• Your email

    From Holger Granholm@2:20/228 to Ed Vance on Sun Apr 23 09:27:00 2017
    Hi Ed,

    Just a report.

    I was very glad to receive the email from you. TNX fer Info.

    Your message was 6.7kb, and after deleting the lot of irrelevant
    information, the message itself (the important part), was 746 bytes.

    Consequently, let's keep the correspondence in Fidonet.

    CU L8ER, Sam, OH0NC

    aka Holger

    .. And on the 8th day God said, "OK Murphy, you take over"
    -- MR/2 2.30

    --- PCBoard (R) v15.22 (OS/2) 2
    * Origin: Coming to you from the Sunny Aland Islands. (2:20/228)
  • From mark lewis@1:3634/12.73 to Holger Granholm on Sun Apr 30 10:26:26 2017

    On 2017 Apr 23 09:27:00, you wrote to Ed Vance:

    Just a report.

    I was very glad to receive the email from you. TNX fer Info.

    Your message was 6.7kb, and after deleting the lot of irrelevant information, the message itself (the important part), was 746 bytes.

    sounds like you are commenting about the tags/quotes in the signature area ;)


    Always Mount a Scratch Monkey
    Do you manage your own servers? If you are not running an IDS/IPS yer doin' it wrong...
    ... A Friend in need is indeed a pain in the neck.
    * Origin: (1:3634/12.73)
  • From Ed Vance@1:2320/105 to Holger Granholm on Sun Apr 30 17:46:00 2017
    04-23-17 09:27 Holger Granholm wrote to Ed Vance about Your email
    Howdy! Holger,

    @MSGID: <59051B07.15125.windowsa@capitolcityonline.net>
    Hi Ed,

    Just a report.

    I was very glad to receive the email from you. TNX fer Info.

    Were You able to get the help that You needed from the staff at QRZ.COM ?

    Your message was 6.7kb, and after deleting the lot of irrelevant information, the message itself (the important part), was 746 bytes.

    The "irrelevant" part might turn out to be Very Important for somebody's future.

    My Emails are usually written in Text instead of HTML to keep the size
    of the Email down.
    I will use HTML occasionally if I really need to.

    Does Your Email Service charge You by length of the messages You RCVD?

    Consequently, let's keep the correspondence in Fidonet.

    Here or in a Ham Radio conference?

    CU L8ER, Sam, OH0NC

    aka Holger

    .. And on the 8th day God said, "OK Murphy, you take over"

    Since You used a "Spiritual" Tagline, I made one up for You.

    73 de Ed W9ODR ..

    ... Satan says, "Ignore Christ Jesus and spend Eternity with Me.".
    --- MultiMail/MS-DOS v0.49
    --- SBBSecho 2.12-Linux
    * Origin: CCO BBS - capcity2.synchro.net - 1-502-875-8938 (1:2320/105)
  • From Holger Granholm@2:20/228 to Mark Lewis on Mon May 1 09:59:00 2017
    In a message on Monday 04-30-17 mark lewis said to Holger Granholm:

    On 2017 Apr 23 09:27:00, you wrote to Ed Vance:

    Hi Mark,

    Your message was 6.7kb, and after deleting the lot of irrelevant information, the message itself (the important part), was 746 bytes.

    sounds like you are commenting about the tags/quotes in the
    signature area ;)

    That is correct, and the M$ meta data was already cleaned away at the
    first save. What was left was a hefty amount of quotes.



    .. Cartoonist found dead in home. Details are sketchy.
    -- MR/2 2.30

    --- PCBoard (R) v15.22 (OS/2) 2
    * Origin: Coming to you from the Sunny Aland Islands. (2:20/228)
  • From Holger Granholm@2:20/228 to Ed Vance on Wed May 3 11:34:00 2017
    In a message on Wednesday 04-30-17 Ed Vance said to Holger Granholm:

    GA Ed,

    On a slow boat to China comes your message dated above to me May 3rd.

