• I am back :)

    From Tim Schattkowsky@2:240/1120.29 to All on Sat Sep 25 23:14:00 2021
    Hello All,

    I finally got an uplink to this Echo :)

    --- WinPoint 366.0
    * Origin: Original WinPoint Origin! (2:240/1120.29)
  • From August Abolins@1:153/757.21 to Tim Schattkowsky on Sat Sep 25 19:45:00 2021
    Hello Tim Schattkowsky!

    ** On Saturday 25.09.21 - 23:14, Tim Schattkowsky wrote to All:

    Hello All,

    I finally got an uplink to this Echo :)

    Indeed! Good to see you online here.

    -+- WinPoint 366.0
    + Origin: Original WinPoint Origin! (2:240/1120.29)

    Pray tell, what's new and exciting in v366.0! :D


    --- OpenXP 5.0.50
    * Origin: My Westcoast Point (1:153/757.21)
  • From Martin Foster@2:310/31.3 to Tim Schattkowsky on Sun Sep 26 08:35:00 2021
    Hello Tim!

    *** Saturday 25.09.21 at 23:14, Tim Schattkowsky wrote to All:

    I finally got an uplink to this Echo :)

    Nice to hear from you again and welcome back :)


    --- OpenXP 5.0.50
    * Origin: Bitz-Box - Bradford - UK (2:310/31.3)
  • From Tim Schattkowsky@2:240/1120.29 to August Abolins on Sun Sep 26 17:37:11 2021
    //Hallo August, //

    am *25.09.21* um *19:45:00* schriebst Du in der Area *WINPOINT*
    an *Tim Schattkowsky* eine Mail zum
    Thema *"I am back :)"*.

    Indeed! Good to see you online here.


    -+- WinPoint 366.0
    + Origin: Original WinPoint Origin! (2:240/1120.29)

    Pray tell, what's new and exciting in v366.0! :D

    Besides a lot of maintenance and the efforts(changes to get the thing to compile on a recent Delphi version, its mostly about Charset handling (including support for UTF-8 for example) and mail display in general. Currently trying to improve the text style processing for italics not to break certain ASCI-Art (e.g., logos in file announcements) ...

    And yes, now text styles are also rendered for Origin and Tearline ... I know its totally not important, but a side effect of the recent changes.

    Bis denne ...
    Tim Schattkowsky
    --- WinPoint 366.0
    * Origin: Original *WinPoint* Origin! (2:240/1120.29)
  • From Carlos Navarro@2:341/234.1 to Tim Schattkowsky on Sun Sep 26 21:28:41 2021
    26 Sep 2021 17:37, you wrote to August Abolins:

    Besides a lot of maintenance and the efforts(changes to get the thing
    to compile on a recent Delphi version, its mostly about Charset
    handling (including support for UTF-8 for example)

    That's GREAT news!

    --- GoldED+/W32-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
    * Origin: Costa Blanca, Spain (2:341/234.1)
  • From Tim Schattkowsky@2:240/1120.29 to Carlos Navarro on Mon Sep 27 20:37:38 2021
    //Hallo Carlos, //

    am *26.09.21* um *21:28:41* schriebst Du in der Area *WINPOINT*
    an *Tim Schattkowsky* eine Mail zum
    Thema *"I am back :)"*.

    26 Sep 2021 17:37, you wrote to August Abolins:

    Besides a lot of maintenance and the efforts(changes to get the thing to
    compile on a recent Delphi version, its mostly about Charset handling
    (including support for UTF-8 for example)

    That's GREAT news!

    This should work now (random text):

    Entre los países analizados, el que más sufre la pandemia en términos de esperanza de vida es Estados Unidos. Este índice cayó en 2020 entre los hombres a 74 años y medio (dos años y tres meses menos que en 2019) y entre las mujeres, hasta 80 años (un año y ocho meses menos). Precisamente Estados Unidos —cuya esperanza de vida está entre las más bajas de los 29 analizados— es el país que más muertes registra desde el inicio de la pandemia (casi 700.000).

