//Hello Martin,//
on *07.11.21* at *9:31:44* You wrote in Area *WINPOINT*
a message to *Tim Schattkowsky*
about *"[Bug] Editing existing message"*.
Hello Tim!
*** Saturday 06.11.21 at 17:24:35, Tim Schattkowsky wrote to Martin Foster:
If I wish to edit one of my existing messages before sending it off to
my BossNode, I right-click on the message and then click "Edit". This
opens the message in the editor but WinPoint adds some text of its own
to the message.
To see what I mean, take a look at this screenshot .....
Fixed in 370.1.
Thank you and keep up the good work :)
BTW ... how is the full English translation coming along?
No changes at all, because it has to be _implemented_ per translatable item -> lots of stupid work.
--- WinPoint 371.0
* Origin: Original WinPoint Origin! (2:240/1120.29)