Hello Tim,
On Monday February 28 2022 12:37, you wrote to me:
MvdV>> 1) Can Winpoint accept incoming calls?
No. Originally, that made little sense for a point software. Nowadays,
I see some potential in that (also as a kind of Mini-Node). However, I think that people may dislike the idea of runnin a GUI application as
a server. Separating the GUI would probably be serious work.
In the haydays of Fidonet, the pointlist was considered a breeding pond for new sysops. They had the opportunity to get to know the basic principles of Fionet and could familiarize themselves with the software. Making their sysyems accept incoming calls was one of the steps on the ladder. Of course in those days there was no dedicated point software, they used fully fledged mailers.
MvdV>> 2) Does Winpoint support IPv6?
Probably not. It has not been explicitly implemented. However, I have another softwre project of similar age, that (for complex technical reasons) turned out to surprisingly almost fully support IPv6. The
only problem was, that it was due to parsing of the inpunt simply not possible to enter IPv6 adresses, but using DNS worked as well as
accepting incoming connections from IPv6 clients. So in total it took
me like 10 minutes to fix that one.
My point Rinaldo started out with Binkd, Fmail and Golded. He did not like the config text files and so went looking elsewhere and he found Winpoint. But I have not given up hope of one day promoting hin to fully fledged node, hence my question about incoming calls.
And why IPv6? Well, it so happens that he is on a DS-Lite connection. He does not have a public IPv4 address of his own, so if he is going to accept incoming calls, it wil be IPv6 only. I saw him come in on IPv4 and hence my question about IPv6. I was hoping it would be a setting in Winpoint...
Overall, I have it on the list and care about that soon. Do you have a test system for me?
You can always try to connect to my system. It answers on IPv6 and IPv4.
Cheers, Michiel
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