    Were You able to get the help that You needed from the staff at
    QRZ.COM ?

    I haven't tried yet because, before saving the relevant info, I have to
    first edit out all the irrelavant text.

    The "irrelevant" part might turn out to be Very Important for
    somebody's future.

    It may be, but I don't like to be forced to read everything.

    Does Your Email Service charge You by length of the messages You

    No, but it takes time to remove irrelevant text from a message that I
    would like to save and/or print out.

    Here or in a Ham Radio conference?

    Any echo mail conference, in our case related to HAM and Amateur Radio.

    73 es GE,de Sam, OH0NC

    aka Holger

    .. "Sam", OH0NC - Aland Islands / 20 deg. E / 60 deg. N
    -- MR/2 2.30

    --- PCBoard (R) v15.22 (OS/2) 2
    * Origin: Coming to you from the Sunny Aland Islands. (2:20/228)
  • From Ed Vance@1:2320/105 to Holger Granholm on Sat May 6 23:03:00 2017
    05-03-17 11:34 Holger Granholm wrote to Ed Vance about Re: Your email
    Howdy! Holger,

    @MSGID: <590D90BB.15131.windowsa@capitolcityonline.net>
    In a message on Wednesday 04-30-17 Ed Vance said to Holger Granholm:

    GA Ed,

    On a slow boat to China comes your message dated above to me May 3rd.

    I noticed the other day one of Your messages took some time arriving here.

    Were You able to get the help that You needed from the staff at
    QRZ.COM ?

    I haven't tried yet because, before saving the relevant info, I have to first edit out all the irrelavant text.

    Anything after the
    is my signature text.

    The "irrelevant" part might turn out to be Very Important for
    somebody's future.

    It may be, but I don't like to be forced to read everything.

    I will change the signature text from time to time, usually it is the
    same for several months.

    Does Your Email Service charge You by length of the messages You

    No, but it takes time to remove irrelevant text from a message that I would like to save and/or print out.

    Yes it does, I do that sometimes to BBS messages I want to Save or Print.

    If ever again I send an Email to You I will try to remember to delete
    all after the ---

    Here or in a Ham Radio conference?

    Any echo mail conference, in our case related to HAM and Amateur Radio.

    O.K. TKS.

    ... If a cow laughs real hard, does milk come out its nose?
    --- MultiMail/MS-DOS v0.49
    --- SBBSecho 2.12-Linux
    * Origin: CCO BBS - capcity2.synchro.net - 1-502-875-8938 (1:2320/105)
  • From Holger Granholm@2:20/228 to Ed Vance on Tue May 9 09:21:00 2017
    GE Ed,

    I noticed the other day one of Your messages took some time arriving

    After I upload any messages to the BBS, they are processed (sent) to my
    HOST, and I have no control over them.

    Anything after the
    is my signature text.

    OK, I'll remember that.

    If ever again I send an Email to You I will try to remember to
    delete all after the ---


    73 es GN de Sam, OH0NC

    aka Holger

    .. Upgrade definition: Remove OLD bugs... Put in new ones.
    -- MR/2 2.30

    --- PCBoard (R) v15.22 (OS/2) 2
    * Origin: Coming to you from the Sunny Aland Islands. (2:20/228)
  • From Ed Vance@1:2320/105 to Holger Granholm on Sun May 21 16:07:00 2017
    05-09-17 09:21 Holger Granholm wrote to Ed Vance about Re: Your email
    Howdy! Holger,

    @MSGID: <591EB424.15135.windowsa@capitolcityonline.net>
    GE Ed,

    I noticed the other day one of Your messages took some time arriving

    After I upload any messages to the BBS, they are processed (sent) to my HOST, and I have no control over them.

    They just have to go Loop A Dee Loop through FIDO BBS's.

    Your message came in the May 19, 2017 .QWK packet but I hadn't found my ROUNDTUIT to answer until today the 21st.

    Ten days getting from You to Me.
    Does this message get to You any faster?

    One BBS I used in the 1990's showed the BBS ID's messages went through
    to get to the BBS I was using.

