* An ongoing debate between Ed Vance and Ben Ritchey rages on ...
I found a Service Manual for the AcerNote Light 370P notebook at the tim.id.au website in His Notebook pages a few days ago and have been reading over the dis-assembly instructions to get the BIOS/CMOS
battery replaced in it.
Cool, go for it :)
Keep the faith :^)
Ben aka cMech Web: http|ftp|binkp|
Email: fido4cmech(at)lusfiber.net
Home page:
WildCat! Board 24/7 +1-337-984-4794 any BAUD 8,N,1
... Restaurant smoking section: like having a peeing section at the pool.
--- GoldED+/W32-MSVC v1.1.5 via Mystic BBS
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