternal home.

    Those not in God's Kingdom, you can avoid this group.
    Today, repent of all your sins, let Christ your life regroup.
    Ask The Lord to save your soul, and wash your sins away.
    For He is, The King Of Kings, The Truth, The Life, The Way.

    All roads lead to God...but to Heaven, only one.
    The Bema, or The Great White Throne, Judgment won't be fun.
    Whether you served Christ on Earth, or your sins desires.
    Either joy in Heaven...or tormenting, eternal fire.

    Christ alone, the perfect picture, of God's Love and Grace.
    Your choice on what what you do with Him, determines who you'll face.
    Your Best Friend, He there will be, if His Blood's applied.
    Your Worst Nightmare, rejecting Him, you'll be terrified.

    Your righteousness as filthy rags, you can this mess, now lose.
    If in all humility, Christ's Gift, you don't refuse.
    Turn now from your life of sin, accept Christ Jesus now.
    And serve Him now with all your heart, before Him humbly bow.

    Going through the motions, does this sound like you??
    You've grieved The Lord who loves you so, in all the sin you'd do.
    If you've not been born again, now is the day to choose;
    Accept Christ as your Lord today; serve Him...don't refuse.

    Please don't be one of the souls, hated by The Lord.
    He wants you to accept His Son...come now, get on board.
    The Glory Train is waiting now...come kneel there at The Cross.
    As Christ died, and rose again, to redeem the lost.

    The Bible in a nutshell, in John Three, Sixteen.
    God loved the World, He sent His Son, sinless, pure and clean.
    To those accepting Christ's death, paid for our sin and strife,
    That they would never perish, but have eternal life.


    Would you like to receive this FREE GIFT today?? All you need to do is
    admit to God that you are a sinner, and that you can NOT save yourself.

    Right now, come to God, just as you are...no matter what you've done in
    your life...or how evil...and be willing, with His Help, to turn from
    the way you've lived (repent)...accepting by faith, that:

    Jesus Christ, God's Only Begotten Son, left the Glory of Heaven, to be
    born of a Virgin, to live on Earth as a human being in all ways like us
    (except without sin), that He suffered died for you on an Old Rugged
    Cross, that He rose from the dead to provide you Eternal Life, is
    coming back soon to Earth to reign in Power and Glory, and He wants you
    to rule and reign with Him.

    All you need to do is pray a simple prayer of contrition...to ask Him
    to forgive your sins, to come into your life and be your personal
    Saviour, and the Lord of Your Life.



    "Lord Jesus...I admit that I'm a sinner. And, I know that nothing I
    can do will save myself".

    "Right now, just as I am...I come to you in faith...believing that You
    died for me, and rose again on the third day, according to the Scriptures".

    "I'm sorry for the way I've lived, and I'm willing to turn from my sin.
    Dear Jesus, Come into my heart, forgive my sin...save me...and be the
    Lord of my life".

    "By Your Grace, I will follow and obey You in all that I do".

    "Thank You For Being My Friend For Life. In Your Name, I Pray. Amen".


    If you prayed that prayer, and REALLY MEANT IT...I can assure you that
    on the Authority of God's Word...that you have Eternal Life right now...
    that all the angels of Heaven are rejoicing...and I rejoice with you...
    because I'll see you before the Throne Of God one day.

    The best thing for you now is to spend time with God each day...just
    talk with Him as if you were talking to a close personal friend. After
    all, He is just that...He sticks closer than a brother. You can talk
    with him at any time, day or night, and never have to wait. Read His
    Word, the Holy Bible...be baptized, worship, and fellowship with other Christians in a Church where Christ is preached. God will mold you into
    the image of His Son, little by little...and when you mess up, just
    confess to Him your error, and then ask and claim His Forgiveness. He
    promises to never leave you, or forsake you.
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (1:2320/33)
  • From Daryl Stout@1:2320/33 to All on Tue Sep 7 00:03:03 2021
    I'm sure you'll admit that you enjoy receiving gifts...be it for a
    birthday, anniversary, holiday, etc.; especially if it was something
    you knew you could not afford, but it was something that you greatly

    I'd like to tell you about a FREE GIFT that you can receive today...a
    Gift that was purchased for YOU a long time ago...by a Special Friend...
    who knows you better than you know yourself...and who loved you so much,
    that He gave His Life for you...to obtain for you...the gift of Life Everlasting. This gift is FREE to ALL who wish to receive it. In fact,
    it's Heavenly...Eternal Salvation through Jesus Christ.

    For those who may be thinking that clicking on the "Get A Free Gift"
    icon or related link was NOT going to be this...I want to point out that
    the Free Gift Of Salvation in Jesus Christ is FREE TO ALL WHO WOULD
    RECEIVE IT...it is YOUR CHOICE as to whether or not you wish to do so.

    On March 28, 1978, I was right where you are now...I was offered this
    FREE GIFT...and I'll admit I didn't understand it...and you may not
    understand it, either. But, the best way I can tell you is excerpts
    from the songs He has given me.


    If you're reading these poems here, before The Rapture hits,
    The choice is yours here now to make, your life to Christ, commit.
    For when God's Clock, strikes the time, that the saints will rise,
    Happening so rapidly, too quick to say goodbye.

    Tragedy at Rapture...you can avoid that day.
    Repent of sin, and come to Christ...the Truth, The Life, The Way.
    Ask Him now to save your soul, and wash away your sins.
    And, on that Glorious Rapture morn, you'll go to be with Him.

    The Day The Spirit Of The Lord Came And Pricked My Heart;
    These songs He gave me are a witness of His Gift He did impart.
    And now, dear friend...I ask you...have you had a day like this??
    Decide today...eternally...your choice...doom or bliss??

    Doing good deeds in this life, and what's right in his eyes...
    ...won't get man into Heaven...no matter how hard he tries.
    Christ's Death and Resurrection is for EVERY man and nation...
    And how shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation??

    Man thinks that praying to anybody, gets Heaven at the grave.
    But, no other name but Jesus, is given; whereby we must be saved.
    A person, a figure, a church denomination; or others...can't get it done.
    For it's written there in God's Holy Bible...
    There's none righteous...no, not one.

    Your sins are a barrier between you and God;
    Fellowship apart, as down lifes path you've trod.
    'Come, let us reason', says the Lord...for you He truly knows...
    Your scarlet sins...covered with His Blood...become white as snow.

    Precious was the love of God...even with man's sin...
    He sent His Son to die for us, while we rebelled to Him.
    King Of Kings...Lord Of Lords...The Way...The Life...The Truth
    Accept Him now...He loves you so...Gentile or a Jew.

    For God So Loved The World, that He gave His Only Son...
    To Seek, and Save That Which Was Lost.
    For it does not matter who or what you are...

    Jesus...God's Son...He knew the consequences the sin of pride would bear.
    Born of a Virgin...He preached the Kingdom of God
    To any, and all that would hear.
    But, He was crucified between two thieves on Good Friday...
    And to Him, one cursed and yelled...
    But, the other was saved...for he knew
    What Good Is Your Pride Going To Do You In Hell??

    Death Without The Lord is bad...to be in Hell for sin...
    But for those in Christ, it's Heavenly...they'll never sin again.
    Make Jesus as your Lord and Friend Today...and tarry not...
    He died to save you from your sins...and cleanse your blemished spots.

    Only one of two places awaits everyone, when death knocks on their door.
    Heaven Or Hell...no place in between...to clean up one's lifetime score.
    For you are saved only by grace through faith, not of works to boast.
    The decision to reject Jesus as Saviour and Lord,
    Is one you'll regret the most.

    You only have one life to live; be careful what you ask.
    Be righteous, truthful in your deeds; not behind a mask.
    For all your deeds and your life will both soon be past.
    And only those things, done for Christ, will eternally last.

    Like a roaring lion, seeking souls each hour;
    Satan wants your life today, eternally to be devoured.
    As the covering cherub, it's where it all did start.
    His subtle lies, they will ensnare, your unsuspecting heart.

    The Lord will return very soon...believe now, and don't wait...
    For if you listen to Satan's lies...you'll find that it's too late.
    Accept Christ and His Word for you...let both fill your heart and mind...
    And, on the day of Rapture...you won't be left behind.

    What more could I have done for you?? I loved you so, My Child.
    So much that I was spat upon, whipped, cursed, and reviled.
    I wanted you, and loved you so with all My Life and Heart...
    But, it was to be your sin that would tear us both apart.

    I let you nail me to that Cross...to suffer and be killed.
    But, I'd Rise Again That Easter Morn...Redemption's Plan Fulfilled.
    Shed Blood From My Nail Pierced Hands...Paid Sins Death Stung Fee...
    Removed Disgrace...Amazing Grace...Do You Have Time For Me??

    For it's the Resurrection, we celebrate and proclaim...
    The Gospel is for ALL mankind...regardless of your name.
    Accept Christ as your Lord today, and let Him your life change...
    For with His Resurrection, we'll never be the same.

    The Lord...He saved my life...The Lord...He saved my soul...
    And, like with me...he waits for you...to come to Him also. Saviour...Lord...King Of Kings...He's knocking at your hearts door.
    Receive Him today...He's coming soon...to reign forevermore.

    But, to all those who have rejected God,
    Without protection, they think 'all is well'.
    As down the path of sin and death they trod,
    And tragically, are one heartbeat from Hell.

    The wicked shall be turned into hell;
    But, for those, who Christ, they do receive.
    Their joy at death, no mortal tongue can tell;
    Eternal blessings for those who believed.

    Years from now, you'll remember
    When crossing to the other side.
    Seeing the Glory Of Heaven,
    Or fires of Hell as you died.

    "Lost without a compass, on eternal scale."
    "To those refusing Jesus Christ, the Lord who can not fail."
    "For all the unregenerate, preferring sins desire."
    "Never ending torment, in the Lake Of Fire."

    Life is like a vapor...and soon, it will all end.
    What will you do with Jesus Christ?? God asks of you, dear friend.
    Your life..you will account one day...with God, you cannot fudge...
    Will Jesus be your Saviour...or will He be your Judge??

    For one day soon, God's Grace will end...and it will be too late.
    For all must die...then judgment there...what will be your fate??
    Accept Christ as your Lord and Saviour...and Friend Forever there...
    Refuse Him, and He'll truly be your most feared nightmare.

    Don't put off your decision...saying 'the time is just not right'.
    If you refuse to accept Jesus...and if you die tonight;
    You'll face Christ as your Judge there...on that somber day...
    Regretting ignoring Him and His Vessels for your sinful ways.

    Where will you be...eternally...When it's time for you to die??
    It all depends on what you do with Jesus...God's Son...
    On whom, you must decide.
    To accept Him as Lord...as well as your Saviour...
    As He lived and died and rose for you...
    Or, if you willfully...choose to reject Him...
    Your choice between bliss and doom.

    When God's Spirit speaks to you, friend...don't take a chance.
    For you may regret, if you just give a furtive glance.
    The Invitation to receive Eternal Life so dear;
    And, this could be the only time the Gospel you would hear.

    The one sin unforgiven, even those not in this poem,
    It seems I've covered everything, but what is this unknown??
    Rejection of Christ Jesus, who died upon that Cross.
    And resurrected from the grave, to redeem the lost.

    Sinner, Seek The Lord Today...while He may be found.
    The Grace of God will end one day...and the only sound
    You'll hear from Him at the Judgment Of The Great White Throne:
    Depart, ye cursed...to Eternal Fire...for you, I've never known.

    If you wait, 'til it's too late, you're cast into the fire.
    You'll suffer for eternity, the cost for sins desire.
    All could've been prevented, if you, in life, had prayed,
    For Christ to save your soul from sin, and live in life He gave.

    One day, on bended knee, mankind will bow
    Declaring there that Jesus Christ is Lord.
    To the glory of God the Father, now;
    In Truth Of His Word, sharper than a sword.

    'What will you do with Jesus Christ?', God asks of you today.
    The choice is yours to make, my friend, will you accept His Way??
    For every knee will bow before Him, on that final day.
    'Jesus Christ Is Lord Of All' every tongue will say.

    What is your cry?? You, a lost sinner...
    To Jesus Christ the Lord today?
    In repentence & sorrow, will you accept Him??
    The Truth, The Life, & The Way.
    'Dear Jesus, Save Me, be the Lord Of My Life';
    Grateful that He did it for you.
    Or do you reject Him??
    And, hear Him say 'Depart; for you I never knew'.

    While God commands, He will not force, accepting of His Gift.
    It's your choice if you want Christ, your burden, there to lift.
    But, if yourself, there want to pay, for sins done by the score,
    Suffering in the Lake Of Fire, will be yours forevermore.

    So, what will your Judgment Choice now be??
    Don't think that you will live for many years.
    To no one, is tomorrow guaranteed...
    Will you repent today, with bitter tears??

    So, bow before Him now, today repent.
    For He truly knows the best for you.
    Then, daily serving Him, you'll gladly say
    'Today, Oh, Lord...what will you have me do??'

    Betrayed; to you, I would be, if judgment didn't warn.
    To be saved, you must repent, and again to be reborn.
    God won't force His Will on you, but you now, must choose.
    Will you accept Christ Jesus?? Or His Gift, Refuse??

    The wages of sin, are never reduced, for everyone living on Earth.
    But, physical death, not really the end, if you've received The New Birth.
    Turn and repent, from your sinful deeds, and ask Christ to save you today.
    For He did defeat, both Hell and the Grave, and all will face Him one day.

    Will this be your final altar call??
    The final chance for you, to Jesus, come??
    For people praying for you, in this hall;
    For you to choose your true eternal home.

    Those not in God's Kingdom, you can avoid this group.
    Today, repent of all your sins, let Christ your life regroup.
    Ask The Lord to save your soul, and wash your sins away.
    For He is, The King Of Kings, The Truth, The Life, The Way.

    All roads lead to God...but to Heaven, only one.
    The Bema, or The Great White Throne, Judgment won't be fun.
    Whether you served Christ on Earth, or your sins desires.
    Either joy in Heaven...or tormenting, eternal fire.

    Christ alone, the perfect picture, of God's Love and Grace.
    Your choice on what what you do with Him, determines who you'll face.
    Your Best Friend, He there will be, if His Blood's applied.
    Your Worst Nightmare, rejecting Him, you'll be terrified.

    Your righteousness as filthy rags, you can this mess, now lose.
    If in all humility, Christ's Gift, you don't refuse.
    Turn now from your life of sin, accept Christ Jesus now.
    And serve Him now with all your heart, before Him humbly bow.

    Going through the motions, does this sound like you??
    You've grieved The Lord who loves you so, in all the sin you'd do.
    If you've not been born again, now is the day to choose;
    Accept Christ as your Lord today; serve Him...don't refuse.

    Please don't be one of the souls, hated by The Lord.
    He wants you to accept His Son...come now, get on board.
    The Glory Train is waiting now...come kneel there at The Cross.
    As Christ died, and rose again, to redeem the lost.

    The Bible in a nutshell, in John Three, Sixteen.
    God loved the World, He sent His Son, sinless, pure and clean.
    To those accepting Christ's death, paid for our sin and strife,
    That they would never perish, but have eternal life.


    Would you like to receive this FREE GIFT today?? All you need to do is
    admit to God that you are a sinner, and that you can NOT save yourself.

    Right now, come to God, just as you are...no matter what you've done in
    your life...or how evil...and be willing, with His Help, to turn from
    the way you've lived (repent)...accepting by faith, that:

    Jesus Christ, God's Only Begotten Son, left the Glory of Heaven, to be
    born of a Virgin, to live on Earth as a human being in all ways like us
    (except without sin), that He suffered died for you on an Old Rugged
    Cross, that He rose from the dead to provide you Eternal Life, is
    coming back soon to Earth to reign in Power and Glory, and He wants you
    to rule and reign with Him.

    All you need to do is pray a simple prayer of contrition...to ask Him
    to forgive your sins, to come into your life and be your personal
    Saviour, and the Lord of Your Life.



    "Lord Jesus...I admit that I'm a sinner. And, I know that nothing I
    can do will save myself".

    "Right now, just as I am...I come to you in faith...believing that You
    died for me, and rose again on the third day, according to the Scriptures".

    "I'm sorry for the way I've lived, and I'm willing to turn from my sin.
    Dear Jesus, Come into my heart, forgive my sin...save me...and be the
    Lord of my life".

    "By Your Grace, I will follow and obey You in all that I do".

    "Thank You For Being My Friend For Life. In Your Name, I Pray. Amen".


    If you prayed that prayer, and REALLY MEANT IT...I can assure you that
    on the Authority of God's Word...that you have Eternal Life right now...
    that all the angels of Heaven are rejoicing...and I rejoice with you...
    because I'll see you before the Throne Of God one day.

    The best thing for you now is to spend time with God each day...just
    talk with Him as if you were talking to a close personal friend. After
    all, He is just that...He sticks closer than a brother. You can talk
    with him at any time, day or night, and never have to wait. Read His
    Word, the Holy Bible...be baptized, worship, and fellowship with other Christians in a Church where Christ is preached. God will mold you into
    the image of His Son, little by little...and when you mess up, just
    confess to Him your error, and then ask and claim His Forgiveness. He
    promises to never leave you, or forsake you.
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (1:2320/33)
  • From Daryl Stout@1:2320/33 to All on Sun Sep 12 00:01:20 2021
    I'm sure you'll admit that you enjoy receiving gifts...be it for a
    birthday, anniversary, holiday, etc.; especially if it was something
    you knew you could not afford, but it was something that you greatly

    I'd like to tell you about a FREE GIFT that you can receive today...a
    Gift that was purchased for YOU a long time ago...by a Special Friend...
    who knows you better than you know yourself...and who loved you so much,
    that He gave His Life for you...to obtain for you...the gift of Life Everlasting. This gift is FREE to ALL who wish to receive it. In fact,
    it's Heavenly...Eternal Salvation through Jesus Christ.

    For those who may be thinking that clicking on the "Get A Free Gift"
    icon or related link was NOT going to be this...I want to point out that
    the Free Gift Of Salvation in Jesus Christ is FREE TO ALL WHO WOULD
    RECEIVE IT...it is YOUR CHOICE as to whether or not you wish to do so.

    On March 28, 1978, I was right where you are now...I was offered this
    FREE GIFT...and I'll admit I didn't understand it...and you may not
    understand it, either. But, the best way I can tell you is excerpts
    from the songs He has given me.


    If you're reading these poems here, before The Rapture hits,
    The choice is yours here now to make, your life to Christ, commit.
    For when God's Clock, strikes the time, that the saints will rise,
    Happening so rapidly, too quick to say goodbye.

    Tragedy at Rapture...you can avoid that day.
    Repent of sin, and come to Christ...the Truth, The Life, The Way.
    Ask Him now to save your soul, and wash away your sins.
    And, on that Glorious Rapture morn, you'll go to be with Him.

    The Day The Spirit Of The Lord Came And Pricked My Heart;
    These songs He gave me are a witness of His Gift He did impart.
    And now, dear friend...I ask you...have you had a day like this??
    Decide today...eternally...your choice...doom or bliss??

    Doing good deeds in this life, and what's right in his eyes...
    ...won't get man into Heaven...no matter how hard he tries.
    Christ's Death and Resurrection is for EVERY man and nation...
    And how shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation??

    Man thinks that praying to anybody, gets Heaven at the grave.
    But, no other name but Jesus, is given; whereby we must be saved.
    A person, a figure, a church denomination; or others...can't get it done.
    For it's written there in God's Holy Bible...
    There's none righteous...no, not one.

    Your sins are a barrier between you and God;
    Fellowship apart, as down lifes path you've trod.
    'Come, let us reason', says the Lord...for you He truly knows...
    Your scarlet sins...covered with His Blood...become white as snow.

    Precious was the love of God...even with man's sin...
    He sent His Son to die for us, while we rebelled to Him.
    King Of Kings...Lord Of Lords...The Way...The Life...The Truth
    Accept Him now...He loves you so...Gentile or a Jew.

    For God So Loved The World, that He gave His Only Son...
    To Seek, and Save That Which Was Lost.
    For it does not matter who or what you are...

    Jesus...God's Son...He knew the consequences the sin of pride would bear.
    Born of a Virgin...He preached the Kingdom of God
    To any, and all that would hear.
    But, He was crucified between two thieves on Good Friday...
    And to Him, one cursed and yelled...
    But, the other was saved...for he knew
    What Good Is Your Pride Going To Do You In Hell??

    Death Without The Lord is bad...to be in Hell for sin...
    But for those in Christ, it's Heavenly...they'll never sin again.
    Make Jesus as your Lord and Friend Today...and tarry not...
    He died to save you from your sins...and cleanse your blemished spots.

    Only one of two places awaits everyone, when death knocks on their door.
    Heaven Or Hell...no place in between...to clean up one's lifetime score.
    For you are saved only by grace through faith, not of works to boast.
    The decision to reject Jesus as Saviour and Lord,
    Is one you'll regret the most.

    You only have one life to live; be careful what you ask.
    Be righteous, truthful in your deeds; not behind a mask.
    For all your deeds and your life will both soon be past.
    And only those things, done for Christ, will eternally last.

    Like a roaring lion, seeking souls each hour;
    Satan wants your life today, eternally to be devoured.
    As the covering cherub, it's where it all did start.
    His subtle lies, they will ensnare, your unsuspecting heart.

    The Lord will return very soon...believe now, and don't wait...
    For if you listen to Satan's lies...you'll find that it's too late.
    Accept Christ and His Word for you...let both fill your heart and mind...
    And, on the day of Rapture...you won't be left behind.

    What more could I have done for you?? I loved you so, My Child.
    So much that I was spat upon, whipped, cursed, and reviled.
    I wanted you, and loved you so with all My Life and Heart...
    But, it was to be your sin that would tear us both apart.

    I let you nail me to that Cross...to suffer and be killed.
    But, I'd Rise Again That Easter Morn...Redemption's Plan Fulfilled.
    Shed Blood From My Nail Pierced Hands...Paid Sins Death Stung Fee...
    Removed Disgrace...Amazing Grace...Do You Have Time For Me??

    For it's the Resurrection, we celebrate and proclaim...
    The Gospel is for ALL mankind...regardless of your name.
    Accept Christ as your Lord today, and let Him your life change...
    For with His Resurrection, we'll never be the same.

    The Lord...He saved my life...The Lord...He saved my soul...
    And, like with me...he waits for you...to come to Him also. Saviour...Lord...King Of Kings...He's knocking at your hearts door.
    Receive Him today...He's coming soon...to reign forevermore.

    But, to all those who have rejected God,
    Without protection, they think 'all is well'.
    As down the path of sin and death they trod,
    And tragically, are one heartbeat from Hell.

    The wicked shall be turned into hell;
    But, for those, who Christ, they do receive.
    Their joy at death, no mortal tongue can tell;
    Eternal blessings for those who believed.

    Years from now, you'll remember
    When crossing to the other side.
    Seeing the Glory Of Heaven,
    Or fires of Hell as you died.

    "Lost without a compass, on eternal scale."
    "To those refusing Jesus Christ, the Lord who can not fail."
    "For all the unregenerate, preferring sins desire."
    "Never ending torment, in the Lake Of Fire."

    Life is like a vapor...and soon, it will all end.
    What will you do with Jesus Christ?? God asks of you, dear friend.
    Your life..you will account one day...with God, you cannot fudge...
    Will Jesus be your Saviour...or will He be your Judge??

    For one day soon, God's Grace will end...and it will be too late.
    For all must die...then judgment there...what will be your fate??
    Accept Christ as your Lord and Saviour...and Friend Forever there...
    Refuse Him, and He'll truly be your most feared nightmare.

    Don't put off your decision...saying 'the time is just not right'.
    If you refuse to accept Jesus...and if you die tonight;
    You'll face Christ as your Judge there...on that somber day...
    Regretting ignoring Him and His Vessels for your sinful ways.

    Where will you be...eternally...When it's time for you to die??
    It all depends on what you do with Jesus...God's Son...
    On whom, you must decide.
    To accept Him as Lord...as well as your Saviour...
    As He lived and died and rose for you...
    Or, if you willfully...choose to reject Him...
    Your choice between bliss and doom.

