• Win95 Notes

    From Ed Vance@1:2320/105.1 to Ben Ritchey on Sat Jul 30 06:14:00 2016
    Howdy! Ben and All,

    As I was learning how to replace the BIOS/CMOS Battery in an old
    notebook I saw a video on Youtube that said YOU DON'T WANT TO

    The video showed the new battery EXPLODING when the soldering iron
    was being used to solder a wire to it.

    Not Sorry about the ALL CAPS in the first paragraph, Please be careful.


    ... Have you checked your smoke detector batteries & Fire Ext, LATELY?!
    --- MultiMail/MS-DOS v0.49
    --- SBBSecho 2.12-Linux
    * Origin: CCO BBS - capcity2.synchro.net - 1-502-875-8938 (1:2320/105.1)
  • From Holger Granholm@2:20/228 to Ed Vance on Mon Aug 1 09:33:00 2016
    In a message on Monday 07-30-16 Ed Vance said to Ben Ritchey:

    GM Ed,

    As I was learning how to replace the BIOS/CMOS Battery in an old
    notebook I saw a video on Youtube that said YOU DON'T WANT TO

    The video showed the new battery EXPLODING when the soldering iron
    was being used to solder a wire to it.

    It's doable. You just have to have a hot iron, and do the soldering
    very fast. If you have to solder on both sides of the cell, let it
    cool a bit between the operations.

    I've done it to both litium and NiCad cells.
    To be safe, wear protective glasses.

    73 de Sam, OH0NC

    aka Holger

    * MR/2 2.30 * The oxen are slow, but the earth is patient.

    --- PCBoard (R) v15.22 (OS/2) 2
    * Origin: Coming to you from the Sunny Aland Islands. (2:20/228)
  • From Ed Vance@1:2320/105.1 to Ben Ritchey on Mon Aug 1 06:03:00 2016
    Howdy! Ben and ALL,

    I forgot to add in my other message about Not Soldering a Wire to a
    Lithium battery, what I saw in the Youtube video that showed how to
    Replace a Lithium Cell in the old CMOS battery module.

    The fellow stripped and tinned the wires and Taped each one to the correct
    side of the Cell and then enclosed the wired cell in Heat Shrink Tubing.

    Then he Shrunk the tubing around the wired battery by blowing hot air
    to it.

    ... Have you checked your smoke detector batteries & Fire Ext, LATELY?!
    --- MultiMail/MS-DOS v0.49
    --- SBBSecho 2.12-Linux
    * Origin: CCO BBS - capcity2.synchro.net - 1-502-875-8938 (1:2320/105.1)
  • From Ben Ritchey@1:393/68 to Ed Vance on Tue Aug 2 20:27:28 2016
    * An ongoing debate between Ed Vance and Ben Ritchey rages on ...

    The fellow stripped and tinned the wires and Taped each one to the
    correct side of the Cell and then enclosed the wired cell in Heat
    Shrink Tubing. Then he Shrunk the tubing around the wired battery by blowing hot air to it.

    Cool, good stuff, thanks :)

    Keep the faith :^)

    Ben aka cMech Web: http|ftp|binkp|telnet://cmech.dynip.com
    Email: fido4cmech(at)lusfiber.net
    Home page: http://cmech.dynip.com/homepage/
    WildCat! Board 24/7 +1-337-984-4794 any BAUD 8,N,1

    ... BIT: Past tense of BYTE.
    --- GoldED+/W32-MSVC v1.1.5 via Mystic BBS
    * Origin: FIDONet - The Positronium Repository (1:393/68)