• XP's Shutdown File

    From Ed Vance@1:2320/105.1 to All on Fri Dec 9 21:05:00 2016

    Does anyone know where XP stores the file it makes when either choosing
    the Turn Off or Hibernate options and it says "Savings Settings....."?

    I would like to Delete that file using a Ubuntu Live CD so hopefully
    the next time I turn the XP pc Off it will make a new file without any
    settings in it that was held over from times when I was having troubles
    when XP wasn't behaving as it should.

    ... Wholly Inadaquate Needless Dumb Outrageous Waste of Space
    --- MultiMail/MS-DOS v0.49
    --- SBBSecho 2.12-Linux
    * Origin: CCO BBS - capcity2.synchro.net - 1-502-875-8938 (1:2320/105.1)
  • From LEE GREEN@1:102/401 to Ed Vance on Sat Dec 10 20:21:16 2016

    Try C:\hiberfil.sys
    They might have hidden attributes.

    Does anyone know where XP stores the file it makes when either choosing
    the Turn Off or Hibernate options and it says "Savings Settings....."?

    I would like to Delete that file using a Ubuntu Live CD so hopefully
    the next time I turn the XP pc Off it will make a new file without any settings in it that was held over from times when I was having troubles
    when XP wasn't behaving as it should.

    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v3.0pr5
    * Origin: TECHWARE BBS - Since 1995 - www.techware.dynip.com/ (1:102/401)
  • From Paul Quinn@3:640/384 to Ed Vance on Sun Dec 11 19:41:36 2016
    Hi! Ed,

    On 09 Dec 16 21:05, you wrote to All:

    Does anyone know where XP stores the file it makes when either
    choosing the Turn Off or Hibernate options and it says "Savings Settings....."?

    I don't know about Hibernate, Ed. I've never used it, ever. But I had some fun this afternoon & evening, playing with a couple of XP toys out of VirtualBox...

    I would like to Delete that file using a Ubuntu Live CD so hopefully
    the next time I turn the XP pc Off it will make a new file without any settings in it that was held over from times when I was having
    troubles when XP wasn't behaving as it should.

    Mmm... I'd recommend having access to an older backup, first...

    My tests involved attaching the C: drive of each of the /other/ vBox as the D: drive of each XP, in turn. That way each of the other's C: drive could be explored without any messy booting of the drives, thereby causing additional file writes. Then I used Total Commander on each XP to _search_ for files updated just on or after the shutdown command's time (up to 5 minutes later, which is ridiculous of course as a shutdown typically only takes less than a minute).

    The first XP vBox PC is your basic out of the box thing (from 2003?) without any updates (that I know of), or, service packs applied (none, nil, nada). It's
    been a test PC in that state since I got my hands on the CD. Its shutdown resulted in 12 files being updated.

    The second XP vBox has been updated to death (nearly, I think), up to SP2. Its
    shutdown updated 41 files. A lot of those were in the Avast tree, and other general software packages.

    From a rough eyeball inspection, the most likely culprit common to both PCs is the NTUSER.DAT file. BTW, on each PC there were multiple versions of NTUSER.DAT doo-hickeys updated, in different directories. That's why I commented on your needing a good backup. (And, from a time before you were having your troubles.)

    Complete file lists and a couple of happy snaps (screen window captures) are available in email, if you want. Just tell me.


    ... All stressed out and no one to choke.
    --- Paul's Win98SE VirtualBox
    * Origin: Quinn's Post - Maryborough, Queensland, OZ (3:640/384)
  • From Holger Granholm@2:20/228 to Ed Vance on Thu Dec 15 20:08:00 2016
    In a message on Thursday 12-11-16 Paul Quinn said to Ed Vance:

    GE Ed,

    Does anyone know where XP stores the file it makes when either
    choosing the Turn Off or Hibernate options and it says "Savings Settings....."?

    From a rough eyeball inspection, the most likely culprit common to
    both PCs is the NTUSER.DAT file. BTW, on each PC there were
    multiple versions of NTUSER.DAT doo-hickeys updated, in different directories. That's why I commented on your needing a good backup.
    (And, from a time before you were having your troubles.)

    Good luck Ed!