    When God's Spirit speaks to you, friend...don't take a chance.
    For you may regret, if you just give a furtive glance.
    The Invitation to receive Eternal Life so dear;
    And, this could be the only time the Gospel you would hear.

    The one sin unforgiven, even those not in this poem,
    It seems I've covered everything, but what is this unknown??
    Rejection of Christ Jesus, who died upon that Cross.
    And resurrected from the grave, to redeem the lost.

    Sinner, Seek The Lord Today...while He may be found.
    The Grace of God will end one day...and the only sound
    You'll hear from Him at the Judgment Of The Great White Throne:
    Depart, ye cursed...to Eternal Fire...for you, I've never known.

    If you wait, 'til it's too late, you're cast into the fire.
    You'll suffer for eternity, the cost for sins desire.
    All could've been prevented, if you, in life, had prayed,
    For Christ to save your soul from sin, and live in life He gave.

    One day, on bended knee, mankind will bow
    Declaring there that Jesus Christ is Lord.
    To the glory of God the Father, now;
    In Truth Of His Word, sharper than a sword.

    'What will you do with Jesus Christ?', God asks of you today.
    The choice is yours to make, my friend, will you accept His Way??
    For every knee will bow before Him, on that final day.
    'Jesus Christ Is Lord Of All' every tongue will say.

    What is your cry?? You, a lost sinner...
    To Jesus Christ the Lord today?
    In repentence & sorrow, will you accept Him??
    The Truth, The Life, & The Way.
    'Dear Jesus, Save Me, be the Lord Of My Life';
    Grateful that He did it for you.
    Or do you reject Him??
    And, hear Him say 'Depart; for you I never knew'.

    While God commands, He will not force, accepting of His Gift.
    It's your choice if you want Christ, your burden, there to lift.
    But, if yourself, there want to pay, for sins done by the score,
    Suffering in the Lake Of Fire, will be yours forevermore.

    So, what will your Judgment Choice now be??
    Don't think that you will live for many years.
    To no one, is tomorrow guaranteed...
    Will you repent today, with bitter tears??

    So, bow before Him now, today repent.
    For He truly knows the best for you.
    Then, daily serving Him, you'll gladly say
    'Today, Oh, Lord...what will you have me do??'

    Betrayed; to you, I would be, if judgment didn't warn.
    To be saved, you must repent, and again to be reborn.
    God won't force His Will on you, but you now, must choose.
    Will you accept Christ Jesus?? Or His Gift, Refuse??

    The wages of sin, are never reduced, for everyone living on Earth.
    But, physical death, not really the end, if you've received The New Birth.
    Turn and repent, from your sinful deeds, and ask Christ to save you today.
    For He did defeat, both Hell and the Grave, and all will face Him one day.

    Will this be your final altar call??
    The final chance for you, to Jesus, come??
    For people praying for you, in this hall;
    For you to choose your true eternal home.

    Those not in God's Kingdom, you can avoid this group.
    Today, repent of all your sins, let Christ your life regroup.
    Ask The Lord to save your soul, and wash your sins away.
    For He is, The King Of Kings, The Truth, The Life, The Way.

    All roads lead to God...but to Heaven, only one.
    The Bema, or The Great White Throne, Judgment won't be fun.
    Whether you served Christ on Earth, or your sins desires.
    Either joy in Heaven...or tormenting, eternal fire.

    Christ alone, the perfect picture, of God's Love and Grace.
    Your choice on what what you do with Him, determines who you'll face.
    Your Best Friend, He there will be, if His Blood's applied.
    Your Worst Nightmare, rejecting Him, you'll be terrified.

    Your righteousness as filthy rags, you can this mess, now lose.
    If in all humility, Christ's Gift, you don't refuse.
    Turn now from your life of sin, accept Christ Jesus now.
    And serve Him now with all your heart, before Him humbly bow.

    Going through the motions, does this sound like you??
    You've grieved The Lord who loves you so, in all the sin you'd do.
    If you've not been born again, now is the day to choose;
    Accept Christ as your Lord today; serve Him...don't refuse.

    Please don't be one of the souls, hated by The Lord.
    He wants you to accept His Son...come now, get on board.
    The Glory Train is waiting now...come kneel there at The Cross.
    As Christ died, and rose again, to redeem the lost.

    The Bible in a nutshell, in John Three, Sixteen.
    God loved the World, He sent His Son, sinless, pure and clean.
    To those accepting Christ's death, paid for our sin and strife,
    That they would never perish, but have eternal life.


    Would you like to receive this FREE GIFT today?? All you need to do is
    admit to God that you are a sinner, and that you can NOT save yourself.

    Right now, come to God, just as you are...no matter what you've done in
    your life...or how evil...and be willing, with His Help, to turn from
    the way you've lived (repent)...accepting by faith, that:

    Jesus Christ, God's Only Begotten Son, left the Glory of Heaven, to be
    born of a Virgin, to live on Earth as a human being in all ways like us
    (except without sin), that He suffered died for you on an Old Rugged
    Cross, that He rose from the dead to provide you Eternal Life, is
    coming back soon to Earth to reign in Power and Glory, and He wants you
    to rule and reign with Him.

    All you need to do is pray a simple prayer of contrition...to ask Him
    to forgive your sins, to come into your life and be your personal
    Saviour, and the Lord of Your Life.



    "Lord Jesus...I admit that I'm a sinner. And, I know that nothing I
    can do will save myself".

    "Right now, just as I am...I come to you in faith...believing that You
    died for me, and rose again on the third day, according to the Scriptures".

    "I'm sorry for the way I've lived, and I'm willing to turn from my sin.
    Dear Jesus, Come into my heart, forgive my sin...save me...and be the
    Lord of my life".

    "By Your Grace, I will follow and obey You in all that I do".

    "Thank You For Being My Friend For Life. In Your Name, I Pray. Amen".


    If you prayed that prayer, and REALLY MEANT IT...I can assure you that
    on the Authority of God's Word...that you have Eternal Life right now...
    that all the angels of Heaven are rejoicing...and I rejoice with you...
    because I'll see you before the Throne Of God one day.

    The best thing for you now is to spend time with God each day...just
    talk with Him as if you were talking to a close personal friend. After
    all, He is just that...He sticks closer than a brother. You can talk
    with him at any time, day or night, and never have to wait. Read His
    Word, the Holy Bible...be baptized, worship, and fellowship with other Christians in a Church where Christ is preached. God will mold you into
    the image of His Son, little by little...and when you mess up, just
    confess to Him your error, and then ask and claim His Forgiveness. He
    promises to never leave you, or forsake you.
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (1:2320/33)
  • From Daryl Stout@1:2320/33 to All on Sun Sep 19 00:01:20 2021
    I'm sure you'll admit that you enjoy receiving gifts...be it for a
    birthday, anniversary, holiday, etc.; especially if it was something
    you knew you could not afford, but it was something that you greatly

    I'd like to tell you about a FREE GIFT that you can receive today...a
    Gift that was purchased for YOU a long time ago...by a Special Friend...
    who knows you better than you know yourself...and who loved you so much,
    that He gave His Life for you...to obtain for you...the gift of Life Everlasting. This gift is FREE to ALL who wish to receive it. In fact,
    it's Heavenly...Eternal Salvation through Jesus Christ.

    For those who may be thinking that clicking on the "Get A Free Gift"
    icon or related link was NOT going to be this...I want to point out that
    the Free Gift Of Salvation in Jesus Christ is FREE TO ALL WHO WOULD
    RECEIVE IT...it is YOUR CHOICE as to whether or not you wish to do so.

    On March 28, 1978, I was right where you are now...I was offered this
    FREE GIFT...and I'll admit I didn't understand it...and you may not
    understand it, either. But, the best way I can tell you is excerpts
    from the songs He has given me.


    If you're reading these poems here, before The Rapture hits,
    The choice is yours here now to make, your life to Christ, commit.
    For when God's Clock, strikes the time, that the saints will rise,
    Happening so rapidly, too quick to say goodbye.

    Tragedy at Rapture...you can avoid that day.
    Repent of sin, and come to Christ...the Truth, The Life, The Way.
    Ask Him now to save your soul, and wash away your sins.
    And, on that Glorious Rapture morn, you'll go to be with Him.

    The Day The Spirit Of The Lord Came And Pricked My Heart;
    These songs He gave me are a witness of His Gift He did impart.
    And now, dear friend...I ask you...have you had a day like this??
    Decide today...eternally...your choice...doom or bliss??

    Doing good deeds in this life, and what's right in his eyes...
    ...won't get man into Heaven...no matter how hard he tries.
    Christ's Death and Resurrection is for EVERY man and nation...
    And how shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation??

    Man thinks that praying to anybody, gets Heaven at the grave.
    But, no other name but Jesus, is given; whereby we must be saved.
    A person, a figure, a church denomination; or others...can't get it done.
    For it's written there in God's Holy Bible...
    There's none righteous...no, not one.

    Your sins are a barrier between you and God;
    Fellowship apart, as down lifes path you've trod.
    'Come, let us reason', says the Lord...for you He truly knows...
    Your scarlet sins...covered with His Blood...become white as snow.

    Precious was the love of God...even with man's sin...
    He sent His Son to die for us, while we rebelled to Him.
    King Of Kings...Lord Of Lords...The Way...The Life...The Truth
    Accept Him now...He loves you so...Gentile or a Jew.

    For God So Loved The World, that He gave His Only Son...
    To Seek, and Save That Which Was Lost.
    For it does not matter who or what you are...

    Jesus...God's Son...He knew the consequences the sin of pride would bear.
    Born of a Virgin...He preached the Kingdom of God
    To any, and all that would hear.
    But, He was crucified between two thieves on Good Friday...
    And to Him, one cursed and yelled...
    But, the other was saved...for he knew
    What Good Is Your Pride Going To Do You In Hell??

    Death Without The Lord is bad...to be in Hell for sin...
    But for those in Christ, it's Heavenly...they'll never sin again.
    Make Jesus as your Lord and Friend Today...and tarry not...
    He died to save you from your sins...and cleanse your blemished spots.

    Only one of two places awaits everyone, when death knocks on their door.
    Heaven Or Hell...no place in between...to clean up one's lifetime score.
    For you are saved only by grace through faith, not of works to boast.
    The decision to reject Jesus as Saviour and Lord,
    Is one you'll regret the most.

    You only have one life to live; be careful what you ask.
    Be righteous, truthful in your deeds; not behind a mask.
    For all your deeds and your life will both soon be past.
    And only those things, done for Christ, will eternally last.

    Like a roaring lion, seeking souls each hour;
    Satan wants your life today, eternally to be devoured.
    As the covering cherub, it's where it all did start.
    His subtle lies, they will ensnare, your unsuspecting heart.

    The Lord will return very soon...believe now, and don't wait...
    For if you listen to Satan's lies...you'll find that it's too late.
    Accept Christ and His Word for you...let both fill your heart and mind...
    And, on the day of Rapture...you won't be left behind.

    What more could I have done for you?? I loved you so, My Child.
    So much that I was spat upon, whipped, cursed, and reviled.
    I wanted you, and loved you so with all My Life and Heart...
    But, it was to be your sin that would tear us both apart.

    I let you nail me to that Cross...to suffer and be killed.
    But, I'd Rise Again That Easter Morn...Redemption's Plan Fulfilled.
    Shed Blood From My Nail Pierced Hands...Paid Sins Death Stung Fee...
    Removed Disgrace...Amazing Grace...Do You Have Time For Me??

    For it's the Resurrection, we celebrate and proclaim...
    The Gospel is for ALL mankind...regardless of your name.
    Accept Christ as your Lord today, and let Him your life change...
    For with His Resurrection, we'll never be the same.

    The Lord...He saved my life...The Lord...He saved my soul...
    And, like with me...he waits for you...to come to Him also. Saviour...Lord...King Of Kings...He's knocking at your hearts door.
    Receive Him today...He's coming soon...to reign forevermore.

    But, to all those who have rejected God,
    Without protection, they think 'all is well'.
    As down the path of sin and death they trod,
    And tragically, are one heartbeat from Hell.

    The wicked shall be turned into hell;
    But, for those, who Christ, they do receive.
    Their joy at death, no mortal tongue can tell;
    Eternal blessings for those who believed.

    Years from now, you'll remember
    When crossing to the other side.
    Seeing the Glory Of Heaven,
    Or fires of Hell as you died.

    "Lost without a compass, on eternal scale."
    "To those refusing Jesus Christ, the Lord who can not fail."
    "For all the unregenerate, preferring sins desire."
    "Never ending torment, in the Lake Of Fire."

    Life is like a vapor...and soon, it will all end.
    What will you do with Jesus Christ?? God asks of you, dear friend.
    Your life..you will account one day...with God, you cannot fudge...
    Will Jesus be your Saviour...or will He be your Judge??

    For one day soon, God's Grace will end...and it will be too late.
    For all must die...then judgment there...what will be your fate??
    Accept Christ as your Lord and Saviour...and Friend Forever there...
    Refuse Him, and He'll truly be your most feared nightmare.

    Don't put off your decision...saying 'the time is just not right'.
    If you refuse to accept Jesus...and if you die tonight;
    You'll face Christ as your Judge there...on that somber day...
    Regretting ignoring Him and His Vessels for your sinful ways.

    Where will you be...eternally...When it's time for you to die??
    It all depends on what you do with Jesus...God's Son...
    On whom, you must decide.
    To accept Him as Lord...as well as your Saviour...
    As He lived and died and rose for you...
    Or, if you willfully...choose to reject Him...
    Your choice between bliss and doom.

    When God's Spirit speaks to you, friend...don't take a chance.
    For you may regret, if you just give a furtive glance.
    The Invitation to receive Eternal Life so dear;
    And, this could be the only time the Gospel you would hear.

    The one sin unforgiven, even those not in this poem,
    It seems I've covered everything, but what is this unknown??
    Rejection of Christ Jesus, who died upon that Cross.
    And resurrected from the grave, to redeem the lost.

    Sinner, Seek The Lord Today...while He may be found.
    The Grace of God will end one day...and the only sound
    You'll hear from Him at the Judgment Of The Great White Throne:
    Depart, ye cursed...to Eternal Fire...for you, I've never known.

    If you wait, 'til it's too late, you're cast into the fire.
    You'll suffer for eternity, the cost for sins desire.
    All could've been prevented, if you, in life, had prayed,
    For Christ to save your soul from sin, and live in life He gave.

    One day, on bended knee, mankind will bow
    Declaring there that Jesus Christ is Lord.
    To the glory of God the Father, now;
    In Truth Of His Word, sharper than a sword.

    'What will you do with Jesus Christ?', God asks of you today.
    The choice is yours to make, my friend, will you accept His Way??
    For every knee will bow before Him, on that final day.
    'Jesus Christ Is Lord Of All' every tongue will say.

    What is your cry?? You, a lost sinner...
    To Jesus Christ the Lord today?
    In repentence & sorrow, will you accept Him??
    The Truth, The Life, & The Way.
    'Dear Jesus, Save Me, be the Lord Of My Life';
    Grateful that He did it for you.
    Or do you reject Him??
    And, hear Him say 'Depart; for you I never knew'.

    While God commands, He will not force, accepting of His Gift.
    It's your choice if you want Christ, your burden, there to lift.
    But, if yourself, there want to pay, for sins done by the score,
    Suffering in the Lake Of Fire, will be yours forevermore.

    So, what will your Judgment Choice now be??
    Don't think that you will live for many years.
    To no one, is tomorrow guaranteed...
    Will you repent today, with bitter tears??

    So, bow before Him now, today repent.
    For He truly knows the best for you.
    Then, daily serving Him, you'll gladly say
    'Today, Oh, Lord...what will you have me do??'

    Betrayed; to you, I would be, if judgment didn't warn.
    To be saved, you must repent, and again to be reborn.
    God won't force His Will on you, but you now, must choose.
    Will you accept Christ Jesus?? Or His Gift, Refuse??

    The wages of sin, are never reduced, for everyone living on Earth.
    But, physical death, not really the end, if you've received The New Birth.
    Turn and repent, from your sinful deeds, and ask Christ to save you today.
    For He did defeat, both Hell and the Grave, and all will face Him one day.

    Will this be your final altar call??
    The final chance for you, to Jesus, come??
    For people praying for you, in this hall;
    For you to choose your true eternal home.

    Those not in God's Kingdom, you can avoid this group.
    Today, repent of all your sins, let Christ your life regroup.
    Ask The Lord to save your soul, and wash your sins away.
    For He is, The King Of Kings, The Truth, The Life, The Way.

    All roads lead to God...but to Heaven, only one.
    The Bema, or The Great White Throne, Judgment won't be fun.
    Whether you served Christ on Earth, or your sins desires.
    Either joy in Heaven...or tormenting, eternal fire.

    Christ alone, the perfect picture, of God's Love and Grace.
    Your choice on what what you do with Him, determines who you'll face.
    Your Best Friend, He there will be, if His Blood's applied.
    Your Worst Nightmare, rejecting Him, you'll be terrified.

    Your righteousness as filthy rags, you can this mess, now lose.
    If in all humility, Christ's Gift, you don't refuse.
    Turn now from your life of sin, accept Christ Jesus now.
    And serve Him now with all your heart, before Him humbly bow.

    Going through the motions, does this sound like you??
    You've grieved The Lord who loves you so, in all the sin you'd do.
    If you've not been born again, now is the day to choose;
    Accept Christ as your Lord today; serve Him...don't refuse.

    Please don't be one of the souls, hated by The Lord.
    He wants you to accept His Son...come now, get on board.
    The Glory Train is waiting now...come kneel there at The Cross.
    As Christ died, and rose again, to redeem the lost.

    The Bible in a nutshell, in John Three, Sixteen.
    God loved the World, He sent His Son, sinless, pure and clean.
    To those accepting Christ's death, paid for our sin and strife,
    That they would never perish, but have eternal life.


    Would you like to receive this FREE GIFT today?? All you need to do is
    admit to God that you are a sinner, and that you can NOT save yourself.

    Right now, come to God, just as you are...no matter what you've done in
    your life...or how evil...and be willing, with His Help, to turn from
    the way you've lived (repent)...accepting by faith, that:

    Jesus Christ, God's Only Begotten Son, left the Glory of Heaven, to be
    born of a Virgin, to live on Earth as a human being in all ways like us
    (except without sin), that He suffered died for you on an Old Rugged
    Cross, that He rose from the dead to provide you Eternal Life, is
    coming back soon to Earth to reign in Power and Glory, and He wants you
    to rule and reign with Him.

    All you need to do is pray a simple prayer of contrition...to ask Him
    to forgive your sins, to come into your life and be your personal
    Saviour, and the Lord of Your Life.



    "Lord Jesus...I admit that I'm a sinner. And, I know that nothing I
    can do will save myself".

    "Right now, just as I am...I come to you in faith...believing that You
    died for me, and rose again on the third day, according to the Scriptures".

    "I'm sorry for the way I've lived, and I'm willing to turn from my sin.
    Dear Jesus, Come into my heart, forgive my sin...save me...and be the
    Lord of my life".

    "By Your Grace, I will follow and obey You in all that I do".

    "Thank You For Being My Friend For Life. In Your Name, I Pray. Amen".


    If you prayed that prayer, and REALLY MEANT IT...I can assure you that
    on the Authority of God's Word...that you have Eternal Life right now...
    that all the angels of Heaven are rejoicing...and I rejoice with you...
    because I'll see you before the Throne Of God one day.

    The best thing for you now is to spend time with God each day...just
    talk with Him as if you were talking to a close personal friend. After
    all, He is just that...He sticks closer than a brother. You can talk
    with him at any time, day or night, and never have to wait. Read His
    Word, the Holy Bible...be baptized, worship, and fellowship with other Christians in a Church where Christ is preached. God will mold you into
    the image of His Son, little by little...and when you mess up, just
    confess to Him your error, and then ask and claim His Forgiveness. He
    promises to never leave you, or forsake you.
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (1:2320/33)
  • From Daryl Stout@1:2320/33 to All on Sun Sep 26 00:01:24 2021
    I'm sure you'll admit that you enjoy receiving gifts...be it for a
    birthday, anniversary, holiday, etc.; especially if it was something
    you knew you could not afford, but it was something that you greatly

    I'd like to tell you about a FREE GIFT that you can receive today...a
    Gift that was purchased for YOU a long time ago...by a Special Friend...
    who knows you better than you know yourself...and who loved you so much,
    that He gave His Life for you...to obtain for you...the gift of Life Everlasting. This gift is FREE to ALL who wish to receive it. In fact,
    it's Heavenly...Eternal Salvation through Jesus Christ.

    For those who may be thinking that clicking on the "Get A Free Gift"
    icon or related link was NOT going to be this...I want to point out that
    the Free Gift Of Salvation in Jesus Christ is FREE TO ALL WHO WOULD
    RECEIVE IT...it is YOUR CHOICE as to whether or not you wish to do so.

    On March 28, 1978, I was right where you are now...I was offered this
    FREE GIFT...and I'll admit I didn't understand it...and you may not
    understand it, either. But, the best way I can tell you is excerpts
    from the songs He has given me.


    If you're reading these poems here, before The Rapture hits,
    The choice is yours here now to make, your life to Christ, commit.
    For when God's Clock, strikes the time, that the saints will rise,
    Happening so rapidly, too quick to say goodbye.

    Tragedy at Rapture...you can avoid that day.
    Repent of sin, and come to Christ...the Truth, The Life, The Way.
    Ask Him now to save your soul, and wash away your sins.
    And, on that Glorious Rapture morn, you'll go to be with Him.

    The Day The Spirit Of The Lord Came And Pricked My Heart;
    These songs He gave me are a witness of His Gift He did impart.
    And now, dear friend...I ask you...have you had a day like this??
    Decide today...eternally...your choice...doom or bliss??

    Doing good deeds in this life, and what's right in his eyes...
    ...won't get man into Heaven...no matter how hard he tries.
    Christ's Death and Resurrection is for EVERY man and nation...
    And how shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation??

    Man thinks that praying to anybody, gets Heaven at the grave.
    But, no other name but Jesus, is given; whereby we must be saved.
    A person, a figure, a church denomination; or others...can't get it done.
    For it's written there in God's Holy Bible...
    There's none righteous...no, not one.

    Your sins are a barrier between you and God;
    Fellowship apart, as down lifes path you've trod.
    'Come, let us reason', says the Lord...for you He truly knows...
    Your scarlet sins...covered with His Blood...become white as snow.

    Precious was the love of God...even with man's sin...
    He sent His Son to die for us, while we rebelled to Him.
    King Of Kings...Lord Of Lords...The Way...The Life...The Truth
    Accept Him now...He loves you so...Gentile or a Jew.

    For God So Loved The World, that He gave His Only Son...
    To Seek, and Save That Which Was Lost.
    For it does not matter who or what you are...

    Jesus...God's Son...He knew the consequences the sin of pride would bear.
    Born of a Virgin...He preached the Kingdom of God
    To any, and all that would hear.
    But, He was crucified between two thieves on Good Friday...
    And to Him, one cursed and yelled...
    But, the other was saved...for he knew
    What Good Is Your Pride Going To Do You In Hell??

    Death Without The Lord is bad...to be in Hell for sin...
    But for those in Christ, it's Heavenly...they'll never sin again.
    Make Jesus as your Lord and Friend Today...and tarry not...
    He died to save you from your sins...and cleanse your blemished spots.

    Only one of two places awaits everyone, when death knocks on their door.
    Heaven Or Hell...no place in between...to clean up one's lifetime score.
    For you are saved only by grace through faith, not of works to boast.
    The decision to reject Jesus as Saviour and Lord,
    Is one you'll regret the most.

    You only have one life to live; be careful what you ask.
    Be righteous, truthful in your deeds; not behind a mask.
    For all your deeds and your life will both soon be past.
    And only those things, done for Christ, will eternally last.