    I don't see any Routing information on message I read here.
    I'm sure since You are a SysOp You see that info.
    How many transfers did this one get before arriving at Your QTH? TKS

    Anything after the
    is my signature text.

    OK, I'll remember that.

    --- is kinda like the NNNN CR LF LF LF LF LF LF LF LF that Navy
    messages had at the bottom of them to show the end of each message.

    If ever again I send an Email to You I will try to remember to
    delete all after the ---


    UR Welcome, at least I don't send my Email to You in HTML. .... ..

    73 de ED .-- ----. --- -.. .-. .-.-.

    ... Boot in the root! BAT in a FAT! Backup, backup, DAT! DAT! DAT!
    --- MultiMail/MS-DOS v0.49
    --- SBBSecho 2.12-Linux
    * Origin: CCO BBS - capcity2.synchro.net - 1-502-875-8938 (1:2320/105)
  • From Robert Wolfe@1:116/18 to Holger Granholm on Tue May 23 20:45:02 2017

    Hello Holger!

    09 May 17 09:21, you wrote to Ed Vance:

    -- MR/2 2.30

    I need to grab a copy of this again to use with ArcaOS :)


    --- GoldED+/EMX 1.1.5-b20170303
    * Origin: Neptune's | Olive Branch MS | os2.winserver.org (1:116/18)
  • From Holger Granholm@2:20/228 to Ed Vance on Wed May 24 09:43:00 2017
    In a message on Wednesday 05-21-17 Ed Vance said to Holger Granholm:

    GA Ed,

    I noticed the other day one of Your messages took some time arriving

    Your message came in the May 19, 2017 .QWK packet but I hadn't found
    my ROUNDTUIT to answer until today the 21st.

    There must have been a hiccup somewhere, that has slowed the transfer.

    I have noticed that many echoes are totally missing. I may receive only
    a couple of the echoes I am subscribed to.

    I don't see any Routing information on message I read here.
    I'm sure since You are a SysOp You see that info.
    How many transfers did this one get before arriving at Your QTH? TKS

    I counted the PATH: to 6. OTOH, there are two similar PATH: statements
    at the end of the message. Normally there should be just one.

    UR Welcome, at least I don't send my Email to You in HTML. ....

    Well, I'm capable to read even that.

    CU L8ER, Sam, OH0NC

    aka Holger

    .. Sorry for the typos...I wix my mords quite often.
    -- MR/2 2.30

    --- PCBoard (R) v15.22 (OS/2) 2
    * Origin: Coming to you from the Sunny Aland Islands. (2:20/228)
  • From mark lewis@1:3634/12.73 to Holger Granholm on Thu May 25 03:30:10 2017

    On 2017 May 24 09:43:00, you wrote to Ed Vance:

    I don't see any Routing information on message I read here. I'm sure
    since You are a SysOp You see that info. How many transfers did this
    one get before arriving at Your QTH? TKS

    I counted the PATH: to 6. OTOH, there are two similar PATH: statements
    at the end of the message. Normally there should be just one.

    actually, like the seenbys, the path is generally wrapped at something like 75 characters... if it is longer than that, you'll get two path lines but they'll be in order starting with the first one and continuing with the second and even
    third if the path is that long...


    Always Mount a Scratch Monkey
    Do you manage your own servers? If you are not running an IDS/IPS yer doin' it wrong...
    ... We have used the Bible as if it were a constable's handbook.
    * Origin: (1:3634/12.73)
  • From Holger Granholm@2:20/228 to Robert Wolfe on Fri May 26 09:04:00 2017
    In a message on Friday 05-23-17 Robert Wolfe said to Holger Granholm:

    Good evening Robert,

    09 May 17 09:21, you wrote to Ed Vance:

    -- MR/2 2.30

    I need to grab a copy of this again to use with ArcaOS :)

    I love it. You should find it on HOBBES OS/2, or many other places.
    IIRC there is also a newer version, but I haven't bothered to upgrade.

