• Wildcat! GreyListing

    From HECTOR SANTOS@1:124/5013 to All on Thu Jan 31 19:18:36 2019
    Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2006 10:13:43 -0400
    To: ALL
    Subject: Wildcat! GreyListing
    Newsgroups: win.server.smtp.&.avs
    Message-ID: <1155737623.46.0@winserver.com>
    X-Mailer: Wildcat! Interactive Net Server v7.0.454.5
    Lines: 48

    I'm starting a new topic here.

    Thanks to those beta testing this wcGreyList system.

    o In Wildcat! We Trust!

    For now, to build your confidence in the system, you will want to keep an
    eye to make sure you don't get lost mail, meaning a GOOD pending message
    never gets a RETRY again from the original sender. In general, a system
    will retry within 1 hour or less. But as you learn to trust it and let it
    do its thing, you will see that it really does work! Your spam will be reduced drastically! In others, don't end up sitting there like I did in
    the beginning wondering why the other
    GOOD system was taking so long to retry. If its good, it will. :-)

    o Changing your own WCSMTP Retry Frequencies:

    Now, how about other systems greylisting you?

    By defauilt, WcSMTP has a 1 hour retry. You can change this frequency in
    SMTP setup.

    However, in preparation of this, I wanted to offer a variable frequency
    retry feature, like 5 mins, 10 munutes for the first few tries, and fall
    back to 1 hour retries. See the AUP 451.7 help where we introduced the new optional file DATA\WCSMTP.INI where you an define a [Attempts] section.
    This will override the SMTP setup. This is what it recommends:


    o Web Folder Security:

    I need you to make sure to no one has access to the your \services\avs URL folder, but you. So double check that. HTML-WCGREYLIST.WCX web-based manager will only run for the MASTER SYSOP, but to control access to the
    folder itself, the .WCTACCESS file in the folder is setup for the "administrator" security.

    So check normal users access is disallowed. No clue should be provided. It should be like "NO PAGE FOUND" type of error.


    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v3.1
    * Origin: Prison Board BBS Mesquite Tx //telnet.RDFIG.NET www. (1:124/5013)
  • From HECTOR SANTOS@1:124/5013 to All on Thu Jan 31 19:18:36 2019
    Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2006 10:48:06 -0400
    Subject: Re: Wildcat! GreyListing
    Newsgroups: win.server.smtp.&.avs
    Message-ID: <1155739930.46.1155737623@winserver.com>
    References: <1155737623.46.0@winserver.com>
    X-WcMsg-Attr: Rcvd
    X-Mailer: Wildcat! Interactive Net Server v7.0.454.5
    Lines: 63

    Note, I updated the WCGL100B.ZIP file on the BBS with the comments and
    changes pointed out by the beta testers.

    - Cleaned up readme

    - Added a missing utility HTML-MYVIEWLOG.WCX that is used
    to view the blocked pending message.


    <HECTOR SANTOS> wrote in message news:1155737623.46.0@winserver.com...
    I'm starting a new topic here.

    Thanks to those beta testing this wcGreyList system.

    o In Wildcat! We Trust!

    For now, to build your confidence in the system, you will want to keep an
    eye to make sure you don't get lost mail, meaning a GOOD pending message never gets a RETRY again from the original sender. In general, a system
    will retry within 1 hour or less. But as you learn to trust it and let
    do its thing, you will see that it really does work! Your spam will be reduced drastically! In others, don't end up sitting there like I did in
    the beginning wondering why the other
    GOOD system was taking so long to retry. If its good, it will. :-)

    o Changing your own WCSMTP Retry Frequencies:

    Now, how about other systems greylisting you?

    By defauilt, WcSMTP has a 1 hour retry. You can change this frequency in SMTP setup.

    However, in preparation of this, I wanted to offer a variable frequency
    retry feature, like 5 mins, 10 munutes for the first few tries, and fall
    back to 1 hour retries. See the AUP 451.7 help where we introduced the
    optional file DATA\WCSMTP.INI where you an define a [Attempts] section.
    This will override the SMTP setup. This is what it recommends:


    o Web Folder Security:

    I need you to make sure to no one has access to the your \services\avs URL folder, but you. So double check that. HTML-WCGREYLIST.WCX web-based manager will only run for the MASTER SYSOP, but to control access to the folder itself, the .WCTACCESS file in the folder is setup for the "administrator" security.

    So check normal users access is disallowed. No clue should be provided. It should be like "NO PAGE FOUND" type of error.


    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v3.1
    * Origin: Prison Board BBS Mesquite Tx //telnet.RDFIG.NET www. (1:124/5013)
  • From CHRISTOPHER WEIS@1:124/5013 to All on Thu Jan 31 19:18:36 2019
    Date: Sun, 20 Aug 2006 11:39:22 -0400
    Subject: Re: Wildcat! GreyListing
    Newsgroups: win.server.smtp.&.avs
    Message-ID: <1156088362.46.1155739930@winserver.com>
    References: <1155739930.46.1155737623@winserver.com>
    X-WcMsg-Attr: Rcvd
    X-Mailer: Wildcat! Interactive Net Server v7.0.454.5
    Lines: 9

    I saw where the reference for the poll.gif was not working in the wgreylist.htm

    To resolve, I updated the path to:
    var graphimageP="/services/avs/poll.gif"

    I tried to post this on the antispam list, but think I posted it wrong.

    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v3.1
    * Origin: Prison Board BBS Mesquite Tx //telnet.RDFIG.NET www. (1:124/5013)
  • From HECTOR SANTOS@1:124/5013 to All on Thu Jan 31 19:18:36 2019
    Date: Sun, 20 Aug 2006 18:35:37 -0400
    Subject: Re: Wildcat! GreyListing
    Newsgroups: win.server.smtp.&.avs
    Message-ID: <1156113337.46.1156088362@winserver.com>
    References: <1156088362.46.1155739930@winserver.com>
    X-WcMsg-Attr: Rcvd
    X-Mailer: Wildcat! Interactive Net Server v7.0.454.5
    Lines: 23

    Yes I saw the original post. :-)

    This was corrected for my new zip (not posted yet). There were other
    similar URL also corrected.



    On 8/20/06 11:39 AM, CHRISTOPHER WEIS wrote to HECTOR SANTOS:

    I saw where the reference for the poll.gif was not working in the

    To resolve, I updated the path to:
    var graphimageP="/services/avs/poll.gif"

    I tried to post this on the antispam list, but think I posted it wrong. -Chris

    * Origin: Prison Board BBS Mesquite Tx //telnet.RDFIG.NET www. (1:124/5013)