    Like a roaring lion, seeking souls each hour;
    Satan wants your life today, eternally to be devoured.
    As the covering cherub, it's where it all did start.
    His subtle lies, they will ensnare, your unsuspecting heart.

    The Lord will return very soon...believe now, and don't wait...
    For if you listen to Satan's lies...you'll find that it's too late.
    Accept Christ and His Word for you...let both fill your heart and mind...
    And, on the day of Rapture...you won't be left behind.

    What more could I have done for you?? I loved you so, My Child.
    So much that I was spat upon, whipped, cursed, and reviled.
    I wanted you, and loved you so with all My Life and Heart...
    But, it was to be your sin that would tear us both apart.

    I let you nail me to that Cross...to suffer and be killed.
    But, I'd Rise Again That Easter Morn...Redemption's Plan Fulfilled.
    Shed Blood From My Nail Pierced Hands...Paid Sins Death Stung Fee...
    Removed Disgrace...Amazing Grace...Do You Have Time For Me??

    For it's the Resurrection, we celebrate and proclaim...
    The Gospel is for ALL mankind...regardless of your name.
    Accept Christ as your Lord today, and let Him your life change...
    For with His Resurrection, we'll never be the same.

    The Lord...He saved my life...The Lord...He saved my soul...
    And, like with me...he waits for you...to come to Him also. Saviour...Lord...King Of Kings...He's knocking at your hearts door.
    Receive Him today...He's coming soon...to reign forevermore.

    But, to all those who have rejected God,
    Without protection, they think 'all is well'.
    As down the path of sin and death they trod,
    And tragically, are one heartbeat from Hell.

    The wicked shall be turned into hell;
    But, for those, who Christ, they do receive.
    Their joy at death, no mortal tongue can tell;
    Eternal blessings for those who believed.

    Years from now, you'll remember
    When crossing to the other side.
    Seeing the Glory Of Heaven,
    Or fires of Hell as you died.

    "Lost without a compass, on eternal scale."
    "To those refusing Jesus Christ, the Lord who can not fail."
    "For all the unregenerate, preferring sins desire."
    "Never ending torment, in the Lake Of Fire."

    Life is like a vapor...and soon, it will all end.
    What will you do with Jesus Christ?? God asks of you, dear friend.
    Your life..you will account one day...with God, you cannot fudge...
    Will Jesus be your Saviour...or will He be your Judge??

    For one day soon, God's Grace will end...and it will be too late.
    For all must die...then judgment there...what will be your fate??
    Accept Christ as your Lord and Saviour...and Friend Forever there...
    Refuse Him, and He'll truly be your most feared nightmare.

    Don't put off your decision...saying 'the time is just not right'.
    If you refuse to accept Jesus...and if you die tonight;
    You'll face Christ as your Judge there...on that somber day...
    Regretting ignoring Him and His Vessels for your sinful ways.

    Where will you be...eternally...When it's time for you to die??
    It all depends on what you do with Jesus...God's Son...
    On whom, you must decide.
    To accept Him as Lord...as well as your Saviour...
    As He lived and died and rose for you...
    Or, if you willfully...choose to reject Him...
    Your choice between bliss and doom.

    When God's Spirit speaks to you, friend...don't take a chance.
    For you may regret, if you just give a furtive glance.
    The Invitation to receive Eternal Life so dear;
    And, this could be the only time the Gospel you would hear.

    The one sin unforgiven, even those not in this poem,
    It seems I've covered everything, but what is this unknown??
    Rejection of Christ Jesus, who died upon that Cross.
    And resurrected from the grave, to redeem the lost.

    Sinner, Seek The Lord Today...while He may be found.
    The Grace of God will end one day...and the only sound
    You'll hear from Him at the Judgment Of The Great White Throne:
    Depart, ye cursed...to Eternal Fire...for you, I've never known.

    If you wait, 'til it's too late, you're cast into the fire.
    You'll suffer for eternity, the cost for sins desire.
    All could've been prevented, if you, in life, had prayed,
    For Christ to save your soul from sin, and live in life He gave.

    One day, on bended knee, mankind will bow
    Declaring there that Jesus Christ is Lord.
    To the glory of God the Father, now;
    In Truth Of His Word, sharper than a sword.

    'What will you do with Jesus Christ?', God asks of you today.
    The choice is yours to make, my friend, will you accept His Way??
    For every knee will bow before Him, on that final day.
    'Jesus Christ Is Lord Of All' every tongue will say.

    What is your cry?? You, a lost sinner...
    To Jesus Christ the Lord today?
    In repentence & sorrow, will you accept Him??
    The Truth, The Life, & The Way.
    'Dear Jesus, Save Me, be the Lord Of My Life';
    Grateful that He did it for you.
    Or do you reject Him??
    And, hear Him say 'Depart; for you I never knew'.

    While God commands, He will not force, accepting of His Gift.
    It's your choice if you want Christ, your burden, there to lift.
    But, if yourself, there want to pay, for sins done by the score,
    Suffering in the Lake Of Fire, will be yours forevermore.

    So, what will your Judgment Choice now be??
    Don't think that you will live for many years.
    To no one, is tomorrow guaranteed...
    Will you repent today, with bitter tears??

    So, bow before Him now, today repent.
    For He truly knows the best for you.
    Then, daily serving Him, you'll gladly say
    'Today, Oh, Lord...what will you have me do??'

    Betrayed; to you, I would be, if judgment didn't warn.
    To be saved, you must repent, and again to be reborn.
    God won't force His Will on you, but you now, must choose.
    Will you accept Christ Jesus?? Or His Gift, Refuse??

    The wages of sin, are never reduced, for everyone living on Earth.
    But, physical death, not really the end, if you've received The New Birth.
    Turn and repent, from your sinful deeds, and ask Christ to save you today.
    For He did defeat, both Hell and the Grave, and all will face Him one day.

    Will this be your final altar call??
    The final chance for you, to Jesus, come??
    For people praying for you, in this hall;
    For you to choose your true eternal home.

    Those not in God's Kingdom, you can avoid this group.
    Today, repent of all your sins, let Christ your life regroup.
    Ask The Lord to save your soul, and wash your sins away.
    For He is, The King Of Kings, The Truth, The Life, The Way.

    All roads lead to God...but to Heaven, only one.
    The Bema, or The Great White Throne, Judgment won't be fun.
    Whether you served Christ on Earth, or your sins desires.
    Either joy in Heaven...or tormenting, eternal fire.

    Christ alone, the perfect picture, of God's Love and Grace.
    Your choice on what what you do with Him, determines who you'll face.
    Your Best Friend, He there will be, if His Blood's applied.
    Your Worst Nightmare, rejecting Him, you'll be terrified.

    Your righteousness as filthy rags, you can this mess, now lose.
    If in all humility, Christ's Gift, you don't refuse.
    Turn now from your life of sin, accept Christ Jesus now.
    And serve Him now with all your heart, before Him humbly bow.

    Going through the motions, does this sound like you??
    You've grieved The Lord who loves you so, in all the sin you'd do.
    If you've not been born again, now is the day to choose;
    Accept Christ as your Lord today; serve Him...don't refuse.

    Please don't be one of the souls, hated by The Lord.
    He wants you to accept His Son...come now, get on board.
    The Glory Train is waiting now...come kneel there at The Cross.
    As Christ died, and rose again, to redeem the lost.

    The Bible in a nutshell, in John Three, Sixteen.
    God loved the World, He sent His Son, sinless, pure and clean.
    To those accepting Christ's death, paid for our sin and strife,
    That they would never perish, but have eternal life.


    Would you like to receive this FREE GIFT today?? All you need to do is
    admit to God that you are a sinner, and that you can NOT save yourself.

    Right now, come to God, just as you are...no matter what you've done in
    your life...or how evil...and be willing, with His Help, to turn from
    the way you've lived (repent)...accepting by faith, that:

    Jesus Christ, God's Only Begotten Son, left the Glory of Heaven, to be
    born of a Virgin, to live on Earth as a human being in all ways like us
    (except without sin), that He suffered died for you on an Old Rugged
    Cross, that He rose from the dead to provide you Eternal Life, is
    coming back soon to Earth to reign in Power and Glory, and He wants you
    to rule and reign with Him.

    All you need to do is pray a simple prayer of contrition...to ask Him
    to forgive your sins, to come into your life and be your personal
    Saviour, and the Lord of Your Life.



    "Lord Jesus...I admit that I'm a sinner. And, I know that nothing I
    can do will save myself".

    "Right now, just as I am...I come to you in faith...believing that You
    died for me, and rose again on the third day, according to the Scriptures".

    "I'm sorry for the way I've lived, and I'm willing to turn from my sin.
    Dear Jesus, Come into my heart, forgive my sin...save me...and be the
    Lord of my life".

    "By Your Grace, I will follow and obey You in all that I do".

    "Thank You For Being My Friend For Life. In Your Name, I Pray. Amen".


    If you prayed that prayer, and REALLY MEANT IT...I can assure you that
    on the Authority of God's Word...that you have Eternal Life right now...
    that all the angels of Heaven are rejoicing...and I rejoice with you...
    because I'll see you before the Throne Of God one day.

    The best thing for you now is to spend time with God each day...just
    talk with Him as if you were talking to a close personal friend. After
    all, He is just that...He sticks closer than a brother. You can talk
    with him at any time, day or night, and never have to wait. Read His
    Word, the Holy Bible...be baptized, worship, and fellowship with other Christians in a Church where Christ is preached. God will mold you into
    the image of His Son, little by little...and when you mess up, just
    confess to Him your error, and then ask and claim His Forgiveness. He
    promises to never leave you, or forsake you.
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (1:2320/33)
  • From Daryl Stout@1:2320/33 to All on Sun Oct 3 08:26:40 2021
    I'm sure you'll admit that you enjoy receiving gifts...be it for a
    birthday, anniversary, holiday, etc.; especially if it was something
    you knew you could not afford, but it was something that you greatly

    I'd like to tell you about a FREE GIFT that you can receive today...a
    Gift that was purchased for YOU a long time ago...by a Special Friend...
    who knows you better than you know yourself...and who loved you so much,
    that He gave His Life for you...to obtain for you...the gift of Life Everlasting. This gift is FREE to ALL who wish to receive it. In fact,
    it's Heavenly...Eternal Salvation through Jesus Christ.

    For those who may be thinking that clicking on the "Get A Free Gift"
    icon or related link was NOT going to be this...I want to point out that
    the Free Gift Of Salvation in Jesus Christ is FREE TO ALL WHO WOULD
    RECEIVE IT...it is YOUR CHOICE as to whether or not you wish to do so.

    On March 28, 1978, I was right where you are now...I was offered this
    FREE GIFT...and I'll admit I didn't understand it...and you may not
    understand it, either. But, the best way I can tell you is excerpts
    from the songs He has given me.


    If you're reading these poems here, before The Rapture hits,
    The choice is yours here now to make, your life to Christ, commit.
    For when God's Clock, strikes the time, that the saints will rise,
    Happening so rapidly, too quick to say goodbye.

    Tragedy at Rapture...you can avoid that day.
    Repent of sin, and come to Christ...the Truth, The Life, The Way.
    Ask Him now to save your soul, and wash away your sins.
    And, on that Glorious Rapture morn, you'll go to be with Him.

    The Day The Spirit Of The Lord Came And Pricked My Heart;
    These songs He gave me are a witness of His Gift He did impart.
    And now, dear friend...I ask you...have you had a day like this??
    Decide today...eternally...your choice...doom or bliss??

    Doing good deeds in this life, and what's right in his eyes...
    ...won't get man into Heaven...no matter how hard he tries.
    Christ's Death and Resurrection is for EVERY man and nation...
    And how shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation??

    Man thinks that praying to anybody, gets Heaven at the grave.
    But, no other name but Jesus, is given; whereby we must be saved.
    A person, a figure, a church denomination; or others...can't get it done.
    For it's written there in God's Holy Bible...
    There's none righteous...no, not one.

    Your sins are a barrier between you and God;
    Fellowship apart, as down lifes path you've trod.
    'Come, let us reason', says the Lord...for you He truly knows...
    Your scarlet sins...covered with His Blood...become white as snow.

    Precious was the love of God...even with man's sin...
    He sent His Son to die for us, while we rebelled to Him.
    King Of Kings...Lord Of Lords...The Way...The Life...The Truth
    Accept Him now...He loves you so...Gentile or a Jew.

    For God So Loved The World, that He gave His Only Son...
    To Seek, and Save That Which Was Lost.
    For it does not matter who or what you are...

    Jesus...God's Son...He knew the consequences the sin of pride would bear.
    Born of a Virgin...He preached the Kingdom of God
    To any, and all that would hear.
    But, He was crucified between two thieves on Good Friday...
    And to Him, one cursed and yelled...
    But, the other was saved...for he knew
    What Good Is Your Pride Going To Do You In Hell??

    Death Without The Lord is bad...to be in Hell for sin...
    But for those in Christ, it's Heavenly...they'll never sin again.
    Make Jesus as your Lord and Friend Today...and tarry not...
    He died to save you from your sins...and cleanse your blemished spots.

    Only one of two places awaits everyone, when death knocks on their door.
    Heaven Or Hell...no place in between...to clean up one's lifetime score.
    For you are saved only by grace through faith, not of works to boast.
    The decision to reject Jesus as Saviour and Lord,
    Is one you'll regret the most.

    You only have one life to live; be careful what you ask.
    Be righteous, truthful in your deeds; not behind a mask.
    For all your deeds and your life will both soon be past.
    And only those things, done for Christ, will eternally last.

    Like a roaring lion, seeking souls each hour;
    Satan wants your life today, eternally to be devoured.
    As the covering cherub, it's where it all did start.
    His subtle lies, they will ensnare, your unsuspecting heart.

    The Lord will return very soon...believe now, and don't wait...
    For if you listen to Satan's lies...you'll find that it's too late.
    Accept Christ and His Word for you...let both fill your heart and mind...
    And, on the day of Rapture...you won't be left behind.

    What more could I have done for you?? I loved you so, My Child.
    So much that I was spat upon, whipped, cursed, and reviled.
    I wanted you, and loved you so with all My Life and Heart...
    But, it was to be your sin that would tear us both apart.

    I let you nail me to that Cross...to suffer and be killed.
    But, I'd Rise Again That Easter Morn...Redemption's Plan Fulfilled.
    Shed Blood From My Nail Pierced Hands...Paid Sins Death Stung Fee...
    Removed Disgrace...Amazing Grace...Do You Have Time For Me??

    For it's the Resurrection, we celebrate and proclaim...
    The Gospel is for ALL mankind...regardless of your name.
    Accept Christ as your Lord today, and let Him your life change...
    For with His Resurrection, we'll never be the same.

    The Lord...He saved my life...The Lord...He saved my soul...
    And, like with me...he waits for you...to come to Him also. Saviour...Lord...King Of Kings...He's knocking at your hearts door.
    Receive Him today...He's coming soon...to reign forevermore.

    But, to all those who have rejected God,
    Without protection, they think 'all is well'.
    As down the path of sin and death they trod,
    And tragically, are one heartbeat from Hell.

    The wicked shall be turned into hell;
    But, for those, who Christ, they do receive.
    Their joy at death, no mortal tongue can tell;
    Eternal blessings for those who believed.

    Years from now, you'll remember
    When crossing to the other side.
    Seeing the Glory Of Heaven,
    Or fires of Hell as you died.

    "Lost without a compass, on eternal scale."
    "To those refusing Jesus Christ, the Lord who can not fail."
    "For all the unregenerate, preferring sins desire."
    "Never ending torment, in the Lake Of Fire."

    Life is like a vapor...and soon, it will all end.
    What will you do with Jesus Christ?? God asks of you, dear friend.
    Your life..you will account one day...with God, you cannot fudge...
    Will Jesus be your Saviour...or will He be your Judge??

    For one day soon, God's Grace will end...and it will be too late.
    For all must die...then judgment there...what will be your fate??
    Accept Christ as your Lord and Saviour...and Friend Forever there...
    Refuse Him, and He'll truly be your most feared nightmare.

    Don't put off your decision...saying 'the time is just not right'.
    If you refuse to accept Jesus...and if you die tonight;
    You'll face Christ as your Judge there...on that somber day...
    Regretting ignoring Him and His Vessels for your sinful ways.

    Where will you be...eternally...When it's time for you to die??
    It all depends on what you do with Jesus...God's Son...
    On whom, you must decide.
    To accept Him as Lord...as well as your Saviour...
    As He lived and died and rose for you...
    Or, if you willfully...choose to reject Him...
    Your choice between bliss and doom.

    When God's Spirit speaks to you, friend...don't take a chance.
    For you may regret, if you just give a furtive glance.
    The Invitation to receive Eternal Life so dear;
    And, this could be the only time the Gospel you would hear.

    The one sin unforgiven, even those not in this poem,
    It seems I've covered everything, but what is this unknown??
    Rejection of Christ Jesus, who died upon that Cross.
    And resurrected from the grave, to redeem the lost.

    Sinner, Seek The Lord Today...while He may be found.
    The Grace of God will end one day...and the only sound
    You'll hear from Him at the Judgment Of The Great White Throne:
    Depart, ye cursed...to Eternal Fire...for you, I've never known.

    If you wait, 'til it's too late, you're cast into the fire.
    You'll suffer for eternity, the cost for sins desire.
    All could've been prevented, if you, in life, had prayed,
    For Christ to save your soul from sin, and live in life He gave.

    One day, on bended knee, mankind will bow
    Declaring there that Jesus Christ is Lord.
    To the glory of God the Father, now;
    In Truth Of His Word, sharper than a sword.

    'What will you do with Jesus Christ?', God asks of you today.
    The choice is yours to make, my friend, will you accept His Way??
    For every knee will bow before Him, on that final day.
    'Jesus Christ Is Lord Of All' every tongue will say.

    What is your cry?? You, a lost sinner...
    To Jesus Christ the Lord today?
    In repentence & sorrow, will you accept Him??
    The Truth, The Life, & The Way.
    'Dear Jesus, Save Me, be the Lord Of My Life';
    Grateful that He did it for you.
    Or do you reject Him??
    And, hear Him say 'Depart; for you I never knew'.

    While God commands, He will not force, accepting of His Gift.
    It's your choice if you want Christ, your burden, there to lift.
    But, if yourself, there want to pay, for sins done by the score,
    Suffering in the Lake Of Fire, will be yours forevermore.

    So, what will your Judgment Choice now be??
    Don't think that you will live for many years.
    To no one, is tomorrow guaranteed...
    Will you repent today, with bitter tears??

    So, bow before Him now, today repent.
    For He truly knows the best for you.
    Then, daily serving Him, you'll gladly say
    'Today, Oh, Lord...what will you have me do??'

    Betrayed; to you, I would be, if judgment didn't warn.
    To be saved, you must repent, and again to be reborn.
    God won't force His Will on you, but you now, must choose.
    Will you accept Christ Jesus?? Or His Gift, Refuse??

    The wages of sin, are never reduced, for everyone living on Earth.
    But, physical death, not really the end, if you've received The New Birth.
    Turn and repent, from your sinful deeds, and ask Christ to save you today.
    For He did defeat, both Hell and the Grave, and all will face Him one day.

    Will this be your final altar call??
    The final chance for you, to Jesus, come??
    For people praying for you, in this hall;
    For you to choose your true eternal home.

    Those not in God's Kingdom, you can avoid this group.
    Today, repent of all your sins, let Christ your life regroup.
    Ask The Lord to save your soul, and wash your sins away.
    For He is, The King Of Kings, The Truth, The Life, The Way.

    All roads lead to God...but to Heaven, only one.
    The Bema, or The Great White Throne, Judgment won't be fun.
    Whether you served Christ on Earth, or your sins desires.
    Either joy in Heaven...or tormenting, eternal fire.

    Christ alone, the perfect picture, of God's Love and Grace.
    Your choice on what what you do with Him, determines who you'll face.
    Your Best Friend, He there will be, if His Blood's applied.
    Your Worst Nightmare, rejecting Him, you'll be terrified.

    Your righteousness as filthy rags, you can this mess, now lose.
    If in all humility, Christ's Gift, you don't refuse.
    Turn now from your life of sin, accept Christ Jesus now.
    And serve Him now with all your heart, before Him humbly bow.

    Going through the motions, does this sound like you??
    You've grieved The Lord who loves you so, in all the sin you'd do.
    If you've not been born again, now is the day to choose;
    Accept Christ as your Lord today; serve Him...don't refuse.

    Please don't be one of the souls, hated by The Lord.
    He wants you to accept His Son...come now, get on board.
    The Glory Train is waiting now...come kneel there at The Cross.
    As Christ died, and rose again, to redeem the lost.

    The Bible in a nutshell, in John Three, Sixteen.
    God loved the World, He sent His Son, sinless, pure and clean.
    To those accepting Christ's death, paid for our sin and strife,
    That they would never perish, but have eternal life.


    Would you like to receive this FREE GIFT today?? All you need to do is
    admit to God that you are a sinner, and that you can NOT save yourself.

    Right now, come to God, just as you are...no matter what you've done in
    your life...or how evil...and be willing, with His Help, to turn from
    the way you've lived (repent)...accepting by faith, that:

    Jesus Christ, God's Only Begotten Son, left the Glory of Heaven, to be
    born of a Virgin, to live on Earth as a human being in all ways like us
    (except without sin), that He suffered died for you on an Old Rugged
    Cross, that He rose from the dead to provide you Eternal Life, is
    coming back soon to Earth to reign in Power and Glory, and He wants you
    to rule and reign with Him.

    All you need to do is pray a simple prayer of contrition...to ask Him
    to forgive your sins, to come into your life and be your personal
    Saviour, and the Lord of Your Life.



    "Lord Jesus...I admit that I'm a sinner. And, I know that nothing I
    can do will save myself".

    "Right now, just as I am...I come to you in faith...believing that You
    died for me, and rose again on the third day, according to the Scriptures".

    "I'm sorry for the way I've lived, and I'm willing to turn from my sin.
    Dear Jesus, Come into my heart, forgive my sin...save me...and be the
    Lord of my life".

    "By Your Grace, I will follow and obey You in all that I do".

    "Thank You For Being My Friend For Life. In Your Name, I Pray. Amen".


    If you prayed that prayer, and REALLY MEANT IT...I can assure you that
    on the Authority of God's Word...that you have Eternal Life right now...
    that all the angels of Heaven are rejoicing...and I rejoice with you...
    because I'll see you before the Throne Of God one day.

    The best thing for you now is to spend time with God each day...just
    talk with Him as if you were talking to a close personal friend. After
    all, He is just that...He sticks closer than a brother. You can talk
    with him at any time, day or night, and never have to wait. Read His
    Word, the Holy Bible...be baptized, worship, and fellowship with other Christians in a Church where Christ is preached. God will mold you into
    the image of His Son, little by little...and when you mess up, just
    confess to Him your error, and then ask and claim His Forgiveness. He
    promises to never leave you, or forsake you.
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (1:2320/33)
  • From Daryl Stout@1:2320/33 to All on Sun Oct 10 00:01:23 2021
    I'm sure you'll admit that you enjoy receiving gifts...be it for a
    birthday, anniversary, holiday, etc.; especially if it was something
    you knew you could not afford, but it was something that you greatly

    I'd like to tell you about a FREE GIFT that you can receive today...a
    Gift that was purchased for YOU a long time ago...by a Special Friend...
    who knows you better than you know yourself...and who loved you so much,
    that He gave His Life for you...to obtain for you...the gift of Life Everlasting. This gift is FREE to ALL who wish to receive it. In fact,
    it's Heavenly...Eternal Salvation through Jesus Christ.

    For those who may be thinking that clicking on the "Get A Free Gift"
    icon or related link was NOT going to be this...I want to point out that
    the Free Gift Of Salvation in Jesus Christ is FREE TO ALL WHO WOULD
    RECEIVE IT...it is YOUR CHOICE as to whether or not you wish to do so.