    多名中国留学生在英国遇袭 受害多为女生 有人被敲破头 美国又闹纸慌,Costco 限购卫生纸
    Chase Sapphire送$1300,旅游返5%,餐饮返3% 惊险!NYPD公布警员营救意图跳楼者全程视频
    苹果CEO库克 在加州名人社区买豪宅 内景曝光 下垂脸也不怕!按摩手法加上这款精油,绝了!
    470万人死亡 世卫正召集新团队 重启中国疫情溯源调查 德国变天!社民党击败默克尔政党 险胜1.6个百分点 供应链危机:中国赴美货柜暴涨10倍 要柜子基本靠抢 华人超市1包榨菜都包邮!注册还有$35减$20,简直了 年近六旬的张曼玉近照曝光 暴瘦到皮包骨 健康引担忧 习断政敌金脉 25家金融及监察机构突遭“巡视” 中国限电遍地开花引怒火 东北人不忍了:这TM是杀人 一小袋要价120万 抗癌“神药”在中国火了 引爆医药圈
    Ann Taylor最新秋冬女装闪购!全场额外半价+免邮! 中国铁腕限电,苹果、特斯拉们都面临巨大危机! 辉瑞CEO:美国一年内恢复正常生活 但要满足这条件… 金融时报曝:释放孟晚舟的关键人物是她… 服了...华春莹如此解释为何释放两个麦克 Coach的设计狠起来连Gucci都怕!新款腰带$43!

    Bis denne ...
    Tim Schattkowsky
    --- WinPoint 366.1
    * Origin: Original WinPoint Origin! (2:240/1120.29)
  • From Tim Schattkowsky@2:240/1120.29 to Martin Foster on Mon Sep 27 20:39:11 2021
    //Hallo Martin, //

    am *26.09.21* um *8:35:00* schriebst Du in der Area *WINPOINT*
    an *Tim Schattkowsky* eine Mail zum
    Thema *"I am back :)"*.

    I finally got an uplink to this Echo :)

    Nice to hear from you again and welcome back :)

    Great to see you are still here! Thanks for the long support!

    Bis denne ...
    Tim Schattkowsky
    --- WinPoint 366.1
    * Origin: Original WinPoint Origin! (2:240/1120.29)
  • From Martin Foster@2:310/31.3 to Tim Schattkowsky on Tue Sep 28 09:00:00 2021
    Hello Tim!

    *** Monday 27.09.21 at 20:39, Tim Schattkowsky wrote to Martin Foster:

    I finally got an uplink to this Echo :)

    Nice to hear from you again and welcome back :)

    Great to see you are still here!

    Yep, I'm still here, watching over everybody ;))

    Thanks for the long support!

    No problem.


    --- OpenXP 5.0.50
    * Origin: Bitz-Box - Bradford - UK (2:310/31.3)
  • From Carlos Navarro@2:341/234.12 to Tim Schattkowsky on Tue Sep 28 10:58:06 2021
    On 27/9/21 20:37 you wrote:

    Besides a lot of maintenance and the efforts(changes to get the
    thing to compile on a recent Delphi version, its mostly about
    Charset handling (including support for UTF-8 for example)
    That's GREAT news!
    This should work now (random text): Entre los países analizados,
    el que más sufre la pandemia en términos de esperanza de vida es Estados Unidos. Este índice cayó en 2020 entre los hombres a 74
    años y medio (dos años y tres meses menos que en 2019) y entre las mujeres, hasta 80 años (un año y ocho meses menos). Precisamente Estados Unidos —cuya esperanza de vida está entre las más bajas de los 29 analizados— es el país que más muertes registra desde el inicio de la pandemia (casi 700.000).

    Looks fine.

    多名中国留学生在英国遇袭 受害多为女生 有人被敲破头 美国又闹纸慌,Costco 限购卫生纸 Chase
    Sapphire送$1300,旅游返5%,餐饮返3% 惊险!NYPD公布警员营救意图跳楼者全程视频 苹果CEO库克
    在加州名人社区买豪宅 内景曝光 下垂脸也不怕!按摩手法加上这款精油,绝了! 470万人死亡 世卫正召集新团队 重启中国疫情溯源调查
    德国变天!社民党击败默克尔政党 险胜1.6个百分点 供应链危机:中国赴美货柜暴涨10倍 要柜子基本靠抢
    华人超市1包榨菜都包邮!注册还有$35减$20,简直了 年近六旬的张曼玉近照曝光 暴瘦到皮包骨 健康引担忧 习断政敌金脉
    25家金融及监察机构突遭“巡视” 中国限电遍地开花引怒火 东北人不忍了:这TM是杀人 一小袋要价120万 抗癌“神药”在中国火了
    引爆医药圈 Ann Taylor最新秋冬女装闪购!全场额外半价+免邮! 中国铁腕限电,苹果、特斯拉们都面临巨大危机!
    辉瑞CEO:美国一年内恢复正常生活 但要满足这条件… 金融时报曝:释放孟晚舟的关键人物是她…
    服了...华春莹如此解释为何释放两个麦克 Coach的设计狠起来连Gucci都怕!新款腰带$43!

