//Hello Martin,//
on *10.02.22* at *12:08:08* You wrote in Area *WINPOINT*
to *Tim Schattkowsky* about *"Fresh clean install"*.
[1]Whilst configuring the nodelist, I noticed it had been pre-configured for NODELIST.A?? Ummmm, errrrrr, who uses ARC these days, it should be NODELIST.Z?? :-)))
Happens, but I agree. Updated that to a Z :)
[2]Whilst configuring the nodediff, I noticed it had been pre-configured for NODEDIFF,A??(yes, that IS a comma). Should be NODEDIFF.Z??
... and replaced the comma.
[3]I can see an option for "Random Origin" and "First Origin" in the properties of each message area but where did the global option go. I think(?) it used to be somewhere in the "Prototype Area" config.
This is configured by setting the respective option in the text grouped assigned to the prototype area.
PS: Am I the only one who always wants to do a Ctrl-S to send the message in the editor?
--- WinPoint 398.3
* Origin: Original WinPoint Origin! (2:240/1120.29)