• Phillip Island

    From Holger Granholm@2:20/228 to Paul Quinn on Mon May 2 22:35:00 2016
    Hi Paul,

    I've wondered where Phillip Island is, and searched for it on my World
    Atlas, without getting anywhere.

    Finally I got a clue, when the recent V8 Supercars round where ran.
    Autosport wrote Phillip Island, Victoria. Hurrah, finding Victoria
    on the map was easy.

    Also I found Phillip Bay and two islands 'close' by.

    Today I learned that Scott McLaughlin was flown to Sweden to fill in
    the Volvo team, since the swedish prince that usually takes part in
    the STCC races, was unavailable because the King celebrated his 70th

    McLaughlin was second in race one, but discontinued race two.

    Have a good evening,


    þ MR/2 2.30 þ He often broke into song because he couldn't find the key.

    * Origin: Coming to you from the Sunny Aland Islands. (2:20/228)
  • From Paul Quinn@3:640/384 to Holger Granholm on Wed May 4 15:24:32 2016
    Hi! Holger,

    On 02 May 16 22:35, you wrote to me:

    I've wondered where Phillip Island is, and searched for it on my World Atlas, without getting anywhere.

    It's the other end of the known universe for me. I sometimes try to keep track
    of the motorcycle competitions down there but it's not a religous thing.

    There's a bloke I know in Brisbane (former sysop) who rides down every year on his magnificent BMW cycle, fitted with CB radio, a stereo system, GPS, and heated seat. That is being super keen. :)


    ... It must have been good; can't remember anything & my ears are ringing!
    --- Paul's Win98SE VirtualBox
    * Origin: Quinn's Post - Maryborough, Queensland, OZ (3:640/384)
  • From Holger Granholm@2:20/228 to Paul Quinn on Fri May 6 09:33:00 2016
    In a message on Friday 05-04-16 Paul Quinn said to Holger Granholm:

    Good afternoon Paul,

    I've wondered where Phillip Island is, and searched for it on my World Atlas, without getting anywhere.

    It's the other end of the known universe for me. I sometimes try to
    keep track of the motorcycle competitions down there but it's not a religous thing.

    I thought this part of the world, would be the other end for you, as we consider everything down under, to be the other end of the world, though
    not the universe.

    There's a bloke I know in Brisbane (former sysop) who rides down
    every year on his magnificent BMW cycle, fitted with CB radio, a
    stereo system, GPS, and heated seat. That is being super keen. :)

    That's a known formula here too, with the exception of CB being replaced
    with amateur radio transceiver. CB is nonexistent here, only used by
    fishermen nowadays. It's not outlawed here, but not a hobby anymore.

    I thought that an air condotioned seat, would be proper in your climate.
    The heated seat would be useful here, were it not for all motorbikes
    being garaged over the winter.

    The reason is that all vehicles on the roads are required to use either studded, or at least mud/snow tires, during the winter months.

    Have a good evening,


    þ MR/2 2.30 þ I want to have a good body, but not as much as I want dessert.

    * Origin: Coming to you from the Sunny Aland Islands. (2:20/228)
  • From Paul Quinn@3:640/1384 to Holger Granholm on Sun May 8 16:15:28 2016
    Hi! Holger,

    On 05/06/2016 09:33 AM, yu wrote:

    I thought this part of the world, would be the other end for you, as we consider everything down under, to be the other end of the world, though not the universe.

    Oh, it is. Though I do know something of your part of the world from a TV special on Sweden by Ray Mears. I've since downloaded a copy from EwwToob ('cover' name I use for the actual site). It's a personal favourite seen quite
    a few times.

    That's a known formula here too, with the exception of CB being replaced with amateur radio transceiver. CB is nonexistent here, only used by fishermen nowadays. It's not outlawed here, but not a hobby anymore.

    It's used quite a bit here by delivery drivers, long-haul heavy vehicles, tow/recovery operators and the like. Even the Police use it to keep up with traffic conditions on the highways.

    I thought that an air condotioned seat, would be proper in your climate. The heated seat would be useful here, were it not for all motorbikes
    being garaged over the winter.

    If only! :) For most of the year here, motorcycle jaunts are like being in a fan-forced oven. Well done, both sides. ;)


    --- Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.4.0
    * Origin: Paul's other Linux vBox - Maryborough, Qld, OZ (3:640/1384)
  • From Holger Granholm@2:20/228 to Paul Quinn on Mon May 9 09:24:00 2016
    In a message on Monday 05-08-16 Paul Quinn said to Holger Granholm:

    Good afternoon Paul,

    I thought this part of the world, would be the other end for you,

    Oh, it is. Though I do know something of your part of the world
    from a TV special on Sweden by Ray Mears.

    Not to forget the pamphlets describing the Aland Islands, that actually
    are almost in the middle of Scandinavia, as long as we count Finland to
    belong to Scandinavia.