    On March 28, 1978, I was right where you are now...I was offered this
    FREE GIFT...and I'll admit I didn't understand it...and you may not
    understand it, either. But, the best way I can tell you is excerpts
    from the songs He has given me.


    If you're reading these poems here, before The Rapture hits,
    The choice is yours here now to make, your life to Christ, commit.
    For when God's Clock, strikes the time, that the saints will rise,
    Happening so rapidly, too quick to say goodbye.

    Tragedy at Rapture...you can avoid that day.
    Repent of sin, and come to Christ...the Truth, The Life, The Way.
    Ask Him now to save your soul, and wash away your sins.
    And, on that Glorious Rapture morn, you'll go to be with Him.

    The Day The Spirit Of The Lord Came And Pricked My Heart;
    These songs He gave me are a witness of His Gift He did impart.
    And now, dear friend...I ask you...have you had a day like this??
    Decide today...eternally...your choice...doom or bliss??

    Doing good deeds in this life, and what's right in his eyes...
    ...won't get man into Heaven...no matter how hard he tries.
    Christ's Death and Resurrection is for EVERY man and nation...
    And how shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation??

    Man thinks that praying to anybody, gets Heaven at the grave.
    But, no other name but Jesus, is given; whereby we must be saved.
    A person, a figure, a church denomination; or others...can't get it done.
    For it's written there in God's Holy Bible...
    There's none righteous...no, not one.

    Your sins are a barrier between you and God;
    Fellowship apart, as down lifes path you've trod.
    'Come, let us reason', says the Lord...for you He truly knows...
    Your scarlet sins...covered with His Blood...become white as snow.

    Precious was the love of God...even with man's sin...
    He sent His Son to die for us, while we rebelled to Him.
    King Of Kings...Lord Of Lords...The Way...The Life...The Truth
    Accept Him now...He loves you so...Gentile or a Jew.

    For God So Loved The World, that He gave His Only Son...
    To Seek, and Save That Which Was Lost.
    For it does not matter who or what you are...

    Jesus...God's Son...He knew the consequences the sin of pride would bear.
    Born of a Virgin...He preached the Kingdom of God
    To any, and all that would hear.
    But, He was crucified between two thieves on Good Friday...
    And to Him, one cursed and yelled...
    But, the other was saved...for he knew
    What Good Is Your Pride Going To Do You In Hell??

    Death Without The Lord is bad...to be in Hell for sin...
    But for those in Christ, it's Heavenly...they'll never sin again.
    Make Jesus as your Lord and Friend Today...and tarry not...
    He died to save you from your sins...and cleanse your blemished spots.

    Only one of two places awaits everyone, when death knocks on their door.
    Heaven Or Hell...no place in between...to clean up one's lifetime score.
    For you are saved only by grace through faith, not of works to boast.
    The decision to reject Jesus as Saviour and Lord,
    Is one you'll regret the most.

    You only have one life to live; be careful what you ask.
    Be righteous, truthful in your deeds; not behind a mask.
    For all your deeds and your life will both soon be past.
    And only those things, done for Christ, will eternally last.

    Like a roaring lion, seeking souls each hour;
    Satan wants your life today, eternally to be devoured.
    As the covering cherub, it's where it all did start.
    His subtle lies, they will ensnare, your unsuspecting heart.

    The Lord will return very soon...believe now, and don't wait...
    For if you listen to Satan's lies...you'll find that it's too late.
    Accept Christ and His Word for you...let both fill your heart and mind...
    And, on the day of Rapture...you won't be left behind.

    What more could I have done for you?? I loved you so, My Child.
    So much that I was spat upon, whipped, cursed, and reviled.
    I wanted you, and loved you so with all My Life and Heart...
    But, it was to be your sin that would tear us both apart.

    I let you nail me to that Cross...to suffer and be killed.
    But, I'd Rise Again That Easter Morn...Redemption's Plan Fulfilled.
    Shed Blood From My Nail Pierced Hands...Paid Sins Death Stung Fee...
    Removed Disgrace...Amazing Grace...Do You Have Time For Me??

    For it's the Resurrection, we celebrate and proclaim...
    The Gospel is for ALL mankind...regardless of your name.
    Accept Christ as your Lord today, and let Him your life change...
    For with His Resurrection, we'll never be the same.

    The Lord...He saved my life...The Lord...He saved my soul...
    And, like with me...he waits for you...to come to Him also. Saviour...Lord...King Of Kings...He's knocking at your hearts door.
    Receive Him today...He's coming soon...to reign forevermore.

    But, to all those who have rejected God,
    Without protection, they think 'all is well'.
    As down the path of sin and death they trod,
    And tragically, are one heartbeat from Hell.

    The wicked shall be turned into hell;
    But, for those, who Christ, they do receive.
    Their joy at death, no mortal tongue can tell;
    Eternal blessings for those who believed.

    Years from now, you'll remember
    When crossing to the other side.
    Seeing the Glory Of Heaven,
    Or fires of Hell as you died.

    "Lost without a compass, on eternal scale."
    "To those refusing Jesus Christ, the Lord who can not fail."
    "For all the unregenerate, preferring sins desire."
    "Never ending torment, in the Lake Of Fire."

    Life is like a vapor...and soon, it will all end.
    What will you do with Jesus Christ?? God asks of you, dear friend.
    Your life..you will account one day...with God, you cannot fudge...
    Will Jesus be your Saviour...or will He be your Judge??

    For one day soon, God's Grace will end...and it will be too late.
    For all must die...then judgment there...what will be your fate??
    Accept Christ as your Lord and Saviour...and Friend Forever there...
    Refuse Him, and He'll truly be your most feared nightmare.

    Don't put off your decision...saying 'the time is just not right'.
    If you refuse to accept Jesus...and if you die tonight;
    You'll face Christ as your Judge there...on that somber day...
    Regretting ignoring Him and His Vessels for your sinful ways.

    Where will you be...eternally...When it's time for you to die??
    It all depends on what you do with Jesus...God's Son...
    On whom, you must decide.
    To accept Him as Lord...as well as your Saviour...
    As He lived and died and rose for you...
    Or, if you willfully...choose to reject Him...
    Your choice between bliss and doom.

    When God's Spirit speaks to you, friend...don't take a chance.
    For you may regret, if you just give a furtive glance.
    The Invitation to receive Eternal Life so dear;
    And, this could be the only time the Gospel you would hear.

    The one sin unforgiven, even those not in this poem,
    It seems I've covered everything, but what is this unknown??
    Rejection of Christ Jesus, who died upon that Cross.
    And resurrected from the grave, to redeem the lost.

    Sinner, Seek The Lord Today...while He may be found.
    The Grace of God will end one day...and the only sound
    You'll hear from Him at the Judgment Of The Great White Throne:
    Depart, ye cursed...to Eternal Fire...for you, I've never known.

    If you wait, 'til it's too late, you're cast into the fire.
    You'll suffer for eternity, the cost for sins desire.
    All could've been prevented, if you, in life, had prayed,
    For Christ to save your soul from sin, and live in life He gave.

    One day, on bended knee, mankind will bow
    Declaring there that Jesus Christ is Lord.
    To the glory of God the Father, now;
    In Truth Of His Word, sharper than a sword.

    'What will you do with Jesus Christ?', God asks of you today.
    The choice is yours to make, my friend, will you accept His Way??
    For every knee will bow before Him, on that final day.
    'Jesus Christ Is Lord Of All' every tongue will say.

    What is your cry?? You, a lost sinner...
    To Jesus Christ the Lord today?
    In repentence & sorrow, will you accept Him??
    The Truth, The Life, & The Way.
    'Dear Jesus, Save Me, be the Lord Of My Life';
    Grateful that He did it for you.
    Or do you reject Him??
    And, hear Him say 'Depart; for you I never knew'.

    While God commands, He will not force, accepting of His Gift.
    It's your choice if you want Christ, your burden, there to lift.
    But, if yourself, there want to pay, for sins done by the score,
    Suffering in the Lake Of Fire, will be yours forevermore.

    So, what will your Judgment Choice now be??
    Don't think that you will live for many years.
    To no one, is tomorrow guaranteed...
    Will you repent today, with bitter tears??

    So, bow before Him now, today repent.
    For He truly knows the best for you.
    Then, daily serving Him, you'll gladly say
    'Today, Oh, Lord...what will you have me do??'

    Betrayed; to you, I would be, if judgment didn't warn.
    To be saved, you must repent, and again to be reborn.
    God won't force His Will on you, but you now, must choose.
    Will you accept Christ Jesus?? Or His Gift, Refuse??

    The wages of sin, are never reduced, for everyone living on Earth.
    But, physical death, not really the end, if you've received The New Birth.
    Turn and repent, from your sinful deeds, and ask Christ to save you today.
    For He did defeat, both Hell and the Grave, and all will face Him one day.

    Will this be your final altar call??
    The final chance for you, to Jesus, come??
    For people praying for you, in this hall;
    For you to choose your true eternal home.

    Those not in God's Kingdom, you can avoid this group.
    Today, repent of all your sins, let Christ your life regroup.
    Ask The Lord to save your soul, and wash your sins away.
    For He is, The King Of Kings, The Truth, The Life, The Way.

    All roads lead to God...but to Heaven, only one.
    The Bema, or The Great White Throne, Judgment won't be fun.
    Whether you served Christ on Earth, or your sins desires.
    Either joy in Heaven...or tormenting, eternal fire.

    Christ alone, the perfect picture, of God's Love and Grace.
    Your choice on what what you do with Him, determines who you'll face.
    Your Best Friend, He there will be, if His Blood's applied.
    Your Worst Nightmare, rejecting Him, you'll be terrified.

    Your righteousness as filthy rags, you can this mess, now lose.
    If in all humility, Christ's Gift, you don't refuse.
    Turn now from your life of sin, accept Christ Jesus now.
    And serve Him now with all your heart, before Him humbly bow.

    Going through the motions, does this sound like you??
    You've grieved The Lord who loves you so, in all the sin you'd do.
    If you've not been born again, now is the day to choose;
    Accept Christ as your Lord today; serve Him...don't refuse.

    Please don't be one of the souls, hated by The Lord.
    He wants you to accept His Son...come now, get on board.
    The Glory Train is waiting now...come kneel there at The Cross.
    As Christ died, and rose again, to redeem the lost.

    The Bible in a nutshell, in John Three, Sixteen.
    God loved the World, He sent His Son, sinless, pure and clean.
    To those accepting Christ's death, paid for our sin and strife,
    That they would never perish, but have eternal life.


    Would you like to receive this FREE GIFT today?? All you need to do is
    admit to God that you are a sinner, and that you can NOT save yourself.

    Right now, come to God, just as you are...no matter what you've done in
    your life...or how evil...and be willing, with His Help, to turn from
    the way you've lived (repent)...accepting by faith, that:

    Jesus Christ, God's Only Begotten Son, left the Glory of Heaven, to be
    born of a Virgin, to live on Earth as a human being in all ways like us
    (except without sin), that He suffered died for you on an Old Rugged
    Cross, that He rose from the dead to provide you Eternal Life, is
    coming back soon to Earth to reign in Power and Glory, and He wants you
    to rule and reign with Him.

    All you need to do is pray a simple prayer of contrition...to ask Him
    to forgive your sins, to come into your life and be your personal
    Saviour, and the Lord of Your Life.



    "Lord Jesus...I admit that I'm a sinner. And, I know that nothing I
    can do will save myself".

    "Right now, just as I am...I come to you in faith...believing that You
    died for me, and rose again on the third day, according to the Scriptures".

    "I'm sorry for the way I've lived, and I'm willing to turn from my sin.
    Dear Jesus, Come into my heart, forgive my sin...save me...and be the
    Lord of my life".

    "By Your Grace, I will follow and obey You in all that I do".

    "Thank You For Being My Friend For Life. In Your Name, I Pray. Amen".


    If you prayed that prayer, and REALLY MEANT IT...I can assure you that
    on the Authority of God's Word...that you have Eternal Life right now...
    that all the angels of Heaven are rejoicing...and I rejoice with you...
    because I'll see you before the Throne Of God one day.

    The best thing for you now is to spend time with God each day...just
    talk with Him as if you were talking to a close personal friend. After
    all, He is just that...He sticks closer than a brother. You can talk
    with him at any time, day or night, and never have to wait. Read His
    Word, the Holy Bible...be baptized, worship, and fellowship with other Christians in a Church where Christ is preached. God will mold you into
    the image of His Son, little by little...and when you mess up, just
    confess to Him your error, and then ask and claim His Forgiveness. He
    promises to never leave you, or forsake you.
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (1:2320/33)
  • From Daryl Stout@1:2320/33 to All on Sun Oct 17 00:01:39 2021
    I'm sure you'll admit that you enjoy receiving gifts...be it for a
    birthday, anniversary, holiday, etc.; especially if it was something
    you knew you could not afford, but it was something that you greatly

    I'd like to tell you about a FREE GIFT that you can receive today...a
    Gift that was purchased for YOU a long time ago...by a Special Friend...
    who knows you better than you know yourself...and who loved you so much,
    that He gave His Life for you...to obtain for you...the gift of Life Everlasting. This gift is FREE to ALL who wish to receive it. In fact,
    it's Heavenly...Eternal Salvation through Jesus Christ.

    For those who may be thinking that clicking on the "Get A Free Gift"
    icon or related link was NOT going to be this...I want to point out that
    the Free Gift Of Salvation in Jesus Christ is FREE TO ALL WHO WOULD
    RECEIVE IT...it is YOUR CHOICE as to whether or not you wish to do so.

    On March 28, 1978, I was right where you are now...I was offered this
    FREE GIFT...and I'll admit I didn't understand it...and you may not
    understand it, either. But, the best way I can tell you is excerpts
    from the songs He has given me.


    If you're reading these poems here, before The Rapture hits,
    The choice is yours here now to make, your life to Christ, commit.
    For when God's Clock, strikes the time, that the saints will rise,
    Happening so rapidly, too quick to say goodbye.

    Tragedy at Rapture...you can avoid that day.
    Repent of sin, and come to Christ...the Truth, The Life, The Way.
    Ask Him now to save your soul, and wash away your sins.
    And, on that Glorious Rapture morn, you'll go to be with Him.

    The Day The Spirit Of The Lord Came And Pricked My Heart;
    These songs He gave me are a witness of His Gift He did impart.
    And now, dear friend...I ask you...have you had a day like this??
    Decide today...eternally...your choice...doom or bliss??

    Doing good deeds in this life, and what's right in his eyes...
    ...won't get man into Heaven...no matter how hard he tries.
    Christ's Death and Resurrection is for EVERY man and nation...
    And how shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation??

    Man thinks that praying to anybody, gets Heaven at the grave.
    But, no other name but Jesus, is given; whereby we must be saved.
    A person, a figure, a church denomination; or others...can't get it done.
    For it's written there in God's Holy Bible...
    There's none righteous...no, not one.

    Your sins are a barrier between you and God;
    Fellowship apart, as down lifes path you've trod.
    'Come, let us reason', says the Lord...for you He truly knows...
    Your scarlet sins...covered with His Blood...become white as snow.

    Precious was the love of God...even with man's sin...
    He sent His Son to die for us, while we rebelled to Him.
    King Of Kings...Lord Of Lords...The Way...The Life...The Truth
    Accept Him now...He loves you so...Gentile or a Jew.

    For God So Loved The World, that He gave His Only Son...
    To Seek, and Save That Which Was Lost.
    For it does not matter who or what you are...

    Jesus...God's Son...He knew the consequences the sin of pride would bear.
    Born of a Virgin...He preached the Kingdom of God
    To any, and all that would hear.
    But, He was crucified between two thieves on Good Friday...
    And to Him, one cursed and yelled...
    But, the other was saved...for he knew
    What Good Is Your Pride Going To Do You In Hell??

    Death Without The Lord is bad...to be in Hell for sin...
    But for those in Christ, it's Heavenly...they'll never sin again.
    Make Jesus as your Lord and Friend Today...and tarry not...
    He died to save you from your sins...and cleanse your blemished spots.

    Only one of two places awaits everyone, when death knocks on their door.
    Heaven Or Hell...no place in between...to clean up one's lifetime score.
    For you are saved only by grace through faith, not of works to boast.
    The decision to reject Jesus as Saviour and Lord,
    Is one you'll regret the most.

    You only have one life to live; be careful what you ask.
    Be righteous, truthful in your deeds; not behind a mask.
    For all your deeds and your life will both soon be past.
    And only those things, done for Christ, will eternally last.

    Like a roaring lion, seeking souls each hour;
    Satan wants your life today, eternally to be devoured.
    As the covering cherub, it's where it all did start.
    His subtle lies, they will ensnare, your unsuspecting heart.

    The Lord will return very soon...believe now, and don't wait...
    For if you listen to Satan's lies...you'll find that it's too late.
    Accept Christ and His Word for you...let both fill your heart and mind...
    And, on the day of Rapture...you won't be left behind.

    What more could I have done for you?? I loved you so, My Child.
    So much that I was spat upon, whipped, cursed, and reviled.
    I wanted you, and loved you so with all My Life and Heart...
    But, it was to be your sin that would tear us both apart.

    I let you nail me to that Cross...to suffer and be killed.
    But, I'd Rise Again That Easter Morn...Redemption's Plan Fulfilled.
    Shed Blood From My Nail Pierced Hands...Paid Sins Death Stung Fee...
    Removed Disgrace...Amazing Grace...Do You Have Time For Me??

    For it's the Resurrection, we celebrate and proclaim...
    The Gospel is for ALL mankind...regardless of your name.
    Accept Christ as your Lord today, and let Him your life change...
    For with His Resurrection, we'll never be the same.

    The Lord...He saved my life...The Lord...He saved my soul...
    And, like with me...he waits for you...to come to Him also. Saviour...Lord...King Of Kings...He's knocking at your hearts door.
    Receive Him today...He's coming soon...to reign forevermore.

    But, to all those who have rejected God,
    Without protection, they think 'all is well'.
    As down the path of sin and death they trod,
    And tragically, are one heartbeat from Hell.

    The wicked shall be turned into hell;
    But, for those, who Christ, they do receive.
    Their joy at death, no mortal tongue can tell;
    Eternal blessings for those who believed.

    Years from now, you'll remember
    When crossing to the other side.
    Seeing the Glory Of Heaven,
    Or fires of Hell as you died.

    "Lost without a compass, on eternal scale."
    "To those refusing Jesus Christ, the Lord who can not fail."
    "For all the unregenerate, preferring sins desire."
    "Never ending torment, in the Lake Of Fire."

    Life is like a vapor...and soon, it will all end.
    What will you do with Jesus Christ?? God asks of you, dear friend.
    Your life..you will account one day...with God, you cannot fudge...
    Will Jesus be your Saviour...or will He be your Judge??

    For one day soon, God's Grace will end...and it will be too late.
    For all must die...then judgment there...what will be your fate??
    Accept Christ as your Lord and Saviour...and Friend Forever there...
    Refuse Him, and He'll truly be your most feared nightmare.

    Don't put off your decision...saying 'the time is just not right'.
    If you refuse to accept Jesus...and if you die tonight;
    You'll face Christ as your Judge there...on that somber day...
    Regretting ignoring Him and His Vessels for your sinful ways.

    Where will you be...eternally...When it's time for you to die??
    It all depends on what you do with Jesus...God's Son...
    On whom, you must decide.
    To accept Him as Lord...as well as your Saviour...
    As He lived and died and rose for you...
    Or, if you willfully...choose to reject Him...
    Your choice between bliss and doom.

    When God's Spirit speaks to you, friend...don't take a chance.
    For you may regret, if you just give a furtive glance.
    The Invitation to receive Eternal Life so dear;
    And, this could be the only time the Gospel you would hear.

    The one sin unforgiven, even those not in this poem,
    It seems I've covered everything, but what is this unknown??
    Rejection of Christ Jesus, who died upon that Cross.
    And resurrected from the grave, to redeem the lost.

    Sinner, Seek The Lord Today...while He may be found.
    The Grace of God will end one day...and the only sound
    You'll hear from Him at the Judgment Of The Great White Throne:
    Depart, ye cursed...to Eternal Fire...for you, I've never known.

    If you wait, 'til it's too late, you're cast into the fire.
    You'll suffer for eternity, the cost for sins desire.
    All could've been prevented, if you, in life, had prayed,
    For Christ to save your soul from sin, and live in life He gave.

    One day, on bended knee, mankind will bow
    Declaring there that Jesus Christ is Lord.
    To the glory of God the Father, now;
    In Truth Of His Word, sharper than a sword.

    'What will you do with Jesus Christ?', God asks of you today.
    The choice is yours to make, my friend, will you accept His Way??
    For every knee will bow before Him, on that final day.
    'Jesus Christ Is Lord Of All' every tongue will say.

    What is your cry?? You, a lost sinner...
    To Jesus Christ the Lord today?
    In repentence & sorrow, will you accept Him??
    The Truth, The Life, & The Way.
    'Dear Jesus, Save Me, be the Lord Of My Life';
    Grateful that He did it for you.
    Or do you reject Him??
    And, hear Him say 'Depart; for you I never knew'.

    While God commands, He will not force, accepting of His Gift.
    It's your choice if you want Christ, your burden, there to lift.
    But, if yourself, there want to pay, for sins done by the score,
    Suffering in the Lake Of Fire, will be yours forevermore.

    So, what will your Judgment Choice now be??
    Don't think that you will live for many years.
    To no one, is tomorrow guaranteed...
    Will you repent today, with bitter tears??

    So, bow before Him now, today repent.
    For He truly knows the best for you.
    Then, daily serving Him, you'll gladly say
    'Today, Oh, Lord...what will you have me do??'

    Betrayed; to you, I would be, if judgment didn't warn.
    To be saved, you must repent, and again to be reborn.
    God won't force His Will on you, but you now, must choose.
    Will you accept Christ Jesus?? Or His Gift, Refuse??

    The wages of sin, are never reduced, for everyone living on Earth.
    But, physical death, not really the end, if you've received The New Birth.
    Turn and repent, from your sinful deeds, and ask Christ to save you today.
    For He did defeat, both Hell and the Grave, and all will face Him one day.

    Will this be your final altar call??
    The final chance for you, to Jesus, come??
    For people praying for you, in this hall;
    For you to choose your true eternal home.

    Those not in God's Kingdom, you can avoid this group.
    Today, repent of all your sins, let Christ your life regroup.
    Ask The Lord to save your soul, and wash your sins away.
    For He is, The King Of Kings, The Truth, The Life, The Way.

    All roads lead to God...but to Heaven, only one.
    The Bema, or The Great White Throne, Judgment won't be fun.
    Whether you served Christ on Earth, or your sins desires.
    Either joy in Heaven...or tormenting, eternal fire.

    Christ alone, the perfect picture, of God's Love and Grace.
    Your choice on what what you do with Him, determines who you'll face.
    Your Best Friend, He there will be, if His Blood's applied.
    Your Worst Nightmare, rejecting Him, you'll be terrified.

    Your righteousness as filthy rags, you can this mess, now lose.
    If in all humility, Christ's Gift, you don't refuse.
    Turn now from your life of sin, accept Christ Jesus now.
    And serve Him now with all your heart, before Him humbly bow.

    Going through the motions, does this sound like you??
    You've grieved The Lord who loves you so, in all the sin you'd do.
    If you've not been born again, now is the day to choose;
    Accept Christ as your Lord today; serve Him...don't refuse.

    Please don't be one of the souls, hated by The Lord.
    He wants you to accept His Son...come now, get on board.
    The Glory Train is waiting now...come kneel there at The Cross.
    As Christ died, and rose again, to redeem the lost.

    The Bible in a nutshell, in John Three, Sixteen.
    God loved the World, He sent His Son, sinless, pure and clean.
    To those accepting Christ's death, paid for our sin and strife,
    That they would never perish, but have eternal life.


    Would you like to receive this FREE GIFT today?? All you need to do is
    admit to God that you are a sinner, and that you can NOT save yourself.