    Have a good night,


    .. If you really want to know, you wouldn't ask me.
    -- MR/2 2.30

    --- PCBoard (R) v15.22 (OS/2) 2
    * Origin: Coming to you from the Sunny Aland Islands. (2:20/228)
  • From Holger Granholm@2:20/228 to Mark Lewis on Sun May 28 09:02:00 2017
    In a message on Sunday 05-25-17 mark lewis said to Holger Granholm:

    Hi Mark,

    I counted the PATH: to 6. OTOH, there are two similar PATH: statements
    at the end of the message. Normally there should be just one.

    actually, like the seenbys, the path is generally wrapped at
    something like 75 characters... if it is longer than that, you'll
    get two path lines but they'll be in order starting with the first
    one and continuing with the second and even third if the path is
    that long...

    Yes I know. In this case the SEENBY was 55 "nodes" long and as usual
    wrapped to the needed number of lines.

    But the PATH statement wasn't wrapped, instead there was two SIMILAR
    PATH:s, none of them longer than would fit within 75 characters.

    Have a good morningh,


    .. Old virus detected - ask your hacker for new version!
    -- MR/2 2.30

    --- PCBoard (R) v15.22 (OS/2) 2
    * Origin: Coming to you from the Sunny Aland Islands. (2:20/228)
  • From Ed Vance@1:2320/105 to Holger Granholm on Mon May 29 00:13:00 2017
    05-24-17 09:43 Holger Granholm wrote to Ed Vance about Re: Your email
    Howdy! Holger,

    @MSGID: <59269DB5.15140.windowsa@capitolcityonline.net>
    In a message on Wednesday 05-21-17 Ed Vance said to Holger Granholm:

    GA Ed,

    There must have been a hiccup somewhere, that has slowed the transfer.

    I have noticed that many echoes are totally missing. I may receive only
    a couple of the echoes I am subscribed to.

    I wonder if You Unsubscribed the echo that are missing and then Subscribed
    to them again that traffic in those echos might start up.

    I don't see any Routing information on message I read here.
    I'm sure since You are a SysOp You see that info.
    How many transfers did this one get before arriving at Your QTH? TKS

    I counted the PATH: to 6. OTOH, there are two similar PATH: statements
    at the end of the message. Normally there should be just one.

    Only passing through 6 transfers to get to You sounds GREAT!

    UR Welcome, at least I don't send my Email to You in HTML. ....

    Well, I'm capable to read even that.

    I will piddle sometime looking at a pages HTML Source by using CTRL u .

    That's just one of ways I piddle through life.

    73 de Ed W9ODR

    ... Windows loading... Come back tomorrow.
    --- MultiMail/MS-DOS v0.49
    --- SBBSecho 2.12-Linux
    * Origin: CCO BBS - capcity2.synchro.net - 1-502-875-8938 (1:2320/105)
  • From Holger Granholm@2:20/228 to Ed Vance on Tue May 30 09:21:00 2017
    In a message on Tuesday 05-29-17 Ed Vance said to Holger Granholm:

    GE Ed,

    I have noticed that many echoes are totally missing. I may receive
    only a couple of the echoes I am subscribed to.

    I wonder if You Unsubscribed the echo that are missing and then
    Subscribed to them again that traffic in those echos might start up.

    It's not a habit of mine to go around unsubscribing/subscribing echoes.
    I have however sometime sent an Areafix containing the wanted echoes.

    How many transfers did this one get before arriving at Your QTH? TKS

    I counted the PATH: to 6. OTOH, there are two similar PATH: statements
    at the end of the message. Normally there should be just one.

    Only passing through 6 transfers to get to You sounds GREAT!


    ... Windows loading... Come back tomorrow.

    Ah yes, I've read that B4, didn't myself experience that with XPpro.

