Hello All,
the new version is available at
This version includes various small improvements and bug fixes, in particular:
NEW Search results now include message date
NEW Text encoding can be reset for selected messages
NEW Separate action for using the current msg as arealist (menus make more sense now)
CHG WP now internally enforces uppercase area names (its in the standard!)
CHG Moved text encoding fucntions to msglist context menu
CHG Reworked main menu/popup structure in message reader window
CHG Changed layout in area settings
CHG Improved adress selection in editor (regression)
FIX Fixed various issues in the area list parser (including the calibration dialog)
FIX Adressbook lookup in editor was broken (still not properly sorted)
FIX Reader for a particular input
FIX Variables for text groups in settings dialog can be clicked again
--- WinPoint 375.0
* Origin: Original WinPoint Origin! (2:240/1120.29)