    Right now, come to God, just as you are...no matter what you've done in
    your life...or how evil...and be willing, with His Help, to turn from
    the way you've lived (repent)...accepting by faith, that:

    Jesus Christ, God's Only Begotten Son, left the Glory of Heaven, to be
    born of a Virgin, to live on Earth as a human being in all ways like us
    (except without sin), that He suffered died for you on an Old Rugged
    Cross, that He rose from the dead to provide you Eternal Life, is
    coming back soon to Earth to reign in Power and Glory, and He wants you
    to rule and reign with Him.

    All you need to do is pray a simple prayer of contrition...to ask Him
    to forgive your sins, to come into your life and be your personal
    Saviour, and the Lord of Your Life.



    "Lord Jesus...I admit that I'm a sinner. And, I know that nothing I
    can do will save myself".

    "Right now, just as I am...I come to you in faith...believing that You
    died for me, and rose again on the third day, according to the Scriptures".

    "I'm sorry for the way I've lived, and I'm willing to turn from my sin.
    Dear Jesus, Come into my heart, forgive my sin...save me...and be the
    Lord of my life".

    "By Your Grace, I will follow and obey You in all that I do".

    "Thank You For Being My Friend For Life. In Your Name, I Pray. Amen".


    If you prayed that prayer, and REALLY MEANT IT...I can assure you that
    on the Authority of God's Word...that you have Eternal Life right now...
    that all the angels of Heaven are rejoicing...and I rejoice with you...
    because I'll see you before the Throne Of God one day.

    The best thing for you now is to spend time with God each day...just
    talk with Him as if you were talking to a close personal friend. After
    all, He is just that...He sticks closer than a brother. You can talk
    with him at any time, day or night, and never have to wait. Read His
    Word, the Holy Bible...be baptized, worship, and fellowship with other Christians in a Church where Christ is preached. God will mold you into
    the image of His Son, little by little...and when you mess up, just
    confess to Him your error, and then ask and claim His Forgiveness. He
    promises to never leave you, or forsake you.
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (1:2320/33)
  • From Daryl Stout@1:2320/33 to All on Sun Oct 24 00:01:21 2021
    I'm sure you'll admit that you enjoy receiving gifts...be it for a
    birthday, anniversary, holiday, etc.; especially if it was something
    you knew you could not afford, but it was something that you greatly

    I'd like to tell you about a FREE GIFT that you can receive today...a
    Gift that was purchased for YOU a long time ago...by a Special Friend...
    who knows you better than you know yourself...and who loved you so much,
    that He gave His Life for you...to obtain for you...the gift of Life Everlasting. This gift is FREE to ALL who wish to receive it. In fact,
    it's Heavenly...Eternal Salvation through Jesus Christ.

    For those who may be thinking that clicking on the "Get A Free Gift"
    icon or related link was NOT going to be this...I want to point out that
    the Free Gift Of Salvation in Jesus Christ is FREE TO ALL WHO WOULD
    RECEIVE IT...it is YOUR CHOICE as to whether or not you wish to do so.

    On March 28, 1978, I was right where you are now...I was offered this
    FREE GIFT...and I'll admit I didn't understand it...and you may not
    understand it, either. But, the best way I can tell you is excerpts
    from the songs He has given me.


    If you're reading these poems here, before The Rapture hits,
    The choice is yours here now to make, your life to Christ, commit.
    For when God's Clock, strikes the time, that the saints will rise,
    Happening so rapidly, too quick to say goodbye.

    Tragedy at Rapture...you can avoid that day.
    Repent of sin, and come to Christ...the Truth, The Life, The Way.
    Ask Him now to save your soul, and wash away your sins.
    And, on that Glorious Rapture morn, you'll go to be with Him.

    The Day The Spirit Of The Lord Came And Pricked My Heart;
    These songs He gave me are a witness of His Gift He did impart.
    And now, dear friend...I ask you...have you had a day like this??
    Decide today...eternally...your choice...doom or bliss??

    Doing good deeds in this life, and what's right in his eyes...
    ...won't get man into Heaven...no matter how hard he tries.
    Christ's Death and Resurrection is for EVERY man and nation...
    And how shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation??

    Man thinks that praying to anybody, gets Heaven at the grave.
    But, no other name but Jesus, is given; whereby we must be saved.
    A person, a figure, a church denomination; or others...can't get it done.
    For it's written there in God's Holy Bible...
    There's none righteous...no, not one.

    Your sins are a barrier between you and God;
    Fellowship apart, as down lifes path you've trod.
    'Come, let us reason', says the Lord...for you He truly knows...
    Your scarlet sins...covered with His Blood...become white as snow.

    Precious was the love of God...even with man's sin...
    He sent His Son to die for us, while we rebelled to Him.
    King Of Kings...Lord Of Lords...The Way...The Life...The Truth
    Accept Him now...He loves you so...Gentile or a Jew.

    For God So Loved The World, that He gave His Only Son...
    To Seek, and Save That Which Was Lost.
    For it does not matter who or what you are...

    Jesus...God's Son...He knew the consequences the sin of pride would bear.
    Born of a Virgin...He preached the Kingdom of God
    To any, and all that would hear.
    But, He was crucified between two thieves on Good Friday...
    And to Him, one cursed and yelled...
    But, the other was saved...for he knew
    What Good Is Your Pride Going To Do You In Hell??

    Death Without The Lord is bad...to be in Hell for sin...
    But for those in Christ, it's Heavenly...they'll never sin again.
    Make Jesus as your Lord and Friend Today...and tarry not...
    He died to save you from your sins...and cleanse your blemished spots.

    Only one of two places awaits everyone, when death knocks on their door.
    Heaven Or Hell...no place in between...to clean up one's lifetime score.
    For you are saved only by grace through faith, not of works to boast.
    The decision to reject Jesus as Saviour and Lord,
    Is one you'll regret the most.

    You only have one life to live; be careful what you ask.
    Be righteous, truthful in your deeds; not behind a mask.
    For all your deeds and your life will both soon be past.
    And only those things, done for Christ, will eternally last.

    Like a roaring lion, seeking souls each hour;
    Satan wants your life today, eternally to be devoured.
    As the covering cherub, it's where it all did start.
    His subtle lies, they will ensnare, your unsuspecting heart.

    The Lord will return very soon...believe now, and don't wait...
    For if you listen to Satan's lies...you'll find that it's too late.
    Accept Christ and His Word for you...let both fill your heart and mind...
    And, on the day of Rapture...you won't be left behind.

    What more could I have done for you?? I loved you so, My Child.
    So much that I was spat upon, whipped, cursed, and reviled.
    I wanted you, and loved you so with all My Life and Heart...
    But, it was to be your sin that would tear us both apart.

    I let you nail me to that Cross...to suffer and be killed.
    But, I'd Rise Again That Easter Morn...Redemption's Plan Fulfilled.
    Shed Blood From My Nail Pierced Hands...Paid Sins Death Stung Fee...
    Removed Disgrace...Amazing Grace...Do You Have Time For Me??

    For it's the Resurrection, we celebrate and proclaim...
    The Gospel is for ALL mankind...regardless of your name.
    Accept Christ as your Lord today, and let Him your life change...
    For with His Resurrection, we'll never be the same.

    The Lord...He saved my life...The Lord...He saved my soul...
    And, like with me...he waits for you...to come to Him also. Saviour...Lord...King Of Kings...He's knocking at your hearts door.
    Receive Him today...He's coming soon...to reign forevermore.

    But, to all those who have rejected God,
    Without protection, they think 'all is well'.
    As down the path of sin and death they trod,
    And tragically, are one heartbeat from Hell.

    The wicked shall be turned into hell;
    But, for those, who Christ, they do receive.
    Their joy at death, no mortal tongue can tell;
    Eternal blessings for those who believed.

    Years from now, you'll remember
    When crossing to the other side.
    Seeing the Glory Of Heaven,
    Or fires of Hell as you died.

    "Lost without a compass, on eternal scale."
    "To those refusing Jesus Christ, the Lord who can not fail."
    "For all the unregenerate, preferring sins desire."
    "Never ending torment, in the Lake Of Fire."

    Life is like a vapor...and soon, it will all end.
    What will you do with Jesus Christ?? God asks of you, dear friend.
    Your life..you will account one day...with God, you cannot fudge...
    Will Jesus be your Saviour...or will He be your Judge??

    For one day soon, God's Grace will end...and it will be too late.
    For all must die...then judgment there...what will be your fate??
    Accept Christ as your Lord and Saviour...and Friend Forever there...
    Refuse Him, and He'll truly be your most feared nightmare.

    Don't put off your decision...saying 'the time is just not right'.
    If you refuse to accept Jesus...and if you die tonight;
    You'll face Christ as your Judge there...on that somber day...
    Regretting ignoring Him and His Vessels for your sinful ways.

    Where will you be...eternally...When it's time for you to die??
    It all depends on what you do with Jesus...God's Son...
    On whom, you must decide.
    To accept Him as Lord...as well as your Saviour...
    As He lived and died and rose for you...
    Or, if you willfully...choose to reject Him...
    Your choice between bliss and doom.

    When God's Spirit speaks to you, friend...don't take a chance.
    For you may regret, if you just give a furtive glance.
    The Invitation to receive Eternal Life so dear;
    And, this could be the only time the Gospel you would hear.

    The one sin unforgiven, even those not in this poem,
    It seems I've covered everything, but what is this unknown??
    Rejection of Christ Jesus, who died upon that Cross.
    And resurrected from the grave, to redeem the lost.

    Sinner, Seek The Lord Today...while He may be found.
    The Grace of God will end one day...and the only sound
    You'll hear from Him at the Judgment Of The Great White Throne:
    Depart, ye cursed...to Eternal Fire...for you, I've never known.

    If you wait, 'til it's too late, you're cast into the fire.
    You'll suffer for eternity, the cost for sins desire.
    All could've been prevented, if you, in life, had prayed,
    For Christ to save your soul from sin, and live in life He gave.

    One day, on bended knee, mankind will bow
    Declaring there that Jesus Christ is Lord.
    To the glory of God the Father, now;
    In Truth Of His Word, sharper than a sword.

    'What will you do with Jesus Christ?', God asks of you today.
    The choice is yours to make, my friend, will you accept His Way??
    For every knee will bow before Him, on that final day.
    'Jesus Christ Is Lord Of All' every tongue will say.

    What is your cry?? You, a lost sinner...
    To Jesus Christ the Lord today?
    In repentence & sorrow, will you accept Him??
    The Truth, The Life, & The Way.
    'Dear Jesus, Save Me, be the Lord Of My Life';
    Grateful that He did it for you.
    Or do you reject Him??
    And, hear Him say 'Depart; for you I never knew'.

    While God commands, He will not force, accepting of His Gift.
    It's your choice if you want Christ, your burden, there to lift.
    But, if yourself, there want to pay, for sins done by the score,
    Suffering in the Lake Of Fire, will be yours forevermore.

    So, what will your Judgment Choice now be??
    Don't think that you will live for many years.
    To no one, is tomorrow guaranteed...
    Will you repent today, with bitter tears??

    So, bow before Him now, today repent.
    For He truly knows the best for you.
    Then, daily serving Him, you'll gladly say
    'Today, Oh, Lord...what will you have me do??'

    Betrayed; to you, I would be, if judgment didn't warn.
    To be saved, you must repent, and again to be reborn.
    God won't force His Will on you, but you now, must choose.
    Will you accept Christ Jesus?? Or His Gift, Refuse??

    The wages of sin, are never reduced, for everyone living on Earth.
    But, physical death, not really the end, if you've received The New Birth.
    Turn and repent, from your sinful deeds, and ask Christ to save you today.
    For He did defeat, both Hell and the Grave, and all will face Him one day.

    Will this be your final altar call??
    The final chance for you, to Jesus, come??
    For people praying for you, in this hall;
    For you to choose your true eternal home.

    Those not in God's Kingdom, you can avoid this group.
    Today, repent of all your sins, let Christ your life regroup.
    Ask The Lord to save your soul, and wash your sins away.
    For He is, The King Of Kings, The Truth, The Life, The Way.

    All roads lead to God...but to Heaven, only one.
    The Bema, or The Great White Throne, Judgment won't be fun.
    Whether you served Christ on Earth, or your sins desires.
    Either joy in Heaven...or tormenting, eternal fire.

    Christ alone, the perfect picture, of God's Love and Grace.
    Your choice on what what you do with Him, determines who you'll face.
    Your Best Friend, He there will be, if His Blood's applied.
    Your Worst Nightmare, rejecting Him, you'll be terrified.

    Your righteousness as filthy rags, you can this mess, now lose.
    If in all humility, Christ's Gift, you don't refuse.
    Turn now from your life of sin, accept Christ Jesus now.
    And serve Him now with all your heart, before Him humbly bow.

    Going through the motions, does this sound like you??
    You've grieved The Lord who loves you so, in all the sin you'd do.
    If you've not been born again, now is the day to choose;
    Accept Christ as your Lord today; serve Him...don't refuse.

    Please don't be one of the souls, hated by The Lord.
    He wants you to accept His Son...come now, get on board.
    The Glory Train is waiting now...come kneel there at The Cross.
    As Christ died, and rose again, to redeem the lost.

    The Bible in a nutshell, in John Three, Sixteen.
    God loved the World, He sent His Son, sinless, pure and clean.
    To those accepting Christ's death, paid for our sin and strife,
    That they would never perish, but have eternal life.


    Would you like to receive this FREE GIFT today?? All you need to do is
    admit to God that you are a sinner, and that you can NOT save yourself.

    Right now, come to God, just as you are...no matter what you've done in
    your life...or how evil...and be willing, with His Help, to turn from
    the way you've lived (repent)...accepting by faith, that:

    Jesus Christ, God's Only Begotten Son, left the Glory of Heaven, to be
    born of a Virgin, to live on Earth as a human being in all ways like us
    (except without sin), that He suffered died for you on an Old Rugged
    Cross, that He rose from the dead to provide you Eternal Life, is
    coming back soon to Earth to reign in Power and Glory, and He wants you
    to rule and reign with Him.

    All you need to do is pray a simple prayer of contrition...to ask Him
    to forgive your sins, to come into your life and be your personal
    Saviour, and the Lord of Your Life.



    "Lord Jesus...I admit that I'm a sinner. And, I know that nothing I
    can do will save myself".

    "Right now, just as I am...I come to you in faith...believing that You
    died for me, and rose again on the third day, according to the Scriptures".

    "I'm sorry for the way I've lived, and I'm willing to turn from my sin.
    Dear Jesus, Come into my heart, forgive my sin...save me...and be the
    Lord of my life".

    "By Your Grace, I will follow and obey You in all that I do".

    "Thank You For Being My Friend For Life. In Your Name, I Pray. Amen".


    If you prayed that prayer, and REALLY MEANT IT...I can assure you that
    on the Authority of God's Word...that you have Eternal Life right now...
    that all the angels of Heaven are rejoicing...and I rejoice with you...
    because I'll see you before the Throne Of God one day.

    The best thing for you now is to spend time with God each day...just
    talk with Him as if you were talking to a close personal friend. After
    all, He is just that...He sticks closer than a brother. You can talk
    with him at any time, day or night, and never have to wait. Read His
    Word, the Holy Bible...be baptized, worship, and fellowship with other Christians in a Church where Christ is preached. God will mold you into
    the image of His Son, little by little...and when you mess up, just
    confess to Him your error, and then ask and claim His Forgiveness. He
    promises to never leave you, or forsake you.
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (1:2320/33)
  • From Daryl Stout@1:2320/33 to All on Sun Oct 31 00:01:30 2021
    I'm sure you'll admit that you enjoy receiving gifts...be it for a
    birthday, anniversary, holiday, etc.; especially if it was something
    you knew you could not afford, but it was something that you greatly

    I'd like to tell you about a FREE GIFT that you can receive today...a
    Gift that was purchased for YOU a long time ago...by a Special Friend...
    who knows you better than you know yourself...and who loved you so much,
    that He gave His Life for you...to obtain for you...the gift of Life Everlasting. This gift is FREE to ALL who wish to receive it. In fact,
    it's Heavenly...Eternal Salvation through Jesus Christ.

    For those who may be thinking that clicking on the "Get A Free Gift"
    icon or related link was NOT going to be this...I want to point out that
    the Free Gift Of Salvation in Jesus Christ is FREE TO ALL WHO WOULD
    RECEIVE IT...it is YOUR CHOICE as to whether or not you wish to do so.

    On March 28, 1978, I was right where you are now...I was offered this
    FREE GIFT...and I'll admit I didn't understand it...and you may not
    understand it, either. But, the best way I can tell you is excerpts
    from the songs He has given me.


    If you're reading these poems here, before The Rapture hits,
    The choice is yours here now to make, your life to Christ, commit.
    For when God's Clock, strikes the time, that the saints will rise,
    Happening so rapidly, too quick to say goodbye.

    Tragedy at Rapture...you can avoid that day.
    Repent of sin, and come to Christ...the Truth, The Life, The Way.
    Ask Him now to save your soul, and wash away your sins.
    And, on that Glorious Rapture morn, you'll go to be with Him.

    The Day The Spirit Of The Lord Came And Pricked My Heart;
    These songs He gave me are a witness of His Gift He did impart.
    And now, dear friend...I ask you...have you had a day like this??
    Decide today...eternally...your choice...doom or bliss??

    Doing good deeds in this life, and what's right in his eyes...
    ...won't get man into Heaven...no matter how hard he tries.
    Christ's Death and Resurrection is for EVERY man and nation...
    And how shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation??

    Man thinks that praying to anybody, gets Heaven at the grave.
    But, no other name but Jesus, is given; whereby we must be saved.
    A person, a figure, a church denomination; or others...can't get it done.
    For it's written there in God's Holy Bible...
    There's none righteous...no, not one.

    Your sins are a barrier between you and God;
    Fellowship apart, as down lifes path you've trod.
    'Come, let us reason', says the Lord...for you He truly knows...
    Your scarlet sins...covered with His Blood...become white as snow.

    Precious was the love of God...even with man's sin...
    He sent His Son to die for us, while we rebelled to Him.
    King Of Kings...Lord Of Lords...The Way...The Life...The Truth
    Accept Him now...He loves you so...Gentile or a Jew.

    For God So Loved The World, that He gave His Only Son...
    To Seek, and Save That Which Was Lost.
    For it does not matter who or what you are...

    Jesus...God's Son...He knew the consequences the sin of pride would bear.
    Born of a Virgin...He preached the Kingdom of God
    To any, and all that would hear.
    But, He was crucified between two thieves on Good Friday...
    And to Him, one cursed and yelled...
    But, the other was saved...for he knew
    What Good Is Your Pride Going To Do You In Hell??

    Death Without The Lord is bad...to be in Hell for sin...
    But for those in Christ, it's Heavenly...they'll never sin again.
    Make Jesus as your Lord and Friend Today...and tarry not...
    He died to save you from your sins...and cleanse your blemished spots.

    Only one of two places awaits everyone, when death knocks on their door.
    Heaven Or Hell...no place in between...to clean up one's lifetime score.
    For you are saved only by grace through faith, not of works to boast.
    The decision to reject Jesus as Saviour and Lord,
    Is one you'll regret the most.

    You only have one life to live; be careful what you ask.
    Be righteous, truthful in your deeds; not behind a mask.
    For all your deeds and your life will both soon be past.
    And only those things, done for Christ, will eternally last.

    Like a roaring lion, seeking souls each hour;
    Satan wants your life today, eternally to be devoured.
    As the covering cherub, it's where it all did start.
    His subtle lies, they will ensnare, your unsuspecting heart.

    The Lord will return very soon...believe now, and don't wait...
    For if you listen to Satan's lies...you'll find that it's too late.
    Accept Christ and His Word for you...let both fill your heart and mind...
    And, on the day of Rapture...you won't be left behind.

    What more could I have done for you?? I loved you so, My Child.
    So much that I was spat upon, whipped, cursed, and reviled.
    I wanted you, and loved you so with all My Life and Heart...
    But, it was to be your sin that would tear us both apart.

    I let you nail me to that Cross...to suffer and be killed.
    But, I'd Rise Again That Easter Morn...Redemption's Plan Fulfilled.
    Shed Blood From My Nail Pierced Hands...Paid Sins Death Stung Fee...
    Removed Disgrace...Amazing Grace...Do You Have Time For Me??

    For it's the Resurrection, we celebrate and proclaim...
    The Gospel is for ALL mankind...regardless of your name.
    Accept Christ as your Lord today, and let Him your life change...
    For with His Resurrection, we'll never be the same.

    The Lord...He saved my life...The Lord...He saved my soul...
    And, like with me...he waits for you...to come to Him also. Saviour...Lord...King Of Kings...He's knocking at your hearts door.
    Receive Him today...He's coming soon...to reign forevermore.

    But, to all those who have rejected God,
    Without protection, they think 'all is well'.
    As down the path of sin and death they trod,
    And tragically, are one heartbeat from Hell.

    The wicked shall be turned into hell;
    But, for those, who Christ, they do receive.
    Their joy at death, no mortal tongue can tell;
    Eternal blessings for those who believed.

    Years from now, you'll remember
    When crossing to the other side.
    Seeing the Glory Of Heaven,
    Or fires of Hell as you died.

    "Lost without a compass, on eternal scale."
    "To those refusing Jesus Christ, the Lord who can not fail."
    "For all the unregenerate, preferring sins desire."
    "Never ending torment, in the Lake Of Fire."

    Life is like a vapor...and soon, it will all end.
    What will you do with Jesus Christ?? God asks of you, dear friend.
    Your life..you will account one day...with God, you cannot fudge...
    Will Jesus be your Saviour...or will He be your Judge??

    For one day soon, God's Grace will end...and it will be too late.
    For all must die...then judgment there...what will be your fate??
    Accept Christ as your Lord and Saviour...and Friend Forever there...
    Refuse Him, and He'll truly be your most feared nightmare.

    Don't put off your decision...saying 'the time is just not right'.
    If you refuse to accept Jesus...and if you die tonight;
    You'll face Christ as your Judge there...on that somber day...
    Regretting ignoring Him and His Vessels for your sinful ways.

    Where will you be...eternally...When it's time for you to die??
    It all depends on what you do with Jesus...God's Son...
    On whom, you must decide.
    To accept Him as Lord...as well as your Saviour...
    As He lived and died and rose for you...
    Or, if you willfully...choose to reject Him...
    Your choice between bliss and doom.

    When God's Spirit speaks to you, friend...don't take a chance.
    For you may regret, if you just give a furtive glance.
    The Invitation to receive Eternal Life so dear;
    And, this could be the only time the Gospel you would hear.

    The one sin unforgiven, even those not in this poem,
    It seems I've covered everything, but what is this unknown??
    Rejection of Christ Jesus, who died upon that Cross.
    And resurrected from the grave, to redeem the lost.

    Sinner, Seek The Lord Today...while He may be found.
    The Grace of God will end one day...and the only sound
    You'll hear from Him at the Judgment Of The Great White Throne:
    Depart, ye cursed...to Eternal Fire...for you, I've never known.

    If you wait, 'til it's too late, you're cast into the fire.
    You'll suffer for eternity, the cost for sins desire.
    All could've been prevented, if you, in life, had prayed,
    For Christ to save your soul from sin, and live in life He gave.

    One day, on bended knee, mankind will bow
    Declaring there that Jesus Christ is Lord.
    To the glory of God the Father, now;
    In Truth Of His Word, sharper than a sword.

    'What will you do with Jesus Christ?', God asks of you today.
    The choice is yours to make, my friend, will you accept His Way??
    For every knee will bow before Him, on that final day.
    'Jesus Christ Is Lord Of All' every tongue will say.

    What is your cry?? You, a lost sinner...
    To Jesus Christ the Lord today?
    In repentence & sorrow, will you accept Him??
    The Truth, The Life, & The Way.
    'Dear Jesus, Save Me, be the Lord Of My Life';
    Grateful that He did it for you.
    Or do you reject Him??
    And, hear Him say 'Depart; for you I never knew'.