    73 es GN de Sam, OH0NC,

    aka Holger

    .. Time isn't money . . . it's more valuable than that.
    -- MR/2 2.30

    --- PCBoard (R) v15.22 (OS/2) 2
    * Origin: Coming to you from the Sunny Aland Islands. (2:20/228)
  • From Ed Vance@1:2320/105 to Holger Granholm on Mon Jun 5 00:38:00 2017
    05-30-17 09:21 Holger Granholm wrote to Ed Vance about Re: Your email
    Howdy! Holger,

    @MSGID: <59312930.15147.windowsa@capitolcityonline.net>
    In a message on Tuesday 05-29-17 Ed Vance said to Holger Granholm:

    GE Ed,

    I have noticed that many echoes are totally missing. I may receive
    only a couple of the echoes I am subscribed to.

    I wonder if You Unsubscribed the echo that are missing and then
    Subscribed to them again that traffic in those echos might start up.

    It's not a habit of mine to go around unsubscribing/subscribing echoes.
    I have however sometime sent an Areafix containing the wanted echoes.

    As I'm not a BBS SysOp I didn't know of the Areafix command, all I could
    think of was what I have tried in the past when echo messages seemed not to
    be flowing.
    Either that or posting a message to myself.

    How many transfers did this one get before arriving at Your QTH? TKS

    I counted the PATH: to 6. OTOH, there are two similar PATH: statements
    at the end of the message. Normally there should be just one.

    Only passing through 6 transfers to get to You sounds GREAT!


    ... Windows loading... Come back tomorrow.

    Ah yes, I've read that B4, didn't myself experience that with XPpro.

    As I wrote recently, this pc tries my patiences often.

    The XP version on this pc is Media Center Edition 2005, and I am thinking
    it is equal to the XP Pro verson.

    73 de Ed W9ODR . .

    ... Windws is ine for bckgroun comunicaions
    --- MultiMail/MS-DOS v0.49
    --- SBBSecho 2.12-Linux
    * Origin: CCO BBS - capcity2.synchro.net - 1-502-875-8938 (1:2320/105)
  • From Holger Granholm@2:20/228 to Ed Vance on Wed Jun 7 09:54:00 2017
    In a message on Wednesday 06-05-17 Ed Vance said to Holger Granholm:

    GE Ed,

    As I'm not a BBS SysOp I didn't know of the Areafix command, all I
    could think of was what I have tried in the past when echo messages

    Even as a user you do have these command at your disposal: Areafix,
    Areamgr, Arealink an Allfix.

    When you join a Host, you normally fill in the choices you want to use,
    and the necessary passwords for commands like the above Area**** ones.

    Either that or posting a message to myself.

    Well, that's one way. Just holler and see if replies are coming.

    As I wrote recently, this pc tries my patiences often.

    The more surprising to me, is that you passed the free Win10 offer.

    The XP version on this pc is Media Center Edition 2005, and I am
    thinking it is equal to the XP Pro verson.

    I don't know that version at all, sri.

    ... Windws is ine for bckgroun comunicaions

    Dos that come from TOM? Where is he BTW?

    CU AGN, Sam, OH0NC

    aka Holger

    .. 100. If you HAVE to fight, punch first and punch hard.
    -- MR/2 2.30

    --- PCBoard (R) v15.22 (OS/2) 2
    * Origin: Coming to you from the Sunny Aland Islands. (2:20/228)
  • From Ed Vance@1:2320/105 to Holger Granholm on Mon Jun 12 14:00:00 2017
    06-07-17 09:54 Holger Granholm wrote to Ed Vance about Re: Your email
    Howdy! Holger,

    @MSGID: <5939668C.15152.windowsa@capitolcityonline.net>
    In a message on Wednesday 06-05-17 Ed Vance said to Holger Granholm:

    GE Ed,

    As I'm not a BBS SysOp I didn't know of the Areafix command, all I
    could think of was what I have tried in the past when echo messages

    Even as a user you do have these command at your disposal: Areafix, Areamgr, Arealink an Allfix.

    Those are new terms to me as a BBS User.

    All I know is when I want to start reading a new (to me) echo I (J)oin
    the echo.

