• Re: Summer cold

    From Holger Granholm@2:20/228 to Wilfred Van Velzen on Sun Jul 24 09:41:00 2016
    In a message on Sunday 07-23-16 Wilfred van Velzen said to Holger

    Hi Wilfried,

    Summer colds are usually difficult to cure. If you take medicines,
    the flu will be over in 14 days, if not it'll last 2 weeks.

    14 days = 2 weeks, so it doesn't matter if you take medicine or not!

    My dear friend, I know that.
    The above is a joke told to persons with a cold/flu to comfort them.

    73 de Sam, OH0NC

    aka Holger

    * MR/2 2.30 * If plugging it in doesn't help, turn it on.

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    * Origin: Coming to you from the Sunny Aland Islands. (2:20/228)
  • From Holger Granholm@2:20/228 to Paul Quinn on Sun Jul 24 09:41:00 2016
    In a message on Sunday 07-23-16 Paul Quinn said to Holger Granholm:

    Howdy Paul,

    Summer colds are usually difficult to cure. If you take medicines, the
    flu will be over in 14 days, if not it'll last 2 weeks.

    I guess you could call it summer. The bureau reports the temp was
    29.7C (feels like 27.3C) and 45% humidity, twenty-five minutes ago. Technically it's still winter here. 8-P

    For that moment, I forgot that it's the winter season down there.

    With temperatures like that, it's too hot here to feel comfortable.
    The 22 - 23ø we have in the afternoons here now feels good, especially
    if there's a light wind blowing in from the sea..

    Have a nice evening,


    þ MR/2 2.30 þ The devil can quote statistics to prove his purpose. Sam'l Clemens

    * Origin: Coming to you from the Sunny Aland Islands. (2:20/228)