    While God commands, He will not force, accepting of His Gift.
    It's your choice if you want Christ, your burden, there to lift.
    But, if yourself, there want to pay, for sins done by the score,
    Suffering in the Lake Of Fire, will be yours forevermore.

    So, what will your Judgment Choice now be??
    Don't think that you will live for many years.
    To no one, is tomorrow guaranteed...
    Will you repent today, with bitter tears??

    So, bow before Him now, today repent.
    For He truly knows the best for you.
    Then, daily serving Him, you'll gladly say
    'Today, Oh, Lord...what will you have me do??'

    Betrayed; to you, I would be, if judgment didn't warn.
    To be saved, you must repent, and again to be reborn.
    God won't force His Will on you, but you now, must choose.
    Will you accept Christ Jesus?? Or His Gift, Refuse??

    The wages of sin, are never reduced, for everyone living on Earth.
    But, physical death, not really the end, if you've received The New Birth.
    Turn and repent, from your sinful deeds, and ask Christ to save you today.
    For He did defeat, both Hell and the Grave, and all will face Him one day.

    Will this be your final altar call??
    The final chance for you, to Jesus, come??
    For people praying for you, in this hall;
    For you to choose your true eternal home.

    Those not in God's Kingdom, you can avoid this group.
    Today, repent of all your sins, let Christ your life regroup.
    Ask The Lord to save your soul, and wash your sins away.
    For He is, The King Of Kings, The Truth, The Life, The Way.

    All roads lead to God...but to Heaven, only one.
    The Bema, or The Great White Throne, Judgment won't be fun.
    Whether you served Christ on Earth, or your sins desires.
    Either joy in Heaven...or tormenting, eternal fire.

    Christ alone, the perfect picture, of God's Love and Grace.
    Your choice on what what you do with Him, determines who you'll face.
    Your Best Friend, He there will be, if His Blood's applied.
    Your Worst Nightmare, rejecting Him, you'll be terrified.

    Your righteousness as filthy rags, you can this mess, now lose.
    If in all humility, Christ's Gift, you don't refuse.
    Turn now from your life of sin, accept Christ Jesus now.
    And serve Him now with all your heart, before Him humbly bow.

    Going through the motions, does this sound like you??
    You've grieved The Lord who loves you so, in all the sin you'd do.
    If you've not been born again, now is the day to choose;
    Accept Christ as your Lord today; serve Him...don't refuse.

    Please don't be one of the souls, hated by The Lord.
    He wants you to accept His Son...come now, get on board.
    The Glory Train is waiting now...come kneel there at The Cross.
    As Christ died, and rose again, to redeem the lost.

    The Bible in a nutshell, in John Three, Sixteen.
    God loved the World, He sent His Son, sinless, pure and clean.
    To those accepting Christ's death, paid for our sin and strife,
    That they would never perish, but have eternal life.


    Would you like to receive this FREE GIFT today?? All you need to do is
    admit to God that you are a sinner, and that you can NOT save yourself.

    Right now, come to God, just as you are...no matter what you've done in
    your life...or how evil...and be willing, with His Help, to turn from
    the way you've lived (repent)...accepting by faith, that:

    Jesus Christ, God's Only Begotten Son, left the Glory of Heaven, to be
    born of a Virgin, to live on Earth as a human being in all ways like us
    (except without sin), that He suffered died for you on an Old Rugged
    Cross, that He rose from the dead to provide you Eternal Life, is
    coming back soon to Earth to reign in Power and Glory, and He wants you
    to rule and reign with Him.

    All you need to do is pray a simple prayer of contrition...to ask Him
    to forgive your sins, to come into your life and be your personal
    Saviour, and the Lord of Your Life.



    "Lord Jesus...I admit that I'm a sinner. And, I know that nothing I
    can do will save myself".

    "Right now, just as I am...I come to you in faith...believing that You
    died for me, and rose again on the third day, according to the Scriptures".

    "I'm sorry for the way I've lived, and I'm willing to turn from my sin.
    Dear Jesus, Come into my heart, forgive my sin...save me...and be the
    Lord of my life".

    "By Your Grace, I will follow and obey You in all that I do".

    "Thank You For Being My Friend For Life. In Your Name, I Pray. Amen".


    If you prayed that prayer, and REALLY MEANT IT...I can assure you that
    on the Authority of God's Word...that you have Eternal Life right now...
    that all the angels of Heaven are rejoicing...and I rejoice with you...
    because I'll see you before the Throne Of God one day.

    The best thing for you now is to spend time with God each day...just
    talk with Him as if you were talking to a close personal friend. After
    all, He is just that...He sticks closer than a brother. You can talk
    with him at any time, day or night, and never have to wait. Read His
    Word, the Holy Bible...be baptized, worship, and fellowship with other Christians in a Church where Christ is preached. God will mold you into
    the image of His Son, little by little...and when you mess up, just
    confess to Him your error, and then ask and claim His Forgiveness. He
    promises to never leave you, or forsake you.
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (1:2320/33)
  • From Daryl Stout@1:2320/33 to All on Sun Nov 7 00:01:31 2021
    I'm sure you'll admit that you enjoy receiving gifts...be it for a
    birthday, anniversary, holiday, etc.; especially if it was something
    you knew you could not afford, but it was something that you greatly

    I'd like to tell you about a FREE GIFT that you can receive today...a
    Gift that was purchased for YOU a long time ago...by a Special Friend...
    who knows you better than you know yourself...and who loved you so much,
    that He gave His Life for you...to obtain for you...the gift of Life Everlasting. This gift is FREE to ALL who wish to receive it. In fact,
    it's Heavenly...Eternal Salvation through Jesus Christ.

    For those who may be thinking that clicking on the "Get A Free Gift"
    icon or related link was NOT going to be this...I want to point out that
    the Free Gift Of Salvation in Jesus Christ is FREE TO ALL WHO WOULD
    RECEIVE IT...it is YOUR CHOICE as to whether or not you wish to do so.

    On March 28, 1978, I was right where you are now...I was offered this
    FREE GIFT...and I'll admit I didn't understand it...and you may not
    understand it, either. But, the best way I can tell you is excerpts
    from the songs He has given me.


    If you're reading these poems here, before The Rapture hits,
    The choice is yours here now to make, your life to Christ, commit.
    For when God's Clock, strikes the time, that the saints will rise,
    Happening so rapidly, too quick to say goodbye.

    Tragedy at Rapture...you can avoid that day.
    Repent of sin, and come to Christ...the Truth, The Life, The Way.
    Ask Him now to save your soul, and wash away your sins.
    And, on that Glorious Rapture morn, you'll go to be with Him.

    The Day The Spirit Of The Lord Came And Pricked My Heart;
    These songs He gave me are a witness of His Gift He did impart.
    And now, dear friend...I ask you...have you had a day like this??
    Decide today...eternally...your choice...doom or bliss??

    Doing good deeds in this life, and what's right in his eyes...
    ...won't get man into Heaven...no matter how hard he tries.
    Christ's Death and Resurrection is for EVERY man and nation...
    And how shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation??

    Man thinks that praying to anybody, gets Heaven at the grave.
    But, no other name but Jesus, is given; whereby we must be saved.
    A person, a figure, a church denomination; or others...can't get it done.
    For it's written there in God's Holy Bible...
    There's none righteous...no, not one.

    Your sins are a barrier between you and God;
    Fellowship apart, as down lifes path you've trod.
    'Come, let us reason', says the Lord...for you He truly knows...
    Your scarlet sins...covered with His Blood...become white as snow.

    Precious was the love of God...even with man's sin...
    He sent His Son to die for us, while we rebelled to Him.
    King Of Kings...Lord Of Lords...The Way...The Life...The Truth
    Accept Him now...He loves you so...Gentile or a Jew.

    For God So Loved The World, that He gave His Only Son...
    To Seek, and Save That Which Was Lost.
    For it does not matter who or what you are...

    Jesus...God's Son...He knew the consequences the sin of pride would bear.
    Born of a Virgin...He preached the Kingdom of God
    To any, and all that would hear.
    But, He was crucified between two thieves on Good Friday...
    And to Him, one cursed and yelled...
    But, the other was saved...for he knew
    What Good Is Your Pride Going To Do You In Hell??

    Death Without The Lord is bad...to be in Hell for sin...
    But for those in Christ, it's Heavenly...they'll never sin again.
    Make Jesus as your Lord and Friend Today...and tarry not...
    He died to save you from your sins...and cleanse your blemished spots.

    Only one of two places awaits everyone, when death knocks on their door.
    Heaven Or Hell...no place in between...to clean up one's lifetime score.
    For you are saved only by grace through faith, not of works to boast.
    The decision to reject Jesus as Saviour and Lord,
    Is one you'll regret the most.

    You only have one life to live; be careful what you ask.
    Be righteous, truthful in your deeds; not behind a mask.
    For all your deeds and your life will both soon be past.
    And only those things, done for Christ, will eternally last.

    Like a roaring lion, seeking souls each hour;
    Satan wants your life today, eternally to be devoured.
    As the covering cherub, it's where it all did start.
    His subtle lies, they will ensnare, your unsuspecting heart.

    The Lord will return very soon...believe now, and don't wait...
    For if you listen to Satan's lies...you'll find that it's too late.
    Accept Christ and His Word for you...let both fill your heart and mind...
    And, on the day of Rapture...you won't be left behind.

    What more could I have done for you?? I loved you so, My Child.
    So much that I was spat upon, whipped, cursed, and reviled.
    I wanted you, and loved you so with all My Life and Heart...
    But, it was to be your sin that would tear us both apart.

    I let you nail me to that Cross...to suffer and be killed.
    But, I'd Rise Again That Easter Morn...Redemption's Plan Fulfilled.
    Shed Blood From My Nail Pierced Hands...Paid Sins Death Stung Fee...
    Removed Disgrace...Amazing Grace...Do You Have Time For Me??

    For it's the Resurrection, we celebrate and proclaim...
    The Gospel is for ALL mankind...regardless of your name.
    Accept Christ as your Lord today, and let Him your life change...
    For with His Resurrection, we'll never be the same.

    The Lord...He saved my life...The Lord...He saved my soul...
    And, like with me...he waits for you...to come to Him also. Saviour...Lord...King Of Kings...He's knocking at your hearts door.
    Receive Him today...He's coming soon...to reign forevermore.

    But, to all those who have rejected God,
    Without protection, they think 'all is well'.
    As down the path of sin and death they trod,
    And tragically, are one heartbeat from Hell.

    The wicked shall be turned into hell;
    But, for those, who Christ, they do receive.
    Their joy at death, no mortal tongue can tell;
    Eternal blessings for those who believed.

    Years from now, you'll remember
    When crossing to the other side.
    Seeing the Glory Of Heaven,
    Or fires of Hell as you died.

    "Lost without a compass, on eternal scale."
    "To those refusing Jesus Christ, the Lord who can not fail."
    "For all the unregenerate, preferring sins desire."
    "Never ending torment, in the Lake Of Fire."

    Life is like a vapor...and soon, it will all end.
    What will you do with Jesus Christ?? God asks of you, dear friend.
    Your life..you will account one day...with God, you cannot fudge...
    Will Jesus be your Saviour...or will He be your Judge??

    For one day soon, God's Grace will end...and it will be too late.
    For all must die...then judgment there...what will be your fate??
    Accept Christ as your Lord and Saviour...and Friend Forever there...
    Refuse Him, and He'll truly be your most feared nightmare.

    Don't put off your decision...saying 'the time is just not right'.
    If you refuse to accept Jesus...and if you die tonight;
    You'll face Christ as your Judge there...on that somber day...
    Regretting ignoring Him and His Vessels for your sinful ways.

    Where will you be...eternally...When it's time for you to die??
    It all depends on what you do with Jesus...God's Son...
    On whom, you must decide.
    To accept Him as Lord...as well as your Saviour...
    As He lived and died and rose for you...
    Or, if you willfully...choose to reject Him...
    Your choice between bliss and doom.

    When God's Spirit speaks to you, friend...don't take a chance.
    For you may regret, if you just give a furtive glance.
    The Invitation to receive Eternal Life so dear;
    And, this could be the only time the Gospel you would hear.

    The one sin unforgiven, even those not in this poem,
    It seems I've covered everything, but what is this unknown??
    Rejection of Christ Jesus, who died upon that Cross.
    And resurrected from the grave, to redeem the lost.

    Sinner, Seek The Lord Today...while He may be found.
    The Grace of God will end one day...and the only sound
    You'll hear from Him at the Judgment Of The Great White Throne:
    Depart, ye cursed...to Eternal Fire...for you, I've never known.

    If you wait, 'til it's too late, you're cast into the fire.
    You'll suffer for eternity, the cost for sins desire.
    All could've been prevented, if you, in life, had prayed,
    For Christ to save your soul from sin, and live in life He gave.

    One day, on bended knee, mankind will bow
    Declaring there that Jesus Christ is Lord.
    To the glory of God the Father, now;
    In Truth Of His Word, sharper than a sword.

    'What will you do with Jesus Christ?', God asks of you today.
    The choice is yours to make, my friend, will you accept His Way??
    For every knee will bow before Him, on that final day.
    'Jesus Christ Is Lord Of All' every tongue will say.

    What is your cry?? You, a lost sinner...
    To Jesus Christ the Lord today?
    In repentence & sorrow, will you accept Him??
    The Truth, The Life, & The Way.
    'Dear Jesus, Save Me, be the Lord Of My Life';
    Grateful that He did it for you.
    Or do you reject Him??
    And, hear Him say 'Depart; for you I never knew'.

    While God commands, He will not force, accepting of His Gift.
    It's your choice if you want Christ, your burden, there to lift.
    But, if yourself, there want to pay, for sins done by the score,
    Suffering in the Lake Of Fire, will be yours forevermore.

    So, what will your Judgment Choice now be??
    Don't think that you will live for many years.
    To no one, is tomorrow guaranteed...
    Will you repent today, with bitter tears??

    So, bow before Him now, today repent.
    For He truly knows the best for you.
    Then, daily serving Him, you'll gladly say
    'Today, Oh, Lord...what will you have me do??'

    Betrayed; to you, I would be, if judgment didn't warn.
    To be saved, you must repent, and again to be reborn.
    God won't force His Will on you, but you now, must choose.
    Will you accept Christ Jesus?? Or His Gift, Refuse??

    The wages of sin, are never reduced, for everyone living on Earth.
    But, physical death, not really the end, if you've received The New Birth.
    Turn and repent, from your sinful deeds, and ask Christ to save you today.
    For He did defeat, both Hell and the Grave, and all will face Him one day.

    Will this be your final altar call??
    The final chance for you, to Jesus, come??
    For people praying for you, in this hall;
    For you to choose your true eternal home.

    Those not in God's Kingdom, you can avoid this group.
    Today, repent of all your sins, let Christ your life regroup.
    Ask The Lord to save your soul, and wash your sins away.
    For He is, The King Of Kings, The Truth, The Life, The Way.

    All roads lead to God...but to Heaven, only one.
    The Bema, or The Great White Throne, Judgment won't be fun.
    Whether you served Christ on Earth, or your sins desires.
    Either joy in Heaven...or tormenting, eternal fire.

    Christ alone, the perfect picture, of God's Love and Grace.
    Your choice on what what you do with Him, determines who you'll face.
    Your Best Friend, He there will be, if His Blood's applied.
    Your Worst Nightmare, rejecting Him, you'll be terrified.

    Your righteousness as filthy rags, you can this mess, now lose.
    If in all humility, Christ's Gift, you don't refuse.
    Turn now from your life of sin, accept Christ Jesus now.
    And serve Him now with all your heart, before Him humbly bow.

    Going through the motions, does this sound like you??
    You've grieved The Lord who loves you so, in all the sin you'd do.
    If you've not been born again, now is the day to choose;
    Accept Christ as your Lord today; serve Him...don't refuse.

    Please don't be one of the souls, hated by The Lord.
    He wants you to accept His Son...come now, get on board.
    The Glory Train is waiting now...come kneel there at The Cross.
    As Christ died, and rose again, to redeem the lost.

    The Bible in a nutshell, in John Three, Sixteen.
    God loved the World, He sent His Son, sinless, pure and clean.
    To those accepting Christ's death, paid for our sin and strife,
    That they would never perish, but have eternal life.


    Would you like to receive this FREE GIFT today?? All you need to do is
    admit to God that you are a sinner, and that you can NOT save yourself.

    Right now, come to God, just as you are...no matter what you've done in
    your life...or how evil...and be willing, with His Help, to turn from
    the way you've lived (repent)...accepting by faith, that:

    Jesus Christ, God's Only Begotten Son, left the Glory of Heaven, to be
    born of a Virgin, to live on Earth as a human being in all ways like us
    (except without sin), that He suffered died for you on an Old Rugged
    Cross, that He rose from the dead to provide you Eternal Life, is
    coming back soon to Earth to reign in Power and Glory, and He wants you
    to rule and reign with Him.

    All you need to do is pray a simple prayer of contrition...to ask Him
    to forgive your sins, to come into your life and be your personal
    Saviour, and the Lord of Your Life.



    "Lord Jesus...I admit that I'm a sinner. And, I know that nothing I
    can do will save myself".

    "Right now, just as I am...I come to you in faith...believing that You
    died for me, and rose again on the third day, according to the Scriptures".

    "I'm sorry for the way I've lived, and I'm willing to turn from my sin.
    Dear Jesus, Come into my heart, forgive my sin...save me...and be the
    Lord of my life".

    "By Your Grace, I will follow and obey You in all that I do".

    "Thank You For Being My Friend For Life. In Your Name, I Pray. Amen".


    If you prayed that prayer, and REALLY MEANT IT...I can assure you that
    on the Authority of God's Word...that you have Eternal Life right now...
    that all the angels of Heaven are rejoicing...and I rejoice with you...
    because I'll see you before the Throne Of God one day.

    The best thing for you now is to spend time with God each day...just
    talk with Him as if you were talking to a close personal friend. After
    all, He is just that...He sticks closer than a brother. You can talk
    with him at any time, day or night, and never have to wait. Read His
    Word, the Holy Bible...be baptized, worship, and fellowship with other Christians in a Church where Christ is preached. God will mold you into
    the image of His Son, little by little...and when you mess up, just
    confess to Him your error, and then ask and claim His Forgiveness. He
    promises to never leave you, or forsake you.
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (1:2320/33)
  • From Daryl Stout@1:2320/33 to All on Sun Nov 21 00:01:21 2021
    I'm sure you'll admit that you enjoy receiving gifts...be it for a
    birthday, anniversary, holiday, etc.; especially if it was something
    you knew you could not afford, but it was something that you greatly

    I'd like to tell you about a FREE GIFT that you can receive today...a
    Gift that was purchased for YOU a long time ago...by a Special Friend...
    who knows you better than you know yourself...and who loved you so much,
    that He gave His Life for you...to obtain for you...the gift of Life Everlasting. This gift is FREE to ALL who wish to receive it. In fact,
    it's Heavenly...Eternal Salvation through Jesus Christ.

    For those who may be thinking that clicking on the "Get A Free Gift"
    icon or related link was NOT going to be this...I want to point out that
    the Free Gift Of Salvation in Jesus Christ is FREE TO ALL WHO WOULD
    RECEIVE IT...it is YOUR CHOICE as to whether or not you wish to do so.

    On March 28, 1978, I was right where you are now...I was offered this
    FREE GIFT...and I'll admit I didn't understand it...and you may not
    understand it, either. But, the best way I can tell you is excerpts
    from the songs He has given me.


    If you're reading these poems here, before The Rapture hits,
    The choice is yours here now to make, your life to Christ, commit.
    For when God's Clock, strikes the time, that the saints will rise,
    Happening so rapidly, too quick to say goodbye.

    Tragedy at Rapture...you can avoid that day.
    Repent of sin, and come to Christ...the Truth, The Life, The Way.
    Ask Him now to save your soul, and wash away your sins.
    And, on that Glorious Rapture morn, you'll go to be with Him.

    The Day The Spirit Of The Lord Came And Pricked My Heart;
    These songs He gave me are a witness of His Gift He did impart.
    And now, dear friend...I ask you...have you had a day like this??
    Decide today...eternally...your choice...doom or bliss??

    Doing good deeds in this life, and what's right in his eyes...
    ...won't get man into Heaven...no matter how hard he tries.
    Christ's Death and Resurrection is for EVERY man and nation...
    And how shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation??

    Man thinks that praying to anybody, gets Heaven at the grave.
    But, no other name but Jesus, is given; whereby we must be saved.
    A person, a figure, a church denomination; or others...can't get it done.
    For it's written there in God's Holy Bible...
    There's none righteous...no, not one.

    Your sins are a barrier between you and God;
    Fellowship apart, as down lifes path you've trod.
    'Come, let us reason', says the Lord...for you He truly knows...
    Your scarlet sins...covered with His Blood...become white as snow.

    Precious was the love of God...even with man's sin...
    He sent His Son to die for us, while we rebelled to Him.
    King Of Kings...Lord Of Lords...The Way...The Life...The Truth
    Accept Him now...He loves you so...Gentile or a Jew.

    For God So Loved The World, that He gave His Only Son...
    To Seek, and Save That Which Was Lost.
    For it does not matter who or what you are...

    Jesus...God's Son...He knew the consequences the sin of pride would bear.
    Born of a Virgin...He preached the Kingdom of God
    To any, and all that would hear.
    But, He was crucified between two thieves on Good Friday...
    And to Him, one cursed and yelled...
    But, the other was saved...for he knew
    What Good Is Your Pride Going To Do You In Hell??

    Death Without The Lord is bad...to be in Hell for sin...
    But for those in Christ, it's Heavenly...they'll never sin again.
    Make Jesus as your Lord and Friend Today...and tarry not...
    He died to save you from your sins...and cleanse your blemished spots.

    Only one of two places awaits everyone, when death knocks on their door.
    Heaven Or Hell...no place in between...to clean up one's lifetime score.
    For you are saved only by grace through faith, not of works to boast.
    The decision to reject Jesus as Saviour and Lord,
    Is one you'll regret the most.

    You only have one life to live; be careful what you ask.
    Be righteous, truthful in your deeds; not behind a mask.
    For all your deeds and your life will both soon be past.
    And only those things, done for Christ, will eternally last.

    Like a roaring lion, seeking souls each hour;
    Satan wants your life today, eternally to be devoured.
    As the covering cherub, it's where it all did start.
    His subtle lies, they will ensnare, your unsuspecting heart.

    The Lord will return very soon...believe now, and don't wait...
    For if you listen to Satan's lies...you'll find that it's too late.
    Accept Christ and His Word for you...let both fill your heart and mind...
    And, on the day of Rapture...you won't be left behind.

    What more could I have done for you?? I loved you so, My Child.
    So much that I was spat upon, whipped, cursed, and reviled.
    I wanted you, and loved you so with all My Life and Heart...
    But, it was to be your sin that would tear us both apart.

    I let you nail me to that Cross...to suffer and be killed.
    But, I'd Rise Again That Easter Morn...Redemption's Plan Fulfilled.
    Shed Blood From My Nail Pierced Hands...Paid Sins Death Stung Fee...
    Removed Disgrace...Amazing Grace...Do You Have Time For Me??

    For it's the Resurrection, we celebrate and proclaim...
    The Gospel is for ALL mankind...regardless of your name.
    Accept Christ as your Lord today, and let Him your life change...
    For with His Resurrection, we'll never be the same.

    The Lord...He saved my life...The Lord...He saved my soul...
    And, like with me...he waits for you...to come to Him also. Saviour...Lord...King Of Kings...He's knocking at your hearts door.
    Receive Him today...He's coming soon...to reign forevermore.

    But, to all those who have rejected God,
    Without protection, they think 'all is well'.
    As down the path of sin and death they trod,
    And tragically, are one heartbeat from Hell.

    The wicked shall be turned into hell;
    But, for those, who Christ, they do receive.
    Their joy at death, no mortal tongue can tell;
    Eternal blessings for those who believed.

    Years from now, you'll remember
    When crossing to the other side.
    Seeing the Glory Of Heaven,
    Or fires of Hell as you died.