    I usually don't have to use TELNET to Log On this BBS since I've learned
    how to use FTP to get the BBS Mail for me.

    Probably if I Logged On using TELNET I could look around to see if I
    could find those Areafix, Areamgr, Arealink and Allfix Commands and
    learn something about them.

    When you join a Host, you normally fill in the choices you want to use, and the necessary passwords for commands like the above Area**** ones.

    By 'Host' do You mean a BBS or Echo on the BBS?

    Either that or posting a message to myself.

    Well, that's one way. Just holler and see if replies are coming.

    As I wrote recently, this pc tries my patiences often.

    The more surprising to me, is that you passed the free Win10 offer.

    Usually I don't leap when I hear about something new to me.

    The XP version on this pc is Media Center Edition 2005, and I am
    thinking it is equal to the XP Pro verson.

    I don't know that version at all, sri.

    That is the version of XP that HP had on this computer when I got it in
    SP3 is the last major update that it has on it.

    ... Windws is ine for bckgroun comunicaions

    Dos that come from TOM? Where is he BTW?

    It's been awhile since I've seen Tom post anything in the Memories echo.

    I'll send a message to Him in that echo and tell Him that He is missed

    73 de Ed W9ODR . .

    ... WANTED: "Excess Tagline Removal Utility"
    --- MultiMail/MS-DOS v0.49
    --- SBBSecho 2.12-Linux
    * Origin: CCO BBS - capcity2.synchro.net - 1-502-875-8938 (1:2320/105)
  • From mark lewis@1:3634/12.73 to Ed Vance on Mon Jun 12 17:07:16 2017

    On 2017 Jun 12 14:00:00, you wrote to Holger Granholm:

    Even as a user you do have these command at your disposal: Areafix,
    Areamgr, Arealink an Allfix.

    Those are new terms to me as a BBS User.

    they only apply to points and nodes, really... some systems may have something with similar names for their offline configuration stuffs but these two are for
    FTN point and node operators to use to configure their mail feed at their links...


    Always Mount a Scratch Monkey
    Do you manage your own servers? If you are not running an IDS/IPS yer doin' it wrong...
    ... HERBIVORES: Animals which only eat people named Herb.
    * Origin: (1:3634/12.73)
  • From Holger Granholm@2:20/228 to Ed Vance on Tue Jun 13 20:25:00 2017
    In a message on Tuesday 06-12-17 Ed Vance said to Holger Granholm:

    GA Ed,

    Areafix, Areamgr, Arealink and Allfix.

    Those are new terms to me as a BBS User.

    All I know is when I want to start reading a new (to me) echo I
    (J)oin the echo.

    IOW, you have subscribed to the entire list of echoes!
    To remove inactive echoes that you have subscribed to, you also use one
    or the other of above programs.

    You don't have to have the programmes yourself, your BBS sysop has them.
    To use any of them, you have to have a password that usually is agreed
    on with the BBS sysop when you set up an account with him (the BBS).

    Maybe you have lost the file where all your settings with the sysop are.

    Probably if I Logged On using TELNET I could look around to see if I
    could find those Areafix, Areamgr, Arealink and Allfix Commands and
    learn something about them.

    Even as any user you can ask for the commands for the program your sysop prefers, and the password required to use the commands.

    By 'Host' do You mean a BBS or Echo on the BBS?

    The Host is the BBS that delivers the areas you want to read/write in.

    The more surprising to me, is that you passed the free Win10 offer.

    Usually I don't leap when I hear about something new to me.

    Neiher do I, but when I read/hear something is free, I take note.

    SP3 is the last major update that it has on it.

    Yes SP3 is last update to XP and newer ones will not be forthcoming.

    I'll send a message to Him in that echo and tell Him that He is
    missed here.