    Some purists do call that congregation 'Fennoscandia'.

    with amateur radio transceiver. CB is nonexistent here, only used by fishermen nowadays. It's not outlawed here, but not a hobby anymore.

    It's used quite a bit here by delivery drivers, long-haul heavy
    vehicles, tow/recovery operators and the like. Even the Police use
    it to keep up with traffic conditions on the highways.

    I have to ask a member of our radio amateur club, what he knows about
    the CB activity. He's not a ham, but follows almost everything happening
    on the HF to UHF frequencies.

    Some of the previously active CB'rs did convert to amateur radio but not
    all, maybe because the previous requirement of morse capability, and
    maybe some are still afraid of the technical requirements, that were not required to get a CB license.

    I thought that an air condotioned seat, would be proper in your climate.

    If only! :) For most of the year here, motorcycle jaunts are like
    being in a fan-forced oven. Well done, both sides. ;)

    We have had a spell of (pre)summer here the last two weeks, with
    afternoon temperatures up to 20ø, but about 5ø lower close to the sea.
    Maybe that is all the summer we'll get.

    Have a nice evening,


    * MR/2 2.30 * I love the smell of Echomail in the morning.

    --- PCBoard (R) v15.22 (OS/2) 2
    * Origin: Coming to you from the Sunny Aland Islands. (2:20/228)
  • From Paul Quinn@3:640/1384 to Holger Granholm on Tue May 10 18:12:01 2016
    Hi! Holger,

    On 05/09/2016 09:24 AM, you wrote:

    Oh, it is. Though I do know something of your part of the world
    from a TV special on Sweden by Ray Mears.

    Not to forget the pamphlets describing the Aland Islands, that actually are almost in the middle of Scandinavia, as long as we count Finland to belong to Scandinavia.

    Ahha! That's what I'm missing! One of my daughters did a clean up in the lounge room. Now I know what to look for. Don't worry, it is here. :)

    If only! :) For most of the year here, motorcycle jaunts are like
    being in a fan-forced oven. Well done, both sides. ;)

    We have had a spell of (pre)summer here the last two weeks, with
    afternoon temperatures up to 20°, but about 5° lower close to the sea. Maybe that is all the summer we'll get.

    We're having trouble getting rid of it! Let's see... it's just gone 18h00 on 10 May: I've still got the ceiling fans running, all the (usual) windows and doors are open, and, I'm running around in a t-shirt and underwear. What's wrong with this picture other than the ugly mug typing this note? :)

    Apparently there's a cold weather spell due. I say 'fat chance', and am backing the local TV weather guy's prediction of no proper autumn and a warmer than usual winter. We've already broken all above-average temps for every month so far this year.

    Look out! I think you'll probably get the opposite: an abnormally cold summer.


    --- Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.4.0
    * Origin: Paul's other Linux vBox - Maryborough, Qld, OZ (3:640/1384)
  • From Holger Granholm@2:20/228 to Paul Quinn on Thu May 12 09:21:00 2016
    In a message on Thursday 05-10-16 Paul Quinn said to Holger Granholm:

    Good evening Paul,

    Not to forget the pamphlets describing the Aland Islands, ......

    Ahha! That's what I'm missing! One of my daughters did a clean up
    in the lounge room. Now I know what to look for. Don't worry, it
    is here. :)

    I wish one of my daughters would do the same here, but they have shown
    no intention to do it. OK, they will have more to do when I've left.

    We have had a spell of (pre)summer here the last two weeks, with
    afternoon temperatures up to 20°, but about 5° lower close to the sea.

    I can see that the degree sign doesn't travel back and forth unchanged.

    (usual) windows and doors are open, and, I'm running around in a
    t-shirt and underwear. What's wrong with this picture other than
    the ugly mug typing this note? :)

    Almost the same here. The sun heats up the wall outside the bedroom, and
    I have turned off the central heating, keeping the balcony door open
    until I go to bed. The bedroom temperature is ca. 18C when I go to bed,
    but in the morning it's 22.4C.

    Apparently there's a cold weather spell due. I say 'fat chance',

    That's what they predict here also, with afternoon temperatures falling
    from 16-17C, to 11-13C. Even rain is predicted for the weekend.

    That will give me at least a rest day from the daily outdoor exercise.
    One will be welcome, two is too much.

    autumn and a warmer than usual winter. We've already broken all above-average temps for every month so far this year.

    So have we have also, but I'm no believer of "global warming", but
    rather of long-time climate variations, perhaps damped a bit by the use
    of gasoline and other gases.

    Look out! I think you'll probably get the opposite: an abnormally
    cold summer.

    Exactly what I expect will be the effect of diminishing sunspot activity
    we see now. The activity of the sun is lower than we should expect, even considering that we are closing in on a sunspot minimum.

    Have a good nite,


    * MR/2 2.30 * Power is dangerous unless you have humility.

    --- PCBoard (R) v15.22 (OS/2) 2
    * Origin: Coming to you from the Sunny Aland Islands. (2:20/228)