    CU AGN, Sam, OH0NC

    aka Holger

    .. Read docs - always. Understand them - that's another story.
    -- MR/2 2.30

    --- PCBoard (R) v15.22 (OS/2) 2
    * Origin: Coming to you from the Sunny Aland Islands. (2:20/228)
  • From Ed Vance@1:2320/105.1 to Holger Granholm on Thu Dec 22 23:23:00 2016
    12-15-16 20:08 Holger Granholm wrote to Ed Vance about Re: XP's Shutdown File Howdy! Holger and Paul,

    @MSGID: <585BBBAC.15061.windowsa@capcity2.synchro.net>
    In a message on Thursday 12-11-16 Paul Quinn said to Ed Vance:

    GE Ed,

    Does anyone know where XP stores the file it makes when either
    choosing the Turn Off or Hibernate options and it says "Savings Settings....."?

    From a rough eyeball inspection, the most likely culprit common to
    both PCs is the NTUSER.DAT file. BTW, on each PC there were
    multiple versions of NTUSER.DAT doo-hickeys updated, in different directories. That's why I commented on your needing a good backup.
    (And, from a time before you were having your troubles.)

    Good luck Ed!

    CU AGN, Sam, OH0NC

    aka Holger

    I am still here, just not real active writing at present.

    The XP pc lately has been behaving until today when I had it in
    Stand-By for a few hours and when I woke it up the Clock Time froze
    one minute after I logged on to my account.

    If it ain't the XP box bugging me, its the Car wanting to be taken
    to the Shop.

    Windows Update didn't offer me a MSRT File the last time I went there.
    I can still get the Windows Defender Program to Update its self when I
    Run that Program.

    I know Microsoft doesn't offer any XP Fixes now but I was thinking MSRT
    would be a Program they would continue letting XP users get.

    Oh well, I will use this XP box until it won't boot up.

    I was thinking of buying a copy of Windows Seven until I started hearing
    people write about seeing some strange changes it the Updates coming
    from Microsoft on their Win7 machine to 'Features' like WinTen Telemmetry.

    For a while I ran WallWatcher/GetLog and WireShark so I could see what
    the Router was doing, but I stopped using those two Programs since their
    Logs eat up space on my 250GB HDD.

    I've had thoughts of buying a 2TB or 1TB HDD and Cloning the 250GB HDD onto
    a newer HDD so I'd have some more room to spare for Logs to fill up.
    .... ..

    BTW, I knew where the File for Hibernate was, I don't know why I included Hibernate when I asked earlier this Month.

    I will take a look at Date/Time for that NTUSER.DAT File, thanks Paul.

    .. Read docs - always. Understand them - that's another story.

    I agree with Your Tagline Holger. Thanks for another addition to the
    TAGLINE file in MultiMail.

    73 de Ed W9ODR . .

    ... If it CAN go wrong, it already did.
    --- MultiMail/MS-DOS v0.49
    --- SBBSecho 2.12-Linux
    * Origin: CCO BBS - capcity2.synchro.net - 1-502-875-8938 (1:2320/105.1)
  • From Nick Andre@1:229/426 to Ed Vance on Wed Dec 28 20:14:50 2016
    On 09 Dec 16 21:05:00, Ed Vance said the following to All:

    Does anyone know where XP stores the file it makes when either choosing
    the Turn Off or Hibernate options and it says "Savings Settings....."?

    I would like to Delete that file using a Ubuntu Live CD so hopefully
    the next time I turn the XP pc Off it will make a new file without any settings in it that was held over from times when I was having troubles when XP wasn't behaving as it should.

    As someone who has worked in the trenches in IT, fixing hundreds if not thousands of computers over a now-20-year span of time... I can tell you that deleting or modifying Windows system files in the way you are suggesting is asking for trouble.

    Why not just set a system restore point, or do an image of the Windows partition when it is "behaving as it should". When it doesn't work, revert back accordingly.

    Every Windows computer worth my time has been properly imaged; so any "problems" are easily corrected by restoring from the image media.

    No more Ubuntu, no more hackery.


    --- Renegade vY2Ka2
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Mike Powell@1:2320/105 to Nick Andre on Thu Dec 29 18:14:00 2016
    No more Ubuntu, no more hackery.

    Or he could just move to ubuntu full-time and avoid the hassles. :)


    * SLMR 2.1a * It's time for the Possum Lodge Word Game!!!

    --- GTMail 1.26
    * Origin: CCO BBS * 502/875-8938 * capcity2.synchro.net (1:2320/105.0)
  • From Sean Dennis@1:18/200 to Mike Powell on Fri Dec 30 18:52:34 2016
    Hello Mike,

    29 Dec 16 18:14 at you wrote to Nick Andre:

    Or he could just move to ubuntu full-time and avoid the hassles. :)

    "Ubuntu" in Swahili (sp) really means "I can't configure Debian." :P

    (a Slacker since 1998)

    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20160322
    * Origin: Outpost BBS * Limestone, TN, USA (1:18/200)