    CU L8ER, Sam, OH0NC

    aka Holger

    .. Money can't buy happiness, but it does quiet the nerves.
    -- MR/2 2.30

    --- PCBoard (R) v15.22 (OS/2) 2
    * Origin: Coming to you from the Sunny Aland Islands. (2:20/228)
  • From Mike Powell@1:2320/107 to Holger Granholm on Wed Jun 14 18:43:00 2017
    IOW, you have subscribed to the entire list of echoes!
    To remove inactive echoes that you have subscribed to, you also use one
    or the other of above programs.

    Ed is not a point system, so he would not have access to any of the area* commands here. He is a user of the BBS, and I don't have any knowledge of
    how he would even use those commands. Maybe some systems allow that, but
    this one does not.


    * SLMR 2.1a * "Number eight <BURP>...Number Eight <BURP>..."

    --- GTMail 1.26
    * Origin: moe's * 1-502-875-8938 * moetiki.ddns.net (1:2320/107.0)
  • From Ed Vance@1:2320/105 to mark lewis on Fri Jun 16 12:56:00 2017
    06-12-17 17:07 mark lewis wrote to Ed Vance about Your email
    Howdy! Mark,

    @MSGID: <593F1D0A.15157.windowsa@capitolcityonline.net>

    On 2017 Jun 12 14:00:00, you wrote to Holger Granholm:

    Even as a user you do have these command at your disposal: Areafix,
    Areamgr, Arealink an Allfix.

    Those are new terms to me as a BBS User.

    they only apply to points and nodes, really... some systems may have something with similar names for their offline configuration stuffs but these two are for FTN point and node operators to use to configure
    their mail feed at their links...

    Thanks, I don't think I'll bother Mike Powell about those Commands as I
    am only a user of His BBS.

    I seen the words Points and Nodes in messages but if You ask Mike He will
    tell You that I am the SysOp's Pest.

    ... HERBIVORES: Animals which only eat people named Herb.

    WHEW! I'm glad my Mom and Dad didn't name me Herb.

    ... The warranty: Bold print giveth & fine print taketh away.
    --- MultiMail/MS-DOS v0.49
    --- SBBSecho 2.12-Linux
    * Origin: CCO BBS - capcity2.synchro.net - 1-502-875-8938 (1:2320/105)
  • From Ed Vance@1:2320/105 to Holger Granholm on Fri Jun 16 14:06:00 2017
    06-13-17 20:25 Holger Granholm wrote to Ed Vance about Re: Your email
    Howdy! Holger,

    @MSGID: <5940FB45.15162.windowsa@capitolcityonline.net>
    In a message on Tuesday 06-12-17 Ed Vance said to Holger Granholm:

    GA Ed,

    Areafix, Areamgr, Arealink and Allfix.

    Those are new terms to me as a BBS User.

    All I know is when I want to start reading a new (to me) echo I
    (J)oin the echo.

    IOW, you have subscribed to the entire list of echoes!
    To remove inactive echoes that you have subscribed to, you also use one
    or the other of above programs.

    No, I haven't subscribed to all of the echoes on this BBS.
    At least the last time I checked to see.
    Mike Powell, the SysOp of this BBS has more than just the FIDO echoes on
    this BBS.

    There are at least five other BBS Networks that I can read their messages.

    GT_POWER, DoveNEt, MicroLink, IL-Net and FSX Net.

    October 2016 is when I first saw messages in my .QWK Packets in FSX Net

    Mike Joined (or Subscribed) some of their echoes for my account for me then. Surprise!, Surprise! I got more to read now.

    You don't have to have the programmes yourself, your BBS sysop has
    them. To use any of them, you have to have a password that usually is agreed on with the BBS sysop when you set up an account with him (the BBS).

    Yes, I knew that You were speaking of Commands running on the SysOps BBS program.
    I'd just never remember seeing those b4.

    Maybe you have lost the file where all your settings with the sysop

    I never had that file, my settings are on Mikes BBS Machine, I just connect - enter my password and use His BBS.

    Probably if I Logged On using TELNET I could look around to see if I
    could find those Areafix, Areamgr, Arealink and Allfix Commands and
    learn something about them.