    "Lost without a compass, on eternal scale."
    "To those refusing Jesus Christ, the Lord who can not fail."
    "For all the unregenerate, preferring sins desire."
    "Never ending torment, in the Lake Of Fire."

    Life is like a vapor...and soon, it will all end.
    What will you do with Jesus Christ?? God asks of you, dear friend.
    Your life..you will account one day...with God, you cannot fudge...
    Will Jesus be your Saviour...or will He be your Judge??

    For one day soon, God's Grace will end...and it will be too late.
    For all must die...then judgment there...what will be your fate??
    Accept Christ as your Lord and Saviour...and Friend Forever there...
    Refuse Him, and He'll truly be your most feared nightmare.

    Don't put off your decision...saying 'the time is just not right'.
    If you refuse to accept Jesus...and if you die tonight;
    You'll face Christ as your Judge there...on that somber day...
    Regretting ignoring Him and His Vessels for your sinful ways.

    Where will you be...eternally...When it's time for you to die??
    It all depends on what you do with Jesus...God's Son...
    On whom, you must decide.
    To accept Him as Lord...as well as your Saviour...
    As He lived and died and rose for you...
    Or, if you willfully...choose to reject Him...
    Your choice between bliss and doom.

    When God's Spirit speaks to you, friend...don't take a chance.
    For you may regret, if you just give a furtive glance.
    The Invitation to receive Eternal Life so dear;
    And, this could be the only time the Gospel you would hear.

    The one sin unforgiven, even those not in this poem,
    It seems I've covered everything, but what is this unknown??
    Rejection of Christ Jesus, who died upon that Cross.
    And resurrected from the grave, to redeem the lost.

    Sinner, Seek The Lord Today...while He may be found.
    The Grace of God will end one day...and the only sound
    You'll hear from Him at the Judgment Of The Great White Throne:
    Depart, ye cursed...to Eternal Fire...for you, I've never known.

    If you wait, 'til it's too late, you're cast into the fire.
    You'll suffer for eternity, the cost for sins desire.
    All could've been prevented, if you, in life, had prayed,
    For Christ to save your soul from sin, and live in life He gave.

    One day, on bended knee, mankind will bow
    Declaring there that Jesus Christ is Lord.
    To the glory of God the Father, now;
    In Truth Of His Word, sharper than a sword.

    'What will you do with Jesus Christ?', God asks of you today.
    The choice is yours to make, my friend, will you accept His Way??
    For every knee will bow before Him, on that final day.
    'Jesus Christ Is Lord Of All' every tongue will say.

    What is your cry?? You, a lost sinner...
    To Jesus Christ the Lord today?
    In repentence & sorrow, will you accept Him??
    The Truth, The Life, & The Way.
    'Dear Jesus, Save Me, be the Lord Of My Life';
    Grateful that He did it for you.
    Or do you reject Him??
    And, hear Him say 'Depart; for you I never knew'.

    While God commands, He will not force, accepting of His Gift.
    It's your choice if you want Christ, your burden, there to lift.
    But, if yourself, there want to pay, for sins done by the score,
    Suffering in the Lake Of Fire, will be yours forevermore.

    So, what will your Judgment Choice now be??
    Don't think that you will live for many years.
    To no one, is tomorrow guaranteed...
    Will you repent today, with bitter tears??

    So, bow before Him now, today repent.
    For He truly knows the best for you.
    Then, daily serving Him, you'll gladly say
    'Today, Oh, Lord...what will you have me do??'

    Betrayed; to you, I would be, if judgment didn't warn.
    To be saved, you must repent, and again to be reborn.
    God won't force His Will on you, but you now, must choose.
    Will you accept Christ Jesus?? Or His Gift, Refuse??

    The wages of sin, are never reduced, for everyone living on Earth.
    But, physical death, not really the end, if you've received The New Birth.
    Turn and repent, from your sinful deeds, and ask Christ to save you today.
    For He did defeat, both Hell and the Grave, and all will face Him one day.

    Will this be your final altar call??
    The final chance for you, to Jesus, come??
    For people praying for you, in this hall;
    For you to choose your true eternal home.

    Those not in God's Kingdom, you can avoid this group.
    Today, repent of all your sins, let Christ your life regroup.
    Ask The Lord to save your soul, and wash your sins away.
    For He is, The King Of Kings, The Truth, The Life, The Way.

    All roads lead to God...but to Heaven, only one.
    The Bema, or The Great White Throne, Judgment won't be fun.
    Whether you served Christ on Earth, or your sins desires.
    Either joy in Heaven...or tormenting, eternal fire.

    Christ alone, the perfect picture, of God's Love and Grace.
    Your choice on what what you do with Him, determines who you'll face.
    Your Best Friend, He there will be, if His Blood's applied.
    Your Worst Nightmare, rejecting Him, you'll be terrified.

    Your righteousness as filthy rags, you can this mess, now lose.
    If in all humility, Christ's Gift, you don't refuse.
    Turn now from your life of sin, accept Christ Jesus now.
    And serve Him now with all your heart, before Him humbly bow.

    Going through the motions, does this sound like you??
    You've grieved The Lord who loves you so, in all the sin you'd do.
    If you've not been born again, now is the day to choose;
    Accept Christ as your Lord today; serve Him...don't refuse.

    Please don't be one of the souls, hated by The Lord.
    He wants you to accept His Son...come now, get on board.
    The Glory Train is waiting now...come kneel there at The Cross.
    As Christ died, and rose again, to redeem the lost.

    The Bible in a nutshell, in John Three, Sixteen.
    God loved the World, He sent His Son, sinless, pure and clean.
    To those accepting Christ's death, paid for our sin and strife,
    That they would never perish, but have eternal life.


    Would you like to receive this FREE GIFT today?? All you need to do is
    admit to God that you are a sinner, and that you can NOT save yourself.

    Right now, come to God, just as you are...no matter what you've done in
    your life...or how evil...and be willing, with His Help, to turn from
    the way you've lived (repent)...accepting by faith, that:

    Jesus Christ, God's Only Begotten Son, left the Glory of Heaven, to be
    born of a Virgin, to live on Earth as a human being in all ways like us
    (except without sin), that He suffered died for you on an Old Rugged
    Cross, that He rose from the dead to provide you Eternal Life, is
    coming back soon to Earth to reign in Power and Glory, and He wants you
    to rule and reign with Him.

    All you need to do is pray a simple prayer of contrition...to ask Him
    to forgive your sins, to come into your life and be your personal
    Saviour, and the Lord of Your Life.



    "Lord Jesus...I admit that I'm a sinner. And, I know that nothing I
    can do will save myself".

    "Right now, just as I am...I come to you in faith...believing that You
    died for me, and rose again on the third day, according to the Scriptures".

    "I'm sorry for the way I've lived, and I'm willing to turn from my sin.
    Dear Jesus, Come into my heart, forgive my sin...save me...and be the
    Lord of my life".

    "By Your Grace, I will follow and obey You in all that I do".

    "Thank You For Being My Friend For Life. In Your Name, I Pray. Amen".


    If you prayed that prayer, and REALLY MEANT IT...I can assure you that
    on the Authority of God's Word...that you have Eternal Life right now...
    that all the angels of Heaven are rejoicing...and I rejoice with you...
    because I'll see you before the Throne Of God one day.

    The best thing for you now is to spend time with God each day...just
    talk with Him as if you were talking to a close personal friend. After
    all, He is just that...He sticks closer than a brother. You can talk
    with him at any time, day or night, and never have to wait. Read His
    Word, the Holy Bible...be baptized, worship, and fellowship with other Christians in a Church where Christ is preached. God will mold you into
    the image of His Son, little by little...and when you mess up, just
    confess to Him your error, and then ask and claim His Forgiveness. He
    promises to never leave you, or forsake you.
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (1:2320/33)
  • From Daryl Stout@1:2320/33 to All on Sun Nov 28 00:01:22 2021
    I'm sure you'll admit that you enjoy receiving gifts...be it for a
    birthday, anniversary, holiday, etc.; especially if it was something
    you knew you could not afford, but it was something that you greatly

    I'd like to tell you about a FREE GIFT that you can receive today...a
    Gift that was purchased for YOU a long time ago...by a Special Friend...
    who knows you better than you know yourself...and who loved you so much,
    that He gave His Life for you...to obtain for you...the gift of Life Everlasting. This gift is FREE to ALL who wish to receive it. In fact,
    it's Heavenly...Eternal Salvation through Jesus Christ.

    For those who may be thinking that clicking on the "Get A Free Gift"
    icon or related link was NOT going to be this...I want to point out that
    the Free Gift Of Salvation in Jesus Christ is FREE TO ALL WHO WOULD
    RECEIVE IT...it is YOUR CHOICE as to whether or not you wish to do so.

    On March 28, 1978, I was right where you are now...I was offered this
    FREE GIFT...and I'll admit I didn't understand it...and you may not
    understand it, either. But, the best way I can tell you is excerpts
    from the songs He has given me.


    If you're reading these poems here, before The Rapture hits,
    The choice is yours here now to make, your life to Christ, commit.
    For when God's Clock, strikes the time, that the saints will rise,
    Happening so rapidly, too quick to say goodbye.

    Tragedy at Rapture...you can avoid that day.
    Repent of sin, and come to Christ...the Truth, The Life, The Way.
    Ask Him now to save your soul, and wash away your sins.
    And, on that Glorious Rapture morn, you'll go to be with Him.

    The Day The Spirit Of The Lord Came And Pricked My Heart;
    These songs He gave me are a witness of His Gift He did impart.
    And now, dear friend...I ask you...have you had a day like this??
    Decide today...eternally...your choice...doom or bliss??

    Doing good deeds in this life, and what's right in his eyes...
    ...won't get man into Heaven...no matter how hard he tries.
    Christ's Death and Resurrection is for EVERY man and nation...
    And how shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation??

    Man thinks that praying to anybody, gets Heaven at the grave.
    But, no other name but Jesus, is given; whereby we must be saved.
    A person, a figure, a church denomination; or others...can't get it done.
    For it's written there in God's Holy Bible...
    There's none righteous...no, not one.

    Your sins are a barrier between you and God;
    Fellowship apart, as down lifes path you've trod.
    'Come, let us reason', says the Lord...for you He truly knows...
    Your scarlet sins...covered with His Blood...become white as snow.

    Precious was the love of God...even with man's sin...
    He sent His Son to die for us, while we rebelled to Him.
    King Of Kings...Lord Of Lords...The Way...The Life...The Truth
    Accept Him now...He loves you so...Gentile or a Jew.

    For God So Loved The World, that He gave His Only Son...
    To Seek, and Save That Which Was Lost.
    For it does not matter who or what you are...

    Jesus...God's Son...He knew the consequences the sin of pride would bear.
    Born of a Virgin...He preached the Kingdom of God
    To any, and all that would hear.
    But, He was crucified between two thieves on Good Friday...
    And to Him, one cursed and yelled...
    But, the other was saved...for he knew
    What Good Is Your Pride Going To Do You In Hell??

    Death Without The Lord is bad...to be in Hell for sin...
    But for those in Christ, it's Heavenly...they'll never sin again.
    Make Jesus as your Lord and Friend Today...and tarry not...
    He died to save you from your sins...and cleanse your blemished spots.

    Only one of two places awaits everyone, when death knocks on their door.
    Heaven Or Hell...no place in between...to clean up one's lifetime score.
    For you are saved only by grace through faith, not of works to boast.
    The decision to reject Jesus as Saviour and Lord,
    Is one you'll regret the most.

    You only have one life to live; be careful what you ask.
    Be righteous, truthful in your deeds; not behind a mask.
    For all your deeds and your life will both soon be past.
    And only those things, done for Christ, will eternally last.

    Like a roaring lion, seeking souls each hour;
    Satan wants your life today, eternally to be devoured.
    As the covering cherub, it's where it all did start.
    His subtle lies, they will ensnare, your unsuspecting heart.

    The Lord will return very soon...believe now, and don't wait...
    For if you listen to Satan's lies...you'll find that it's too late.
    Accept Christ and His Word for you...let both fill your heart and mind...
    And, on the day of Rapture...you won't be left behind.

    What more could I have done for you?? I loved you so, My Child.
    So much that I was spat upon, whipped, cursed, and reviled.
    I wanted you, and loved you so with all My Life and Heart...
    But, it was to be your sin that would tear us both apart.

    I let you nail me to that Cross...to suffer and be killed.
    But, I'd Rise Again That Easter Morn...Redemption's Plan Fulfilled.
    Shed Blood From My Nail Pierced Hands...Paid Sins Death Stung Fee...
    Removed Disgrace...Amazing Grace...Do You Have Time For Me??

    For it's the Resurrection, we celebrate and proclaim...
    The Gospel is for ALL mankind...regardless of your name.
    Accept Christ as your Lord today, and let Him your life change...
    For with His Resurrection, we'll never be the same.

    The Lord...He saved my life...The Lord...He saved my soul...
    And, like with me...he waits for you...to come to Him also. Saviour...Lord...King Of Kings...He's knocking at your hearts door.
    Receive Him today...He's coming soon...to reign forevermore.

    But, to all those who have rejected God,
    Without protection, they think 'all is well'.
    As down the path of sin and death they trod,
    And tragically, are one heartbeat from Hell.

    The wicked shall be turned into hell;
    But, for those, who Christ, they do receive.
    Their joy at death, no mortal tongue can tell;
    Eternal blessings for those who believed.

    Years from now, you'll remember
    When crossing to the other side.
    Seeing the Glory Of Heaven,
    Or fires of Hell as you died.

    "Lost without a compass, on eternal scale."
    "To those refusing Jesus Christ, the Lord who can not fail."
    "For all the unregenerate, preferring sins desire."
    "Never ending torment, in the Lake Of Fire."

    Life is like a vapor...and soon, it will all end.
    What will you do with Jesus Christ?? God asks of you, dear friend.
    Your life..you will account one day...with God, you cannot fudge...
    Will Jesus be your Saviour...or will He be your Judge??

    For one day soon, God's Grace will end...and it will be too late.
    For all must die...then judgment there...what will be your fate??
    Accept Christ as your Lord and Saviour...and Friend Forever there...
    Refuse Him, and He'll truly be your most feared nightmare.

    Don't put off your decision...saying 'the time is just not right'.
    If you refuse to accept Jesus...and if you die tonight;
    You'll face Christ as your Judge there...on that somber day...
    Regretting ignoring Him and His Vessels for your sinful ways.

    Where will you be...eternally...When it's time for you to die??
    It all depends on what you do with Jesus...God's Son...
    On whom, you must decide.
    To accept Him as Lord...as well as your Saviour...
    As He lived and died and rose for you...
    Or, if you willfully...choose to reject Him...
    Your choice between bliss and doom.

    When God's Spirit speaks to you, friend...don't take a chance.
    For you may regret, if you just give a furtive glance.
    The Invitation to receive Eternal Life so dear;
    And, this could be the only time the Gospel you would hear.

    The one sin unforgiven, even those not in this poem,
    It seems I've covered everything, but what is this unknown??
    Rejection of Christ Jesus, who died upon that Cross.
    And resurrected from the grave, to redeem the lost.

    Sinner, Seek The Lord Today...while He may be found.
    The Grace of God will end one day...and the only sound
    You'll hear from Him at the Judgment Of The Great White Throne:
    Depart, ye cursed...to Eternal Fire...for you, I've never known.

    If you wait, 'til it's too late, you're cast into the fire.
    You'll suffer for eternity, the cost for sins desire.
    All could've been prevented, if you, in life, had prayed,
    For Christ to save your soul from sin, and live in life He gave.

    One day, on bended knee, mankind will bow
    Declaring there that Jesus Christ is Lord.
    To the glory of God the Father, now;
    In Truth Of His Word, sharper than a sword.

    'What will you do with Jesus Christ?', God asks of you today.
    The choice is yours to make, my friend, will you accept His Way??
    For every knee will bow before Him, on that final day.
    'Jesus Christ Is Lord Of All' every tongue will say.

    What is your cry?? You, a lost sinner...
    To Jesus Christ the Lord today?
    In repentence & sorrow, will you accept Him??
    The Truth, The Life, & The Way.
    'Dear Jesus, Save Me, be the Lord Of My Life';
    Grateful that He did it for you.
    Or do you reject Him??
    And, hear Him say 'Depart; for you I never knew'.

    While God commands, He will not force, accepting of His Gift.
    It's your choice if you want Christ, your burden, there to lift.
    But, if yourself, there want to pay, for sins done by the score,
    Suffering in the Lake Of Fire, will be yours forevermore.

    So, what will your Judgment Choice now be??
    Don't think that you will live for many years.
    To no one, is tomorrow guaranteed...
    Will you repent today, with bitter tears??

    So, bow before Him now, today repent.
    For He truly knows the best for you.
    Then, daily serving Him, you'll gladly say
    'Today, Oh, Lord...what will you have me do??'

    Betrayed; to you, I would be, if judgment didn't warn.
    To be saved, you must repent, and again to be reborn.
    God won't force His Will on you, but you now, must choose.
    Will you accept Christ Jesus?? Or His Gift, Refuse??

    The wages of sin, are never reduced, for everyone living on Earth.
    But, physical death, not really the end, if you've received The New Birth.
    Turn and repent, from your sinful deeds, and ask Christ to save you today.
    For He did defeat, both Hell and the Grave, and all will face Him one day.

    Will this be your final altar call??
    The final chance for you, to Jesus, come??
    For people praying for you, in this hall;
    For you to choose your true eternal home.

    Those not in God's Kingdom, you can avoid this group.
    Today, repent of all your sins, let Christ your life regroup.
    Ask The Lord to save your soul, and wash your sins away.
    For He is, The King Of Kings, The Truth, The Life, The Way.

    All roads lead to God...but to Heaven, only one.
    The Bema, or The Great White Throne, Judgment won't be fun.
    Whether you served Christ on Earth, or your sins desires.
    Either joy in Heaven...or tormenting, eternal fire.

    Christ alone, the perfect picture, of God's Love and Grace.
    Your choice on what what you do with Him, determines who you'll face.
    Your Best Friend, He there will be, if His Blood's applied.
    Your Worst Nightmare, rejecting Him, you'll be terrified.

    Your righteousness as filthy rags, you can this mess, now lose.
    If in all humility, Christ's Gift, you don't refuse.
    Turn now from your life of sin, accept Christ Jesus now.
    And serve Him now with all your heart, before Him humbly bow.

    Going through the motions, does this sound like you??
    You've grieved The Lord who loves you so, in all the sin you'd do.
    If you've not been born again, now is the day to choose;
    Accept Christ as your Lord today; serve Him...don't refuse.

    Please don't be one of the souls, hated by The Lord.
    He wants you to accept His Son...come now, get on board.
    The Glory Train is waiting now...come kneel there at The Cross.
    As Christ died, and rose again, to redeem the lost.

    The Bible in a nutshell, in John Three, Sixteen.
    God loved the World, He sent His Son, sinless, pure and clean.
    To those accepting Christ's death, paid for our sin and strife,
    That they would never perish, but have eternal life.


    Would you like to receive this FREE GIFT today?? All you need to do is
    admit to God that you are a sinner, and that you can NOT save yourself.

    Right now, come to God, just as you are...no matter what you've done in
    your life...or how evil...and be willing, with His Help, to turn from
    the way you've lived (repent)...accepting by faith, that:

    Jesus Christ, God's Only Begotten Son, left the Glory of Heaven, to be
    born of a Virgin, to live on Earth as a human being in all ways like us
    (except without sin), that He suffered died for you on an Old Rugged
    Cross, that He rose from the dead to provide you Eternal Life, is
    coming back soon to Earth to reign in Power and Glory, and He wants you
    to rule and reign with Him.

    All you need to do is pray a simple prayer of contrition...to ask Him
    to forgive your sins, to come into your life and be your personal
    Saviour, and the Lord of Your Life.



    "Lord Jesus...I admit that I'm a sinner. And, I know that nothing I
    can do will save myself".

    "Right now, just as I am...I come to you in faith...believing that You
    died for me, and rose again on the third day, according to the Scriptures".

    "I'm sorry for the way I've lived, and I'm willing to turn from my sin.
    Dear Jesus, Come into my heart, forgive my sin...save me...and be the
    Lord of my life".

    "By Your Grace, I will follow and obey You in all that I do".

    "Thank You For Being My Friend For Life. In Your Name, I Pray. Amen".


    If you prayed that prayer, and REALLY MEANT IT...I can assure you that
    on the Authority of God's Word...that you have Eternal Life right now...
    that all the angels of Heaven are rejoicing...and I rejoice with you...
    because I'll see you before the Throne Of God one day.

    The best thing for you now is to spend time with God each day...just
    talk with Him as if you were talking to a close personal friend. After
    all, He is just that...He sticks closer than a brother. You can talk
    with him at any time, day or night, and never have to wait. Read His
    Word, the Holy Bible...be baptized, worship, and fellowship with other Christians in a Church where Christ is preached. God will mold you into
    the image of His Son, little by little...and when you mess up, just
    confess to Him your error, and then ask and claim His Forgiveness. He
    promises to never leave you, or forsake you.
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (1:2320/33)
  • From Daryl Stout@1:2320/33 to All on Sun Dec 5 00:01:22 2021
    I'm sure you'll admit that you enjoy receiving gifts...be it for a
    birthday, anniversary, holiday, etc.; especially if it was something
    you knew you could not afford, but it was something that you greatly

    I'd like to tell you about a FREE GIFT that you can receive today...a
    Gift that was purchased for YOU a long time ago...by a Special Friend...
    who knows you better than you know yourself...and who loved you so much,
    that He gave His Life for you...to obtain for you...the gift of Life Everlasting. This gift is FREE to ALL who wish to receive it. In fact,
    it's Heavenly...Eternal Salvation through Jesus Christ.

    For those who may be thinking that clicking on the "Get A Free Gift"
    icon or related link was NOT going to be this...I want to point out that
    the Free Gift Of Salvation in Jesus Christ is FREE TO ALL WHO WOULD
    RECEIVE IT...it is YOUR CHOICE as to whether or not you wish to do so.

    On March 28, 1978, I was right where you are now...I was offered this
    FREE GIFT...and I'll admit I didn't understand it...and you may not
    understand it, either. But, the best way I can tell you is excerpts
    from the songs He has given me.


    If you're reading these poems here, before The Rapture hits,
    The choice is yours here now to make, your life to Christ, commit.
    For when God's Clock, strikes the time, that the saints will rise,
    Happening so rapidly, too quick to say goodbye.

    Tragedy at Rapture...you can avoid that day.
    Repent of sin, and come to Christ...the Truth, The Life, The Way.
    Ask Him now to save your soul, and wash away your sins.
    And, on that Glorious Rapture morn, you'll go to be with Him.

    The Day The Spirit Of The Lord Came And Pricked My Heart;
    These songs He gave me are a witness of His Gift He did impart.
    And now, dear friend...I ask you...have you had a day like this??
    Decide today...eternally...your choice...doom or bliss??

    Doing good deeds in this life, and what's right in his eyes...
    ...won't get man into Heaven...no matter how hard he tries.
    Christ's Death and Resurrection is for EVERY man and nation...
    And how shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation??

    Man thinks that praying to anybody, gets Heaven at the grave.
    But, no other name but Jesus, is given; whereby we must be saved.
    A person, a figure, a church denomination; or others...can't get it done.
    For it's written there in God's Holy Bible...
    There's none righteous...no, not one.

    Your sins are a barrier between you and God;
    Fellowship apart, as down lifes path you've trod.
    'Come, let us reason', says the Lord...for you He truly knows...
    Your scarlet sins...covered with His Blood...become white as snow.

    Precious was the love of God...even with man's sin...
    He sent His Son to die for us, while we rebelled to Him.
    King Of Kings...Lord Of Lords...The Way...The Life...The Truth
    Accept Him now...He loves you so...Gentile or a Jew.

    For God So Loved The World, that He gave His Only Son...
    To Seek, and Save That Which Was Lost.
    For it does not matter who or what you are...