    Don't understand, but looks fine too. :-)

    --- Hotdoged/2.13.5/Android
    * Origin: Costa Blanca, Spain (2:341/234.12)
  • From Tim Schattkowsky@2:240/1120.29 to Martin Foster on Tue Sep 28 11:52:15 2021
    //Hallo Martin, //

    am *28.09.21* um *9:00:00* schriebst Du in der Area *WINPOINT*
    an *Tim Schattkowsky* eine Mail zum
    Thema *"I am back :)"*.

    Yep, I'm still here, watching over everybody ;))

    Somebody has to do it :)

    Bis denne ...
    Tim Schattkowsky

    --- WinPoint 366.1
    * Origin: Original WinPoint Origin! (2:240/1120.29)
  • From Tim Schattkowsky@2:240/1120.29 to Carlos Navarro on Tue Sep 28 11:54:24 2021
    //Hallo Carlos, //

    am *28.09.21* um *10:58:06* schriebst Du in der Area *WINPOINT*
    an *Tim Schattkowsky* eine Mail zum
    Thema *"Re: I am back :)"*.

    On 27/9/21 20:37 you wrote:

    Besides a lot of maintenance and the efforts(changes to get the thing
    to compile on a recent Delphi version, its mostly about Charset
    handling (including support for UTF-8 for example)
    That's GREAT news!
    This should work now (random text): Entre los países analizados, el que
    más sufre la pandemia en términos de esperanza de vida es Estados
    Unidos. Este índice cayó en 2020 entre los hombres a 74 años y medio
    (dos años y tres meses menos que en 2019) y entre las mujeres, hasta 80
    años (un año y ocho meses menos). Precisamente Estados Unidos —cuya
    esperanza de vida está entre las más bajas de los 29 analizados— es
    el país que más muertes registra desde el inicio de la pandemia (casi

    Looks fine.


    多名中国留学生在英国遇袭 受害多为女生
    有人被敲破头 美国又闹纸慌,Costco 限购卫生纸 Chase
    苹果CEO库克 在加州名人社区买豪宅 内景曝光
    470万人死亡 世卫正召集新团队 重启中国疫情溯源调查
    德国变天!社民党击败默克尔政党 险胜1.6个百分点
    供应链危机:中国赴美货柜暴涨10倍 要柜子基本靠抢
    年近六旬的张曼玉近照曝光 暴瘦到皮包骨 健康引担忧
    习断政敌金脉 25家金融及监察机构突遭“巡视”
    中国限电遍地开花引怒火 东北人不忍了:这TM是杀人
    一小袋要价120万 抗癌“神药”在中国火了 引爆医药圈
    Ann Taylor最新秋冬女装闪购!全场额外半价+免邮!
    辉瑞CEO:美国一年内恢复正常生活 但要满足这条件…

    Don't understand, but looks fine too. :-)

    I doubt there is much chinese in Fidonet anyway ;)

    Bis denne ...
    Tim Schattkowsky

    --- WinPoint 366.1
    * Origin: Original WinPoint Origin! (2:240/1120.29)
  • From Carlos Navarro@2:341/234.12 to Tim Schattkowsky on Tue Sep 28 16:47:20 2021
    On 28/9/21 11:54 you wrote:

    This should work now (random text): Entre los países analizados,
    el que más sufre la pandemia en términos de esperanza de vida es
    Estados Unidos. Este índice cayó en 2020 entre los hombres a 74
    años y medio (dos años y tres meses menos que en 2019) y entre
    las mujeres, hasta 80 años (un año y ocho meses menos).
    Precisamente Estados Unidos —cuya esperanza de vida está entre
    las más bajas de los 29 analizados— es el país que más muertes
    registra desde el inicio de la pandemia (casi 700.000).
    Looks fine.

    When quoted, it's fine too. Congratulations!

    Don't understand, but looks fine too. :-)
    I doubt there is much chinese in Fidonet anyway ;)

    Not currently, but who knows? Better be ready. :-)

    --- Hotdoged/2.13.5/Android
    * Origin: Costa Blanca, Spain (2:341/234.12)
  • From Dale Barnes@1:106/201 to Tim Schattkowsky on Thu Sep 30 18:17:46 2021
    Hello All,

    I finally got an uplink to this Echo :)

    Glad to see you here.

    --- InterEcho 1.21
    * Origin: Member of Fidonet Family (1:106/201)