    Even as any user you can ask for the commands for the program your
    sysop prefers, and the password required to use the commands.

    I never asked to be a Co-Sysop, even though I have wrote Mike when I thought
    I saw a problem while using the BBS.

    By 'Host' do You mean a BBS or Echo on the BBS?

    The Host is the BBS that delivers the areas you want to read/write in.

    I just call a BBS a BBS, don't remember seeing the word Host to mean a BBS. DUH!

    The more surprising to me, is that you passed the free Win10 offer.

    Usually I don't leap when I hear about something new to me.

    Neiher do I, but when I read/hear something is free, I take note.

    I can understand downloading a file/program from a well known Company,
    there are a lot of so called Free download offers from others that might
    have a catch to it, like Malware - etc., but being offered by Microsoft
    would seem to be something safe.........

    SP3 is the last major update that it has on it.

    Yes SP3 is last update to XP and newer ones will not be forthcoming.

    Wcry changed that, didn't it?

    73 de Ed W9ODR . .

    ... __________/oo\__________ "Is it OK to come out yet?"
    --- MultiMail/MS-DOS v0.49
    --- SBBSecho 2.12-Linux
    * Origin: CCO BBS - capcity2.synchro.net - 1-502-875-8938 (1:2320/105)
  • From Holger Granholm@2:20/228 to Mike Powell on Fri Jun 16 10:02:00 2017
    In a message on Friday 06-14-17 Mike Powell said to Holger Granholm:

    Hello Mike,

    To remove inactive echoes that you have subscribed to, you also use one
    or the other of above programs.

    Ed is not a point system, so he would not have access to any of the
    area* commands here.

    He is a user of the BBS, and I don't have any knowledge of how he
    would even use those commands.

    Maybe some systems allow that, but this one does not.

    I didn't know that some systems are so limited. Here, every user above
    a certain user level, gets a questionnaire about password for this and
    other commands he may want to use.

    Have a good evening,


    .. Yes, son, long ago, mail was written with pen on paper.
    -- MR/2 2.30

    --- PCBoard (R) v15.22 (OS/2) 2
    * Origin: Coming to you from the Sunny Aland Islands. (2:20/228)
  • From Holger Granholm@2:20/228 to Ed Vance on Sun Jun 18 09:25:00 2017
    In a message on Sunday 06-16-17 Ed Vance said to Holger Granholm:

    06-13-17 20:25 Holger Granholm wrote to Ed Vance about Re: Your

    Hi Ed,

    IOW, you have subscribed to the entire list of echoes!

    No, I haven't subscribed to all of the echoes on this BBS.
    At least the last time I checked to see.
    Mike Powell, the SysOp of this BBS has more than just the FIDO
    echoes on this BBS.

    Well, I did mean all the Fido echoes.

    There are at least five other BBS Networks that I can read their

    GT_POWER, DoveNEt, MicroLink, IL-Net and FSX Net.

    I'd just never remember seeing those b4.


    Maybe you have lost the file where all your settings with the sysop

    I never had that file, my settings are on Mikes BBS Machine, I just
    connect - enter my password and use His BBS.

    Easy as a pie, hi.

    I just call a BBS a BBS, don't remember seeing the word Host to mean
    a BBS. DUH!

    Ever seen the word User?
    You are a user on Mike's BBS, who is hosting all the areas you want.

    I can understand downloading a file/program from a well known
    Company, there are a lot of so called Free download offers from
    others that might have a catch to it, like Malware - etc.

    You have of course to be careful installing free software, and only
    install the program itself, not the add-ons offered.

    but being offered by Microsoft would seem to be something safe.....

    Yes, and noting the experiences of the first users sold me on Win10.

    Wcry changed that, didn't it?

    Who is 'Wcry'?

    73 es CU L8ER,


    .. When I cook chicken, the only ingredient is "chicken."
    -- MR/2 2.30

    --- PCBoard (R) v15.22 (OS/2) 2
    * Origin: Coming to you from the Sunny Aland Islands. (2:20/228)