I happen to be by the server and the smpt server was pounding the web sending a massive amount of emails.
I have cleared all the spooling and it continues. I have taken this serve off line.
Do you have any idea whats going on. and how to stop it.
Billy Schwar
Hi Billy,small
Please be more specific if you can of whats happening, perhaps with
snippets of the wcsmtp logs. Turn on the SESSION TRACE logs underWCCONFIG
| MAIL SERVER | SMTP options and restart WCSMTP.out
The wcSMTPSendTrace*.log will give you a complete session level trace of
the outgoing mail.
In general, if you were smacked by a email spammer with this volume of
going mail, then either you have CHECKED On [X] Allow Open Relay which SHOULD 100% off all the time (why its colored red) or there is aninsider
on the computer or maybe compromised user that is allowed to relay mailto
the outside world. No one should be allowed to relay unless they authenticated (logged in via SMTP) and if relay is allowed without authentication then anyone can use your site as an OPEN RELAY. If this option is off, then without more information, someone already insideyour
network is compromised.
See the trace logs. Read WCSMTPTRACE for whats coming in and WCSMTPSENDTRACE for whats going out.
On 5/1/2012 11:04 AM, BILLY SCHWARZ wrote to HECTOR SANTOS:serve
I happen to be by the server and the smpt server was pounding the web sending a massive amount of emails.
I have cleared all the spooling and it continues. I have taken this
off line.
Do you have any idea whats going on. and how to stop it.
Billy Schwar
Sysop: | Nelgin |
Location: | Plano, TX |
Users: | 577 |
Nodes: | 10 (1 / 9) |
Uptime: | 56:17:29 |
Calls: | 9,294 |
Calls today: | 2 |
Files: | 16,016 |
Messages: | 1,046,583 |