• Comodo & Avast Options

    From Ed Vance@1:2320/105.1 to Tom Walker on Thu Aug 25 21:21:00 2016
    Howdy! Tom,

    Commodo's Geek Buddy pops up all the time with messages on my Vista box.

    Avast's Performance Scan finds a lot of things "IT" "THINKS" I don't
    want on my XP box.

    I haven't removed the bunch of Temporary Files those computers make because
    I am curious about them and some time I will try to look at what they

    Do You still use Commodo?

    I'd like to turn off the Geek Buddy, if the program allows that.

    I'm writing this to You before I try to go to Commodo's website to see
    if I can turn GB Off.

    Just wanted to hear what You think/know/feel about turning off the
    Geek Buddy.

    Thanks es 73 . .

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