    Jesus...God's Son...He knew the consequences the sin of pride would bear.
    Born of a Virgin...He preached the Kingdom of God
    To any, and all that would hear.
    But, He was crucified between two thieves on Good Friday...
    And to Him, one cursed and yelled...
    But, the other was saved...for he knew
    What Good Is Your Pride Going To Do You In Hell??

    Death Without The Lord is bad...to be in Hell for sin...
    But for those in Christ, it's Heavenly...they'll never sin again.
    Make Jesus as your Lord and Friend Today...and tarry not...
    He died to save you from your sins...and cleanse your blemished spots.

    Only one of two places awaits everyone, when death knocks on their door.
    Heaven Or Hell...no place in between...to clean up one's lifetime score.
    For you are saved only by grace through faith, not of works to boast.
    The decision to reject Jesus as Saviour and Lord,
    Is one you'll regret the most.

    You only have one life to live; be careful what you ask.
    Be righteous, truthful in your deeds; not behind a mask.
    For all your deeds and your life will both soon be past.
    And only those things, done for Christ, will eternally last.

    Like a roaring lion, seeking souls each hour;
    Satan wants your life today, eternally to be devoured.
    As the covering cherub, it's where it all did start.
    His subtle lies, they will ensnare, your unsuspecting heart.

    The Lord will return very soon...believe now, and don't wait...
    For if you listen to Satan's lies...you'll find that it's too late.
    Accept Christ and His Word for you...let both fill your heart and mind...
    And, on the day of Rapture...you won't be left behind.

    What more could I have done for you?? I loved you so, My Child.
    So much that I was spat upon, whipped, cursed, and reviled.
    I wanted you, and loved you so with all My Life and Heart...
    But, it was to be your sin that would tear us both apart.

    I let you nail me to that Cross...to suffer and be killed.
    But, I'd Rise Again That Easter Morn...Redemption's Plan Fulfilled.
    Shed Blood From My Nail Pierced Hands...Paid Sins Death Stung Fee...
    Removed Disgrace...Amazing Grace...Do You Have Time For Me??

    For it's the Resurrection, we celebrate and proclaim...
    The Gospel is for ALL mankind...regardless of your name.
    Accept Christ as your Lord today, and let Him your life change...
    For with His Resurrection, we'll never be the same.

    The Lord...He saved my life...The Lord...He saved my soul...
    And, like with me...he waits for you...to come to Him also. Saviour...Lord...King Of Kings...He's knocking at your hearts door.
    Receive Him today...He's coming soon...to reign forevermore.

    But, to all those who have rejected God,
    Without protection, they think 'all is well'.
    As down the path of sin and death they trod,
    And tragically, are one heartbeat from Hell.

    The wicked shall be turned into hell;
    But, for those, who Christ, they do receive.
    Their joy at death, no mortal tongue can tell;
    Eternal blessings for those who believed.

    Years from now, you'll remember
    When crossing to the other side.
    Seeing the Glory Of Heaven,
    Or fires of Hell as you died.

    "Lost without a compass, on eternal scale."
    "To those refusing Jesus Christ, the Lord who can not fail."
    "For all the unregenerate, preferring sins desire."
    "Never ending torment, in the Lake Of Fire."

    Life is like a vapor...and soon, it will all end.
    What will you do with Jesus Christ?? God asks of you, dear friend.
    Your life..you will account one day...with God, you cannot fudge...
    Will Jesus be your Saviour...or will He be your Judge??

    For one day soon, God's Grace will end...and it will be too late.
    For all must die...then judgment there...what will be your fate??
    Accept Christ as your Lord and Saviour...and Friend Forever there...
    Refuse Him, and He'll truly be your most feared nightmare.

    Don't put off your decision...saying 'the time is just not right'.
    If you refuse to accept Jesus...and if you die tonight;
    You'll face Christ as your Judge there...on that somber day...
    Regretting ignoring Him and His Vessels for your sinful ways.

    Where will you be...eternally...When it's time for you to die??
    It all depends on what you do with Jesus...God's Son...
    On whom, you must decide.
    To accept Him as Lord...as well as your Saviour...
    As He lived and died and rose for you...
    Or, if you willfully...choose to reject Him...
    Your choice between bliss and doom.

    When God's Spirit speaks to you, friend...don't take a chance.
    For you may regret, if you just give a furtive glance.
    The Invitation to receive Eternal Life so dear;
    And, this could be the only time the Gospel you would hear.

    The one sin unforgiven, even those not in this poem,
    It seems I've covered everything, but what is this unknown??
    Rejection of Christ Jesus, who died upon that Cross.
    And resurrected from the grave, to redeem the lost.

    Sinner, Seek The Lord Today...while He may be found.
    The Grace of God will end one day...and the only sound
    You'll hear from Him at the Judgment Of The Great White Throne:
    Depart, ye cursed...to Eternal Fire...for you, I've never known.

    If you wait, 'til it's too late, you're cast into the fire.
    You'll suffer for eternity, the cost for sins desire.
    All could've been prevented, if you, in life, had prayed,
    For Christ to save your soul from sin, and live in life He gave.

    One day, on bended knee, mankind will bow
    Declaring there that Jesus Christ is Lord.
    To the glory of God the Father, now;
    In Truth Of His Word, sharper than a sword.

    'What will you do with Jesus Christ?', God asks of you today.
    The choice is yours to make, my friend, will you accept His Way??
    For every knee will bow before Him, on that final day.
    'Jesus Christ Is Lord Of All' every tongue will say.

    What is your cry?? You, a lost sinner...
    To Jesus Christ the Lord today?
    In repentence & sorrow, will you accept Him??
    The Truth, The Life, & The Way.
    'Dear Jesus, Save Me, be the Lord Of My Life';
    Grateful that He did it for you.
    Or do you reject Him??
    And, hear Him say 'Depart; for you I never knew'.

    While God commands, He will not force, accepting of His Gift.
    It's your choice if you want Christ, your burden, there to lift.
    But, if yourself, there want to pay, for sins done by the score,
    Suffering in the Lake Of Fire, will be yours forevermore.

    So, what will your Judgment Choice now be??
    Don't think that you will live for many years.
    To no one, is tomorrow guaranteed...
    Will you repent today, with bitter tears??

    So, bow before Him now, today repent.
    For He truly knows the best for you.
    Then, daily serving Him, you'll gladly say
    'Today, Oh, Lord...what will you have me do??'

    Betrayed; to you, I would be, if judgment didn't warn.
    To be saved, you must repent, and again to be reborn.
    God won't force His Will on you, but you now, must choose.
    Will you accept Christ Jesus?? Or His Gift, Refuse??

    The wages of sin, are never reduced, for everyone living on Earth.
    But, physical death, not really the end, if you've received The New Birth.
    Turn and repent, from your sinful deeds, and ask Christ to save you today.
    For He did defeat, both Hell and the Grave, and all will face Him one day.

    Will this be your final altar call??
    The final chance for you, to Jesus, come??
    For people praying for you, in this hall;
    For you to choose your true eternal home.

    Those not in God's Kingdom, you can avoid this group.
    Today, repent of all your sins, let Christ your life regroup.
    Ask The Lord to save your soul, and wash your sins away.
    For He is, The King Of Kings, The Truth, The Life, The Way.

    All roads lead to God...but to Heaven, only one.
    The Bema, or The Great White Throne, Judgment won't be fun.
    Whether you served Christ on Earth, or your sins desires.
    Either joy in Heaven...or tormenting, eternal fire.

    Christ alone, the perfect picture, of God's Love and Grace.
    Your choice on what what you do with Him, determines who you'll face.
    Your Best Friend, He there will be, if His Blood's applied.
    Your Worst Nightmare, rejecting Him, you'll be terrified.

    Your righteousness as filthy rags, you can this mess, now lose.
    If in all humility, Christ's Gift, you don't refuse.
    Turn now from your life of sin, accept Christ Jesus now.
    And serve Him now with all your heart, before Him humbly bow.

    Going through the motions, does this sound like you??
    You've grieved The Lord who loves you so, in all the sin you'd do.
    If you've not been born again, now is the day to choose;
    Accept Christ as your Lord today; serve Him...don't refuse.

    Please don't be one of the souls, hated by The Lord.
    He wants you to accept His Son...come now, get on board.
    The Glory Train is waiting now...come kneel there at The Cross.
    As Christ died, and rose again, to redeem the lost.

    The Bible in a nutshell, in John Three, Sixteen.
    God loved the World, He sent His Son, sinless, pure and clean.
    To those accepting Christ's death, paid for our sin and strife,
    That they would never perish, but have eternal life.


    Would you like to receive this FREE GIFT today?? All you need to do is
    admit to God that you are a sinner, and that you can NOT save yourself.

    Right now, come to God, just as you are...no matter what you've done in
    your life...or how evil...and be willing, with His Help, to turn from
    the way you've lived (repent)...accepting by faith, that:

    Jesus Christ, God's Only Begotten Son, left the Glory of Heaven, to be
    born of a Virgin, to live on Earth as a human being in all ways like us
    (except without sin), that He suffered died for you on an Old Rugged
    Cross, that He rose from the dead to provide you Eternal Life, is
    coming back soon to Earth to reign in Power and Glory, and He wants you
    to rule and reign with Him.

    All you need to do is pray a simple prayer of contrition...to ask Him
    to forgive your sins, to come into your life and be your personal
    Saviour, and the Lord of Your Life.



    "Lord Jesus...I admit that I'm a sinner. And, I know that nothing I
    can do will save myself".

    "Right now, just as I am...I come to you in faith...believing that You
    died for me, and rose again on the third day, according to the Scriptures".

    "I'm sorry for the way I've lived, and I'm willing to turn from my sin.
    Dear Jesus, Come into my heart, forgive my sin...save me...and be the
    Lord of my life".

    "By Your Grace, I will follow and obey You in all that I do".

    "Thank You For Being My Friend For Life. In Your Name, I Pray. Amen".


    If you prayed that prayer, and REALLY MEANT IT...I can assure you that
    on the Authority of God's Word...that you have Eternal Life right now...
    that all the angels of Heaven are rejoicing...and I rejoice with you...
    because I'll see you before the Throne Of God one day.

    The best thing for you now is to spend time with God each day...just
    talk with Him as if you were talking to a close personal friend. After
    all, He is just that...He sticks closer than a brother. You can talk
    with him at any time, day or night, and never have to wait. Read His
    Word, the Holy Bible...be baptized, worship, and fellowship with other Christians in a Church where Christ is preached. God will mold you into
    the image of His Son, little by little...and when you mess up, just
    confess to Him your error, and then ask and claim His Forgiveness. He
    promises to never leave you, or forsake you.
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (1:2320/33)
  • From Daryl Stout@1:2320/33 to All on Sun Dec 12 00:01:20 2021
    I'm sure you'll admit that you enjoy receiving gifts...be it for a
    birthday, anniversary, holiday, etc.; especially if it was something
    you knew you could not afford, but it was something that you greatly

    I'd like to tell you about a FREE GIFT that you can receive today...a
    Gift that was purchased for YOU a long time ago...by a Special Friend...
    who knows you better than you know yourself...and who loved you so much,
    that He gave His Life for you...to obtain for you...the gift of Life Everlasting. This gift is FREE to ALL who wish to receive it. In fact,
    it's Heavenly...Eternal Salvation through Jesus Christ.

    For those who may be thinking that clicking on the "Get A Free Gift"
    icon or related link was NOT going to be this...I want to point out that
    the Free Gift Of Salvation in Jesus Christ is FREE TO ALL WHO WOULD
    RECEIVE IT...it is YOUR CHOICE as to whether or not you wish to do so.

    On March 28, 1978, I was right where you are now...I was offered this
    FREE GIFT...and I'll admit I didn't understand it...and you may not
    understand it, either. But, the best way I can tell you is excerpts
    from the songs He has given me.


    If you're reading these poems here, before The Rapture hits,
    The choice is yours here now to make, your life to Christ, commit.
    For when God's Clock, strikes the time, that the saints will rise,
    Happening so rapidly, too quick to say goodbye.

    Tragedy at Rapture...you can avoid that day.
    Repent of sin, and come to Christ...the Truth, The Life, The Way.
    Ask Him now to save your soul, and wash away your sins.
    And, on that Glorious Rapture morn, you'll go to be with Him.

    The Day The Spirit Of The Lord Came And Pricked My Heart;
    These songs He gave me are a witness of His Gift He did impart.
    And now, dear friend...I ask you...have you had a day like this??
    Decide today...eternally...your choice...doom or bliss??

    Doing good deeds in this life, and what's right in his eyes...
    ...won't get man into Heaven...no matter how hard he tries.
    Christ's Death and Resurrection is for EVERY man and nation...
    And how shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation??

    Man thinks that praying to anybody, gets Heaven at the grave.
    But, no other name but Jesus, is given; whereby we must be saved.
    A person, a figure, a church denomination; or others...can't get it done.
    For it's written there in God's Holy Bible...
    There's none righteous...no, not one.

    Your sins are a barrier between you and God;
    Fellowship apart, as down lifes path you've trod.
    'Come, let us reason', says the Lord...for you He truly knows...
    Your scarlet sins...covered with His Blood...become white as snow.

    Precious was the love of God...even with man's sin...
    He sent His Son to die for us, while we rebelled to Him.
    King Of Kings...Lord Of Lords...The Way...The Life...The Truth
    Accept Him now...He loves you so...Gentile or a Jew.

    For God So Loved The World, that He gave His Only Son...
    To Seek, and Save That Which Was Lost.
    For it does not matter who or what you are...

    Jesus...God's Son...He knew the consequences the sin of pride would bear.
    Born of a Virgin...He preached the Kingdom of God
    To any, and all that would hear.
    But, He was crucified between two thieves on Good Friday...
    And to Him, one cursed and yelled...
    But, the other was saved...for he knew
    What Good Is Your Pride Going To Do You In Hell??

    Death Without The Lord is bad...to be in Hell for sin...
    But for those in Christ, it's Heavenly...they'll never sin again.
    Make Jesus as your Lord and Friend Today...and tarry not...
    He died to save you from your sins...and cleanse your blemished spots.

    Only one of two places awaits everyone, when death knocks on their door.
    Heaven Or Hell...no place in between...to clean up one's lifetime score.
    For you are saved only by grace through faith, not of works to boast.
    The decision to reject Jesus as Saviour and Lord,
    Is one you'll regret the most.

    You only have one life to live; be careful what you ask.
    Be righteous, truthful in your deeds; not behind a mask.
    For all your deeds and your life will both soon be past.
    And only those things, done for Christ, will eternally last.

    Like a roaring lion, seeking souls each hour;
    Satan wants your life today, eternally to be devoured.
    As the covering cherub, it's where it all did start.
    His subtle lies, they will ensnare, your unsuspecting heart.

    The Lord will return very soon...believe now, and don't wait...
    For if you listen to Satan's lies...you'll find that it's too late.
    Accept Christ and His Word for you...let both fill your heart and mind...
    And, on the day of Rapture...you won't be left behind.

    What more could I have done for you?? I loved you so, My Child.
    So much that I was spat upon, whipped, cursed, and reviled.
    I wanted you, and loved you so with all My Life and Heart...
    But, it was to be your sin that would tear us both apart.

    I let you nail me to that Cross...to suffer and be killed.
    But, I'd Rise Again That Easter Morn...Redemption's Plan Fulfilled.
    Shed Blood From My Nail Pierced Hands...Paid Sins Death Stung Fee...
    Removed Disgrace...Amazing Grace...Do You Have Time For Me??

    For it's the Resurrection, we celebrate and proclaim...
    The Gospel is for ALL mankind...regardless of your name.
    Accept Christ as your Lord today, and let Him your life change...
    For with His Resurrection, we'll never be the same.

    The Lord...He saved my life...The Lord...He saved my soul...
    And, like with me...he waits for you...to come to Him also. Saviour...Lord...King Of Kings...He's knocking at your hearts door.
    Receive Him today...He's coming soon...to reign forevermore.

    But, to all those who have rejected God,
    Without protection, they think 'all is well'.
    As down the path of sin and death they trod,
    And tragically, are one heartbeat from Hell.

    The wicked shall be turned into hell;
    But, for those, who Christ, they do receive.
    Their joy at death, no mortal tongue can tell;
    Eternal blessings for those who believed.

    Years from now, you'll remember
    When crossing to the other side.
    Seeing the Glory Of Heaven,
    Or fires of Hell as you died.

    "Lost without a compass, on eternal scale."
    "To those refusing Jesus Christ, the Lord who can not fail."
    "For all the unregenerate, preferring sins desire."
    "Never ending torment, in the Lake Of Fire."

    Life is like a vapor...and soon, it will all end.
    What will you do with Jesus Christ?? God asks of you, dear friend.
    Your life..you will account one day...with God, you cannot fudge...
    Will Jesus be your Saviour...or will He be your Judge??

    For one day soon, God's Grace will end...and it will be too late.
    For all must die...then judgment there...what will be your fate??
    Accept Christ as your Lord and Saviour...and Friend Forever there...
    Refuse Him, and He'll truly be your most feared nightmare.

    Don't put off your decision...saying 'the time is just not right'.
    If you refuse to accept Jesus...and if you die tonight;
    You'll face Christ as your Judge there...on that somber day...
    Regretting ignoring Him and His Vessels for your sinful ways.

    Where will you be...eternally...When it's time for you to die??
    It all depends on what you do with Jesus...God's Son...
    On whom, you must decide.
    To accept Him as Lord...as well as your Saviour...
    As He lived and died and rose for you...
    Or, if you willfully...choose to reject Him...
    Your choice between bliss and doom.

    When God's Spirit speaks to you, friend...don't take a chance.
    For you may regret, if you just give a furtive glance.
    The Invitation to receive Eternal Life so dear;
    And, this could be the only time the Gospel you would hear.

    The one sin unforgiven, even those not in this poem,
    It seems I've covered everything, but what is this unknown??
    Rejection of Christ Jesus, who died upon that Cross.
    And resurrected from the grave, to redeem the lost.

    Sinner, Seek The Lord Today...while He may be found.
    The Grace of God will end one day...and the only sound
    You'll hear from Him at the Judgment Of The Great White Throne:
    Depart, ye cursed...to Eternal Fire...for you, I've never known.

    If you wait, 'til it's too late, you're cast into the fire.
    You'll suffer for eternity, the cost for sins desire.
    All could've been prevented, if you, in life, had prayed,
    For Christ to save your soul from sin, and live in life He gave.

    One day, on bended knee, mankind will bow
    Declaring there that Jesus Christ is Lord.
    To the glory of God the Father, now;
    In Truth Of His Word, sharper than a sword.

    'What will you do with Jesus Christ?', God asks of you today.
    The choice is yours to make, my friend, will you accept His Way??
    For every knee will bow before Him, on that final day.
    'Jesus Christ Is Lord Of All' every tongue will say.

    What is your cry?? You, a lost sinner...
    To Jesus Christ the Lord today?
    In repentence & sorrow, will you accept Him??
    The Truth, The Life, & The Way.
    'Dear Jesus, Save Me, be the Lord Of My Life';
    Grateful that He did it for you.
    Or do you reject Him??
    And, hear Him say 'Depart; for you I never knew'.

    While God commands, He will not force, accepting of His Gift.
    It's your choice if you want Christ, your burden, there to lift.
    But, if yourself, there want to pay, for sins done by the score,
    Suffering in the Lake Of Fire, will be yours forevermore.

    So, what will your Judgment Choice now be??
    Don't think that you will live for many years.
    To no one, is tomorrow guaranteed...
    Will you repent today, with bitter tears??

    So, bow before Him now, today repent.
    For He truly knows the best for you.
    Then, daily serving Him, you'll gladly say
    'Today, Oh, Lord...what will you have me do??'

    Betrayed; to you, I would be, if judgment didn't warn.
    To be saved, you must repent, and again to be reborn.
    God won't force His Will on you, but you now, must choose.
    Will you accept Christ Jesus?? Or His Gift, Refuse??

    The wages of sin, are never reduced, for everyone living on Earth.
    But, physical death, not really the end, if you've received The New Birth.
    Turn and repent, from your sinful deeds, and ask Christ to save you today.
    For He did defeat, both Hell and the Grave, and all will face Him one day.

    Will this be your final altar call??
    The final chance for you, to Jesus, come??
    For people praying for you, in this hall;
    For you to choose your true eternal home.

    Those not in God's Kingdom, you can avoid this group.
    Today, repent of all your sins, let Christ your life regroup.
    Ask The Lord to save your soul, and wash your sins away.
    For He is, The King Of Kings, The Truth, The Life, The Way.

    All roads lead to God...but to Heaven, only one.
    The Bema, or The Great White Throne, Judgment won't be fun.
    Whether you served Christ on Earth, or your sins desires.
    Either joy in Heaven...or tormenting, eternal fire.

    Christ alone, the perfect picture, of God's Love and Grace.
    Your choice on what what you do with Him, determines who you'll face.
    Your Best Friend, He there will be, if His Blood's applied.
    Your Worst Nightmare, rejecting Him, you'll be terrified.

    Your righteousness as filthy rags, you can this mess, now lose.
    If in all humility, Christ's Gift, you don't refuse.
    Turn now from your life of sin, accept Christ Jesus now.
    And serve Him now with all your heart, before Him humbly bow.

    Going through the motions, does this sound like you??
    You've grieved The Lord who loves you so, in all the sin you'd do.
    If you've not been born again, now is the day to choose;
    Accept Christ as your Lord today; serve Him...don't refuse.

    Please don't be one of the souls, hated by The Lord.
    He wants you to accept His Son...come now, get on board.
    The Glory Train is waiting now...come kneel there at The Cross.
    As Christ died, and rose again, to redeem the lost.

    The Bible in a nutshell, in John Three, Sixteen.
    God loved the World, He sent His Son, sinless, pure and clean.
    To those accepting Christ's death, paid for our sin and strife,
    That they would never perish, but have eternal life.


    Would you like to receive this FREE GIFT today?? All you need to do is
    admit to God that you are a sinner, and that you can NOT save yourself.

    Right now, come to God, just as you are...no matter what you've done in
    your life...or how evil...and be willing, with His Help, to turn from
    the way you've lived (repent)...accepting by faith, that:

    Jesus Christ, God's Only Begotten Son, left the Glory of Heaven, to be
    born of a Virgin, to live on Earth as a human being in all ways like us
    (except without sin), that He suffered died for you on an Old Rugged
    Cross, that He rose from the dead to provide you Eternal Life, is
    coming back soon to Earth to reign in Power and Glory, and He wants you
    to rule and reign with Him.

    All you need to do is pray a simple prayer of contrition...to ask Him
    to forgive your sins, to come into your life and be your personal
    Saviour, and the Lord of Your Life.



    "Lord Jesus...I admit that I'm a sinner. And, I know that nothing I
    can do will save myself".

    "Right now, just as I am...I come to you in faith...believing that You
    died for me, and rose again on the third day, according to the Scriptures".

    "I'm sorry for the way I've lived, and I'm willing to turn from my sin.
    Dear Jesus, Come into my heart, forgive my sin...save me...and be the
    Lord of my life".

    "By Your Grace, I will follow and obey You in all that I do".

    "Thank You For Being My Friend For Life. In Your Name, I Pray. Amen".


    If you prayed that prayer, and REALLY MEANT IT...I can assure you that
    on the Authority of God's Word...that you have Eternal Life right now...
    that all the angels of Heaven are rejoicing...and I rejoice with you...
    because I'll see you before the Throne Of God one day.

    The best thing for you now is to spend time with God each day...just
    talk with Him as if you were talking to a close personal friend. After
    all, He is just that...He sticks closer than a brother. You can talk
    with him at any time, day or night, and never have to wait. Read His
    Word, the Holy Bible...be baptized, worship, and fellowship with other Christians in a Church where Christ is preached. God will mold you into
    the image of His Son, little by little...and when you mess up, just
    confess to Him your error, and then ask and claim His Forgiveness. He
    promises to never leave you, or forsake you.
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (1:2320/33)